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Alias Born 06/11/2020

Re: sylvia07 post# 51231

Wednesday, 09/11/2024 7:00:51 PM

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 7:00:51 PM

Post# of 51664
Shawn Leon has disparaged himself over the years. All it took for me was to bounce his narrative against the filings to reveal the dishonesty. OTC retail traders only care about one thing and that is can they flip the stock. They don't care if the company corrupt or bankrupt, only that they have a decent probability that they can they can flip short term for a profit. They love a story where the CEO is constantly pumping regardless if the narrative is believable or not. Most understand that these stinky pink tickers representing the worst of the worst companies are not an investment.

The problem here is that most retail understand that the shares of a regulation "A" offering are exempt from registration and are immediately tradable by those qualified buyers who subscribe. They also know that the offering trading price will be at a steep discount to market made viable by the reverse split. That is what Shawn Leon has been talking about in all five podcasts since early January. The reverse split and the offering? That debt has been getting paid for with new debt but without new cash coming from share sells that game like all Ponzi schemes eventually fails.

Everything that I post is just my informed opinion and is simply an invitation to debate. Trade on your own due diligence please..

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