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02/05/17 1:44 PM

#264535 RE: F6 #264534

I fully expect to be attacked here somewhere in the US and I fully expect to find that it was funded by 'donald trumps circle
of ignorant people/white nationalists' .. both in the government and those out . .. carrying it out names

funded with his money, to whomever he funnels it ..


02/05/17 3:38 PM

#264536 RE: F6 #264534

A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population

January 6, 2016 [with comments]

so, let's see here -- as of 2015 the rest of us outnumbered them 99 to 1, but by 2050 the rest of us will only outnumber them 46.62 to 1

obviously, the rest of us are doomed


02/06/17 2:56 AM

#264559 RE: F6 #264534

Bill O'Reilly's Super Bowl interview with President Trump

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by Fox News [ / , ]

Bill sits down with President Donald Trump to discuss foreign and nation policy.

Which States Rely Most on Federal Spending?

03/04/2016 [with comments] [with comments]


Bill O'Reilly interviews President Donald Trump before Super Bowl LI | FOX SPORTS [the same as the YouTube above, minus the plug at the end for the rest of the interview Monday (later today) and Tuesday on O'Really]

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by FOX Sports [ / , ]

President Donald Trump sat down with Bill O'Reilly before Super Bowl LI.

Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly Use the Super Bowl to Push Voter Fraud Lies

The president used his pre-Super Bowl interview on Fox News to trot out his bogus voter fraud claims once again.
02.05.17 [with comments]


Stupid Christians

Published on Apr 7, 2015 by Andrew Skegg [ / , ]

I am so sorry.

Yes - some are comedy, some are Poe, some are real. You decide which. [with comments]


Kellyanne Conway: Leaks of Trump’s calls with U.S. allies were ‘unflattering’ — to the allies
February 5, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments]


What to Do if you Miss the Rapture

Published on Sep 4, 2015 by Robert Breaker [ / , ]

Sermon for Sunday, September 6, 2015. This is the forty-ninth sermon preached in English on It was preached by Pastor/Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, who shows how to be saved if you are left behind at the Rapture.

The Rapture:
1 Thes. 4:15-18
1 Cor. 15:51-53

The Gospel: (The Plan Of Salvation)
1 Cor. 15:1-4
*.Death *.Burial *.Resurrection
Ephesians 2:8-9 ; 1:13 ; 1:7

Jesus Christ: (The Messiah Savior of the World)
1 Tim. 3:16

Salvation During Tribulation:
(Proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord and the ONLY means to come by to be saved)
Acts 4:12

Get Saved: (Decide to Be\get saved and follow Jesus DENY MYSELF\DENY FLESH)
Matt. 16:24-26

Have FAITH IN and Follow Jesus
Rev. 14:12
Matt. 10:22
Mark 13:12-13 (Hated for his namesake and brother will turn upon brother!

Deception by Antichrist TAKE HEAD!
Matt. 24:4-13
Matt. 24:21-24
2 Thes. 2:3-8

Confession (You can NOT Deny Jesus if you miss rapture)
Matt. 10-32-33

Mark Of The Beast (Do Not Take The Mark Of The Beast from the state)
Rev. 14:9-11
Rev. 16:2 (Disease A grievous sore)
Rev. 13:15-18
Rev. 20: 4-5
Rev. 12:11
Rev. 13:7-10
Matt.7:13-14 [comments disabled]


The rapture claimed victims

Uploaded on May 20, 2011 by Andrew Skegg

Do not think the rapture is a harmless prank, or merely the domain of fools. It has real world and serious consequences.

Some points:

1) The video was uploaded late on the 21st May local time (GMT +10), but was set to "private" until around midnight when I went to bed. The May 20th timestamp is obviously the time of Google's servers. But in the end, who cares? Is not much a a "prediction" to state I would wake up in the morning.

2) Yes people are gullible and should reap their fruits of their stupidity, however I feel we should protect morons from their own stupidity to some extent. It's what Jesus would do - right? :)

3) Yes - one of the "daughters" is a boy. Mea culpa.

4) Pointing out the Bible says "no man shall know the hour" frankly admits you still believe in the ridiculous notion of the rapture.

5) Don't like it when I call your god "imaginary"? Sorry. Show me how I can tell the difference between an imaginary god and the real thing.

6) The Revelations reference relates to the 144,000 Jews who will be saved. The rapture comes from 1 Thessalonians 4:17

"Then we who are alive and remain shall be CAUGHT UP together with them IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord IN THE AIR. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."

Robert Fitzparick:

Haddad family:

Mother tries to kill her children to avoid tribulation:

Rapture event animation:

Song at the end?
"Rapture" by Blondie, of course!

Blog post: [with comments]


Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?

Published on Dec 2, 2015 by Robert Breaker

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker asks the question: "Could Obama be the Biblical antichrist prophesied in the Holy Scriptures to come in the last days?"

Mr. Breaker shows what many people today are saying about this on youtube and in other venues, and then shows what the Bible says specifically about who the antichrist will be and what he will do when he comes in the last days, being careful to let the viewer decide for him or herself.

Note: This video does NOT state, declare, or dogmatically assert that Obama is the biblical antichrist. It simply ASKS THE QUESTION that so many are asking today, and then looks at the evidence that THEY present as THEY TRY to say prove that he is. This video is made with the intention of provoking free thought, encouraging others to practice discernment, and desiring others to study the scriptures for themselves, and to investigate this matter further if they so desire.

After watching this video in it's entirety, the viewer is left to answer the question for themselves. What do you think? Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? [with comments]


2016 Election: What Does the Bible Say About It?

Published on Oct 6, 2016 by Robert Breaker

Interesting and Odd things about the 2016 election, and what the Bible has to say about it and the candidates. [comments disabled]


Globalist Ghouls Rolled Out For Super Bowel LI

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ] [with comments]


The Best of GodStuff

Published on Apr 6, 2015 by Jackie Alnor [ / , ]

GodStuff -- A regular staple of The Daily Show - produced by the Trinity Foundation in Dallas. I was honored to have been a paid consultant, supplying clips for the segment. [with comments]


Lady Gaga To Turn Halftime Show Into Satanic Ritual

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]


"Jesus Camp" Movie featuring a Fat Farting Cow

Uploaded on Jun 17, 2009 by HPKickstand [ / , ]

After viewing the movie "Jesus Camp," it is obvious that this woman is not only guilty of child abuse, but has violated a commandment (Proverbs 23:2) of the god of the Bible. [with comments]


Alex Jones (FULL SHOW Commercial Free) Sunday 2/5/17: Roger Stone

Published on Feb 5, 2017 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

On this Sunday, Feb. 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we discuss how the social engineers for centuries have used sports to distract the masses from important matters that directly effect their lives as millions prepare to watch Super Bowl LI. We'll also break down how pop-star Lady Gaga's halftime show will undoubtedly include Satanic rituals, a common occurrence at many Super Bowl games. The latest on the establishment's attacks against President Donald Trump will be covered with political insider Roger Stone as well as the aftermath from the Berkeley riots in California. [with comments] [N.B.: the YouTube of the Joe Rogan podcast, "Joe Rogan Experience #911 - Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo" ( ), included at/see (linked in) (two posts back) and preceding and following, is very much still there, as it has been the other times I've checked back on it since posting it (Alex having before this one already claimed repeatedly that it had been taken down by YouTube)]


More Stupid Christians

Uploaded on Nov 14, 2010 by Andrew Skegg

A few classics, a few memories, and a message.

Yes, some of these are Poe (yes, like Tamtampamela), send ups, and satire.

Sources (well, some):

The Girl

The Gay

Cartoon are EVIL!

Joe's Grand Reality

Minister Estus Pirkle's

Fearfully Made Singing (the guy in the yellow shirt) [with (nearly 5,000) comments]


Pence Defends Trump’s Criticism of Judge Who Blocked Travel Ban

President Trump speaking with reporters on Air Force One on Friday. He has quickly pushed into a confrontation with the courts as he test the limits of executive power.
Donald J. Trump
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
8:12 AM - 4 Feb 2017
[ (with {over 71,000} comments)]
Donald J. Trump
Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!
3:39 PM - 5 Feb 2017
[ (with {over 40,000} comments)]
Donald J. Trump
I have instructed Homeland Security to check people coming into our country VERY CAREFULLY. The courts are making the job very difficult!
3:42 PM - 5 Feb 2017
[ (with {over 29,000} comments)]

FEB. 5, 2017


Even More Stupid Christians

Uploaded on Sep 5, 2011 by Andrew Skegg

It's that time again.


Christian Nightmares (great tumbr blog):

Everything is terrible (great site for crazy weird wonderful):

50's preacher

Yodelling for Jesus

Chuck Norris Sucks

Gay Exorcism

I'll Stick to the Old Fashion Way

If My People Humble Themselves and Pray

Jeff Jansen Moving in the glory

Jesus loves you!

Let's obey!

Every eye will behold.

New thang!

Pagan atheists

Pole dancing for Jesus

Preaching for hell

Suzanne Hinn - Holy Ghost Enema

The devil is scared of the number 7

F you!

Kickin' it for Jesus

The devil's assignment [with comments]


Defying uncaring image, New York subway riders erase swastikas from car

Subway goers walk on the platform in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., December 31, 2016.
Feb 5, 2017


Gregory Locke

Feb 4, 2017 - New York, NY

I got on the subway in Manhattan tonight and found a Swastika on every advertisement and every window. The train was silent as everyone stared at each other, uncomfortable and unsure what to do.

One guy got up and said, "Hand sanitizer gets rid of Sharpie. We need alcohol." He found some tissues and got to work.

I've never seen so many people simultaneously reach into their bags and pockets looking for tissues and Purel. Within about two minutes, all the Nazi symbolism was gone.

Nazi symbolism. On a public train. In New York City. In 2017.

"I guess this is Trump's America," said one passenger. No sir, it's not. Not tonight and not ever. Not as long as stubborn New Yorkers have anything to say about it. [with comments]


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (other) following (in particular {and any future following}, and and {and any future following}), see also (linked in): and preceding and following and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following); and preceding and following; and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following; and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following; and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following)


03/14/18 10:05 PM

#277652 RE: F6 #264534

Gina Haspel, Trump’s Choice for C.I.A., Played Role in Torture Program

"Full Show - Trump Supporters Targeted For Attack/
France Under Reign Of Islamic Terror - 02/03/2017


Gina Haspel, President Trump’s choice to lead the C.I.A.,
was described by former officials as a tough, direct
intelligence professional. Credit C.I.A.

WASHINGTON — Just over a year after the Sept. 11 attacks, the C.I.A. dispatched the veteran clandestine officer Gina Haspel to oversee a secret prison in Thailand. Shortly after, agency contractors in the frantic hunt for the conspirators waterboarded a Qaeda suspect three times and subjected him to brutal interrogation techniques.

Ms. Haspel’s time running the prison, code-named Cat’s Eye, began her deep involvement in the agency’s counterterrorism operations and showed her willingness to take part in the agency’s rendition, detention and interrogation program, which shaped her career. She was a rising star until that dark chapter in C.I.A. history began to emerge publicly.

But under President Trump, her fortunes changed, and on Tuesday, he announced that he intended .. .. to name her director of the C.I.A.

With his elevation of Ms. Haspel, now the agency’s deputy director, Mr. Trump displayed a willingness to ignore the widespread denunciations of waterboarding, sleep deprivation, confinements in boxes and other interrogation techniques that were used by the C.I.A. more than a decade ago.

Her nomination is certain to reignite the wrenching debate over their use and the resulting psychological damage .. .. for terrorism suspects. Though lawmakers, human rights activists and others eventually condemned the interrogation methods as torture, the program had defenders. Among them was Mr. Trump, who vowed during his campaign to bring back waterboarding .. .. and once said that “torture works,” though he later backed off that declaration .. .

Ms. Haspel, 61, would become the first woman to run C.I.A. if she is confirmed by the Senate.

“She is an outstanding person who also I have gotten to know very well,” Mr. Trump said on Tuesday in brief comments to reporters .. .. on the South Lawn of the White House.

During her Senate confirmation, Ms. Haspel will be forced to answer unsettling questions about waterboarding and her interactions with detainees. She will probably have to answer whether she would agree to reinstate waterboarding as the president has suggested and whether she believes that torture is an effective way to extract information from terrorism suspects.

“I don’t envy her trying to get through confirmation,” said Robert Eatinger, the former top lawyer in the C.I.A.’s Counterterrorism Center. “It’s going to be the first chance for senators to have someone intimately involved in the program in front of them to answer questions. I think they’ll take full advantage of that opportunity.”

Senators who were deeply critical of the interrogation program could stand in Ms. Haspel’s way. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California and the former chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, oversaw its investigation into the program. The resulting 2014 report .. .. found that the program was deeply flawed and those involved portrayed it as more effective than it was, misleading policymakers. The extent of Ms. Haspel’s role in the program is not known; only the report’s executive summary was released, and it obscured the identities of agency operatives.

Ms. Feinstein has remained silent on whether she would block Ms. Haspel’s nomination but told reporters on Tuesday that the two women had worked together since Ms. Haspel ascended to the C.I.A.’s No. 2 post in February 2017.

“Since my concerns were raised over the torture situation, I have met with her extensively, talked with her,” Ms. Feinstein said. “She has been, I believe, a good deputy director. She seems to have the confidence of the agency, which is good.”

Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, who was held prisoner during the Vietnam War and tortured for five and a half years, demanded that Ms. Haspel publicly explain her role in the interrogation program.

“The torture of detainees in U.S. custody during the last decade was one of the darkest chapters in American history,” he wrote on Twitter .. . “The Senate must do its job in scrutinizing the record & involvement of Gina Haspel in this disgraceful program.”

Ms. Haspel was also embroiled in another dark episode in the C.I.A.’s interrogation program.

In 2005, Jose Rodriguez, then the head of the agency’s clandestine service, ordered the destruction of videotapes of the waterboarding sessions. Ms. Haspel, serving as Mr. Rodriguez’s chief of staff, was a strong advocate for getting rid of the tapes, former C.I.A. officers said.

Years later, when the C.I.A. wanted to name Ms. Haspel to run clandestine operations, Ms. Feinstein blocked the promotion .. .. over Ms. Haspel’s role in the interrogation program and the destruction of the tapes.

Amy Jeffress, a national security aide to former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. who served in London for the Justice Department while Ms. Haspel was C.I.A. station chief there, defended her.

“She will be criticized for her role in the interrogation program, but my experience from working with her is that she has learned from those mistakes and will be a thoughtful and conscientious leader of the C.I.A.,” Ms. Jeffress said.

Ms. Haspel was described former agency operatives and F.B.I. agents who worked with her as apolitical, a tough intelligence professional and direct but collegial. She has successfully managed sometimes difficult relationships with foreign intelligence services and the occasional grumpy F.B.I. agent.

She has succeeded in an agency traditionally dominated by men. After joining the C.I.A. in 1985, she was assigned to the Central European Division. She spent long stretches overseas, including in Turkey and Central Asia, before ascending to station chief in New York, where she was posted when Osama bin Laden was killed and worked closely with the F.B.I. as the agencies combed through files taken from his compound.

She has held two of the top three jobs in the clandestine service and twice ran the C.I.A.’s station in London, a post made all the more important by the agency’s relationship with MI6, the British intelligence service.

But her role in fighting terrorism is certain to draw the most scrutiny as her confirmation hearing looms.

After the Sept. 11 attacks, the C.I.A. launched a desperate hunt around the globe to find those responsible. In 2002, agency operatives working with Pakistani authorities captured a Qaeda suspect, Abu Zubaydah, and ferried him to the C.I.A. prison in Thailand. He was harshly interrogated and waterboarded at least 83 times in one month .. , sent to the brink of death, revived and questioned over and over.

Ms. Haspel arrived to run the prison in late October 2002, after the harsh interrogation of Mr. Zubaydah, a former senior C.I.A. official said. In mid-November, another Qaeda suspect, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri arrived. Mr. Nashiri, accused of bombing the U.S.S. Cole, was the man who was waterboarded three times.

After the prison closed in early December 2002, former officials said, Ms. Haspel returned to the Counterterrorism Center outside Washington as an operations officer.

Of the many difficult jobs she has held her career, former agency officials said, running the C.I.A. and managing the president would likely prove to be the hardest.

Ms. Feinstein said her support would hinge on the outcome of a meeting with Ms. Haspel, who contacted Ms. Feinstein on Tuesday morning to request one. Ms. Feinstein declined to detail what she would ask and what assurances she might seek in exchange for her support of Ms. Haspel’s confirmation.

“There is a difference,” Ms. Feinstein said, “between the second spot and the top spot.”


Matt Apuzzo and Nicholas Fandos contributed reporting.

Follow Adam Goldman on Twitter: @adamgoldmanNYT.


Why Torture Doesn’t Work
The Neuroscience of Interrogation
Shane O'Mara

Posted specifically to the second in yours

The New C.I.A. Deputy Chief’s Black-Site Past

For a brief period, Donald Trump appeared to have changed his position on torture. Now he has appointed Gina
Haspel, who oversaw brutal interrogations under the Bush Administration, to be the deputy director of the C.I.A.
February 3, 2017

See also:

Torture May Have Slowed Hunt For Bin Laden, Not Hastened It

Waterboarding did not reveal Osama bin Laden trail

Thank You, John McCain