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Alias Born 04/24/2000

Re: ktcougar post# 475

Friday, 12/27/2024 9:31:30 PM

Friday, December 27, 2024 9:31:30 PM

Post# of 506
I sold ALL my January Calls but none of my April Calls. I can NOT believe
how expensive the OTM July Calls (ALL strikes) are...😳
I'm always rolling up and have been for months, but, since this last run- I can't afford to roll up...
Didn't stop me either from taking some chips off the table. From $0.07 to almost $7.00 ??
Momma didn't raise no fool...😉 (My "long" stock position is solid and intact for long term though.)

There was a poster on the Golden Lounge years ago (I can't remember who),
but the saying was something like: "If you're not selling, you're NOT trading/making money"
It's not exact, but you get the drift.
No shame in taking some profits 🫡

Theo ;-)

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