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Re: papaphilip post# 7862

Wednesday, 08/21/2024 4:46:19 PM

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 4:46:19 PM

Post# of 7888
The liquidity issue is two fold the way I see it. It is still an unsolicited order stock until the 15c2-11 is filed and accepted. They got half the job done with the lifting of the "shell risk" label. I watch OTCMarkets everyday for filing news.
The other issue is getting a consistent news flow going. Just my opinion, however I lean toward they are saving any news they do have until audited financials and the 15c2-11 so it isn't wasted by unsolicited trades.
Today someone paid more for commission than the price of their stock purchase. 150 shares for .0172, haha. Then someone paid .09 for 100 shares.
Definitely pink sheet OTC stuff for right now. At least we are a step or two above grey sheet status.

Green Trades.
This is my one lotto play, so in it to win it.