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Alias Born 12/22/2005

Re: rwalto post# 1179

Saturday, 02/04/2023 7:30:23 AM

Saturday, February 04, 2023 7:30:23 AM

Post# of 1614
I don't know it was suppose to be couple years ago I was hearing , but it got shut down, I think the guy that resigned was doing something fishy with us stock holders , now as soon as he resigned and they placed new management the stock ioni is trading way up and at a 12 month high, seems like fells like maybe something honest going on now , and some rumor they been buying back some shares , and it does seem like the float and or the os is less than it was, I really don't know but it fill better now , Im hoping the new management will be honest , especially with the quantum system firing up and being able to catch any funny business in the fins, sorry if I did not help enough , i'm more going by gut that maybe this is honest a real now that the bad guy resigned , I don't know I'm not his judge , only God knows and I pray every one turns to man kindness and does right.

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