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10/08/06 6:30 PM

#113745 RE: Uranium #113740

Are you kidding. The board is exhausted....LOL In a nutshell, stock went down and now its going up. Buy some..
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10/08/06 6:32 PM

#113746 RE: Uranium #113740

there is no brief synopsis and it is impossible to condense it to Cliff Notes.
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10/08/06 6:36 PM

#113748 RE: Uranium #113740

Best thing to do: Check out all the information in the IBOX....Lots of hard work has been done putting all this information together....May take a while to go through it all, but if you're invested in this it is well worth it......GLTY
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10/08/06 7:10 PM

#113755 RE: Uranium #113740

Sulja, Emaar, Wessal etc.. CONNECTION

Old Post Per the Almighty Wise One, Allinone ...

Posted by: allinone
In reply to: mtgman27 who wrote msg# 103357 Date:9/29/2006 4:50:22 PM
Post #of 113756

2 things IMHO. First Loftwerks owed Consultech and Sulja money. Because Loftwerks got shorted into the ground Dennis knew he could not sell nor finance against his stock. The shorts effectively put him next to bankruptcy so he worked out a deal with Consultech and Sulja.

Second, Consultech had Middle East connections and the Middle East desperately needs lumber. Sulja had a Canadian Lumber Export License. The Middle East got it! Look, Sulja Bros, can't afford 2 lumber mills, they can't Price Waterhouse and KCMG, they are a family owned business and have been for 25 years.

Emaar effectively took out all the middlemen to their lumber supply issues in UAE and the U.S.

That is what my Crystal Balls are telling me

My Crystal Balls are my own, do your own DD before you invest!

Posted by: allinone
In reply to: None Date:8/11/2006 7:26:07 AM
Post #of 113752


Due to the fact that there is the necessity to have an authorized lumber export broker in Canada to get any lumber out of Canada, you see the value of Sulja to the UAE and Germany. When you are building one of the largest cities in the world you need Canadian Softlumber. The only way you can get it is to broker your order through an authorized Canadian Lumber Broker. That is where Sulja comes in. All they are is a Canadian Lumber Broker and that is why their profit margins are so hgh in these transactions. They never take possession of the lumber as it is loaded on rail cars from the mill sent to the loading docks and shipped overseas via ship. The Canadian Lumber broker is just the legal go between between the UAE and the lumber mills in Canada. Canada supplies the world with almost 90% of the softlumber so when you are building a big city you need a big supplier. Canadian Lumber. You can't get it out of the country without an authorized exporter. Sulja has been licensed for over 3 years. How Sulja and Emaar got together is the hidden secret. Check the Canadian laws and you will see Sulja listed and their export authrization number. News will be out shortly on their signed contracts in Germany which will have a revenue impact of over $135 million on next year revenues. It is just amazing to me how we get all this speculation of this and that without anyone doing this DD of export requirements of lumber from Canada! The scale of this building complex MUST have Canadian Lumber to facilitate the huge demand for lumber in the projects. There is only one place you can get this type of consistant lumber supply to not shut down the construction and that is from the largest supplier, Canada. The problem is you can't get it without going through an authorized export broker. Sulja was found and now because of the longevity of these projects and the need for years of lumber to these projects they are taking control of Sulja to ensure them being there for Emaar and are providing financing to maintain their local entities and to establish large credit lines with the lumber mills so orders can flow without interruption. They basically are buying Sulja Bros's export license to insure the future of the developments by Emaar. I am really surprised no one at all from Canada knew this already because this is the only link to Emaar, one very important export license!!! You are talking about million of board feet being bought and sent to UAE and to Germany! Wessal will buys shares when they decide and the shorters are making a last ditch effort to cover. I am taking this opportunity to add almost 1 million shares. I positioned the money today. I will see if my chance for cheap levels comes today! The audit financials are done!! I can almost guarantee that!!! The company will post them when the time is right and it will be coincided with some other very, very good news of future order values being finalized. Sulja has been authorized by the Canadian Government as a lumber exporter for over 3 years so you know this company is not a scam. A lumber exporter must do up export custom documents with all the appropriate export permits for each load of lumber leaving Canada. You can't be a scam to foreign customs departments. Well you get the picture!! When all this BS is done you will see what I have said is the actual story and we who can take advantage of these opportunities given us by unlawful trading will reap the most financial rewards. jmhosand, when you are a company like Emaar and you are building the sizes of cities they are building, wood and cement are the 2 main components you need a consistant supply of and lots of it. Liberia wood cannot keep up with the supply demands and currently have problems. These cities are already in process, they cannot wait around until details get fixed. What to do, GO BUY A CANADIAN AUTHORIZED LUMBER EXPORT BROKER! That is all that has happened here. Sulja, fell into a septic tank and came out smelling like roses!!! There own yards in Windsor, Harrow and Lincoln Park MI can't even handle the lumber that is being shipped to UAE. This is why they broker it directly from the mill in British Columbia directly to UAE. They just buy, order the product shipped to UAE and collect the price from Emaar. The dont even handle the lumber, they handle the paper and the riches that come from it. It is just like Steel Coil Brokers for the automotive industry. Everyone was saying why would one of the largest builders in the world need a company like Sulja?. They dont need the company, THEY NEED THEIR EXPORT LICENSE!! Did Emaar not buy one of the largest home builders in the U.S.? They need their lumber from Canada and there again they need a licensed export broker, Sulja! They now own the largest building company in the U.S. AND controlling interest in the Canadian License Lumber Export Broker. This has become a controlled business working relationship all under the umbrella of Emaar!!! Emaar also announced building 2 more cities so where do you think they are going to get their lumber from? Yep. Canada! The Canadian Mills are going to see Sulja's financials and they will get all the credit they need with the mills and Emaar will therefore get all lumber they need. Why in the hell would someone come along and hand out $25 million in financing and offer to buy up 25% of the company you are lending money too. So you can control the company! Emaar through its affiliations bought Sulja's Canadian Export lumber License. Again, I just can't believe no one figured this out and I am no genious so I will say do your own DD and believe nothing I said! After you ripe Wessal apart you will find the root of Emaar. Common practice in developing a structure of companies all having a part in the supplying of products to the main builder although the builder also owns these companies somehow in their country corporate capabilities. Protects the main company from lawsuits. They set up companies which do not have any true value so if something happens and the lumber is not of the right quality and they still us it and it falls down, the supplier gets sued, in this case Wessal and not Emaar. It is like the army ants out protecting the queen ant. Nothing is to get to her (Emaar)! My bet is you dig deep enough into the ant hill and you will find the relationship but getting there is an expensive and untouting task left only for the most ingenious attornies to unravel if they can at all. jmhoErnst and Young has a large office in London, Ont. and they do most of the main companies in Windsor and surrounding areas. They do most of the Insurance companies and Automotive related companies. They are recognized as one of the best in Canada as they deal with international companies daily. My gut is telling me they are using Ernst and Young. Here is the link to their Canadian operations:

If you have ever worked for a large corporation in a high management job here in the U.S. you will see level upon level of different companies established within the umbrella all intended to do one thing only. Protect the person at the top of the building in the fancy office from being sued. For you to get at my top of the office person, you would have to work your way through 12 platformed companies incorporated in many states without any connection by name or affiliation.

My Crystal Balls are my own, do your own DD before you invest!