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10/30/14 1:12 PM

#89187 RE: snakecorleone #89183

wow, snake. not sure where to begin on that...

re: "who cares if Mark misunderstood the timeframe in which the approval happens, the end result is what is most important."

the core question is whether you can take anything Mark says at face value.
ignoring the 2010 "no need to RS, and would tell you before i did" fiasco,
simply consider his track record of this year:

• back in March-April, Mark said we were weeks away from a completed audit.

• back in July, Mark said we were "1-2 days away" from a completed audit.
3 months later, we finally have the audit.
major sigh of relief. :-)

but given these data points, do you feel comfortable believing:

• any timeline Mark quotes for FINRA approving 211?
• any timeline Mark quotes for ST film production?
• any timeline Mark quotes for WS post production?
(WS was going to be complete in 2011, right?)

personally, i'm very happy to see the form 10 filed.
it's a major step forward in credibility for me.

and i do feel the 211 has a decent shot at approval, given the form 10.
and that ST has a decent shot at reaching production within 2 years.

but, given the track record,
imo, it's simply not prudent to take any timeline projection quoted by Mark at face value.


10/30/14 9:48 PM

#89206 RE: snakecorleone #89183

I agree with you, the form 10 and audited F/S was a good achievement that has been completed. NEXT!

What Mark understood, interpreted or stated on how long he thinks FINRA will take to approve once Form 10 is filed is b.s. Who cares! NEXT!

Mark has done what is needed at this stage in the process, albeit late and incorrect timeline and promises. NEXT!

Our main concern should be whether FINRA will approve the 211 and what factors it will consider now that MIKP has done what was asked of it. It is now in FINRA's hands. <<<< This is what is important!

I think one significant factor they will consider is MIKP has done what was asked of it along with the F/S being audited, albeit late. If FINRA approves, they will set precedence.

The next significant factor they will consider is the protection of investors in MIKP and if there is a risk that MIKP will hurt investors or have to be suspended again in the future. I hope they consider both to be okay and approve.

Let me know if I am missing anything.