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Alias Born 06/27/2018

Re: None

Monday, 10/14/2024 8:01:08 PM

Monday, October 14, 2024 8:01:08 PM

Post# of 1164
55 mil volume. Hilarious. Sucks that none of you are taking anything home. Working for the Man must suck. Little traders never learn anything. Hope the big shot traders know what they’re doing. Keep on shorting and doing what you do. I need my shares. Soon truth will arise and soon Longs will know what’s next. I predict termination without winding down and some dissolving. Or maybe they just keep this train rolling for a bit while they create another spoke for the hub. The goal of Cytovia is do a Hub and Spoke type bullshit strategy. Massimo and Teper, both idiots. Too bad for you INVO shareholders. Burnt big time. Sucks to be you. Bette flick next time. But great work little broker guys. Easy shorting for you guys. Plus you made the man a few bucks. I do appreciate getting your shares in the long run. Pays to be the 9 percent owner of the entire Zoo. Sucks to be the little keepers of each exhibit. Day in and day out managing each exhibit must be exhausting as I sit back and relax watching all of you fight over kibbles and bits. Choo Choo Cuckoo, Delusional, Crazy K
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