Mean historical return and volatility for a 25 blue chips for long-term and short-term time intervals.
As all of you know, the historical expected return and volatility of stock is a very important characteristics of the stock stability and profitability. Here is the comparison of these values for 25 blue chips for two historical data intervals, 11 years and 1 month. 11 years interval shows long-term stock price tendencies, and 1 month interval exhibits stock price tendency in the near past.
This is a table for 25 blue chips and their expected return and volatility for 11 years of the data from 2013-01-02 to 2024-05-17.
symbol expected return volatility
AAPL 0.221 0.282
ABBV 0.147 0.265
AXP 0.133 0.293
CAT 0.125 0.283
CVX 0.035 0.282
GS 0.118 0.274
HD 0.16 0.235
HON 0.112 0.219
INTC 0.036 0.32
JNJ 0.071 0.175
JPM 0.143 0.261
KO 0.047 0.176
KR 0.132 0.274
LMT 0.152 0.216
MA 0.214 0.263
MCD 0.102 0.194
MRK 0.112 0.209
MSFT 0.271 0.267
NKE 0.118 0.279
NOC 0.185 0.235
ORCL 0.118 0.261
PG 0.081 0.18
SBUX 0.096 0.258
UNH 0.22 0.25
WMT 0.095 0.201
As you can see, the leader of the table is the Apple stocks with their 0.221 yearly expected return and 0.282 volatility.
The next table is the same one, but for the last month of the data, from 2024-04-17 to 2024-05-17.
As you can see, the leader of the table for one month is still the Apple stocks with their prominent 3.062 yearly expected return and 0.258 volatility. It means that the AAPL stock prices for the last month raised quite steadily.
And finally, here is the performance of the portfolio consisted of these blue chips. Optimization were performed by maximization of the Sharpe ratio, for 11 years of historical data.
expected return of the portfolio 0.223 volatility 0.184 Sharpe ratio 1.076
All the calculations were made with the help of the website for portfolio optimization The recommended browser is Firefox.
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