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Re: surf1944 post# 2170

Tuesday, 03/12/2013 9:04:35 AM

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 9:04:35 AM

Post# of 2237
7:30AM POZEN reports European Patent Office maintains PA/VIMOVO patent (POZN) 5.96 : Co announces that the Opposition Division of the European Patent Office has maintained the granted European patent, EP1411900, entitled Pharmaceutical Compositions for the Coordinated Delivery of NSAIDs, which covers VIMOVO and its PA product candidates. The patent claims maintained in the opposition proceedings relate to combinations of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The Opponent has the option of appealing the decision of the Opposition Division until May 5, 2013, which is two months from the date of the Opposition Division's written decision. Co expects the appeals process, if initiated, to take two years until a final decision of the Board of Appeals is rendered.