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Alias Born 04/12/2001

Re: Yosako post# 904

Tuesday, 06/12/2012 3:30:25 PM

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:30:25 PM

Post# of 911
Those guys are pretty good. But here's the real comparison:

What they call a "direct IPO": Therefore, all in, most companies are looking at total costs to go public through a Direct IPO of $100,000 to $150,000, and anywhere from 7 to 12 months.

A reverse merger: Therefore, all in, most companies are looking at total costs to go public through a reverse merger of $150,000 to $550,000 (largely dependent on the cost of the shell) and anywhere about 6 weeks to acquire the shell and another 2-8 weeks of post-transaction filings.

I know I'd go with the "direct IPO". I'd spend less, and know I had a clean company, with no surprises. Doesn't look to me as if they allow for very thorough vetting of possible shell candidates, and choosing a dirty one can be a complete disaster.
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