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Alias Born 06/09/2011

Re: DJS1 post# 7825

Thursday, 09/05/2024 3:10:49 PM

Thursday, September 05, 2024 3:10:49 PM

Post# of 7882
Clearly, the timing is disappointing, I have a friend in this and he called over the weekend to ask what I thought the timing was. So I told him before Thanksgiving. He said, OK, Thanks! Sometimes it's all about managing expectations. I had been hoping for August after they said the Audited Statements were complete.

Then at the end of August, I thought I'd reset my expectations and when someone said the 1st week of September I said the 2nd would be ok as well. I'll be moving to the 3rd week of September soon, LOL!

Today, someone threw in the towel. Everyone has to do what makes them feel good about owning it or selling it.

I'll be a little shocked but not surprised if we don't hear something in the next week or two. (my way of bringing the 3rd week of September into the picture.)

Good luck to all!