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Re: roadkilll post# 493

Wednesday, 01/15/2025 11:46:23 AM

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:46:23 AM

Post# of 506
I, originally thought "leaking news" too. In fact, I'm still not so sure that it didn't start as a result of some "fly-on-the-wall" insider institutional interest- (we'll find out eventually once the 13Fs get filed.) But then all of a sudden there was a lot of chatter and a gazillion new posters popping up on cyber chats and what-not. Either way, at this point, I still believe the stock is heavily influenced by "players" given the low float volatility, but that doesn't negate the possibility that the moves could prove to be accurate and legitimate irrespective of the "players" games. They could be just getting lucky lol!

This is precisely why I didn't and won't chance trading my long term position- only my Options.Well, I have had several small trading positions over the past couple of years that I've flipped, but those only amounted to a few hundred shares and "profits" were added to my long position.

I'm done being patient. We need AND deserve a lot of updates at this point imo...😒

Thought the recent price momo might be related to news leaking from the labs.


Theo ;-)

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