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Alias Born 01/04/2011

Re: toastturtle post# 634

Thursday, 09/12/2024 12:00:27 PM

Thursday, September 12, 2024 12:00:27 PM

Post# of 644
You can call the company. Leave a message and request IR. Call again and leave msg if no return call. They will call you back and take time to speak with you. Curious what you will discover doing so.

Inquiry was made about if "paying the auditors" was an issue, to which response was that the auditors ongoing and additional requests for substantiation of 'Subsequent Events' has been the current hold-up on the audited financials release. Granted, this may have been an evasive response to issue of available cash to actually pay the auditors, yet at the same time a reason was provided and not stated as inability to pay auditors, but as requirements to substantiate additional current Subsequent Events that (as you likely generally know) must be included when filed even for past financial years and quarters.

Just over breakeven suggests cash flow enough to have funds to pay auditors, or acquire shorter term loan to pay auditors. How much does an audit cost, are you familiar? Can vary, of course.

Seems you're suggesting current company annual revenues of about $30,000,000 per year ($2.5M per month).

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