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02/03/17 9:58 PM

#264490 RE: F6 #264488

Paul Watson's premise reads

"Given the West has embraced Islamism to such a degree that they're now basically the same"

.. then he rants on giving examples of they aren't the same .. one example he uses the worst of the Koran (as he could using the Bible, too, if he were not in the grip of Islamophobia) to state Islam is not a religion of peace .. look at the bible, Paul! .. and one other he puts the fact that there are anti-LGBT laws in Muslim countries to question how can anyone see Islam as a tolerant religion ..funny that since if many conservatives in the USA had their way LGBT people would be just as discriminated against as they are in the Muslim countries Watson names .. the important thing is though Watson's whole rant is based upon a false premise .. or have you read or heard of anything like Watson's

"Given the West has embraced Islamism to such a degree that they're now basically the same"

before .. i haven't and if it's not a prize example of a false premise then i literally have a monkey nephew .. what do you think?

Watson enters at 6:05 of your first Alex Jones video.

Edit: Watson says the Crusades were a defensive war .. in essence he is wrong ..

Myths About Crusade Myths: Were They Defensive Wars?

10/31/2011 12:41 pm ET | Updated Dec 31, 2011

Jay Rubenstein Associate Professor of Medieval History, University of Tennessee, MacArthur Fellow

According to Scandinavian sociopath Anders Breivik, the number one example of anti-Western propaganda in the school curriculum is “falsified information about the Crusades.” He points especially to the widely accepted belief that the crusades were offensive rather than defensive campaigns.

Breivik is not alone in this belief. Last February current Presidential candidate Rick Santorum proclaimed .. , “The idea that the Crusades and the fight against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical.” Like Breivik, Santorum saw this interpretation as a fabrication of the Left, a group defined by its hatred for Christendom and for Western Civilization.

Santorum’s words, like his name, inspired laughter with only an occasional serious response .. , which is a shame. This interpretation about the crusades has been in circulation for a while, particularly on conservative .. .. websites, and with the imprimatur of respected academics. The idea that the crusades were acts of aggression, so goes the argument, is the number one myth about the whole crusade movement.

Seen from a global perspective, with the benefit of a millennium of hindsight, the argument has much to recommend it. The crusades began in 1095, proclaimed by Pope Urban II — though some historians might date their origins a little earlier, starting with the Reconquista in Spain. For the previous four and a half centuries, Muslim armies had enjoyed regular victories over Christian adversaries, expanding from the inhospitable climes of the Arabian Peninsula into Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe. The crusades were thus the first attempt to reverse this centuries-long history of aggression.

But let me apply to this problem the same question that I asked earlier .. .. about the crusades as a “clash of civilizations.” Did the crusaders view their war in these terms? Was it a defensive war?

The answer is a resounding “no.”

The crusaders had one goal in 1096: to capture the Holy Sepulcher, the tomb of Christ, in Jerusalem. Christianity at this time was less about ideas and more about things—places, objects and bones. The highest devotional practice was the pilgrimage, a journey to a holy site, to pray before the body of a saint. The model saint whom all others imitated was Christ, and His tomb was the most sacred one imaginable even though, unlike other saints’ shrines, Christ’s was empty.

The First Crusade, then, was not about turning back centuries of Muslim expansion. It was about seizing control of sacred landscapes. It was, in modern parlance, “a war of choice” or “an act of aggression.” On July 15, 1099, this willfully chosen campaign ended victoriously when the crusaders conquered Jerusalem.

Later crusades, arguably, were defensive, in that they sought to preserve or restore the fruits of this victory. But their defensive goals served to reaffirm that earlier act of aggression.

Many crusaders would add one proviso to this argument. While not a defensive war, it was a war of vengeance. The Christians were out to avenge the sufferings of their Savior, the humiliations He was forced to endure every day as unbelieving pagans soiled the places that He had made sacred through his touch. Indeed, one of the earliest poets to celebrate the crusade began his story imagining Christ on the Cross, comforting “the good thief,” telling him that one day, 1000 years in the future, an army of people called the Franks would avenge the cruel deaths that they were suffering.

Jews killed Christ, Christians believed, and Jews were little different from Muslims. That is why some crusade armies in northern France and Germany decided to begin their march in 1096 by killing Christ’s enemies at home—which is to say, Jews.

But why did European Christians engage in this war of vengeance in 1095? What, after 450 years, had changed?

Over the course of the 11th century increasing numbers of Latin pilgrims had begun making the long, difficult and dangerous journey to Jerusalem. At the time of the First Crusade, they were returning with terrifying descriptions of their adventures. The Muslim princes in Syria and Palestine had grown increasingly erratic and brutal in their treatment of pilgrims, and the overlords of Jerusalem were charging higher taxes to religious visitors, and badly mistreating those too poor to pay. Dark tales of torture circulated.

Unbeknownst to most European Christians, the causes for this transformed spiritual landscape grew out of real political instabilities in the Muslim world. In 1055 an Asian tribal group, the Seljuk Turks, had established themselves as rulers of Baghdad and thus leaders of the Sunni Muslim world. Their advent to power restarted a policy of military aggression against both Greek Christians and Shi’i Muslims. After a century of relative calm, the Holy Land suddenly became a highly unstable frontier region, as great powers and petty warlords tried to extend their influence and solidify their authority.

The Seljuk expansion proved relentless. In 1071, Turkish armies inflicted a humiliating defeat on Greek Christians at the Battle of Manzikert. In 1073 they wrested Jerusalem from the Shi’i caliphate in Cairo. In 1084 still other Seljuk armies captured the ancient Christian capital of Antioch. There had probably been no more dangerous time to travel to Jerusalem than the last quarter of the eleventh century.

The Greek frontier, by contrast, had largely stabilized in the 1090s. Reports of the Byzantium’s demise proved greatly exaggerated. And in the lull that followed, the Empire’s always-creative ruler, Alexius I, saw an opportunity to reverse his fortunes. He called for help to Western Europe, even though the Greek and Latin churches had been mightily estranged for decades. From Alexius’s perspective, the crusade was a defensive war, an attempt to regain territory recently lost. But from his perspective the crusade was not a crusade at all. It was not a holy war. It was a “just war,” a conflict fought for territory against a formidable foe.

We should note one other point about the crusades: they were unnecessary wars. During the 450 years that Muslims ruled Jerusalem, Latin Christians by and large had not yearned to recover that city. They had learned to think according to the ancient Christian dictate that the true Jerusalem was a state of mind, or of soul, not a place on earth. Jerusalem was the peaceful heart that every Christian strove to attain. It could be experienced through a local church, the River of Jordan to be found in a baptismal font. Or else it was the heavenly city to be gained at the end of life’s pilgrimage. The idea of a military pilgrimage to an earthly city that—as far as any direct connection to Christ went—had been destroyed in 135 A.D. was foreign.

It was even more foreign to early Christians than it is to modern observers, confident in their own superiority to their savage medieval counterparts, since today, again, Jerusalem and its holy places and the questions of who ought to possess them destabilize world politics. Muslims and Jews engage in a tense standoff over the Temple while various Christian sects brawl in front of the Holy Sepulcher, as if angry that the world refuses to appreciate the stakes involved.

If the crusades have any lesson to teach us it is this: mixing spiritual and physical geographies is dangerous. Mixing myths (in the proper sense) with politics leads only to calamity. And like all of history’s truly important lessons, knowing its answer won’t do us any good until everyone figures it out.


02/05/17 1:30 PM

#264534 RE: F6 #264488

Full Show - Trump Supporters Targeted For Attack/France Under Reign Of Islamic Terror - 02/03/2017

Published on Feb 3, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Friday, Feb. 3rd 2017 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, survivalist expert James Wesley Rawles will discuss how to stay safe amid an increasing number of violent attacks on Trump supporters. Also on today's show, Rep. Kevin Martin of Pennsylvania [who is now neither a U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania nor a Pennsylvania state representative, with no evidence or indication I could find that he has ever previously been either] will talk about how to get the millennial generation to come together as a community. We will continue to cover the aftermath of the Berkeley riots and Trump's feud with Iran.

Kevin Martin [with comments]


The New C.I.A. Deputy Chief’s Black-Site Past

For a brief period, Donald Trump appeared to have changed his position on torture. Now he has appointed Gina Haspel, who oversaw brutal interrogations under the Bush Administration, to be the deputy director of the C.I.A.
February 3, 2017


The FCC is stopping 9 companies from providing federally subsidized Internet to the poor

February 3, 2017


Trump’s FCC just dropped all investigations into zero-rating practices

Feb 4, 2017 [with comments]


Trump's New FCC Chair Is Screwing Everything Up as Fast as He Can

2/3/17 [with comments]


The Trump Administration Will Be Great for Telecom Giants.
And terrible for internet users.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Privacy, Technology and the Law Subcommittee hearing on May 11.
Feb. 3 2017 [with comments]


Federal judge temporarily blocks travel ban

All In with Chris Hayes

Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who obtained a restraining order immediately halting Trump's immigration executive order nationwide, says 'no one is above the law - not even the president.' Duration: 7:11



Bannon's 'Islamic States of America'

All In with Chris Hayes

We are getting another window into the worldview of the president's senior advisor and chief strategist Steve Bannon as the Washington Post obtains an outline of a documentary-style movie pitch by Bannon from ten years ago called, "Islamic States of America" [with analysis by Malcolm Nance]. Duration: 6:38

Bannon film outline warned U.S. could turn into ‘Islamic States of America’

February 3, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments]



Explicit: Can Useful Idiots Topple Trump? Hegelian Dialectic Explained With Prodigy Of Mobb Deep

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Multi-platinum recording artist Prodigy discusses his latest solo project Hegelian Dialectic: Book Of Revelation. The project focuses on how the controllers use the Hegelian dialectic to manipulate the masses into achieving their desired end game. Lee Ann McAdoo also asks Prodigy to talk Trump and the Resist movement.

[included in part in the February 3, 2017 Infowars Nightly News] [with comments] [and see also/compare and contrast in particular (linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and and preceding and following]


As Trump Eases Russian Sanctions, Norway Reveals A Kremlin Cyberattack
“Cozy Bear” operation targeted Labour Party, army and intelligence service.
02/03/2017 [with embedded video, and comments]


GOP opts for fundraising over quick vote for hotly opposed DeVos

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on a peculiar biofeedback company in which Donald Trump education nominee Betsy DeVos is an investor, and notes that even though she is one vote away from losing confirmation, Republicans are in Florida schmoozing donors instead of getting her vote done quickly. Duration: 15:02



Voters get creative reaching out to inundated legislators

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on the overwhelming traffic to points of contact for members of Congress and some of the clever and creative ways constituents are making sure their voices are heard. Duration: 8:16



Trump tries rewriting history on disastrous raid's planning

The Rachel Maddow Show

Colin Kahl, former national security adviser to Vice President Biden, talks with Rachel Maddow about how the Trump regime is distorting history in an attempt to shift the blame for a disastrous military raid onto the Obama administration. Duration: 6:12



Trump Did WHAT? | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Feb 3, 2017 by Real Time with Bill Maher [ / , ]

Bill reacts to President Trump's "Big League" week in his Real Time monologue.

Potential side effects of the drug Trump reportedly takes for hair loss

Donald Trump signs autographs after a campaign rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa, in January 2016.
February 3, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and following] [with comments]


What's next for Trump's travel ban?

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

President Trump's executive order has been halted temporarily -- but what does it mean long-term for visa holders? Lawrence discusses with constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe and ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero. Duration: 11:10



What if Obama did what Trump is doing?

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

The controversies plaguing the Trump administration in its first two weeks would draw calls of impeachment if Pres. Obama committed the same acts. But Bill O'Reilly thinks those calls may be starting soon. Frank Bruni, Ana Marie Cox & Eugene Robinson join Lawrence. Duration: 14:05



Abraham Lincoln Was Black And Frederick Douglass Is Alive

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by Mike Malloy [ / , ]

Vice-President Mike Pence posted a tweet on Wednesday in which he recognized the beginning of Black History Month by honoring a white man.

The tweet acknowledged President Abraham Lincoln and his work around the abolishment of slavery, but fails to mention the contributions of any black trailblazer.

The good news is that President Donald Trump opened Black History Month by mentioning the renowned abolitionist Frederick Douglass. The bad news is he doesn’t seem to realize he’s dead. Speaking at a Black History Month event on Wednesday, Trump’s comments suggested he thought Douglass was alive.

Full story:

[originally aired February 3, 2017] [with comments]


A Racist Pig Is [approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee to be] Our Attorney General

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by Mike Malloy

Nine senators said "no", but 11 said "yes" - Donald Trump’s most controversial pick, Jeff Sessions, has been approved for attorney general.

The Alabama Republican, whose career has been dogged by accusations of racism and bigotry, has passed the first hurdle to the top job and must now be confirmed by the full senate.

The senate judiciary committee voted 11 to nine in favour of Mr Sessions the day after Democrats successfully delayed the vote.

Full story:

[originally aired February 3, 2017] [with comments]


Donald Trump Vows To 'Totally Destroy' Johnson Amendment

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by Mike Malloy

President Donald Trump has announced he will "get rid of and totally destroy" a 60-year-old rule that blocks tax-exempt religious groups from endorsing or opposing political candidates.

The so-called Johnson amendment was introduced by then-Senator Lyndon B Johnson in 1954. It threatens churches and other religious institutions with the loss of their tax-exempt status should they overstep the mark.

At the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC on Thursday Mr Trump said: "Jefferson asked, 'Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?' Among those freedoms is the right to worship according to our own beliefs. That is why I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson amendment and allow our representatives of faith to speak freely and without fear of retribution—I will do that."

Full story:

[originally aired February 3, 2017] [with comments]


Trust Records Show Trump Is Still Closely Tied to His Empire

Among the Trump family, Donald Trump Jr., right, is one of two named trustees who have broad legal authority over President Trump’s assets. The elder Mr. Trump can revoke the trustees’ authority at any time.
FEB. 3, 2017
Just days before his inauguration, President-elect Donald J. Trump [ ] stood beside his tax lawyer at a Midtown Manhattan news conference as she announced that he planned to place his vast business holdings in a trust, a move she said would allay fears that he might exploit the Oval Office for personal gain.
However, a number of questions were left unanswered — including who would ultimately benefit from the trust — raising concerns about just how meaningful the move was.
Now, records have emerged that show just how closely tied Mr. Trump remains to the empire he built.
While the president says he has walked away from the day-to-day operations of his business, two people close to him are the named trustees and have broad legal authority over his assets: his eldest son, Donald Jr., and Allen H. Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer. Mr. Trump, who will receive reports on any profit, or loss, on his company as a whole, can revoke their authority at any time.
What’s more, the purpose of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust is to hold assets for the “exclusive benefit” of the president. This trust remains under Mr. Trump’s Social Security [ ] number, at least as far as federal taxes are concerned.


After NYT Exposes His Blatant Conflicts Of Interest, Trump Attacks Paper As "FAKE NEWS"
Donald J. Trump
After being forced to apologize for its bad and inaccurate coverage of me after winning the election, the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!
8:39 AM - 4 Feb 2017
[ (with {over 25,000} comments)]

New Documents Show President Still Closely Tied To Businesses
February 04, 2017


Documents confirm Trump still benefiting from his business

Police stand guard outside the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington. Documentation involving the hotel discloses how President Trump is still benefiting from the hotel’s ownership.
February 4, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments]


Trump Has 2 Events This Weekend — And Both Benefit His Businesses

The president will attend the Red Cross Ball at his Mar-A-Lago estate, and a Super Bowl party at his Palm Beach golf resort.
02/03/2017 [with comments]


Record digital growth at New York Times
Feb. 3, 2017

CNBC Exclusive: CNBC Transcript: New York Times CEO Mark Thompson Discusses Media in the Trump Era on CNBC’s “Power Lunch” Today
2 Feb 2017


Bacon Shortage Could Make For A Less-Than-Super Sunday

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

Stephen previews the Sunday's big game but is worried that an all-time low supply of bacon could ruin parties across the nation.

[originally aired February 3, 2017] [with comments]


Sean Spicer Will Now Take Your Pre-Approved Question

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

White House spokesman Sean Spicer has begun fielding questions from some unusual reporters during his daily press briefings.

[originally aired February 3, 2017]

A Homebody Finds the Ultimate Home Office

President Trump with union leaders and workers in the Oval Office on Monday. Mr. Trump has discovered there are a lot of things he likes about his new home, the White House.
JAN. 25, 2017 [with comments]


Muslim Police Officer Says Fellow Cops Attacked Her, Tried To Rip Off Hijab

She says she endured years of harassment from her colleagues at the NYPD.
02/04/2017 Updated February 4, 2017 [with comments]


Is Judge Blocking Trump Travel Ban Committing Treason

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

‘So-Called’ Judge Criticized by Trump Is Known as a Mainstream Republican

Judge James Robart of Federal District Court in Seattle.
FEB. 4, 2017 [with comments]


Howard Stern Is Attacking Trump

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]


Establishment Media Panics Over Trump Tweets

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Donald Trump's most bone-chilling tweet
Trump's attempt to delegitimize the federal judiciary is terrifying, says Dean Obeidallah
Trump seems intent on bypassing our system of checks and balances, he writes
February 4, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments]

Appeals court: No travel ban for now
Friday night, federal Judge James Robart, halted the enforcement of Trump's order, effective nationwide
The Justice Department blasted the judge's order for "harm(ing) the public"
Updated February 5, 2017 [with embedded video and scribd-style copy of Judge Robart's order] [with comments]


How Parking Meters Track You

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]


PREVIEW: Trump Tells O'Reilly He 'Respects' Putin in Super Bowl Interview

Feb 04, 2017 // 6:20pm

On Sunday, Bill O'Reilly will have a special Super Bowl pre-game interview with President Trump at 4 p.m. ET on your local FOX broadcast station.

In a special preview, Trump revealed his plans for dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

O'Reilly asked Trump whether he "respects" the former KGB agent:

"I do respect him, but I respect a lot of people," Trump said, "That doesn't mean I'm going to get along with him."

Trump said he would appreciate any assistance from Russia in the fight against ISIS terrorists, adding that he would rather get along with the former Cold War-era foe than otherwise.

"But, [Putin] is a killer," O'Reilly said.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded, "We've got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country's so innocent?"

O'Reilly also pressed Trump on whether it is irresponsible for him to make public claims about topics like immigration, without citing facts to back them up.

He pointed to Trump's claim that 3 million illegal aliens allegedly voted in the presidential election, suggesting that large number helped Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton capture the popular vote count.

Trump noted many people agree with his contention that, in states like California, illegal immigrant votes helped Clinton's tally.

"When you see... people who are not citizens and they are the registration rolls... it's a really bad situation," Trump said.

Tune in to the big interview on your local FOX broadcast network during the Super Bowl pre-game show at 4 p.m. ET Sunday!

Be sure to tune in again at 8 p.m. ET on Monday & Tuesday for parts 2 & 3 of Bill's interview on "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News Channel!

©2017 FOX News Network, LLC [with embedded videos] [the above YouTube, comprised of the two embedded videos in the original, for the moment at least at (with comments) (no official upload{s} at , at least as of yet)]


Asked about Putin, Trump says US isn't 'so innocent'

Russian President Vladimir Putin listens during a meeting in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Feb. 3, 2017.
(Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Feb. 5, 2017 10:44 AM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said he respects Vladimir Putin, and when an interviewer called the Russian leader "a killer," Trump said the United States has many of them.

"What do you think? Our country's so innocent?" he told Fox's Bill O'Reilly in an excerpt released by the network. The president's interview was to air Sunday afternoon on the Super Bowl pregame show.

Trump has long expressed a wish for better ties with Moscow, praised Putin and signaled that U.S.-Russia relations could be in line for a makeover, even after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign to help Trump win against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Putin has called Trump a "very bright and talented man."

During Putin's years in power, a number of prominent Russian opposition figures and journalists have been killed.

In the interview, Trump says, "I do respect him," and then is asked why.

"I respect a lot of people, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get along with him. He's a leader of his country. I say it's better to get along with Russia than not. And if Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all over the world — that's a good thing," Trump said, using an acronym for the Islamic State group. "Will I get along with him? I have no idea."

O'Reilly then said about Putin: "But he's a killer, though. Putin's a killer."

Trump responded: "There are a lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country's so innocent?"

In the excerpt, Trump did not cite specific U.S actions. It was unclear whether he expanded on the comment or added context later in the interview.

"I don't think there's any comparison," said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., on ABC's "This Week."

"I really do resent that he would say something like that," she said.

The Kremlin had no immediate comment on Trump's interview.

The Senate's top Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, distanced himself from the president.

"Putin's a former KGB agent. He's a thug. He was not elected in a way that most people would consider a credible election. The Russians annexed Crimea, invaded Ukraine and messed around in our elections. And no, I don't think there's any equivalency between the way the Russians conduct themselves and the way the United States does," McConnell told CNN's "State of the Union."

While saying he would not critique "every utterance" by Trump, McConnell said he thinks "America's exceptional, America is different, we don't operate in any way the way the Russians do. I think there's a clear distinction here that all Americans understand, and no, I would not have characterized it that way."

"I obviously don't see this issue the same way he does," McConnell said.

Vice President Mike Pence denied that Trump's comments were a false equivalency between Putin's actions and those of U.S. leaders, adding that Trump was trying to reset the U.S. relationship with Russia, as he promised in the campaign.

"If we were able to work with Russia to hunt down and destroy ISIS and confront radical Islamic terrorism, that would be a good thing," Pence said on NBC's "Meet the Press." ''What you have in President Trump is someone who is not going to look in the rearview mirror so much as looking out the windshield."

O'Reilly also asked Trump to back up his claims that some 3 million to 5 million illegal votes were cast in the election. Trump didn't answer directly, but asserted that immigrants in the U.S. illegally and dead people are on the voter rolls. "It's a really a bad situation, it's really bad," Trump said.

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the Nov. 8 election. Trump won the Electoral College vote but lost the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million votes to Clinton.

Trump recently announced on Twitter that he would call for a "major investigation" into voter fraud, but the plan for Trump to take some type of executive action on the issue has been delayed, senior administration officials said last week.

McConnell, meanwhile, said such an investigation should be handled by the states, which historically have been the ones to probe such allegations.

"There's no evidence that it occurred in such a significant number that would have changed the presidential election, and I don't think we ought to spend any federal money investigating that," McConnell told CNN. "I think the states can take a look at this issue."

The Trump administration on Thursday revised recent U.S. sanctions that had unintentionally prevented American companies from exporting certain consumer electronic products to Russia. The change allows companies to deal with Russia's security service, which licenses such exports under Russian law.

The products were not intended to be covered by the sanctions the Obama administration imposed on Dec. 29 after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia interfered in the presidential election. The White House denied it was easing sanctions.

Also last week, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley condemned Russia's "aggressive actions" in eastern Ukraine and warned Moscow that U.S. sanctions imposed after its annexation of Crimea will remain until the peninsula is returned to Ukraine.

But she tempered her criticism, saying it was "unfortunate" that she had to condemn Russia in her first appearance at the U.N. Security Council.

"We do want to better our relations with Russia," Haley said.

© 2017 Associated Press


Trump repeats respect for 'killer' Putin in Fox Super Bowl interview
President says: ‘There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers.’

Trump on Putin: “I respect a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to get along with them.’
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell issues mild rebuke
5 February 2017


GOP senators blanch at Trump’s latest defense of Putin

President Trump looks over towards Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., left, while speaking at the House and Senate GOP lawmakers at the annual policy retreat in Philadelphia on Jan. 26. [with embedded video, and comments]


Oval Office Cold Open - SNL

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by Saturday Night Live [ / , ]

President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) calls Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Beck Bennett), Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto (Alex Moffat) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Kate McKinnon).

[originally aired February 4, 2017] [with comments]


Kristen Stewart Monologue - SNL

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by Saturday Night Live

Host Kristen Stewart remembers when Donald Trump was obsessed with her.

[originally aired February 4, 2017] [with comments]


Welcome Video - SNL

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by Saturday Night Live

The U.S. customs welcome video has recently undergone some changes.

[originally aired February 4, 2017 (U.S. central time)] [with comments]


Sean Spicer Press Conference - SNL

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by Saturday Night Live

White House press secretary Sean Spicer (Melissa McCarthy) and secretary of education nominee Betsy DeVos (Kate McKinnon) take questions from the press (Bobby Moynihan, Kristen Stewart, Cecily Strong, Vanessa Bayer, Alex Moffat, Mikey Day).

[originally aired February 4, 2017 (U.S. central time)] [with comments]


Wall Street Is Even More Craven Than We Thought

The new alliance between financial executives and Donald Trump.
02/05/2017 Updated February 5, 2017 [with comments]


Donald Trump Is Breaking His Promise To Be Tough On Wall Street
The president’s agenda is full-throttle deregulation.

Steven Mnuchin testifies before Senate Finance Committee on Jan. 19, 2017, to become secretary of the treasury.
01/31/2017 Updated February 3, 2017 [with comments]


Trump's whirlwind start draws admiration on French far-right

Marine Le Pen, French National Front (FN) political party leader and candidate for the French 2017 presidential election, attends the 2-day FN political rally to launch the presidential campaign in Lyon, France February 5, 2017.
Feb 5, 2017 [with embedded video]


Sheriff’s Office: Customer shoots, kills suspected diaper thief in Florida Wal-Mart parking lot
February 4, 2017


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (other) following (in particular the current {and any future following}), see also (linked in): and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following); and following, and preceding and following


02/06/17 7:32 PM

#264603 RE: F6 #264488

Kellyanne Conway’s ‘Bowling Green massacre’ wasn’t a slip of the tongue. She has said it before.
February 6, 2017 [with embedded videos, including the above YouTube, and comments] , [embedded; with comments]


04/08/17 8:06 PM

#267892 RE: F6 #264488

The Johnson Amendment, Which Trump Vows to ‘Destroy,’ Explained


President Trump spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Thursday.
Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — When President Trump told an audience of religious leaders on Thursday that he would ‘destroy’ the Johnson Amendment, he declared his intention to sign a bill that would fundamentally alter a major aspect of the church-state divide that has been a constant in American politics for generations.

But what exactly is the Johnson Amendment?

A restriction for churches and nonprofits

It is one of the brightest lines in the legal separation between religion and politics. Under the provision, which was made in 1954, tax-exempt entities like churches and charitable organizations are unable to directly or indirectly participate in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate. Specifically, ministers are restricted from endorsing or opposing candidates from the pulpit. If they do, they risk losing their tax-exempt status.

Considered uncontroversial at the time .. , it was passed by a Republican Congress and signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican. Today, however, many Republicans want to repeal it.

The ‘Johnson’ is Lyndon Johnson

Back when Lyndon B. Johnson was a senator from Texas, he introduced the measure as an amendment to the tax code in 1954. Like many things Johnson did, the goal was to bludgeon a political opponent, in this case a rival in a primary who had the backing of nonprofit groups that were campaigning against him by suggesting he was a communist. Though there was no church involved, according to PolitiFact .. , churches were covered by the bill as well.

It fulfills a major campaign promise to the right

Mr. Trump promised he would work to repeal the Johnson Amendment as part of his extensive outreach efforts to religious conservatives, a group that took a long time to warm to his candidacy. Eliminating the measure has been a goal of the right. Conservatives have argued that it violates the protections of free speech and free exercise that the First Amendment extends to houses of worship. Courts have not agreed.

Speaking of the implications of a repeal last year, Jerry Falwell Jr., the prominent evangelical leader and Trump supporter, said it would “create a huge revolution for conservative Christians and for free speech.”

Two Johnson Amendment mentions are early into the second half of yours

Donald Trump gave a doozy of a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast [with embedded video and annotations, and comments]


Donald Trump Declares a Vision of Religious Nationalism
At the annual prayer breakfast in Washington, the president focused on the violent, ideological threats to America. [with comments]

Above those in yours Colbert on Trump's muddled thinking processes is hilarious.

President Trump Asks Judge Gorsuch: So You Think You Can SCOTUS?

See also:

JimLur -- I've made my view of Gorsuch clear