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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: None

Friday, 08/21/2015 8:12:46 PM

Friday, August 21, 2015 8:12:46 PM

Post# of 53980
And so we sit and wait. It reminds me of the General's famous statement: "Old soldiers (like FASC) never die. They just fade away."
The most important DD (and my opinion most neglected) relates and has related to the character of the management.

Revenue and sales are very relevant, but so is what management does or does not do for us. These two factors, and their possible or non-existent inter-relationship, are what hold us-- with many in the two to five plus million share range. Nothing we can do except wait to see if a long shot still rises from the ashes of FASC.

My Dad, who was the President of the Waite Chair Company in Massachusetts, had a beautiful saying that went something like this:

Hope for the most,
Do your very best,
Then take what God sends.

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