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03/09/17 9:48 PM

#266277 RE: F6 #266103

Bills Introduced by Republicans While We Were Distracted by the 'Russian Spy Drama'

Legislation advanced by the GOP included bills to terminate the EPA, repeal the Affordable Care Act, defund Planned Parenthood, and criminalize certain types of abortion.

.. there's an image of Trump pointing at you inside ..


Legislation introduced by Republicans during President Trump's first two months in office included bills to: terminate the Environmental Protection Agency; redistribute federal school funding via voucher programs; terminate the Dept. of Education; repeal a wildlife protection rule; repeal the Affordable Care Act; defund Planned Parenthood; establish a national right-to-work law; strip federal funds from sanctuary cities; criminalize abortion; and place new sanctions on Iran.

RATING Mostly True


In March 2017, social media users began sharing an article .. .. published by Resistance Report, a left-leaning news and opinion web site, purporting to list “nine terrifying bills” advanced by Congressional Republicans while Americans were “distracted” by claims and counter-claims regarding the Trump administration’s alleged ties to Russia:

The Republican-led Congress is wasting no time forcing through the most horrendous bills seen in decades while America’s eyes are on Russia.

With both houses of Congress solidly under Republican control, there’s little in the way to stop House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) from sending bills to President Trump’s desk that embody the most dangerous aspects of radical right-wing ideology.

The list has since grown to 10 bills (with the addition of legislation to place new sanctions on Iran) and gone viral, with more than one version in circulation. Value judgments aside (we invite readers to make up their own minds about how “horrendous” or “dangerous” these bills are), we can verify that the following 10 pieces of legislation were, in fact, introduced by Republicans, and are, in fact, real, although their content has in some cases been misrepresented, and not all of these bills have any clear shot at passage.

Here is the full list, with brief summaries and links to sources for more information:

1 – H.R. 861: To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency

Introduced on 3 February 2017 by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) and three Republican cosponsors, the body of H.R. 861 .. .. is only one sentence long: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” The text of the bill does not stipulate what would become of existing EPA regulations and their enforcement, but Gaetz has indicated .. .. that he intends jurisdiction to fall to individual states.

2 – H.R. 610: Tax dollars for private schools

H.R. 610 .. , aka the “Choices in Education Act of 2017,” would change how federal tax dollars are distributed to qualified states for education spending, mandating that all such monies be awarded in block grants, a portion of which must go into voucher programs for use by parents to pay for private and home schools. The bill was introduced by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), with three Republican cosponsors. Supporters say the legislation is intended to widen educational options for all Americans, though critics .. .. maintain it amounts to at least a partial defunding of public schools.

3 – H.R. 899: To terminate the Department of Education

Like H.R. 861, which would get rid of the EPA, H.R. 899 .. .. calls simply for the “termination” of the Department of Education by the end of 2018. It was introduced by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), with six Republican cosponsors (including Rep. Matt Gaetz, who introduced the bill to terminate the EPA). President Trump’s Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has stated .. .. she would be “fine” with having herself “worked out of a job.”

4 – H.J.R. 69: To repeal a wildlife protection rule in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge

House Joint Resolution 69, introduced .. .. by Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) on 7 February 2017 and passed by the House nine days later, would negate U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulations prohibiting certain types of non-subsistence hunting for purposes of predator control on federally protected lands in Alaska. Supporters of H.J.R. 69 say .. .. the reversal is necessary to redress an “illegal jurisdictional power grab” by the federal government.

5 – H.R. 370: To repeal the Affordable Care Act

According to Reuters .. , Congressional Republicans tried more than 60 times to repeal or modify the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) while Obama was still in office. Candidate Trump promised to rid of Obamacare if he won, and it was a major plank in the 2016 Republican Party platform. Not unexpectedly, Rep. Bill Flores, a Texas Republican, re-introduced H.R. 370 .. , a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, on 8 January 2017, eight weeks after Trump was elected. It contained no details pertaining to what might be offered as an alternative to the ACA, or when.

[.. as always expected i don't think there is much doubt that much of ACA will be retained ..

6 – H.R. 354: To defund Planned Parenthood

Rep. Diane Black (R-Tennessee) introduced H.R. 354 .. , the “Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2017,” on 6 January. Like another version introduced (and passed by the House) in 2015 .. , the bill would prohibit distribution of federal funds to Planned Parenthood Federation of America or any of its affiliates or clinics for a period of one year, unless they certify that no funds will go toward providing abortions (except in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening conditions). H.R. 354 has 133 cosponsors (all Republicans), even though the use of federal funds for abortion services is already prohibited by law, and even though Planned Parenthood claims abortions comprise only 3 percent of its total services (a disputed .. .. figure) and only around 10 percent of its clients receive abortions.

7 – H.R. 785: National right-to-work legislation

Many states have enacted so-called right-to-work laws, which prohibit labor unions and employers from requiring workers to join unions to get or keep jobs. The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) explains .. :

Currently, 28 states and Guam have given workers a choice when it comes to union membership. Labor unions still operate in those states, but workers cannot be compelled to become members as a requirement of their job. Kentucky became the 27th right-to-work state when it enacted HB 1 on Jan. 9, 2017. Missouri became the 28th by enacting SB 19 on Feb. 2, 2017.

Unlike many other items on their agenda, the Republican sponsors of H.R. 785 .. .. are keen on handing over the power to decide this matter to the federal government instead of the states. Opponents .. .. say passage of the bill would lead to lower wages and greater unemployment nationwide, not to mention create an unfair situation in which non-dues-paying employees reap the benefits of union activities.

8 – H.R. 83: Mobilizing against sanctuary cities

H.R. 83 .. , introduced by Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pennsylvania) and cosponsored by nine Republicans, would punish so-called “sanctuary cities .. ” (such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and New York City) who refuse to comply with certain federal immigration policies, such as handing over undocumented immigrants for deportation. The bill provides that any local jurisdiction that does not comply with federal immigration regulations “shall be ineligible to receive Federal financial assistance for a minimum period of one year.” Confusingly, two days after H.R. 83 was introduced on 23 January 2017, President Trump signed an executive order .. .. designed to do the same thing. Critics argue that the order is unconstitutional.

9 – H.R. 147: To criminalize abortion in certain cases by making it a felony punishable by up to five years in prison

The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA) of 2017, H.R. 147 .. , was introduced on 3 January 2017 by Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona), with 59 cosponsors, all Republicans. The bill, similar to ones introduced in previous sessions of Congress, would not criminalize abortion per se (contrary to how it has been represented in some sources), but it would make it a crime under certain conditions:

This bill imposes criminal penalties on anyone who knowingly or knowingly attempts to: (1) perform an abortion knowing that the abortion is sought based on the sex, gender, color or race of the child, or the race of a parent; (2) use force or the threat of force to intentionally injure or intimidate any person for the purpose of coercing a sex-selection or race-selection abortion; (3) solicit or accept funds for the performance of such an abortion; or (4) transport a woman into the United States or across a state line for the purpose of obtaining such an abortion.

Violations or attempted violations shall result in fines and/or imprisonment for up to five years.

10 – H.R. 808: Sanctions against Iran

H.R. 808 .. , introduced on 1 February 2017 by Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Illinois), places “non-nuclear” sanctions on Iran to (in cosponsor Lee Zeldin’s words .. ) “assist with efforts to reduce Iran’s destabilizing activities, which included a missile test just this week that violated a UN resolution, as well as their continued work to overthrow foreign governments, pledge to wipe Israel off the map, chanting Death to America in their streets, and so much more.”

See also:

Like this____For instance, For every dollar Californians give to DC, we get back...
[...] "President Trump's threat to weaponize federal funding is not only unconstitutional but
emblematic of the cruelty he seeks to impose on our most vulnerable communities," de Leon said.

Robert Reich: 13 Developments That Show Trump's Lack of Respect for the Presidency is Limitless

Now they are going after "scott-pruitt-for-lying-to-congress"
IMO they will nail his sorry ass. As they should.

U.S. scientists officially declare 2016 the hottest year on record. That makes three in a row.

EPA goes rogue, launches unofficial Twitter account that Donald Trump can’t censor
Thank God we still have so many smart ELITES around ... to subvert anus breath! ..

Add .. Rachel Maddow is amazed that people in the intelligence community and the heads of the congressional intelligence
committees who are supposed to keep check on irregularities and abuse of the system by people about the White House.

White House uses GOP intel chairs to push media on Russia: WaPo
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rep. Jim Himes, member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about a new Washington Post report that the Republican chairs of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have been working at the request of the White House to wave reporters off the story of the connection between the Trump campaign and Russia, which they're in charge of investigating. Duration: 8:03


03/09/17 11:18 PM

#266283 RE: F6 #266103

Special Report: Aircraft carriers, championed by Trump, are vulnerable to attack

FILE PHOTO: Pre-Commissioning Unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is maneuvered by tug boats in the James River during the aircraft carrier's turn ship evolution in Newport Beach, Virginia, U.S., June 11, 2016.
U.S. Navy/Mass Communications Specialist Seaman Apprentice Gitte Schimmacher/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo

By Scot Paltrow
Thu Mar 9, 2017 | 7:48pm EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Last week, President Donald J. Trump chose the deck of the newest U.S. aircraft carrier, the $13 billion USS Gerald R. Ford, for a speech extolling his planned boost in military spending.

Trump vowed that the newest generation of “Ford Class” carriers - the most expensive warships ever built - will remain the centerpiece of projecting American power abroad.

“We're going to soon have more coming,” Trump told an enthusiastic audience of sailors, declaring the new carriers so big and solidly built that they were immune to attack.

Trump vowed to expand the number of carriers the United States fields from 10 to 12. And he promised to bring down the cost of building three “super-carriers,” which has ballooned by a third over the last decade from $27 to $36 billion.

The Gerald R. Ford alone is $2.5 billion over budget and three years behind schedule, military officials say. The second Ford-class carrier, the John F. Kennedy, is running five years late.

Trump's expansion plans come as evidence mounts that potential enemies have built new anti-ship weapons able to destroy much of the United States’ expensive fleet of carriers. And as they have been for decades, carriers remain vulnerable to submarines.

In a combat exercise off the coast of Florida in 2015, a small French nuclear submarine, the Saphir, snuck through multiple rings of defenses and “sank” the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt and half of its escort ships. In other naval exercises, even old-fashioned diesel-electric submarines have beaten carriers.

All told, since the early 1980s, U.S. and British carriers have been sunk at least 14 times in so-called “free play” war games meant to simulate real battle, according to think tanks, foreign navies and press accounts. The exact total is unknown because the Navy classifies exercise reports.

Today, the United States is the only country to base its naval strategy on aircraft carriers. The U.S. fleet of 10 active carriers is 10 times as big as those deployed by its primary military rivals, Russia and China, who field one active carrier each.

Roger Thompson, a defense analyst and professor at Kyung Hee University in South Korea, says the array of powerful anti-ship weapons developed in recent years by potential U.S. enemies, including China, Russia and Iran, increase carriers’ vulnerability.

The new weapons include land-based ballistic missiles, such as China’s Dong Feng-21 anti-ship missile, which has a claimed range of 1,100 miles (1,770 kilometers) and moves at 10 times the speed of sound. Certain Russian and Chinese submarines can fire salvoes of precision-guided cruise missiles from afar, potentially overwhelming carrier-fleet anti-missile defense.

Russia, China, Iran and other countries also have so-called super-cavitating torpedoes. These form an air bubble in front of them, enabling them to travel at hundreds of miles per hour. The torpedoes cannot be guided, but if aimed straight at a ship they are difficult to avoid.

A 2015 Rand Corporation report, “Chinese Threats to U.S. Surface Ships,” found that if hostilities broke out, “the risks to U.S. carriers are substantial and rising.”

“Beyond a shadow of a doubt, a carrier is just a target,” says defense analyst Pierre Sprey, who worked for the U.S. Secretary of Defense’s office from 1966 to 1986 and is a longtime critic of U.S. weapons procurement.


Navy leaders stand by the carrier. In an interview late last year, Admiral Scott Swift, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, lauded carriers’ versatility. Swift says they remain “very viable,” sufficiently impregnable to be sent into the thick of combat zones.

Swift said he would order carriers into close battle “in a heartbeat.” Nevertheless, citing the new anti-ship weapons, Swift says the carrier “is not as viable as it was 15 years ago.”

Trump has said he will make good on his campaign promise to increase the Navy's fleet to 350 ships. The Navy currently has 277 deployable ships. The cost of a single new, Ford-class carrier – $10.5 billion without cost overruns – would consume nearly 20 percent of Trump’s proposed $54 billion increase in next year's defense budget.

Some critics, including former senior Defense Department personnel, say Washington has put too much of the country’s defense budget into a handful of expensive, vulnerable carriers.

At a naval symposium in 2010, then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates called into question making such big investments in a few increasingly sinkable ships. Gates said “a Ford-class carrier plus its full complement of the latest aircraft would represent potentially $15 billion to $20 billion worth of hardware at risk.”

The Navy, with the backing of Congress, went ahead nevertheless. The program has strong Congressional backing. In the 1990s, when defense spending was cut after the end of the Cold War, Congress enacted a law requiring the Navy to maintain an 11-carrier fleet.

Congress has given the Navy a temporary exemption to have 10 active carriers while one is overhauled. When the Ford is commissioned, it will bring the U.S. carrier fleet to 11.

Trump did not specify in his speech how he would bring the carrier fleet to 12. But he said the Ford-class carriers would be invulnerable to attack because they represent the best in American know-how.

“There is no competition to this ship,” declared Trump, who called the Gerald R. Ford American craftsmanship “at its biggest, at its best, at its finest.”

Trump did not mention that the ship’s builder, Huntington Ingalls Industries, launched the Ford more than three years ago, but the Navy has yet to commission it and put it into service because of severe flaws. Many of its new high tech systems failed to work, including such basic ones as the “arresting gear” that catches and stops landing jets.

The Navy says the ship will be commissioned sometime this year. But the criticism has continued.

In a written statement in July, John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, noted the cost overruns and cited a list of crucial malfunctioning systems that remained unfixed. “The Ford-class program is a case study in why our acquisition system must be reformed,” McCain wrote.

Ray Mabus, who in January stepped down as secretary of the Navy, said in an interview that the Gerald R. Ford “is a poster child for how not to build a ship.” He added: “Everything that could have been done wrong was done wrong.”

Mabus said that because of commitments made before he became Navy secretary, the Ford was loaded with high-tech equipment that had not even been designed yet. He also faulted awarding the shipbuilder a “cost plus” contract, under which it gets a fixed profit regardless of how much it costs to build the vessel. “There was no incentive to hold down costs,” Mabus said.

Others criticize carriers as strategically flawed. Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain and Defense Department official, is now director of the Defense Strategies and Assessments Program at the Center for a New American Security. Carriers, he said in an email exchange, give Washington’s rivals a cheap opportunity to score big. For the cost of a single carrier, he calculates, a rival can deploy 1,227 anti-carrier missiles.

“The enemy can build a lot more missiles than we can carriers for equivalent investments,” Hendrix said, “and hence overwhelm our defensive capabilities.”

The most commonly proposed alternative to carriers is building a much larger number of smaller, nimbler vessels, including submarines and surface ships. Submarines don’t require escorts and can hit distant targets on land. And carriers have not been tested in battle against an enemy able to fight back since World War II – more than 70 years ago.

The Navy and some outside defense experts say that despite increased threats, carriers remain fully viable and perform an essential service. They laud carriers’ mobility and swiftness, enabling the United States to project air power to places otherwise unreachable.

Carrier proponent Bryan McGrath, the deputy director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for American Seapower in Washington, said carriers are less vulnerable than stationary, land-based air bases.

“A carrier is a big floating airport, and not only a floating airport, but it moves at 40 knots,” says McGrath, a former captain of a guided missile destroyer. “How much more vulnerable are airfields on land that don’t move?”

But Sprey, the former Defense Department official and longtime Pentagon procurement critic, says carriers waste funds that could be used to build more cost-effective weapons systems.

“Every Ford-class carrier we build detracts from U.S. defense,” Sprey said.

Both strong supporters of carriers as well as opponents agreed that there is a serious flaw in the current configuration of U.S. carriers: their complement of strike aircraft. Almost all are short-range jets, the F-18 Hornet, whose range could render the planes useless in some conflicts.

The Chinese, in particular, have established sea zones bristling with anti-ship weapons meant to make it impossible for enemy flotillas to enter.

Top U.S Navy commanders, including Pacific commander Swift and Vice Admiral Mike Shoemaker, the Navy “Air Boss” in charge of carriers, say carriers could safely enter such zones long enough to carry out a mission. But many outside analysts say a U.S. president would be hesitant to risk such an expensive ship and the lives of up to 5,500 crew members.

In order to be relatively safe, a carrier would have to stand off by 1,300 nautical miles, or 2,300 kilometers – out of range of the Dong Feng missiles. And the F-18s have a range of only 400 nautical miles (equal to 460 statute miles or 740 kilometers) to a target with enough fuel to return.

Experts on both sides of the debate say that if the carriers have to stand off, the Hornets would have to be refueled in midair an impractical number of times while flying to and from their targets. It thus would be all but impossible for carriers to send air power into war zones.

The F-18s are to be replaced by 2020 with new F-35C Lightning IIs, but these have only a marginally better range of 650 nautical miles.

The Hudson Institute’s McGrath, who champions carriers, says the short-range jets impair the mission.

“What they (the Navy) haven’t done yet is to design and fund a strike aircraft that can fly 1,000 miles, drop its bombs and come home,” McGrath said.

The cost of carriers in terms of strategy and money is multiplied because carriers do not travel alone. For protection, they move with large escorts, making every “carrier strike group” a virtual armada.

Each carrier usually has an escort of at least five warships, a mixture of destroyers and cruisers, at least one submarine and a combined ammunition-supply ship and helicopters designed to detect subs. When close enough to shore, carriers are also protected by new, land-based P-8 Poseidon jets, designed to detect and destroy subs.

For carrier commanders, the most feared weapon is a 150-year-old one. A single, submarine-launched torpedo could send a carrier to the bottom.

Most modern torpedoes aren’t targeted to hit ships. Instead they are programmed to explode underneath. This creates an air bubble that lifts the ship into the air and drops it, breaking the hull.

For decades, critics have faulted the Navy for failing to develop effective defenses against modern torpedoes. A 2016 report by the Pentagon’s Office of Operational Test and Evaluation said the Navy has recently made significant progress, but the systems still have crucial deficiencies.

Experts also say that carriers are at risk from updated versions of one of the oldest naval vessels still in use: the diesel-electric submarine. These were the subs used in both World Wars.
Diesel-electric subs have the advantage of being small – and while on electric power, silent, and in general quieter and harder to detect than nuclear subs.

Diesel-electric subs are also far cheaper to build than nuclear ones. Allies and rivals have been building large numbers of them. Worldwide, more than 230 diesel-electric subs are in use. China has 83 in use, while Russia has 19.

Hendrix, the former Defense Department official, says the carriers' vulnerabilities make the fleet a profligate use of money, vessels and aircraft.

“We have paid billions of dollars to build ships that are largely defensive in their orientation, thus taking away from the offensive power of the fleet,” Hendrix says. “In the end, we spend a lot of money on defense to send 44 strike aircraft off the front end of a carrier.”
(Editing by David Rohde.)

© 2017 Reuters [with embedded video]


03/10/17 1:24 AM

#266289 RE: F6 #266103

Donald Trump's America facing unique travel challenges

"Full Show - Donald Trump At CPAC Speech And More - 02/24/2017 "


By Sara James

Posted about 3 hours ago

Photo: The US' airport security crackdown is already affecting the country's tourism sector.
(Reuters: Kate Munsch)

Related Story: Trump signs new travel ban, Iraq not on list, court challenge flagged

Map: United States ..,-97,5z

Its formal name is the Executive Order Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry into
the United States, but is President Donald Trump's new executive order in fact a 'Muslim Ban 2.0'?

That is the contention of Hawaii Attorney-General Doug Chin.

What's different about ban 2.0?
Donald Trump has signed a new US travel ban, the key difference being Iraq is
no longer on the list — but what else is different from the first executive order?

Hawaii became the first state to challenge the US President's revised travel ban and a hearing is scheduled for next week.

The new executive order prohibits foreign nationals of six predominantly Muslim nations from entering the US for 90 days.

Among the changes from the first order, travellers from Iraq are no longer banned. Neither are those who have visas or hold a US Green Card.

The executive order is slated to take effect on March 16 and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says, "President Trump is exercising his rightful authority to keep our people safe".

The state of Hawaii begs to differ: "This second executive order is infected with the same legal problems as the first Order — undermining bedrock constitutional and statutory guarantees."

Mr Trump's first ban sparked chaos and protests at airports across the country.

Photo: Huge crowds gathered at LAX to protest Donald Trump's travel first ban. (AP: Ryan Kang)

As the legal skirmish for the revised order gets underway, it seems those from banned countries are not the only ones who may give the US a miss in coming months.

Several Australians have told me they have put their US travel plans on hold. And Australians are not the only ones.

Travel analyst ForwardKeys, a company that predicts travel patterns, says the travel ban has hurt bookings.

"Travel to the USA suffers 6.5 per cent Trump slump," proclaims the company's website.

Mem Fox gets a US apology
Australian children's author Mem Fox doubts she will visit the US
again after she was wrongly detained by immigration officials.

Of course, millions will still visit the US, but the changes seem to have made entering the country just that bit harder.

When I arrived in the US at the end of February, I was reminded international travel sometimes ranks up there with root canal surgery as a painful exercise.

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), had lengthy queues of passengers winding their way through customs.

I exited with a sigh of relief — only to discover the lines for connecting flights.

"Holy Mother of God," breathed an Australian next to me. "Another queue."

I had the benefit of travelling on a US passport, but it was still tough.

Travel crackdown could hurt Americans the most

A few days later, in tourist mecca New York, I found signature stores in Manhattan decked out in red, white and blue. Freedom Tower downtown shimmered in the sun. The city was at its vibrant, sassy, bossy best.

But the Big Apple is bracing for the economic impact of fewer foreign visitors. Tourism agency NYC & Company forecasts 300,000 fewer international visitors than in 2016 — the first drop in seven years.

Predicting the rise or fall of Trump
The markets can be "read like tea leaves" to predict how long
President Trump may last in the top job, writes David Taylor.

The US Travel Association last week chimed in, saying the President's immigration policies are hurting tourism.

The White House disputed this. But an estimated 18 million Americans work in industries connected to tourism.

While the President has taken credit for returning thousands of manufacturing jobs to the US at companies such as Carrier, a major
tourism downturn could cost the US economy billions of dollars and wipe out tens of thousands of jobs. There is growing alarm.

As the latest travel ban was debated, it was perhaps ironic that a crackdown by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) indicated it might be Americans, rather than foreigners, who are the biggest risk.

As I hopscotched between airports, I noticed overall airport security was more vigilant than usual. The random "pat-down" I received at Denver International Airport was more robust than I had remembered.

I was experiencing first-hand (so to speak) the TSA's new standardised pat-down procedures. The new protocol is more thorough and includes "sensitive" areas.

But the TSA says there are reasons for the crackdown.

Video: Sarah James on the rebadged US travel ban (ABC News)

Gun-toting travellers

On March 2, as I travelled from Virginia to New York, a North Carolina man was detained at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.

At 6:00am, he had tried to bring a loaded handgun through airport security. Thirty minutes later, another man attempted to do the same thing.

The two incidents seemed unrelated — which is perhaps even more disturbing.

It seems more and more Americans consider essential travel items to include toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo … and a weapon.

How many people are trying to bring guns on planes?

In 2016, the TSA confiscated 3,391 firearms — a record — and a 28 per cent increase from 2015.

Adding to the anxiety, more than 80 per cent of the weapons seized were loaded.

The worst day ever for the TSA was February 23 this year when it discovered 21 weapons in a single day.

As the sign in the customs hall at LAX said: "Welcome to the United States of America.",-domestic-travellers/8341420

.. i'm takin' me shooter on to the plane so if a terrorist tries to hijack it i can take it out and start shooting it .. hell yeah!! .. idiots ..


03/13/17 7:03 PM

#266435 RE: F6 #266103

Trump's Unfounded Accusations of Wiretapping: The Daily Show

Published on Mar 7, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

Without providing any evidence to support his claim, President Trump takes to Twitter to accuse former President Obama of wiretapping him in the run-up to the 2016 election.

[originally aired March 6, 2017] [with comments]


Full Show - WikiLeaks Vault 7 Dump Blows CIA Wide Open - 03/07/2017

Published on Mar 7, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Wikileaks publishes a trove of CIA documents entitled, "Year Zero," laying out global covert hacking programs, including abilities to listen to people through Samsung Smart TVs, their ability to hack cars and carry out "undetectable assassinations," and exploitation of iPhone, Android and Windows devices. Republican insider Roger Stone breaks down how the data dump relates to Trump. Author Michael Snyder and former intelligence operative Steve Pieczenik discuss why it's hard to keep gov't spooks out of your electronic devices. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul also discusses the latest on the Obamacare repeal, and investigative journalist Jerome Corsi goes over how the law is intended to destroy middle-class home ownership. [with comments]


The Crisis of Trump's Conspiracy Theories | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Published on Mar 7, 2017 by GQ [ / , , ]

These fantastical lies are more than delusional, they’re dangerous. [with comments]


Ruddy on reported Trump-Russia meeting: What is the crime?

Hardball with Chris Matthews

Christopher Ruddy, Newsmax CEO [a regular guest on the Alex Jones show, most recently the March 6, 2017 show included (near the end) in the post to which this is a reply], joins Hardball to discuss Trumps’ contradictory statements regarding his meeting with Russian diplomats and Trump's wiretap accusations. Duration: 9:15

Newsmax and the Rise of Trump

Chris Ruddy has emerged over the course of the last few weeks as one of the president’s most prominent unofficial spokesmen—but their ties long antedate the administration.
Mar 10, 2017 [with comments]



GOP Rep. can't promise you won't lose health care

All In with Chris Hayes

Rep. Buddy Carter defends the Republican bill to 'repeal and replace' Obamacare after a rough rollout. Duration: 6:35



Pieces of Trump dossier check out despite investigative dearth

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow notes that while the dossier of intelligence about Donald Trump ties to Russia remains unconfirmed, pieces of it have checked out upon investigation by the press, though the primary government investigators are former Trump campaign officials. Duration: 22:36

©2017 , [with comments]


Hawaii first to sue over new Trump travel ban

The Rachel Maddow Show

Neal Katyal, lead attorney for the state of Hawaii, talks with Rachel Maddow about representing the first state to sue Donald Trump over his second attempt at a travel ban. Duration: 5:17

Hawaii first to sue over new Trump travel ban [document]



Trump administration oversteps in outreach to Justice Department

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow emphasized the importance of maintaining the separation of the White House from the Justice Department as another story of a Trump official crossing the line makes news. Duration: 4:57



Schiff seeks Trump dossier author testimony

The Rachel Maddow Show

Congressman Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about the upcoming public hearing into the Russian interference into the 2016 election. Duration: 5:20



Lawrence on Trump: Lies can be impeachable offense

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Lawrence O'Donnell explains how President Donald Trump is "unfaithfully" executing his duties as president by lying about President Obama – and how that could lead to his impeachment. Duration: 8:07

©2017 , [with comments]


Sen. Franken: No other conclusion, Sessions perjured himself

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Senator Al Franken (D-MN) joins Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss Attorney General Jeff Sessions' statement about meetings with Russia that was later found to be untrue. Sen. Franken says he gave then-Sen. Sessions every opportunity to correct the record. Duration: 11:35



Trump wiretap claim overshadows GOP's health care roll out

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

After three days, the White House has yet to offer any evidence of Pres. Trump's claim that Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign. MSNBC's Brian Williams talks to Kasie Hunt, Ali Velshi, & Richard Stengel. Duration: 10:27



Republicans divided over Republican health care bill

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

The rollout of the GOP's health care plan didn't go exactly as planned with Republicans on the Hill divided over whether they can support the plan. MSNBC's Brian Williams has details. Duration: 1:25



Andrea Mitchell again tries to get answers from Secy. Tillerson

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC's Brian Williams looks at the fact the Trump State Department only now has held its first briefing, and the fact that hasn't stopped NBC News's Andrea Mitchell from asking questions. Duration: 1:47



No, Ben Carson, Slaves Weren't "Immigrants": The Daily Show

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

After Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson refers to African slaves as "immigrants," Trevor gives him a lesson in semantics.

[originally aired March 7, 2017] [with comments]


Republicans Release New Health Plan, And We're All Going To Die

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

Stephen reviews the GOP's new healthcare plan, which has many Americans worried, but not the Grim Reaper.

[originally aired March 7, 2017] [with (approaching 6,000) comments]


Ben Carson Wants To Put Something Inside Your Head

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

HUD Secretary and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson appeared to veer off script while using his 'human brain' in a speech to his new agency.

[originally aired March 7, 2017] [with comments]


General Michael Hayden Says The CIA Is Not Spying On Us Through Our Televisions

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The ex-director of the CIA and NSA dismisses Trump's wiretapping accusations against Obama and promises Stephen that no one is spying on him while he disrobes.

[originally aired March 7, 2017 (U.S. central time)] [with comments]


Full Show - Hunt For Wikileaks Source Begins - 03/08/2017

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

The latest Wikileaks release titled, "Vault 7," confirms years of Infowars reporting on the CIA. Facebook and the MSM are censoring the revelations coming from the data dump. Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center joins Alex in studio to expose the hidden fungus epidemic spreading throughout America. Jiu-Jitsu expert Eddie Bravo will also be in studio to discuss the famous Joe Rogan episode 911 Podcast and more[, with Roger Stone hosting the fourth hour with guests George Neumayr ( ) of The American Spectator, and John Kiriakou]. [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following]


Bernie Sanders sounds off on Trumpcare

All In with Chris Hayes

Trumpcare will be a disaster and hurt Trump voters the most - just listen to Senator Bernie Sanders describe how bad it will be, especially for older, poorer Americans. Duration: 6:22



Press Secy. isn't the only White House job Spicer's had

All In with Chris Hayes

For two years during the Bush administration, Sean Spicer was the man beneath the ears. Duration: 1:34

©2017 [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following]


Truth closer on Trump camp pro-Russia influence on GOP platform

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks at new information on ties between the Trump campaign and Russia and its influence on the Republican Party platform at the national convention, adding credibility to another piece of the unverified Trump dossier. Duration: 16:38

©2017 , [with comments]


Trump, Tillerson weaken State Department as Putin would want

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow shows how the Donald Trump's State Department under Rex Tillerson is being drastically weakened, a situation that suits Vladimir Putin well in taking U.S. soft power influence out of his way. Duration: 12:13

©2017 , [with comments]


Putin animosity for Clinton stems from role at State Department

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews the case that Russian President Vladimir Putin developed his disdain for Hillary Clinton when she, as secretary of state, criticized the legitimacy of his election. Duration: 5:30



Rep Swalwell makes case for independent Trump Russia inquiry

The Rachel Maddow Show

Congressman Eric Swalwell, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about his advocacy for an independent commission to investigate Donald Trump's ties to Russia. Duration: 5:08



Rachel Maddow Show rule: Read to the end

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow explains that one of the hallmarks of working on the Rachel Maddow Show is reading news articles through to the end because sometimes the best news is in the last few paragraphs. Duration: 1:31



Chaffetz 'cell phone or health care' remark boosts opponent

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on how Jason Chaffetz's remark about people having to choose between buying a cell phone or saving for health care has caused a sudden boost in interest and support for Kathryn Allen, a Democrat looking to run against Chaffetz in 2018. Duration: 2:46



Lawrence: Trump staff worst in Washington history

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Unthinkable for past administrations but the Trump White House staff asked Congress to investigate part of the Trump executive branch. Who knows what Congress would find in a thorough exam? No White House would risk it – but this one did. Duration: 8:06



Lawrence: George Will predicted GOP fight on Obamacare

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Lawrence O'Donnell explains what led to the Obamacare replacement fight that is ripping the GOP apart and how George F. Will predicted as much. Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist George F. Will joins Lawrence. Duration: 8:56



Senators ask DOJ for info after Trump's wiretap claim

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC's Brian Williams looks at the wiretap questions still plaguing the Trump White House, the action on Russia on Capitol Hill, and discusses with Nicolle Wallace, Jeremy Bash, and Robert Costa. Duration: 9:37



Cruz dines at Trump White House after bitter barbs in 2016 race

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Some of the most personal attacks in the 2016 election came between Ted Cruz & Donald Trump. MSNBC's Brian Williams looks back on the same night the two rivals dined at the White House. Duration: 1:58

©2017 , [with comments]


That Was the Week that WTF | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee [ , ]

A new cornerstone of the conservative platform: media whiplash for all Americans! [with comments]


Long Day's Journey Into CPAC | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Mar 9, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

We sent Mike Rubens to CPAC on a covert mission to figure out if conservatism is still a thing.

[originally aired March 8, 2017] [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and following]


Full Frontal Insta-vestigation: Scott Walker Is A Human Garbage Disposal | TBS

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

We're here to shame Scott Walker into being a better governor, and maybe save his life. [with comments]


Trumpcare Bill: Nasty, Brutish and Short | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Mar 8, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

The GOP kept their eyes on their own paper when they wrote their shitty Obamacare replacement. Might we recommend cheating instead? [with comments]


The GOP Still Hasn't Figured Out Health Care: The Daily Show

Published on Mar 9, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

After years of trying to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Congressional Republicans roll out a contentious health care bill of their own.

[originally aired March 8, 2017] [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following)]


TrumpCare, Russian Ambassadors And Other Things Bad For Your Health

Published on Mar 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Unlike the GOP's new healthcare plan, Stephen's monologue offers full coverage, including treatment for Russian ambassadors with pre-existing connections.

[originally aired March 8, 2017] [with comments]


Full Show - Pope Francis, Another Globalist Tool - 03/09/2017

Published on Mar 9, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Thursday, March 9th 2017[, with Jon Rappoport guest-hosting the fourth hour]: Truman Was Right About The CIA - The fight to repeal ObamaCare continues as Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0 is called out for being misleading. FBI director James Comey told a cybersecurity conference Wednesday that there is no such thing as privacy in America. Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report joins today's broadcast to discuss his reason for 'leaving the left' and the battle between mainstream and alternative media. We will cover the latest WikiLeaks revelations as well as Trump's decision to send B52's to South Korea. [with comments]


Trump’s Amazing Speech Sure Didn’t Age Well | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Published on Mar 9, 2017 by GQ

The high water mark of his presidency looks pretty terrible in retrospect. [with comments]


Chris: Any other Pres. would've criticized WikiLeaks

Hardball with Chris Matthews

Ken Dilanian, Tara Miller, and Naveed Jamali discuss who is behind the latest wikileaks and Trump’s upcoming meeting with the CIA and Homeland Security. Duration: 10:29



Rep. King surprised majority support Obamacare

All In with Chris Hayes

Republican Congressman Steve King of Iowa didn't know that recent polling shows 63% want to see Obamacare kept or expanded. Duration: 5:55



GOP Rep.: We aren't rushing Trumpcare

All In with Chris Hayes

Despite an unprecedented timeline to pass a health care overhaul, Rep. Leonard Lance says the GOP isn't jamming a bill down your throat. Duration: 6:32



The death spiral lie

All In with Chris Hayes

Find out the real reason the Aetna CEO said Obamacare was in a death spiral, when in fact, it is not in a death spiral. Duration: 2:29



To Trump, law & order is really about order

All In with Chris Hayes

Don't be confused: It's not about law. What it's about is order, and promising his supporters their place in that order. Duration: 2:51



Flynn was a foreign agent during the campaign

All In with Chris Hayes

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has now admitted that while working as a top advisor to the Trump campaign he was also working as a foreign agent. Duration: 1:53

©2017 , [with comments]


GOP committee chair not happy with Spicer

All In with Chris Hayes

See how Pete Sessions, the Republican chair of the House Rules committee, reacted to the White House claim that every member of Congress can offer amendments to the health care bill. Duration: 2:27



Signs of continuing Russia influence in US raise alarm

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on the latest evidence that Russia interference in U.S. affairs occurred both before the election and continues after it as Trump administration actions and Vladimir Putin's interests align. Duration: 18:15

©2017 [for lack of an official MSNBC ( ) YouTube of this important Maddow A-block segment, the above bootleg YouTube of the segment for the moment at least at (no comments yet), another for the moment at least at (with comment)]


Trump leaves State Department out of Mexico meeting

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks at how the State Department under Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson is becoming weaker and is losing its most experienced staff, to the point of being left out of a meeting with the visiting foreign minister of Mexico. Duration: 4:08

©2017 , [with comments]


Fmr Ambassador Fried: West at lowest we've seen since the 1930s

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow talks with former Ambassador Daniel Fried, a 40-year U.S. diplomat, talks with Rachel Maddow about the State Department under Donald Trump and the shifting world power structure. Duration: 11:04



Trump fails to retain senior diplomats, replacements not ready

The Rachel Maddow Show

Newly retired U.S. Ambassador Daniel Fried talks with Rachel Maddow about the purging of experienced diplomats from the State Department under the Trump administration, with few replacements ready. Duration: 2:11



Trump silent as WikiLeaks hits CIA

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Pres. Trump has said he loves WikiLeaks, yet was silent after it attacked the CIA by revealing secrets. GOP foreign policy adviser Max Boot explains how the admin. has cozied up to WikiLeaks. David Corn and fmr. CIA Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash also join Ari Melber. Duration: 15:07



WA state AG: We beat Trump's travel ban once, we'll do it again

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson joins Ari Melber to discuss his plan to challenge Trump's revised executive order on immigration, just as they did the first one before defeating it in court. Duration: 6:11

©2017 , [with comments]


MSNBC Legal Unit obtains Trump ethics emails

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

After Kellyanne Conway plugged Ivanka Trump's clothing line on television, MSNBC requested emails from the Office of Government Ethics via the Freedom of Information Act. MSNBC's Ari Melber can now report on how the event sent the president's lawyers scrambling. Duration: 1:31



The Coup Against President Trump

Published on Mar 12, 2017 by Mike Malloy [ / , ]

End Times radio broadcaster and unhinged conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles dedicated his radio program yesterday to warning that a secretive pedophile ring is working to destroy President Trump before he can expose their murderous global network.

Wiles said that Trump is “besieged by a slithering cabal of seditious snakes” who are attempting to carry out a coup against him at the behest of the “perpetual war and pedophilia party that has ruled America since they assassinated John F. Kennedy in 1963.”

Wiles said that if Russia was responsible for leaking internal Clinton campaign emails, “then they deserve the highest citizenship award that this country can give anybody because they exposed the most vile, disgusting corruption I’ve seen in my lifetime.”

“It’s about pedophilia,” Wiles said.

Full story: [with embedded audio ]

[originally aired March 9, 2017] [with comments]


The Creators Of TrumpCare On TrumpCare: 'Don't Call It TrumpCare'

Published on Mar 10, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Unlike House Speaker Paul Ryan, Stephen Colbert doesn't need PowerPoint to break down the finer points of the GOP's health plan.

[originally aired March 9, 2017] [with (over 4,000) comments]


Speaker Paul Ryan Responds to Critics of GOP Health Care Bill (AHCA)

Published on Mar 10, 2017 by Hugh Hewitt Show [ / , ]

Hugh Hewitt interview with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Ryan responds to critics and lays out his arguments for the Republican's American Health Care Act and the three step plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Full interview transcript at: [with comments]


Full Show - NYT Caught Red Handed / Jesse James Calls Out SJW’s In Studio And More - 03/10/2017

Published on Mar 10, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Friday, March 10th 2017: Prosperity Under Trump Explodes - In a selectively distributed report from the White House delivered to Infowars, Trump outlines what he's accomplished in his first 50 days. The president also points to Drudge’s ‘Great Again’ praise of the new jobs report showing a reversal of the economic decline fueled by the globalists. Trump insider Roger Stone reveals breaking news and Jesse James reveals the game plan to restore America.

Trump Gives Praise But No Money to Historically Black Colleges
HBCUs get less than 1 percent of federal funds for research
College leaders asked Trump to target grants, renovations

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway takes a photo as President Donald Trump and leaders of historically black universities and colleges talk in the Oval Office of the White House on Feb. 27, 2017, in Washington.
March 1, 2017
On the campaign trail, President Donald Trump praised historically black colleges and universities and signaled that they’d be a priority for his administration.
This week, Trump followed his rhetoric by meeting with the leaders of more than 60 of the schools (called HBCUs), a gathering that also drew attention for the meme-able photo of Kellyanne Conway with her feet up on the Oval Office couch.
Trump followed that meeting with an executive order designed to raise the profile of HBCUs by moving their oversight into the White House from the Department of Education. He stopped short of allocating any money for the schools or directing Congress to do so, as the leaders had asked. HBCUs represent 3 percent of all U.S. colleges by number but received less than 1 percent of the federal money that goes toward academic research in 2014.
"We are getting crumbs," David Wilson, president of Morgan State University in Baltimore, said at a panel in New York earlier this month.

HBCU Presidents [To Continue To] Seek $25 Billion From Trump Admin.
March 2, 2017 [no comments yet]

HBCUs Among Schools That Would Get $25 Billion From Clinton’s Education Plan
August 14, 2015
WASHINGTON (WPGC/AP) — Calling for a “new college compact,” Hillary Rodham Clinton unveiled a $350 billion plan this week aimed at making college more affordable and reducing the crushing burden of student debt.
The proposal centers on a $200 billion federal incentive system aimed at encouraging states to expand their investments in higher education and cut student costs. States that guarantee “no-loan” tuition at four-year public schools and free tuition at community colleges will be eligible to receive federal funds.
But there are also specific provisions for historically black colleges and universities.
Private universities with “modest endowments” that serve a higher percentage of low-income students, including historically black colleges, would receive $25 billion in federal funds to help lower the costs of attendance and improve graduation rates.
The plan also invests new federal funds in states that commit to investing more in public HBCUs, invests more funds when public schools enroll low- and middle-income students and ensures that Pell recipients at these public HBCUs can direct their full Pell funding toward living expenses.
And for all HBCUs, both public and private, Clinton says her plan would significantly cut interest rates that students pay on any loans (so that the government never profits on the loans), enable students and parents with debt to refinance their loans at lower rates and allow students never to have to repay more than 10 percent of their monthly income, among other things.
[...] [no comments yet] [with comments]


Trump Jerk Roger Stone Was Poisoned To Death By The CIA, But He Got Better

Zits of DOOOOM!

Between a Stone and a Dumb Place

By Doktor Zoom
January 18, 2017 - 1:40pm

Huge news from the ConspiraLoonoSphere: Alex Jones sycophant, minor Watergate ratfucker, and Donald Trump buddy (though not in an official capacity) Roger Stone revealed in a shocking appearance [ ] on Jones’s Infowars program that he had very definitely survived a murder attempt by his many enemies [ , (just below)], or maybe a bad dose of canned clams. RightWingWatch has the highlights:

Stone previously informed us during the campaign that he worried about Hillary Clinton’s death squads [ ], but not too much, because he ingests lots of Alex Jones’s InfoWars Brand Trucker Speed so he can meet any challenge. But it looks like THEY got to him anyway this time, through nefarious means Stone still hasn’t identified. He assured Jones that he’s been taking his Trucker Speed on the regular, but nonetheless found himself suffering mysterious symptoms that could only mean one thing: he’d narrowly survived an ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT [ ]:

I am generally a healthy person. I have been a runner and a weight lifter. I am very careful in my diet. I’m a user of the Infowars supplements. I have been treated with acupuncture by perhaps the greatest acupuncturist in the state of Florida if not the United States.

So there’s a guy who’s damn near invincible, what with the trucker speed and the needles. Nonetheless, a few weeks ago he began to suffer symptoms that he thought at first were a “routine stomach virus,” but soon grew much, much worse, with

over 14 days of high fevers, delirium, night sweats; I had lesions on my chest and my face, I had extreme diarrhea, I had vomiting that could not be stopped with medication, I became exceedingly dehydrated, and I ultimately had to be hydrated by IV and saline injections.

Well there you have it: definitely murder, or the symptoms of about a million other things. Jones helpfully pointed out that Stone is such a magnificent physical specimen that “the last time you were in the hospital was when you were born.” Aha! Now there’s a connection he should have explored further!

But when Stone went to Mt. Sinai Hospital in Palm Beach, his blood tests concerned his physician so much that the hospital sent the tests to the federal Centers for Disease Control, as doctors routinely do. (We’ll just note here the CDC can’t be trusted when it comes to information on Ebola [ ] or Zika [ ], but suddenly became the most credible possible authority for the purpose of this interview.) Wouldn’t you know it, the CDC and all the doctors agree Stone was poisoned, probably with

a substance that may have been polonium or had the characteristics of polonium. This made me exceedingly ill. The conjecture of all the doctors was that I did not receive a large enough dose to kill me, but I have never been this ill.

Hold on to your tinfoil hats, kids: Stone didn’t happen to bring along his medical records or anything like that, because the important thing is to figure out who would have tried to murder him using Polonius, the busybody old fart from Hamlet. (We bet it was the Danes!) Stone happens to know that, as one of the highest level operatives against the “Deep State,” it could be practically anyone!

“Who would want to do this to me? I am an enemy of the deep state. I think people know that I was an insider in American politics I was close to power in nine presidential elections” [...]

“The Republican/Democrat Bush-Clinton deep state has manufactured this Russia fraud. They have compounded it by [pushing] a clearly fabricated document [...]

“Perhaps the fact that I’m effective on behalf of my beliefs has something to do with it,” Stone theorizes.

Stone also theorized the fake news pee hooker document was paid for by Dan Senor, a former advisor to Mitt Romney, the guy who wanted to delegitimize Donald Trump so much that he was begging for a job as Secretary of State. But maybe the poisoning was Romney’s revenge for Trump not choosing him! You know how Romney goes around having people murdered. They all do.

Out in mere reality, Polonium 210 is a radioactive isotope used by Russian intelligence agents to murder former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko [ ] in England, although Alex Jones of course knows Litvinenko was actually killed by British intelligence in a false flag attack to make Russia and Vladimir Putin look bad, because that’s just how evil the British are. Why, oh, why do U.S. and British intelligence services keep trying to stir up trouble between America and the peace-loving leader of Russia? It is indeed a mystery.

© 2017 by Commie Girl Industries, Inc [with comments]


There Is No Deep State

This article appears in other versions of the March 20, 2017 issue with the headline “First as Tragedy”.

Illustration by Tom Bachtell

The problem in Washington is not a conspiracy against the President; it’s the President himself. 

By David Remnick
March 20, 2017 Issue

One evening in 1970, a young Navy lieutenant found himself outside the White House Situation Room with a parcel of sensitive Pentagon documents, waiting for someone to sign for them. He sat down beside a man in late middle age, who wore a dark suit and an unsmiling expression. “There was nothing overbearing in his attentiveness,” the officer recalled years later. “But his eyes were darting in a kind of gentlemanly surveillance.”

The two men fell into conversation. The lieutenant mentioned that he had been taking graduate courses at George Washington University. The older man said that he had gone to law school at G.W. at night. Now he was at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working under J. Edgar Hoover. He encouraged the young man to pursue only employment that interested him, and, shortly afterward, the officer applied for a job as a reporter at the Washington Post. He flunked the tryout and went to work instead for a suburban weekly. But he kept in touch with his friend, seeing him as a kind of career counsellor and, not without guile, as a potential source. Soon, the F.B.I. man confided in the reporter, telling him that he believed that the Nixon Administration was corrupt, paranoid, and trying to infringe on the independence of the Bureau.

In the summer of 1971, both men were promoted, one to the No. 3 job at the F.B.I., the other to the metropolitan staff of the Post. Within a year, their friendship became the most important reporter-source relationship in modern history. The reporter was Bob Woodward, who, with Carl Bernstein, led the coverage of the Watergate scandal and the fall of Richard Nixon. The F.B.I. man was Mark Felt, who, until he was in his nineties and revealed himself as Woodward’s source, was known to the world only as Deep Throat.

Was Deep Throat part of an American Deep State? Some of Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters (and, in a different, cautionary spirit, a few people on the left) have taken to using “the Deep State” to describe a nexus of institutions—the intelligence agencies, the military, powerful financial interests, Silicon Valley, various federal bureaucracies—that, they believe, are conspiring to smear and stymie a President and bring him low.

“Deep State” comes from the Turkish derin devlet, a clandestine network, including military and intelligence officers, along with civilian allies, whose mission was to protect the secular order established, in 1923, by the father figure of post-Ottoman Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. It was behind at least four coups, and it surveilled and murdered reporters, dissidents, Communists, Kurds, and Islamists. The Deep State takes a similar form in Pakistan, with its powerful intelligence service, the I.S.I., and in Egypt, where the military establishment is tied to some of the largest business interests in the country.

One day earlier this month in Palm Beach, just after 6 A.M., the President went on a vengeful Twitter binge. Trump reads little but has declared himself “the Ernest Hemingway of a hundred and forty characters,” and that morning he levelled what the Times rightly called “one of the most consequential accusations made by one president against another in American history.” With no evidence, save the ravings of the talk-radio host Mark Levin and an account, in Breitbart News, of Levin’s charges of a “silent coup,” Trump accused President Obama of tapping his “wires” at Trump Tower. He compared the unsubstantiated offense to “McCarthyism” and “Nixon/Watergate.”

By now, Trump’s tactics are familiar. Schooled by Roy Cohn, Joseph McCarthy’s protégé, in the dark arts of rage, deflection, insult, and conspiracy-mongering, Trump ignited his political career with “birtherism,” and he has kept close by his side Steve Bannon, formerly of Breitbart, who traffics in tinfoil-hat theories of race, immigration, and foreign affairs. Together, they have artfully hijacked the notion of “fake news,” turning it around as a weapon of insult, diversion, division, and attack.

One does not have to be ignorant of the C.I.A.’s abuses—or of history, in general—to reject the idea of an American Deep State. Previous Presidents have felt resistance, or worse, from elements in the federal bureaucracies: Eisenhower warned of the “military-industrial complex”; L.B.J. felt pressure from the Pentagon; Obama’s Syria policy was rebuked by the State Department through its “dissent channel.” But to use the term as it is used in Turkey, Pakistan, or Egypt is to assume that all these institutions constitute part of a subterranean web of common and nefarious purpose. The reason that Trump is so eager to take a conspiratorial view of everything from the C.I.A. to CNN is that an astonishing array of individuals have spoken out or acted against him. Above all, he is infuriated that intelligence and investigative services have been looking into possible Russian connections to him, his advisers, his campaign, and his financial interests.

Bannon and Trump, according to the Post, refer to the Deep State only in private, but their surrogates feel no hesitation about doing so openly. “We are talking about the emergence of a Deep State led by Barack Obama, and that is something we should prevent,” Representative Steve King, of Iowa, said. “The person who understands this best is Steve Bannon, and I would think that he’s advocating to make some moves to fix it.”

Trump and Bannon would undoubtedly have called Deep Throat glaring evidence of an American Deep State. Felt was a Hoover loyalist; he oversaw the F.B.I.’s pursuit of radical groups like the Weather Underground and instituted illegal searches, known as “black-bag jobs.” Yet he was deeply offended that the President and his top aides ran what constituted a criminal operation out of the White House, and he risked everything to guide Woodward. The level of risk became clear in October, 1972, when Nixon’s aide H. R. Haldeman told him that Felt was the likely source. “Now, why the hell would he do that?” Nixon said. “Is he Catholic?” “Jewish,” Haldeman replied. “Christ, [they] put a Jew in there,” Nixon said. “That could explain it, too.” (It didn’t, quite. Felt was not Jewish.)

The problem in Washington is not a Deep State; the problem is a shallow man—an untruthful, vain, vindictive, alarmingly erratic President. In order to pass fair and proper judgment, the public deserves a full airing of everything from Trump’s tax returns and business entanglements to an accounting of whether he has been, in some way, compromised. Journalists can, and will, do a lot. But the courts, law enforcement, and Congress—without fear or favor—are responsible for such an investigation. Only if government officials take to heart their designation as “public servants” will justice prevail.

© 2017 Condé Nast /


Trump’s smear is sticking!

Hardball with Chris Matthews

Annie Linskey, Howard Fineman and Malcolm Nance discuss the latest on Trump’s wiretapping charge and the pressure on FBI director Comey to take a stance. Duration: 8:15



50 days of 'facts'

All In with Chris Hayes

If there's one thing we've learned in the first 50 days of the Trump administration, it's that nothing can be taken at face value. Duration: 6:47

©2017 [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following)]


9 million painkillers shipped to tiny West Virginia town

All In with Chris Hayes

In just two years, drug wholesalers shipped 9 million opioid pills to a pharmacy in Kermit, WV, a town of just 400 people. Now the town is trying to take the wholesalers to court. Duration: 10:54



Maddow: Pence story on Flynn impossible to believe

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews the dubious explanations the Trump administration has offered for its behavior toward disgraced National Security Adviser Mike Flynn and points out the glaring problems in V.P. Pence's story about what he knew about Flynn's lobbying. Duration: 23:08

©2017 , [with comments]


Abrupt Trump purge of US attorneys raises questions

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on the sudden, unexpected purge of 46 U.S. attorneys from the Justice Department, including Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, who has been asked personally by Donald Trump to stay on. Duration: 7:33



Mistrustful Trump, under pressure, purges US attorneys

The Rachel Maddow Show

Charlie Savage, Washington correspondent for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about what is behind the expected and abrupt purging of 46 U.S. attorneys, particularly Preet Bharara, who would have overseen any investigations into Donald Trump's operations in New York City. Duration: 6:33



Donald Trump is now living in fear

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

As Donald Trump avoids questions about his wild claim that Pres. Obama illegally wiretapped him, his spokesman Sean Spicer laughed about Trump's reversal on another important issue. Lawrence O'Donnell discusses with Jonathan Alter, EJ Dionne, and Catherine Rampell. Duration: 10:24



Bipartisan lawmakers want to take away Trump's war powers

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

FBI director Comey will appear before the House Intelligence Committee to testify on Russian interference in the election. Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) joins Lawrence O'Donnell to react and to discuss the bill he sponsored to take away Trump's war powers. Duration: 5:18



Donald Trump's threat to history

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Lawrence O'Donnell gives the last word to Drew Gilpin Faust, the history-making president of Harvard University, who has a warning about a budget cut being considered by Donald Trump and congressional Republicans. Duration: 4:19



McConnell on Mexico paying for Trump's wall: 'Uh, no'

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Brian Williams shares Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's succinct answer to whether Mexico will pay for a border wall as Donald Trump promised repeatedly in his campaign. Duration: 1:28



China's Trump-Branded Massage Parlours Rub Stephen The Wrong Way

Published on Mar 11, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Trump has preached 'America First' but may have been withholding his policy of 'China Next.'

[originally aired March 10, 2017] [with comments]


Stephen And A Team Of Expert Builders Get Started On Trump's Wall

Published on Mar 11, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Stephen discuss Trump's border wall plans and costs with an architect, an engineer, an interior designer and a concrete guy.

[originally aired March 10, 2017] [with (approaching 4,000) comments]


Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories

AM Joy

Who are the advisers and media players apparently feeding the president 'alternative facts'? Joy Reid and her panel discuss how fake news harms our democracy. Duration: 13:33



CIA vs. WikiLeaks

AM Joy

The CIA has blasted WikiLeaks over its release of purported hacking methods and more. What will be the political and security implications? Joy Reid and her panel[, including Malcolm Nance,] discuss. Duration: 9:08



‘Top Chef’ host talks Trump Resistance

AM Joy

Padma Lakshmi joins Joy Reid on why she is helping the ACLU train people to resist the Donald Trump administration. Duration: 6:23

©2017 , [with comments]


Alex Jones Show - Secret Trump Agenda Leaked: LIVE

Streamed live on Mar 11, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments] [a must-watch]


Fla. man tried to burn down store he thought was Muslim-owned

Richard Lloyd, 64, told cops he wanted to "run the Arabs out of our country."
(St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office)

Lloyd tried to burn down the Met Mart by setting fire to a dumpster and rolling it in front of the store.
(St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office)

BY Chris Sommerfeldt
Updated: Saturday, March 11, 2017, 11:39 PM

A Florida man determined to "run the Arabs out of our country" attempted to burn down a convenience store that he mistakenly thought was Muslim-owned, police said.

Cops were called to a Met Mart in Port St. Lucie after 64-year-old Richard Lloyd was seen acting suspiciously by the store's entrance around 7:40 a.m. on Friday, according to officials.

"When the deputies arrived, they noticed the dumpster had been rolled in front of the doors and the contents were lit on fire," Sheriff Ken Mascara said in a statement [ ]. "Upon seeing our deputies, the man put his hands behind his back and said 'take me away.'"

The store was not open at the time of the incident and firefighters quickly extinguished the dumpster fire without it causing any property damage.

Lloyd told investigators that he decided to try and burn down the Met Mart because he was angry about what followers of Islam "are doing in the Middle East," adding he thought the store owners were Muslim.

But the enraged alleged arsonist was mistaken.

"It's unfortunate that Mr. Lloyd made the assumption that the store owners were Arabic when, in fact, they are of Indian descent," Mascara said. "Regardless, we will not tolerate violence based on age, race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, homeless status, mental or physical disability."

Lloyd told cops he was "doing his part for America" and had hoped that the dumpster blaze would burn the entire building to the ground once the flames were fed by the beer and wine inside the store, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by WPTV [ ].

Lloyd was charged with first degree arson and remained at the St. Lucie County Jail in lieu of a $30,000 bond as of late Saturday, according to records.

He apparently has a history of mental illness, and will undergo psychiatric evaluation, cops said. The state attorney's office will look into whether the Friday fire should be investigated as an intentional hate crime.

Hate crimes against Muslims surged by over 65% in 2015, according to the latest FBI statistics [ ]. Some religious leaders tie the crime spike to the rise of President Trump, who critics say fueled Islamophobia and racism as a candidate.

© Copyright 2017


Alien Attack Cold Open - SNL

Published on Mar 11, 2017 by Saturday Night Live [ / , ]

President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) addresses members of the military (Kenan Thompson, Kyle Mooney, Aidy Bryant, Leslie Jones, Sasheer Zamata, Beck Bennett, Alex Moffat, Kate McKinnon) during an alien invasion. [with (over 12,000) comments] [also at/see (linked in) and preceding and following; retained here as integral to the presentation (in particular relative to the March 12, 2017 Alex Jones show included below)]


Weekend Update: Al Franken and Jeff Sessions - SNL

Published on Mar 12, 2017 by Saturday Night Live

Senator Al Franken (Alex Moffat) and Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Kate McKinnon) revisit Sessions' confirmation hearing.

[originally aired March 11, 2017 (U.S. central time) [with comments]


Complicit - SNL

Published on Mar 12, 2017 by Saturday Night Live

Introducing Complicit, a new fragrance for Ivanka Trump (Scarlett Johansson).

[originally aired March 11, 2017 (U.S. central time) [with comments]


Maddow: State Department 'has disappeared' under Tillerson

PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton

Rev. Al Sharpton speaks to Rachel Maddow about the Trump-Russia connections "The Rachel Maddow Show" continues to uncover. Duration: 9:23



Rachel Maddow on Trump's first 50 days

PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton

Rachel Maddow says she has been "proud" of the press during President Trump's first 50 days in office. Duration: 5:48



The shocking firing of Preet Bharara

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her panel discuss the political implications, and the implications for justice, of the sudden firing of former U.S. attorney Preet Bharara after he refused to resign. Duration: 14:24



Viral, Irish senator standing up to Trump

AM Joy

Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin of Ireland – who went viral last year for his anti-Trump speech – joins Joy Reid on his ‘Irish Stand’ event taking place on St. Patrick’s Day to show solidarity between the people of Ireland and #immigrants suffering under our president. Duration: 6:37

©2017 , [with comments]


Environmental activists slam Trump’s EPA

AM Joy

Phyllis Young of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, Jane Kleeb, head of the Nebraska Democratic party, and Mustafa Ali, former head of the EPA's Environmental Justice Office, join Joy Reid on the Trump administration policies that will likely harm the environment. Duration: 9:56



Tragedy of ‘Time: The Kalief Browder Story’

AM Joy

Kalief Browder committed suicide after spending three years – without being charged – in the notorious Rikers Island prison. Joy Reid discusses the docu-series about his life and death with his brother and the filmmaker. Duration: 7:03

©2017 , [with comments]


Alex Jones Destroys SNL’s Lies About Infowars And President Trump - 3/12/17 Full Show

Published on Mar 12, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Sunday, March 12: Tech Elites Scheme Against Trump - Industry titans in technology are getting more vocal about their dislike of Trump, but they won't stop at words: what they're doing behind the scenes is even worse. We explain what's really going on. We also look into reports on the White House intruder who got close to the president, which brings back how the Secret Service encouraged Trump to use his tower instead because it offered more security than the White House. The elites are getting more desperate to stop Trump. [with comments]


American Health Care Act: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on Mar 12, 2017 by LastWeekTonight [ / , ]

The Republican health care bill could leave many Americans without affordable coverage. Last Week Tonight's catheter cowboy returns to morning cable news to explain that to Donald Trump.

Compare Proposals to Replace The Affordable Care Act
President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress have committed to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). How do their replacement proposals compare to the ACA? How do they compare to each other?
Plans available for comparison:
The American Health Care Act as approved by the House Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce Committees (PDF [ ])
The Affordable Care Act, 2010 (PDF [ ])
Rep. Tom Price’s Empowering Patients First Act, 2015 (PDF [ ])
House Speaker Paul Ryan’s A Better Way: Our Vision for a More Confident America, 2016 (PDF [ ])
Sen. Bill Cassidy’s Patient Freedom Act, 2017 (PDF [ ])
Sen. Rand Paul’s Obamacare Replacement Act, 2017 (PDF [ ])
House Discussion Draft, February 10, 2017 (PDF [ ])

Tax Credits under the Affordable Care Act vs. the American Health Care Act: An Interactive Map
Mar 07, 2017

How Affordable Care Act Repeal and Replace Plans Might Shift Health Insurance Tax Credits
Mar 10, 2017 [with (already over 5,000) comments]


my current notes/tally of sources; much more very good/significant/relevant beyond the foregoing included/linked:

Authorities looked into Manafort protégé
An associate of an ex-Trump campaign chairman is suspected of connections to Russian intelligence. - Konstantin Kilimnik

Russian diplomat under U.S. scrutiny in election meddling speaks - Mikhail Kalugin - called Kulagin in Steele dossier

Donald Trump-Russia dossier: US media reports corroborate some of Christopher Steele allegations
A senior Russian official was under scrutiny by US security agencies before his departure to Moscow

The Steele Dossier Is Increasingly Being Corroborated

This Is The Russian Ambassador Whom Trump’s Administration Kept Meeting
Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the US since 2008, is in the news again for his talks with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. But Kislyak isn’t exactly known for rubbing elbows with lawmakers.

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties

The Oligarch Files: Did a billionaire fertiliser baron bail out Trump by paying millions over the odds for this gaudy pleasure palace? And is THIS the Russian connection that could return to haunt the presidency?
Trumps’s election campaign was bedevilled by allegations of links with Kremlin
Story of Maison de l’Amitie is example of Donald Trump’s connections to Moscow
Close scrutiny of The Donald’s business history now suggests that if there is a real concern about Russian connections, it may instead lie in hard financial facts

Top Trump confidante admits to speaking privately with Guccifer 2.0, an alleged Russian cyberspy - Roger Stone

As Russia probe looms, Roger Stone touts relationship to WikiLeaks

Trump loyalist Roger Stone ADMITS he exchanged Twitter messages with 'Russian' DNC hacker 'Guccifer' but claims they were so 'innocuous' that he forgot all about them
Roger Stone, a top confidante to President Donald Trump, says he was in contact with the online persona that hacked into the Democratic National Committee
US intelligence believes Guccifer 2.0 was acting on behalf of the Russian government
But Stone and Guccifer 2.0 both claim that that is false and he was acting on his own when he broke into the emails of Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta

Roger Stone doesn’t “like Russian dressing,” says his chat with Guccifer was innocuous
The keeper of the Nixon flame and Trump adviser reached out to Salon about allegations of contact with Russia

Roger Stone Says His Conversation With DNC Hackers Was ‘Completely Innocuous’
“It was so perfunctory, brief and banal I had forgotten it,” he said.

GOP Congressman Claims Obama Stayed In Washington To Run A ‘Shadow Government’ ( ) - Mike Kelly
The Obamas stayed so their younger daughter can finish high school.

It looks like another Trump adviser has significantly changed his story about the GOP's dramatic shift on Ukraine - J.D. Gordon

Trump Ally Drastically Changes Story On Involvement In GOP's Ukraine Plank

New details put the spotlight back on Trump’s Russia scandal - with 3-9-17 Maddow segment - bootleg YT was at

Report: Donald Trump’s Campaign Manager Signed Off on a Campaign Representative’s Trip to Russia - Carter Page
They have NO idea what he did while he was there, though.

Trump campaign approved adviser's trip to Moscow - blurbed at
Campaign leaders knew in advance of Carter Page's Russia visit in July 2016, former aide says.

Donald Trump unaware Michael Flynn was a 'foreign agent', Sean Spicer says
Former national security adviser retroactively disclosed that he lobbied for firm linked to Turkish government while working as Trump’s campaign adviser
Trump transition team ‘was told Flynn may need to register as a foreign agent’ [ ]

White House: Flynn’s Foreign Lobbying Didn’t Raise Red Flags
Sean Spicer claimed ignorance that the ousted national security adviser was working as a foreign agent, despite warnings.

Why did Trump put a former foreign agent in a key security post? - Flynn

Disgraced Trump adviser Mike Flynn admits he worked as a “foreign agent” for the Turkish government
It turns out Flynn’s ties to foreign governments don’t stop at Russia.

Flynn met with Turkish officials while lobbying for Turkish-linked firm - and other items

Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

Flynn lobbied for Turkish-linked firm after election, documents show

How Flynn's graphic ended up in Rehberg's op-ed - re extraditing Gulen to Turkey - and other (related) items - FLYNN OP-ED blurbed in tally at

Trump knew Flynn was possible foreign agent before inauguration

Michael Flynn Discloses His Lobbying Might Have Helped Turkey - AP

Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

Jeff Sessions Likely Met Russian Ambassador A Third Time
The attorney general initially denied any contact with the Russians, then later admitted to just two meetings.

U.S. Intel Officials Knew Last Year About CIA Security Breach That Led To Wikileaks Dump - Reuters
Officials said they were focusing on contractors as the likeliest source of the leak.

CIA contractors likely source of latest WikiLeaks release: U.S. officials

WikiLeaks CIA Cache Will Damage National Security: Experts
The agency has not authenticated the documents, and a spokesperson was unwilling to comment on the record

WikiLeaks has joined the Trump administration - piece from Foreign Policy
By Max Boot

Leaked emails reveal Nigel Farage's long-standing links to Julian Assange
Emails leaked to Business Insider show long-standing links between Nigel Farage and WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.
Farage visited the Ecuadorean Embassy on Thursday but declined to say whether he had met Assange, who lives in exile there.
UKIP has campaigned in the European Parliament on behalf of Assange.

Email leak puts Ukip in bed with Julian Assange in wake of Nigel Farage embassy visit ( , )
Revelation of 2011 deal emerges day after Farage was seen leaving Ecuadorian embassy.

Nigel Farage suggests there are many reasons to visit the Ecuadorian embassy in London besides seeing Julian Assange.

What was Trump's friend Nigel Farage doing visiting Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy just two days after WikiLeaks dump of CIA documents?
British politician Nigel Farage is a close friend of Donald Trump - and went to the embassy where Julian Assange is hiding out on Thursday
Farage, the former leader of Ukip and credited by Trump as architect of Brexit, was seen leaving the central London embassy around midday
His visit to the building sparks rumours that he may have met Julian Assange
It comes just two days after WikiLeaks published 'classified CIA files'
The meeting will fuel questions over the Trump camp's links to Wikileaks
Wikileaks released damaging emails from the Democrats and Clinton's top campaign aide which the Hillary camp partially blames for defeat 
One Trump confidante boasted about a 'back channel' to Assange at time of the leaks

With Farage, Assange and Trump, who needs political satire?
What synchronicity: a WikiLeaks dump, helpful to Trump, in the same week as a meeting at Ecuador’s embassy in London

Donald Trump ally Nigel Farage visits Julian Assange, publisher of hacked DNC emails

Nigel Farage Just Visited The Ecuadorian Embassy In London
Asked by BuzzFeed News if he’d been visiting Julian Assange, the former UKIP leader said he couldn’t remember what he’d been doing in the building.

Nigel Farage visited Ecuadorian Embassy to meet Julian Assange, Ukip source says
Sources closed to Mr Farage confirmed he was visiting the Wikileaks founder

Farage says 'genuine concern' about state snooping after Assange embassy visit

Is PAMMIE Dating Assange?
Pamela Anderson refuses to deny romance with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on late night trip to Ecuadorian Embassy as she admits their ‘intentions were not to become romantic’
Baywatch star popped in to see her 'boyfriend' after appearing on The Nightly Show

Kellyanne Conway suggests even wider surveillance of Trump campaign
ALPINE, N.J. — The White House is offering yet another wrinkle in its attempt to support President Trump’s allegation — unfounded, so far — that his campaign headquarters in Manhattan was wiretapped by the Obama administration. The latest comes from Trump’s senior counselor Kellyanne Conway.
She says the “surveillance” may be broader than even Trump suggested.
In a wide-ranging interview Sunday at her home in Alpine, where she lives with her husband — a possible nominee for U.S. solicitor general — and their four children, Conway, who managed Trump’s presidential campaign before taking the job as one of the president's closest advisers, suggested that the alleged monitoring of activities at Trump’s campaign headquarters at Trump Tower in Manhattan may have involved far more than wiretapping.
“What I can say is there are many ways to surveil each other,” Conway said as the Trump presidency marked its 50th day in office during the weekend. “You can surveil someone through their phones, certainly through their television sets — any number of ways.”
Conway went on to say that the monitoring could be done with “microwaves that turn into cameras,” adding: “We know this is a fact of modern life.”
Conway did not offer any evidence to back up her claim. But her remarks are significant — and potentially explosive — because they come amid a request by the House Intelligence Committee for the White House to turn over any evidence by Monday that the phones at Trump Tower were tapped as part of what the president claims to be a secret plot by the Obama administration to monitor his campaign.
The White House has not said whether it will provide any corroborative support to back up the president’s claim of the alleged wiretapping. The allegation came to light nine days ago when Trump wrote in an early-morning Twitter message that he “just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory.”
Trump did not offer any evidence in his original Twitter message. And while criticism mounted in the following days that Trump may have overreached, neither he nor the White House provided any means to verify the claim. Indeed, the wiretapping claims have dominated much of the discourse in Washington, often overshadowing the president's attempt to promote changes in the Affordable Care Act and institute new immigration regulations.
Now comes Conway’s insinuation of a much broader surveillance plan against Trump. Her suggestion, while further stirring up the debate, appears to indicate that the White House does not plan to back down from Trump’s original Twitter claim in spite of strong assertions that it is not true from the U.S. intelligence community as well as from former president Barack Obama himself and members of his inner circle.

Conway says gov’t has many ways to surveil people

Rep. Elijah Cummings Suggests Trump May Have Fired Preet Bharara To Block Investigation - further to ,
A group of ethics watchdogs recently asked the U.S. attorney to investigate Trump.

Shooting down 'Sheriff of Wall Street' a sign of Trump White House under siege - Bharara

Preet Bharara Shunned Politics. His End Was Tinged by Them.

After a Good Jobs Report, Trump Now Believes Economic Data - further to
“It’s very real.”

19 times Trump called jobs numbers ‘fake’ before they made him look good

Just another three hours at the Trump White House - his private security expels reporters from White House; Gateway Pundit now credentialed at White House; etc.

The Words We Use About Donald Trump - in particular, "crazy"
The Trump-normalizing going on now has long since passed the rationalizing that were happening mid-campaign. /

We Compared Obama’s Words To Trump’s And The Result Will Make You Sad ( , )
So much for “the best words.”

Newsmax and the Rise of Trump
Chris Ruddy [regular Alex Jones guest, most recently the 3-6-17 show included at ] has emerged over the course of the last few weeks as one of the president’s most prominent unofficial spokesmen—but their ties long antedate the administration.

During his political rise, Stephen K. Bannon was a man with no fixed address
referenced by:
How Did Steve Bannon's Jacuzzi Wind Up Covered in Acid?

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago is heaven — for spies
The president’s semi-public Florida retreat doesn’t follow the same strict background check protocol as the White House, creating an espionage risk.

A Satire Website Posted Fake News To Trump Supporters. Many Believed It.
“To my surprise, the Trump masses embraced my stories as fact, almost universally.”

The Bernie Sanders Campaign Faced A Fake News Tsunami. Where Did It Come From?
The trolls set out to distract and divide the invigorated left.

Trump May Go 0-3 On His Armed Services Picks
His nominees to run the Army and Navy backed out over ethics regulations. Now, his Air Force choice faces controversy.

Meet the Hundreds of Officials Trump Has Quietly Installed Across the Government
We have obtained a list of more than 400 Trump administration hires, including dozens of lobbyists and some from far-right media.
Here are More than 400 Officials Trump has Quietly Deployed Across the Government
Noteworthy ‘Beachhead’ Team Hires

Trump’s S.E.C. Nominee Disclosure Offers Rare Glimpse of Clients and Conflicts

Trump to select Scott Gottlieb, a physician with deep drug-industry ties, to run the FDA

The Trump Presidency Is Good News for Trump's Bottom Line
With the president giving Trump golf courses free publicity, and Kellyanne Conway telling citizens to buy Ivanka Trump's products, business is good and ethics are dubious.

Texas Republicans’ Gerrymandering Scheme Just Took A Beating In Court
The court confirmed that “Texas intentionally discriminated to disenfranchise Latino and African-American voters,” the DNC chair said.

Texas Congressional Maps Are Struck Down for Discrimination

Jewish Leaders Frustrated By Lack Of Progress In Bomb Threat Probe
In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, they asked that all available federal resources be dedicated to resolving the threat to their communities.

In Kansas City, A Mother Fears Her Children Could Be Next
Mahnaz Shabbir spent 15 years trying to protect her family from Islamophobia. Then two men who looked like her sons were shot in Olathe.

Muhammad Ali’s son held up at D.C. airport after testifying about first detainment

Muhammad Ali Son Says He Was Again Questioned at Airport

Muhammad Ali Jr. detained at airport second time, lawyer says

Muhammad Ali's son says he was detained again at airport

Democrats Ask DHS To Drop ‘Unconscionable’ Idea Of Splitting Up Families At Border
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly confirms he is considering the policy change to deter unauthorized immigration.

97 Ways Of Saying The Same Hateful Thing: ‘Get Out Of America’
American xenophobia uses the same dumb script over and over.

Rep. Steve King warns that ‘our civilization’ can’t be restored with ‘somebody else’s babies’
Rep. Steve King: The idea that every culture is equal is not objectively true
Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies.

Spicer ambushed by woman in Apple Store
A woman questioned White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Saturday in an Apple Store, asking him what it is like working for a “fascist.”
by the woman:
Such a Great Country, Such Nasty Bigotry

Fort Worth neighbors make a simple, powerful statement in their front yards
FORT WORTH, Texas – If your front yard is a representation of who you are, then there is no misunderstanding how father-of-two Brian Madden feels.
"I feel it's important. It's important for people to know," he said Sunday afternoon as he played with his children and dogs outside. "We just truly believe in what it says."
In one of Fort Worth's most colorful neighborhoods, equally colorful signs have started popping up in people's front yards-- including Madden's-- with a simple, but powerful, message.
"In three different languages it says 'No matter where you are from, we’re glad you’re our neighbor,'" explained Betty Spitzberg.
Spitzberg, who works on the Fairmount Neighborhood Association, said the sign was first spotted on Facebook. 

‘Pioneer Woman’ Under Fire For Racist Segment About Asian Wings
The clip leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many foodies.

Filmmaker Says This New Video Of Mike Brown Challenges Ferguson Police Narrative
“We had to do this so that people understand what really happened,” said the documentary filmmaker who obtained the video.

Killing a Program That Brings History to Life - Last Word segment 3-10-17 - re Trump defunding National Endowment for the Humanities
By DREW GILPIN FAUST - Harvard President

Ransomware Attack Locks Democratic State Senators Out Of Their Computers
The hackers are demanding money from the Pennsylvania lawmakers.

Trans Pastor To Texas Bathroom Bill Supporters: ‘Stop Using God As An Excuse To Hate People’
“In the beginning, God created humankind in God’s image. ... So God is transgender.”

Hair loss and prostate drug linked to persistent erectile dysfunction in men - PR - Propecia - taken by Trump - further/reply to
Longer exposure to finasteride or dutasteride associated with higher risk of persistent erectile dysfunction
In young men, prolonged exposure to finasteride (Propecia) posed a higher risk of persistent erectile dysfunction than any other risk factor
Some men may not be able to have normal erections for months or years, even after stopping finasteride or dutasteride.
Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) is sometimes given to regrow hair or to shrink prostate
Dutasteride (Avodart, Jalyn) is sometimes given to men to shrink prostate

Hair Loss Drug Propecia Carries Risk of Losing Something Else

Kansas Republican lawmaker says poor people do not want health care
Roger Marshall’s logic that Obamacare was shattered by the needs of low-income individuals is a misunderstanding of what it aimed to achieve, say critics

Poor ‘just don’t want health care,’ Kansas congressman says, and the backlash begins

Editorial: In humiliating the poor, lawmakers embarrass themselves

Under criticism, Republican congressman seeks to soften comments on Medicaid and the poor

Expect the CBO to estimate large coverage losses from the GOP health care plan

Republican Health Plan Could End Insurance Coverage of Abortion

Exposed: Donald Trump’s Sham Populism
By backing Paul Ryan’s health-care bill, Donald Trump has staked his Presidency on a proposal that would hurt many of his own supporters. /

House Speaker Paul Ryan On The #AHCA - transcript on Hugh Hewitt show 3-10-17
Hugh Hewitt YT

Paul Ryan Seems Excited To Kick People Off Medicaid
The Republican health care bill goes a lot further than just repealing Obamacare.

HUFFPOST HILL - Paul Ryan Mulling Whether To Straddle Chair And Rap With You About Medicaid

Republicans Now Seem To Reject The Whole Concept Of Insurance
Yes, healthy people pay sick people’s medical bills. No, that’s not a socialist conspiracy.

If Rural Voters Were Angry Before, Wait Until The GOP Repeals Obamacare
They’ll pay more and their hospitals will suffer under the GOP replacement for Obamacare, experts say. Democrats are ready to pounce.

GOP health-care bill would drop addiction treatment mandate covering 1.3 million Americans

Next Phase of Obamacare Repeal Will Target Mandate Requiring Prenatal Coverage, GOP Leader Tells Allies

GOP Health Care Bill Would Cut CDC Fund to Fight Killer Diseases

The G.O.P.’s High-Risk Strategy for Health Law Repeal

Paul Ryan’s Wonk Shtick Is Getting Old
It’s time for the House speaker to just stop pretending he’s trying to do “health care reform” and admit what he’s really up to.

Republicans Can’t Decide If Their Health Bill Will Cover More People, Or Fewer, Or The Same
You’re not going to like why their estimates vary so much.

Conservatives Craft Their Wish List On The GOP Health Care Bill
They want a lot. And they figure the bill won’t pass without their support.

Millionaires Will Get $157 Billion In Tax Cuts If Republicans Repeal Obamacare
A new report puts a number on the windfall, which the rich will get while poor people lose coverage.

Five Things to Know About the New GOP Health Care Bill

The GOP Wants More Health Care Choices. Is That Really a Good Idea?

Your Employer-Provided Health Care Could End With The GOP’s Plan
Here’s why that may not be terrible.

How the Republican Health Plan Could Affect You

Sarah Palin Blasts GOP Health Care Plan As ‘Socialism’
But she’s counting on Trump to “fix” the proposal that’s “Republican in name only.”

HHS Secretary Tom Price Says ‘Nobody Will Be Worse Off Financially’ Under Obamacare Repeal
Another Trump adviser said people should stop focusing so much on coverage numbers.

3 Arguments Republicans Are Using To Rebut Predictions About What Obamacare Repeal Would Mean
They are gearing up for this week’s CBO projection.

New bill would let companies force workers to get genetic tests, share results
Under guise of “voluntary” wellness programs, employees’ genetics could be exposed. - and non-complying employees be charged much more for their company health insurance

How Healthy Are You? G.O.P. Bill Would Help Employers Find Out

Employees who decline genetic testing could face penalties under proposed bill

Scott Pruitt Rejects Climate-Change Reality
To the new E.P.A. chief, concern for climate change, or just a basic belief in science, is yet another crazed form of political correctness. /

Energy Star Is Cheap, Popular And Saves Billions Of Dollars. Trump Wants To Gut It.
Privatizing the $57 million program could upend entire industries and kneecap cities’ efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Video shows environmental activists defacing popular Trump golf course
A group of environmental activists pulled off an elaborate act of vandalism at one of President Trump’s premier golf courses early Sunday morning.
The group — which labels itself an “anonymous environmental activist collective” — snuck into Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., and carved a message into the green with six-foot-tall letters that said: “NO MORE TIGERS. NO MORE WOODS.”

Trump budget expected to seek historic contraction of federal workforce

Turkey referendum: Dutch are 'Nazi remnants' - Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has described the Dutch as "Nazi remnants and fascists", as a row grows over a cancelled Rotterdam rally.
Turkey says 'No' to saying 'No', ahead of its referendum [ ]
Why is German-Turkish reporter in detention? [ ]
Erdogan rallies not welcome in Austria [ ]
Erdogan's Nazi claim [ ]
Why is Turkey holding a referendum? [ ]
Earlier, the Dutch government withdrew landing permission for a plane carrying Turkish FM Mevlut Cavusoglu.
He was originally scheduled to speak at Saturday's rally in support of a Yes vote in a referendum which would give Mr Erdogan greatly increased powers.
The rally was banned for security reasons, Rotterdam's mayor said.
"Ban our foreign minister from flying however much you like, but from now on, let's see how your flights will land in Turkey," President Erdogan said at a rally in Istanbul.
Mr Cavusoglu also warned Turkey would impose heavy sanctions if his visit were blocked.
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in a statement (in Dutch) that the Turkish threat of sanctions made "the search for a reasonable solution impossible".
Therefore the Netherlands was withdrawing landing rights, he said.
Austria, Germany and Switzerland have banned similar gatherings where Turkish officials were due to speak.
Earlier this week, the cancellations in Germany led Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to accuse Berlin of "Nazi practices".
That comment drew a sharp response from German leaders, with Chancellor Angela Merkel describing the comparison as "unacceptable".
Mr Erdogan is seeking to extend his powers in the 16 April vote.
He is targeting millions of expatriate voters eligible to cast a ballot in the referendum - including 1.4 million in Germany.
Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb said earlier this week that the owner of the hall scheduled to hold Mr Cavusoglu's event in the city on Saturday had withdrawn authorisation, but the foreign minister could still visit.
"He has diplomatic immunity and everything so we will treat him with respect, but we have other instruments to prohibit things happening in public spaces," Mr Aboutaleb said, quoted by Reuters news agency.
There was also uncertainty about whether an event he was due to attend in Zurich, Switzerland, on Sunday would go ahead after one venue refused to hold it.
Another event in Zurich scheduled for Friday and featuring a senior official was cancelled, as were rallies in the Austrian towns of Hoerbranz, Linz and Herzogenburg.
The Dutch and Austrian governments have also criticised the Turkish government's drive to take its referendum campaign to Turks based in EU countries.
Relations between Turkey and European countries have deteriorated since last July's attempted coup in Turkey. Germany has been critical of the mass arrests and purges that followed - with nearly 100,000 civil servants removed from their posts.
Many European nations have expressed deep disquiet about Turkey's response to the coup attempt and its perceived slide towards authoritarianism under President Erdogan.
Turkey is a key partner in an arrangement attempting to limit the movement of migrants into the EU, but has threatened to "open the gates" if the EU reneges on commitments to provide aid, visa-free travel for its nationals and accelerated membership talks.

Stephen Hawking Warns Human Of Upcoming Robot Apocalypse; Preparation Against Artificial Intelligence

Stephen Hawking Warns Of Robot Apocalypse: Here's How Humanity Can Protect Itself From Artificial Intelligence - no we can't - already too late

Stephen Hawking says a ‘World government’ is needed if humanity has to survive to see the future

Stephen Hawking says we need global government to protect us from killer computers

Stephen Hawking calls for ‘world government’ to stop robot uprising
Speaking to the Times, physicist Stephen Hawking reiterated his view that artificial intelligence presents threats along with possibilities. One way to address this and other global challenges, he suggested: world government.
original source - Times of London:

Stephen Hawking's apocalypse warning will scare you off lunch
The noted physicist calls for 'world government' to stop robot apocalypse

IBM somehow crammed data into a single atom
The research breakthrough isn't yet practical, but it's the direction the industry is headed. Imagine storing 26 million songs in your smartwatch.

Storing data in a single atom proved possible by IBM researchers

IBM built an atomic hard drive
It's 100,000 times more efficient than the state-of-the-art.

IBM Seriously Just Turned an Atom Into the World's Smallest Hard Drive
Let's do this.

Slideshow: IBM Research Created the World's Smallest Magnet -- an Atom
IBM Research

(mostly) carried over from (and [for my personal reference] ):

The Digital Transition: How the Presidential Transition Works in the Social Media Age
Summary: Take a look at how we plan to preserve and pass on the digital history of the Obama administration.
October 31, 2016

The White House
President Barack Obama

Obama White House ,

Reconstruction Is Finally Getting The Historical Recognition It Deserves
Robert Smalls was among the greatest Americans. His story is finally being told. - 'Robert Smalls' further to ,

This 1967 speech may have helped put a target on Martin Luther King's back ( , ) - "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break The Silence"

The MLK History Forgot
During his last three years on Earth, Martin Luther King went through hell.

Listen To Legendary Black History Figures Talk About Life, Activism
Listen up!

following further to :

Greatest Alex Jones Rants

67 Alex Jones rants - Part 1 2014

Best of Alex Jones Rants - AJ upload

Alex Jones Ranting Compilation!!


more via

Alex Jones Clip Compilation

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

President Trump Job Approval

2016 National Popular Vote Tracker

Princeton Election Consortium
A first draft of electoral history. Since 2004


Rudy Giuliani

Michael Flynn

Kris Kobach

Steve Bannon

Donald Trump

John Bolton

Clare Lopez

Sarah Palin

Ann Coulter

Sean Hannity

Andrew Napolitano

Alex Jones

Newt Gingrich

David Duke

Jeff Sessions
MTP Daily
Hardball with Chris Matthews
All In with Chris Hayes
The Rachel Maddow Show
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Morning Joe
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Andrea Mitchell Reports
AM Joy
PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton

Colin Kahl - Biden's National Security Advisor - good source

The Secret To Happiness Revealed - included in 12-28-16 Alex Jones Show
Paul Joseph Watson talks about the death of Carrie Fisher and how now many people are completely unhappy no matter what the accomplish.

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain For Negativity

How American Babies Behave Differently From Infants In Other Cultures - Polish babies crankiest/hardest to console
South Korean babies like to cuddle the most, and Chilean babies are the most active.
study (via ) - recent not posted yet, chrono as uploaded
If Muhammad Replaced Trump (. . .)
Jul 24, 2016
If the ideals of Islamism came out of Trump's mouth, how would the Left & Right react? If any Muslims do respond to this cartoon, I have a couple predictions: 1. Some will respond by saying that the verses are out of context (standard response), but notice that none of these verses are actually justified by their context, and 2. Some other verse will be presented that contradicts one of the verses I used, which proves nothing other than the fact that the Islamic texts in question are contradictory.
You Can't Escape - Episode 8 of "Power Corrupts" ( - further to )
Aug 28, 2016
You might be able to escape religion, but you can't escape what caused it in the first place. All you can do is try to be cognizant of it, and try your best to keep it in check.
Always Cry Wolf
Sep 28, 2016
Human beings often unite during tragedies, foregoing our petty differences. Imagine if we didn't require the tragedy.
While "crying wolf" is considered bad, the title of this video refers to what happened at Yellowstone, and in that light, the title's meaning is "always strive for balance". During my 40 years of life, I have learned that attaining balance is the greatest solver of problems. Be neither excessive nor neglectful. I believe that is a good rule for the macro as well, for society, and for our planet.
Don't Expect A Terrible Hereafter
Oct 25, 2016
I was challenged to make a meaningful animation without speech. Thanks to my friend, known as C0ct0pusPrime here on YouTube, for challenging me to do this a while back. I had a lot of ideas, but this one stuck with me the most. Life is filled with dark irony. The very thing you want the most, might actually end up being the thing you'd least want. If you're not mindful, you might find out too late.
King Solomon
Nov 28, 2016
Marriage should be between 1 man and 1000 women.
If Hitler Never Existed (. . .)
Dec 21, 2016
This is basically a MUCH better version of "It's a Wonderful Life".
The Horror of Your Desires
Dec 29, 2016
If you somehow obtained ultimate power, the things you’d choose to do would show us far more clearly who you really are than you could possibly show us with your current limitations. You could choose to bend people to your will, even if only through threats and intimidation, or maybe you could enjoy life with us, help us, and teach us. The bible authors created a character in Yahweh who abuses his limitless power with wanton abandon, reeking of a crude tool of manipulation - not a loving, caring teacher. He is the ultimate bad guy, sold to us as the ultimate good guy - a monumental travesty of history. It certainly is a good thing that Yahweh is a fictional invention of ancient writers.
My next animations will be about the life and times of King David, as found in 1st and 2nd Samuel (and a bit of 1st Kings).
This animation was Episode 9 of my Power Corrupts series. Here’s a link to the full playlist of the Power Corrupts series: -
King David
Jan 22, 2017
This is the beginning of King David’s story from the Bible, the books of Samuel. I’d like to animate the rest of the books of Samuel, but that would take an enormous amount of work, and not only would your support via Patreon be greatly appreciated, but would also attach your name to the project (DarkMatter Army or above).
David, Goliath, and the 200 Cyclops Sleeves
Feb 20, 2017
The Sunday School version of David and Goliath usually ends after David slings his rock, and for good reason; the rest isn’t quite wholesome family entertainment.

Trae Crowder - Liberal Redneck

Bad Lip Reading

Mike Malloy
The Closer with Keith Olbermann (pre-election)
The Resistance with Keith Olbermann (post-election)
School Segregation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
© 2017 NBC Universal - Fallon - Colbert - Daily Show Trevor Noah

more further to AND :

The Best of GodStuff

Signs and Wonders - False Preachers and Bible Teachers!

More Stupid Christians

No scattering of ashes or keeping them home, Vatican says
also re relics and preserved saints, e.g.:
AND in particular

Catholic Church Bulletin Says You’ll Go To Hell If You Vote Democrat - San Diego
“Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell.”
"It is a mortal sin to vote Democrat."

After months of controversy, Texas will require aborted fetuses to be cremated or buried

Texas Law to Require Burial or Cremation Of Fetal Remains

Texas Again Places Obstacles in Front of Those Seeking Abortions

Texas Will Now Require Funeral Services Whenever a Woman Has an Abortion or a Miscarriage
Conservatives in the state want to make sure women are punished for failing to give birth.

The New Texas Abortion Law Is Actually Increasing The Cost Of The Procedure In A Disturbing Way

How Would Texas Lawmakers Have Wanted The Hospital To Handle My Abortion?
Three years ago last month, I learned 8 years after the fact that I had lost a twin pregnancy. I wrote about the experience here and reproduce part of that story below:

Texas releases abortion booklet citing refuted cancer links
A Texas state agency has released a new edition of a booklet for women considering an abortion that suggests there may be a link between terminating pregnancies and increased risks of breast cancer and depression

State advises women to call 911 if under pressure to have abortion - Texas
Pamphlet urges women to dial if feeling pressured

Texas throws yet another obstacle in the way of reproductive rights

Texas May Face Lawsuit Over New Abortion Regulations

Texas’ Required Booklet On Abortion Is Full Of Dangerous Lies
It peddles debunked claims about abortion’s link to mental illness, cancer and infertility.

Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion 6 Weeks After Conception
That’s before some women even realize they’re pregnant.

The Man Behind Ohio’s ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban Was Accused Of Domestic Violence In 2011
“She got a little upset,” he said. “Girls do that.”

Ohio Legislature Approves Ultra-Strict ‘Heartbeat Bill’ On Abortion

Is Ohio 'Heartbeat' Bill a Feint Before More Successful Blow to Women's Rights?

Montana Abortion Bill Would Force Doctors To Resuscitate Fetuses
The bill would effectively ban late-term abortions under the guise of protecting women’s health.

Looking at How Abortion Restrictions Endanger Women’s Lives

U.S. Abortion Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Roe v. Wade
report (by the Guttmacher Institute)

Conservatives Are Taking Credit for a Record-Low Abortion Rate. Not So Fast.
Fewer women are having unintended pregnancies.


Leah Remini Doesn’t Hold Back In Revealing Scientology Reddit AMA
The actress detailed horrific “physical, sexual and mental abuse” that she claimed happened within the organization.

Corey Lewandowski Says Donald Trump Won The War On Christmas
“You can say it again, it’s OK to say, it’s not a pejorative word anymore.”

The Kids Are All Right: Children With 3-Way DNA Are Healthy, Study Finds
"The outcomes looked uniformly good ... suggesting that no harm was done," said a doctor who reviewed the results
Three-Parent Kids Grew Up OK
original of above:

“Three-Person Babies” Should Go Ahead, Says Panel
Mitochondrial donation techniques should be adopted cautiously, according to a panel of experts convened by the regulator

Kazuo Ishiguro: 'We’re coming close to the point where we can create people who are superior to others' - tie in particular to
Social changes unleashed by new technologies could undermine core human values unless we engage with science, warns author
Imagine a two-tiered society with elite citizens, genetically engineered to be smarter, healthier and to live longer, and an underclass of biologically run-of-the-mill humans. It sounds like the plot of a dystopian novel, but the world could be sleepwalking towards this scenario, according to one of Britain’s most celebrated writers.
Kazuo Ishiguro argues that the social changes unleashed by gene editing technologies, such as Crispr, could undermine core human values.
“We’re going into a territory where a lot of the ways in which we have organised our societies will suddenly look a bit redundant,” he said. “In liberal democracies, we have this idea that human beings are basically equal in some very fundamental way. We’re coming close to the point where we can, objectively in some sense, create people who are superior to others.”

Teenager's sickle cell reversed with world-first therapy - gene therapy
A French teenager's sickle cell disease has been reversed using a pioneering treatment to change his DNA.
The world-first procedure at Necker Children's Hospital in Paris offers hope to millions of people with the blood disorder.
Scientists altered the genetic instructions in his bone marrow so it made healthy red blood cells.
So far, the therapy has worked for 15 months and the child is no longer on any medication.
Gene Therapy in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease

Game-Changing Gene Therapy Nullifies Patient's Sickle Cell Disease

'Not A Cure,' But Cambridge Biotech's Gene Therapy Gets Teen With Sickle Cell Off Meds

World's oldest fossils found in Canada, say scientists - further to
If correct, the microfossils, thought to have formed between 3.77bn and 4.28bn years ago, offer the oldest direct evidence of and insight into life on Earth

Do the Quebec fossils prove that life begin much earlier than we thought?
Scientists believe they have found fossils dating back at least 3.8bn years – and they might even help us find life on other planets

Canadian Bacteria-Like Fossils May Be Oldest Evidence of Life Yet

Astro Update: How Old Is Life On Earth

Scientists find world’s oldest fossils — and possibility of life on Mars

Have Scientists Discovered the Earliest Fossilized Evidence of Life?
A new paper makes the bold claim that structures in rocks approaching the age of Earth itself come from ancient bacteria, but this conclusion is highly controversial.

Supposed ‘Burial Slab’ Of Jesus Christ Uncovered For First Time In Centuries
The slab had been encased in marble since at least 1555.

Creationist Ken Ham Says There Are No Intelligent Aliens... Because Aliens Can’t Possibly Exist
Poor E.T.

Creationist Ken Ham Gets Into Weirdest Twitter Fight With Washington Post Over Dinosaurs
Ham’s Noah’s Ark Encounter depicts dinosaurs living in cages.

Evangelicals Aren’t Who You Think They Are (. . .)
The truth is that most U.S. evangelicals do not support Trump.
by Jim Wallis

A Troubling Number Of White Christians Actually Favor Trump’s Muslim Ban
So much for welcoming the stranger.

Dear Evangelicals, I Don’t Think You Realize How You Sound To Everybody Else - and linked related
Your actions are the best argument for who you really are and what you really believe.

This Jesus Needs A Minor Miracle To Ride An Escalator ( )
Mind the cross.

World’s Earliest-Known Ten Commandments Stone Fetches $850,000 At Auction
The buyer must put the artifact on public display as part of the sales deal.

The Life-Changing Magic of Mushrooms - tie ,
A single dose of magic mushrooms can make people with severe anxiety and depression better for months, according to a landmark pair of new studies.

F.D.A. Agrees to New Trials for Ecstasy as Relief for PTSD Patients

Human ancestor 'Lucy' was a tree climber, new evidence suggests
original PR

Lucy, our famous ancestor, was built for tree-dwelling

Skulls found in China were part modern human, part Neanderthal; possibly new species
Science(? - nope) YT (with Flying Spaghetti Monster in place of god in illustration)

‘Mosaic’ skulls linked to mysterious Denisovan humans who went extinct in the last ice age

Ancient skulls give clues to China human history

Scientists Think These Skulls May Be New Human Ancestor
Two fossils combine early human, Neanderthal features

Fossils reveal ancient “unknown” human in China
Two skulls are a "mosaic" of modern and Neanderthal features. - Full Frontal Samantha Bee
Debate 3: The Good, The Bad, The Nasty (Act 1, Part 1) | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Debate 3: The Good, The Bad, The Nasty (Act 1, Part 2) | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Samantha Bee Shreds Donald Trump Over His Debate Abortion Comments ( , )
He must have confused them with “bear attacks,” she said.
OK Ladies Now Let's Get Information | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
First: Do No Harm. Second: Do No Pussy Stuff. | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS - including re nun McBride ( , , )
Extended Interview: Mindy Swank | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Melanie Jones | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Jennafer Norris | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Dr. Rupa Natarajan | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Samantha Bee Tweets Amazing One-Liner About Her Abortion Coverage
"No one goes further up your vagina."
[ ]
She keeps bringing it.

America’s Math Scores Are Getting Worse
New international test results show that American scores have either stagnated or slipped.

How Do American Students Compare to Their International Peers?
The most recent math results from an international survey place the United States near the bottom.

The Age of Stupid - full documentary (Official) - further in particular to
Hello. This is the official, full-length (89 min) version of our 2009 movie, The Age of Stupid. This film was made completely independently (we arguably invented crowd-funding to fund it) over five long years. We're a tiny independent film company always struggling to make ends meet, so if you watch for free here, please make a donation - - and also sign up to our email list: . Thanks v much and enjoy the film, Franny & Lizzie from Spanner Films
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Age of Stupid stars Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite (In The Name of the Father, The Usual Suspects, Brassed Off) as a man living in the devastated future world of 2055, looking back at old footage from our time and asking: why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?
Launched at a Guinness World Recording-winning solar-powered premiere in London's Leicester Square, the film was released in cinemas worldwide, topped the UK box office (by screen average), became one of the most talked-about films of 2009 and garnered sensational reviews: The Telegraph called it "Bold, supremely provocative and hugely important", the News of the World described it as "A deeply inconvenient kick up the backside", ABC Australia said "So tightly constructed and dynamic you leave the cinema energised rather than terrified... hits home like a hammer blow" and the LA Times said "Think 'An Inconvenient Truth', but with a personality".
Multi-award-winning documentary director Franny Armstrong (McLibel, Drowned Out) and Oscar-winning producer John Battsek (One Day In September, Restrepo) pioneered the now ubiquitous "crowd-funding" model to finance the film, and then spent four years following seven real people's stories to be interweaved with Pete Postlethwaite's fictional character: an Indian entrepreneur struggling to start a new low-cost airline, a Shell employee in New Orleans who rescued more than 100 people during Hurricane Katrina, an 82-year-old French mountain guide watching his beloved glaciers melt, two Iraqi refugee children searching for their elder brother, a young woman living in desperate poverty in Nigeria's richest oil area and a windfarm developer in Britain battling the NIMBYs who don't want his turbines to spoil their view.
The Age of Stupid led to the formation of the 10:10 carbon reduction campaign which now operates in 45 countris ( Recognising the film's unique contribution to independent filmmaking, the Huffington Post said that it "represents the future of film, film culture and film distribution and marketing". [since gone dark - find another if possible] [though it clearly is dated]

America’s Math Scores Are Getting Worse
New international test results show that American scores have either stagnated or slipped.

How Do American Students Compare to Their International Peers?
The most recent math results from an international survey place the United States near the bottom.

A sobering look at what Betsy DeVos did to education in Michigan — and what she might do as secretary of education
The people who best know the education advocacy work of Betsy DeVos, the billionaire tapped by President-elect Donald Trump to be his education secretary, are in Michigan, where she has been involved in reform for decades.
DeVos is a former Republican Party chairwoman in Michigan and chair of the pro-school-choice advocacy group American Federation for Children, and she has been a shining light to members of the movement to privatize public education by working to create programs and pass laws that require the use of public funds to pay for private school tuition in the form of vouchers and similar programs. She has also been a force behind the spread of charter schools in Michigan, most of which have recorded student test scores in reading and math below the state average.
Many pro-school-choice groups have praised the choice, saying DeVos will work hard to grow new programs that give parents more school choice. But public education advocates say that they fear she will help propel America’s public education system toward destruction.
The Detroit Free Press has written a number of articles about DeVos’s education record in Michigan. Here is an important piece [ ] looking at what a DeVos Education Department could be expected to do, written by someone who has watched her work for some time. He is Stephen Henderson, editorial page editor of the Free Press, where this first appeared.  He gave me permission to republish it.

Teacher to Trump’s education pick: Let’s ‘address the elephant in the room.’ It’s you.
The selection of Betsy DeVos by President-elect Donald Trump as his education secretary nominee has been attacked by public school advocates who see her longtime support for school “choice” and private Catholic education as evidence that she does not support America’s public education system. In this post, that sentiment is explained by an educator who has written an open letter to DeVos.
He is Patrick Kearney, facilitator for Teacher Leadership in the Johnston Community School District in Iowa. He spent 25 years as a band director in private and public schools of Iowa, and is a past-president of the Iowa Bandmasters Association and past co-chair of the Iowa Jazz Championships. He was also a founding board member of the Jazz Educators of Iowa.  His wife teaches in the Des Moines Public Schools and his son is studying education at Drake University.
Here’s the letter, which first appeared on Huffington Post [ ]. Kearney gave me permission to republish it.

Four New Names Officially Added to the Periodic Table of Elements - further to , - reply to

IUPAC Announces the Names of the Elements 113, 115, 117, and 118

Neil deGrasse Tyson SCIENCE THE SHIT out of 3 Movies - Gravity, The Martian and The Matrix ! - further to e.g.
continuation re/completing in re The Matrix:
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains The Matrix

Neil deGrasse Tyson | Intelligent (Stupid) Design | FULL TALK
Published on Nov 25, 2016 by Atheism is Awesome [ , ] - further to AND - and check for more via e.g. 'Tyson intelligent design' and 'Tyson beyond belief' board searches
Original presentation given 5 November, 2006, at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies as part of the "Beyond Belief" lecture series.
This is a presentation on science, religion, and how poorly-designed humans, the Earth, and the universe really are. The presenter, Neil deGrasse Tyson, is the new host of the PBS-TV program "NOVA scienceNOW," director of the Hayden Planetarium in the Rose Center For Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History. He is the recipient of seven honorary doctorates and the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal.
The Weinberg talk mentioned early in this video can be found here:

I Watched Neil deGrasse Tyson Take On a Science Skeptic

Neil deGrasse Tyson Blasts Kyrie Irving
Stop With the Flat Earth Stupidity!!

Neil deGrasse Tyson Responds to Kyrie Irving's Flat Earth Claims

Congress Remains ‘Overwhelmingly Christian,’ Report Says
the new Pew Center report

Nonreligious Americans Remain Far Underrepresented In Congress

There Are Still No Open Atheists In Congress
And only one member identifies as religiously “unaffiliated.”

2029 : Singularity Year - Neil deGrasse Tyson & Ray Kurzweil

Michio Kaku & Ray Kurzweil - Singularity is Close!

Singularity is Near [ Full Documentary ] | Michio Kaku & Ray Kurzweil

Singularity is Near... 2016 Documentary

Should We Fear or Welcome the Singularity? Nobel Week Dialogue 2015 - The Future of Intelligence

Technological Singularity

The Singularity Controversy

What Is The Singularity? - Brit Lab

Noam Chomsky: The Singularity is Science Fiction!

Stephen Hawking Warns Human Of Upcoming Robot Apocalypse; Preparation Against Artificial Intelligence

Stephen Hawking Warns Of Robot Apocalypse: Here's How Humanity Can Protect Itself From Artificial Intelligence - no we can't - already too late

Stephen Hawking says a ‘World government’ is needed if humanity has to survive to see the future

Stephen Hawking says we need global government to protect us from killer computers

Stephen Hawking calls for ‘world government’ to stop robot uprising
Speaking to the Times, physicist Stephen Hawking reiterated his view that artificial intelligence presents threats along with possibilities. One way to address this and other global challenges, he suggested: world government.
original source - Times of London:

Stephen Hawking's apocalypse warning will scare you off lunch
The noted physicist calls for 'world government' to stop robot apocalypse

Wall-jumping robot is most vertically agile ever built ( ) - Berkeley PR

Little African primate's talents inspire leaping robot

This primate-inspired robot is a champion jumper - the galago, or bushbaby

Supercharged silly putty can detect spider footsteps

Graphene-spiked Silly Putty picks up human pulse
'G-putty' is so sensitive that it can track even the steps of a small spider.

Silly Putty makes for super-sensitive sensors
Add graphene to get detectors that can measure breathing, blood pressure—and spider footsteps


Behold A Robot Hand With A Soft Touch

Soft Robot Hand Brings a Gentle Touch to the Future


These Dolls May Be Spying On And Recording Your Children
A coalition of watchdog groups filed a complaint about the toys with the FTC.

This is the most dangerous time for our planet
We can’t go on ignoring inequality, because we have the means to destroy our world but not to escape it
by Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking: Automation and AI is going to decimate middle class jobs

The Fake web: why we're so apt to believe fake news, apps and reviews

Facebook developing artificial intelligence to flag offensive live videos

Facebook Looks to Harness Artificial Intelligence to Weed Out Fake News
Company executives say the social network first needs a policy on how to responsibly apply such capabilities

Facebook’s AI boss: Facebook could fix its filter bubble if it wanted to
The company could build the technology, but it’s just not that simple, he added.

Facebook's Relationship With Artificial Intelligence and Fake News: It's Complicated

Facebook’s advice to students interested in artificial intelligence

This Christmas Song Brought To You By The World's Tiniest Radio Receiver ( ) - tech also being used to create QUANTUM COMPUTERS ( )


Stabilizing quantum bits
Feedback technique used on diamond “qubits” could make quantum computing more practical.

The Great A.I. Awakening
How Google used artificial intelligence to transform Google Translate, one of its more popular services — and how machine learning is poised to reinvent computing itself.

BMW HoloActive Touch system with its free-floating display to be shown at CES

The Secret Life of Time
It may seem slippery and maddeningly abstract, but it’s also deeply intimate, infusing our every word and gesture.

Evolution Made Really Smart People Long to Be Loners - ties to e.g. (Dunning-Kruger effect)

A cognitive business can outthink the unknown. - ad
IBM Watson

Cognitive businesses everywhere are working with Watson - ad
Watson is working with businesses, scientists, and governments. Helping us all outthink our biggest challenges.

Welcome to the era of cognitive business
Start your cognitive business journey by learning more about cognitive solutions like Watson and the IBM Cloud platform that supports cognitive workloads.

Apple's first AI research paper focuses on computer vision
Apple last week published its first scholarly research paper, an article covering methods of improving recognition in computer vision systems, marking a new direction for the traditionally secretive company.

Apple leaps into AI research with improved simulated + unsupervised learning

Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training

Kristen Stewart has co-authored a paper on artificial intelligence - machine learning
Yes, no, really — it describes the use of ‘style transfer’ in her latest film

Artificial Intelligence based speakers by Amazon Echo or Google home make a smart home
Voice-activated AI powered speakers such as Amazon Echo or Google Home are ready to make your home smart

10 things you should do now that you've welcomed Alexa into your life

How to Set Up Your New Amazon Echo

Is the Google Home growing up fast enough?
As we head toward CES, we check on the progress of Google's Echo competitor. Does it have any chance of catching up to Amazon's Alexa?

Researchers use world's smallest diamonds to make wires three atoms wide

Scientists created the thinnest wires yet made of atoms coated in diamonds

A wolverine [X-Men] inspired material ( ) - PR

The material that could let robots REPAIR themselves: Wolverine-style substance heals within 24 hours
The material is transparent, stretchable, and can conduct electricity
The material can stretch 50 times its original length without being damaged
As well as its use in robots, researchers believe it could be used to extend the lifetime of batteries in electric cars, and improve biosensors in the medical field

Wolverine-Inspired Material Takes Shape

Rewriting the Code of Life
Through DNA editing, researchers hope to alter the genetic destiny of species and eliminate diseases. /

11 Surprising Predictions for 2017 From Some of The Biggest Names In Science
Gee-Whiz Gene Editing
Artificial Intelligence Heads Home
Lawrence Krauss: Quantum Computing Breakthroughs
"Gene Drives" Get Real
Self-Driving Vehicles Come of Age

Will a Sex Robot BJ Cafe Actually Ever Happen? - blurbed at , see also

Heartbroken Monkeys Grieve Over ‘Dead’ Robotic Spy Baby ( )

Human Breaks Her Cat By Tossing A Ping-Pong Ball At It ( )
Does not cat-pute.

Scientists built an AI that is smarter than most adults
Computers can already hold a massive amount of instantly-retrievable data in a manner that puts most humans to shame, but getting them to actually display intelligence is an entirely different challenge. A team of researchers from Northwestern University just made a huge stride towards that goal with a computational model that actually outperforms the average American adult in a standard intelligence test.
referencing (among other):
Making AI systems that see the world as humans do

Robot skin senses warm bodies like a snake locating nearby prey

re robotics/AI - tie ,

IBM somehow crammed data into a single atom
The research breakthrough isn't yet practical, but it's the direction the industry is headed. Imagine storing 26 million songs in your smartwatch.

Storing data in a single atom proved possible by IBM researchers

IBM built an atomic hard drive
It's 100,000 times more efficient than the state-of-the-art.

IBM Seriously Just Turned an Atom Into the World's Smallest Hard Drive
Let's do this.

Slideshow: IBM Research Created the World's Smallest Magnet -- an Atom
IBM Research

Tornado Town, USA - big piece - map of mini-tornado alleys
Four devastating tornadoes hit Moore, Oklahoma, in 16 years. Was it geography or just bad luck?
May 26, 2016

Xenia, Ohio F5 Tornado - April 3, 1974 - "The Day of The Killer Tornados"
Day Of The Killer Tornadoes - April 3,1974 Super Tornado Outbreak Educational Documentary - Ella73TV - partial of above

1974 Super Outbreak

"Funnel of Fury" WDTN Xenia Tornado 20th Anniversary Special

A Night of Stark Terror

Day of Destruction WHIO 1994 Broadcast for the 20th Anniversary of the Xenia Tornado

Tornado! (1967) - Part 1
Tornado! (1967) - Part 2
more and a bunch more via / ,

Wild Weather : Tornado - 1950's United States Weather Bureau Educational Film - S88TV1

Solar storms remove electrons from large portions of Earth's atmosphere
"We have found out that during solar storms, electrons are removed in the ionosphere, which is the opposite of what you intuitively would expect," researcher Tibor Durgonics said.

Solar storms trigger surprising phenomena close to Earth - in high-latitude (Arctic) ionosphere


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