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Alias Born 10/24/2006

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Saturday, 01/18/2025 7:12:35 AM

Saturday, January 18, 2025 7:12:35 AM

Post# of 69513
!st let me thank you good folks for the prayers and thoughts while my bride & I drove across country....from Va. to Nevada , A really good run, -- way over in the desert when we came upon those mountains that are nothing but rock and sand, I personally would not like to live there, but I always love their beauty, this trip as I looked at them and being an old trucker I said to my bride..."God must have had some very big dump-trucks to dump all that." Point being that I always try my best to see God's hand at work.-------
Psalm 63: 6-7------When I remember You on my bed,
I meditate on You in the night watches. Because You have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.
This rang a bell with me---how many times I wake-up during the night and think so much on my life and focusing on God and all He has done for me
God Bless and you good folks have a beautiful day

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