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Alias Born 05/27/2004

Re: Farmboynate post# 8133

Thursday, 05/02/2024 6:47:35 PM

Thursday, May 02, 2024 6:47:35 PM

Post# of 8139
There were multiple posters who came here with warnings when the change happened in AMIH when he took over. I was in AMIH months before the transition, and I should have heeded the warnings about that guy, but I just let it sit in my account and hoped there would be a good pump to get out in. I read up on what happened to XFLS and that came off as a classic penny stock shyster play. Well, the warnings were right.

The weird thing is they raised the A/S to 2 billion. Which, everyone knows in OTC land what that means and what is coming. They never maxed it out. In fact, they didnt do anything at all. No updates, no pump, no nothing. Its a shame because I could have been handed all those leases and turned them around and got cash flow coming in without doing much damage to the share structure. Probably would have had to plug some wells cut some liability and do a lot of workovers which I thought they were beginning to do.

Must have been something messed up behind the scenes. Internal disagreements on contracts or how things should go. Oh well....another one bites the dust.