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lady glueck

05/30/14 1:32 AM

#26601 RE: Bertsllc #26598

sure, many issues come in irs final stage::
...It is important to notice that even during the rising economic growth of the 50's and 60's that increasing interest rates led to a slowdown in economic activity. This is ALWAYS the case which debunks the entire argument of most mainstream analysis that the economy can handle higher interest rates. It may appear to do so in the short term, but higher borrowing costs erode the economic underpinnings.

"Rising Inflation Will Pull Interest Rates Up"

This is another "cart before the horse issue." Inflation is a function of stronger economic growth which leads to rising wage growth which allows consumers to buy "more" stuff which leads to higher prices. Let's add to the chart above to see the relationship between all of these variables.

As you can see wage and salary growth has the highest correlation to economic growth (follow the link and check CHART). With a sustainable trend in rising economic growth which leads to a corresponding trend to higher wage growth, inflation and interest rates will be remain subdued. As stated above, interest rates are a function of demand for credit. The demand for credit comes from increased levels of aggregate demand that leads to the need for higher production. Increased demand for credit by businesses increases monetary velocity through the economy which leads to rising inflation. Currently, those variables do not exist....

The question must be raised whether a hidden party has joined Russia in the dumping process. It could be that an angry Saudi Arabia has decided to discharge large tracts of USTBonds, or maybe Iran in a new financial war flank attack. Perhaps even China, using its Hong Kong window, has a reverse flow with Gold bullion entering and USTBonds exiting in payment. The Dollar empire has been in a middle stage of collapse with QE3 blessed and the Taper a mere fiction, sustained by creative lies. Clearly, the Belgium Bulge indicates a late stage of collapse. The game is fast changing, using big hidden channels in the monetary war. Motives are easy to identify. Russia is complying with the sanctions, removing funds in the face of frozen accounts and obstructed channels. The Saudis are another newly designated public enemy of the United States, which always prefers to maintain a list of enemy states to keep the fascist war machine humming. The Saudis might be discharging vast tracts of USTBonds after learning that the London bankers stealing their Gold.

The latest pressures with Credit Suisse and even BNP Paribas to admit guilt has an odor about it. The USGovt is forcing merger with UBS and Societe Generale respectively, likely to enable easier Saudi gold account pilferage, a US fascist specialty. The ultimate vengeance by Saudi will be divestiture of USTBonds and full abandonment of the USDollar, followed by complete adoption of the Chinese Yuan and protectorate role. The Saudis soon will no longer have a conformity to the USDollar linkage to oil sales. The entire OPEC bloc will follow in a devastating blow to the USDollar. Later the final blow from that region of the world would be the formation and launch of the gold-backed Gulf Dinar. These steps would all be seen as declaration of war against US interests (common term used). The death of the Petro-Dollar might have a Saudi imprint in Belgium. Notice the Belgium Bulge Billboard, the beginning of their USTBond holding rise in November 2013 and unmistakably in December 2013 (at $257bn). It is a giant Red Herring in March at $381bn. When it surpasses half a $trillion, perhaps it will be a daily point of controversial debate.