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Alias Born 02/11/2014

Re: 7kidsmom post# 132

Tuesday, 04/01/2014 8:56:53 AM

Tuesday, April 01, 2014 8:56:53 AM

Post# of 200
Sorry about the delay responding. I typed you a really pithy response first thing yesterday morning, and my computer locked up just as I was about to "submit post"

My computer is junk, and I am transferring over to a much newer one this week.

YOUR POST 132: Do you think we are in for the bounce now? We should be good to go, I think.

Well, I was not up to trying to retype my post from memory, blah blah blah blah blah, and basically what I said was that the elite bankster oligarch thieves could not allow us to protect ourselves with gold as a savings mechanism, and they would crush gold as often as they had power too ( with the gov't's blessing ) and the money to do so, because shorting gold is expensive and risky.

I read this last night and this article says what I typed, better, and with charts :

If gold gets whacked again by the NY / London / Zurich / Belgium elite bankster thieves, to $1100, or even to $1000, then PNPFF is toast, at least until gold recovers.

Ouch. I ain't selling, because I need the insurance of owning PNPFF. And bullion as well (like with C^F).

The article above is a great, well-written article. Many people that I respect, and follow, are predicting another gold takedown. Imagine how a takedown to $1000, or worse, $800, would crush the spirits of people who want to protect their wealth -- with gold -- from (inflation) theft by the NY / London / Zurich / Belgium elite bankster thieves.

Truly, we have no hope but gold, and funds like PNPFF !

Or, alternatively, you can trust the NY / London / Zurich / Belgium elite bankster thieves -- GOOD LUCK WITH THAT !

More later, I am not quite done setting up my Windows 8 PC. It is hard for me to customize, given my background.


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