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Alias Born 04/03/2002

Re: ProfitScout post# 13439

Tuesday, 10/29/2024 10:34:50 AM

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 10:34:50 AM

Post# of 13446
Very positive comments from the management of both LLLI and BLIS in the news today:

Stephen Gurba, President of NAPC Defense stated, “We are exceptionally pleased to have reached an agreement to add the extensive and versatile Lamperd line of less lethal security products to our international marketing catalog. In researching the less lethal field we realized that the Lamperd line offers the widest selection, greatest versatility and highest quality solutions for our USA and global customers to possess a capability to effectively deal with increasing riots and other public order crisis with the lowest risk of harm or death to everyone on both sides. We intend to introduce the Lamperd Less Lethal product line to many prospective customers beginning immediately.”

Barry Lamperd, CEO of Lamperd Less Lethal commented, “Our entire product development, manufacturing, delivery and training staff are ready to support NAPC Defense with our full commitment in swiftly fulfilling all orders that their marketing program brings to us. To ensure the highest quality control and the quickest delivery times, all our manufacturing is done in-house with raw materials obtained from well established local suppliers. The Lamperd management team is also well versed in dealing with government agencies to obtain the necessary permits for the most efficient delivery to clients in every part of the world.”