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Alias Born 06/01/2014

Re: fung_derf post# 81601

Friday, 01/03/2025 3:46:30 PM

Friday, January 03, 2025 3:46:30 PM

Post# of 81636
No, I'm not a pumper, but I am an investor who excited about the future.  You did make some incorrect statements.
1) The HQ is not a virtual office.  It was a physical location with a warehouse when they sold lights and smart mirrors.  That company, which many invested in originally, went belly up.  They liquidated all the product.  Essentially, Capstone ceased to exist the last couple of years.  They never declared bankruptcy though.  Instead, the prior owner/ceo, Stewart Wallach, was behind the scenes looking for a suitor to essentially take over his company.  Let's call a spade a spade.  Capstone became a shell company that still maintained its current OTCQB status and they were looking for a potential reverse merger.

2) The debtors did not go from debtors to major shareholders.  The debtor was the previous owner/ceo and he was already the largest shareholder.  This action cleans up the debt on the balance sheet for the new company.  They also put restrictions on when and how much he could sell.  In fact, to break even on his debt would be a share price would have to be converted at $4+.  Additionally, OS is still approximately only 50 million shares and Float under 30 million shares after all this.

3) The new ceo is NOT a VC.  He is the owner and ceo of Coppermine, a large sports/fitness equipment company with 20 locations and  700+ employees.  As for not including his business under the Capstone umbrella, that has yet to be determined.  We have to wait and see.  He never said he was or was not.  He did say he would like to expand his company to 5 other states.  If he wanted to do that as a private company, why would he assume ceo of shell public company like Capstone?  Think about it.  Furthermore, we don't know who the 2 new BOD appointees are yet.  Buddies are huge assumption.  My experience tells me that if it were 2 "buddies" they'd be appointed already.   The fact they haven't been appointed yet, leads me to believe he's looking for strategic partners to help expand Coppermine or a new venture.  Remember the new CEO is a very successful entrepreneur and business owner.  He has no connections to any type of public company and definitely no indications he would partake in any ponzi schemes or pump and dumps.  His history and resume say just the opposite!

4) A reverse split is definitely not needed to survive.  Hence, cleaning up the balance sheets of all debt.  If Jacobs decides to complete a reverse merger with CAPC, he could be bringing in a successful multi-million revenue generating company.  The balance sheets definitely remain an issue, but they have options.  Converting the largest debt to shares with restrictions on conversion was a good decision for now. Wallach has never sold a share, even at $1.70.  He is not the type of guy who would screw over shareholders.  A true rarity in the OTC.  

How can you not see this as a buy and hold?  More things are lining up on the buy side then the sell side.  Nothing wrong with a small position until any potential reverse merger or business is announced as nothing is confirmed yet...just connecting the dots.  If a reverse merger is announced over the next few months and Coppermine goes public, it would be a 10X company for sure.  If reverse merger is not announced, I firmly believe Jacobs is the right CEO to turn this company around.  Either way I like what the future holds as of now.  I would never tell anyone how to invest.  All I would suggest for this stock is at minimum add it to your "Watch List".  
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