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04/07/20 9:26 PM

#270 RE: Zardiw #269

Fantastic find! That whole rant makes so much sense. I came across this paper earlier today that now makes much more sense and likewise backs up that rant:

"Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a “Typical” Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome"
March 30, 2020

Additionally, SARS-1 was already known to impair hemoglobin, so IMO, they should have been paying more attention to that right off the bat. Dr. Fauci has blood on his hands by playing dumb with chloroquine.

Thanks for sharing!
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04/07/20 10:01 PM

#271 RE: Zardiw #269

This 17 year old Fauci interview about SARS could have been yesterday. This guy is a fraud and needs to go to prison:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH, speaks about his concerns with SARS and AIDS (part 1)

So, the concern that you're seeing, that we know that it's transmitted by the respiratory route, we know that within a matter of weeks to months it has become global, up to 30 countries have been affected with SARS, we know that certain regions of the world have a very, very serious problem.

And education meaning what, wash your hands?

No, no. Education for the people about how it is transmitted. The highest risk people are people who are household contacts, who have very close face-to-face contact with someone.

"WATCH: The best way to protect yourself from coronavirus is wash your hands, Dr. Fauci says"
Apr 3, 2020

Washing your hands wasn't "required" to protect yourself from SARS CoV-1, but it is "the best" way to protect yourself from SARS CoV-2? Even when they know they both survive on surfaces for the same amount of time?

"New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces":

SARS-CoV-2 stability similar to original SARS virus.

Can anyone explain this?
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04/07/20 10:22 PM

#272 RE: Zardiw #269

Fauci has advised against both masks and chloroquine in favor of hand washing to avoid a respiratory virus and waiting 18 months to supposedly create a "brand new" vaccine for a "brand new" disease.

How could they even say such a thing? What's the timetable on the herpes vaccine? How about HIV?

I mean really, who tf knows they can cure a mysterious new disease before they have even tried?

Epic scam