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Alias Born 01/23/2004

Re: rickstereo3333 post# 2323

Tuesday, 10/31/2023 9:58:00 PM

Tuesday, October 31, 2023 9:58:00 PM

Post# of 2357
Wall is a interesting case.

I don't believe the same person has been using that alias.

Last year Wall and I had several personal PM exchanges on the hangout board..

This current Wall seems to have no idea that we had those conversations.

IMHO, Chemist has just gotten disillusioned due to the steady decline in stock price, RS option and general lack of verifiable progress with EPC.

14c approved RS option on books 20 days later

The adoption of the foregoing Corporate Actions will become effective 20 calendar days after the posting of this Information Statement. The Board of Directors is not soliciting your proxy in connection with the adoption of these Corporate Actions and proxies are not being requested from stockholders.