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Re: surf1944 post# 2144

Wednesday, 01/25/2012 8:49:19 AM

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:49:19 AM

Post# of 2237
Pozen Inc

For many investors, the pharmaceutical sector has been a portfolio staple for a long time. Companies like Eli Lilly and Company (LLY) or Pfizer Inc (PFE) have been great holdings with steady increases in both dividends and stock price. Pozen Inc is one such company; located in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina, Pozen received FDA approval on two medicines it has developed. One of these formulas has the company poised to surge in 2012.

Anti-migraine medicine Treximet has been a strong source of income for Pozen. The income will continue as the company sold the royalty rights of Treximet to Pantheon Pharmaceuticals (PTI) for $75 million. Sold in November of 2011, this deal will create a strong revenue stream and boost the company in the coming year. Currently selling around $3.90, (about half of its 52-week high) the 1-year target is $5.50, representing an expected increase of nearly 30%. Although it is a relative newcomer in pharma, look for Pozen to be a strong mover in 2012, with many analysts considering it either a hold or a buy.

surf's up......crikey