@grandslam... We don't know either way. That's the problem. They don't talk to the shareholders anymore outside of the SEC filings (which are great to have, but don't explain what's really happening, or perhaps not happening). They've obviously had a lot of difficulty pricing their IPOs, since this is the third or fourth attempt at it, in addition to the one brief attempt to do a listing without the IPO. But we have no idea why. The IPOScoop site, which tends to have decent data, does not list it as "withdrawn" yet, so perhaps they are still trying. I do wonder if there are IP concerns in the investment world, as I have no idea if they have obtained actual patents on the critical technologies (those being, in my view, AlloRx itself, and parts of their manufacturing platform). Since they don't communicate with us, there is no way to know if that is an issue, and, if not, what the problem is.