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Alias Born 10/23/2016

Re: powerbattles post# 442

Tuesday, 07/30/2024 4:23:18 PM

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 4:23:18 PM

Post# of 459
… Since the SEC shut down 2021 September… This market is broken intentionally by the powers that be… Shame, and I hate to go to ticker to ticker… Like I have been. I would like to just stick with one which you do a good job of that, but I can’t and almost at the point of.… Moving on ….until the same powers that be turn the switch back on and turn off the negative algorithms that are so obviously squashing this market for now… this September will be three years of the worst OTC I have ever seen since 2001 and it’s not even close… The only hope I have now is that Trump is elected and he shakes up the SEC and it goes back to how it was before for 100 years….and they lay off the regulations that hasn’t saved any of us money from scam’s… But lost all of us more money than ever, so is that really helping the penny market? No.

Any time there are regulations that are too stringent in a free economy it is ruinous… That’s why Socialism and communism never quite work… Aalso the federal government is losing out on hundreds of millions of potential taxes from the virtual thin air and capital gains the last couple years because of this… This is literally bonus free money from our brains that could have been taxed at the huge rate they already are… That’s why I don’t understand why the government would want to squash this market so much…. Or at least look into why they are no longer getting all these capital gains.

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