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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Added some today,
Looks like it is time to add. Fifty grand a month is amazing just for chicken feet. My wife is Chinese and we have them often.
I agree we are in great Hands. Come on revenues. Penny here we come.
You must be dreaming.
Good for us that are believers.
I agree with you learning that a lot of shares are very long. I purchased over 2 mil, this week with one order. They filled it with
over 50 different small amounts. Looks very thin to me.
.50 is very realistic by year end. We need to stop talking to bashers and talk about the good merits of SPZI.
Just filled an order for over 2 mil. shares today. It took over 50 different fills to get that many shares for the one order. We are about to explode.
About time.
Just added some at 66.
Looking better every day. How about .50 by the end of May.
gs I know that am making bank here. Up about 10 k.
You are so right PXXX. I know this guy from a long time ago. Go SPZI.
Looking good here.
Thanks PXXX. What more could you ask for? These are professional people with established records. We will be golden.
Need some help to identify the ticker. The cusip is Lehman Brothers 525ESC711. My record keeping has not improved with my age. Thanks very much for any Help.
Looks like there is good potential here. Got my shares. Now we wait for more. Commits welcome.
This looks like to have a lot of potential. Will get some shares and wait and see. Will also get the product and try. Would appreciate any comments.
Thanks for your reply. Will add.
Your post is dated. Do you still feel the same way? Thanks
Just had a order fill for 90k. it took 6 buys to fill. I did slap the ask.
jdcpa1 You could not have said it better. Good times are ahead.
Hey Mellon,
It sure is hard to fell young at 86. This all started when I was young at 70.
Thanks Stervc for all of the great support information.
Where is everyone? I need more shares. Did you see the closing price?
Just got in at 1.40. When this hits it will be huge.
You can buy Rolls Royce in 3 different Ways. I have all three.
We are getting ready for a good run.
Good gains today. Dollar coming
I wonder if the new teck. that MMMW have just put under patents could be adapted to the new tower design for VSOLF. That would be great with increased efficiency.
I am ready for the reaction, Lets go.
Looked up all info i could find on Advanced Air LLC and it was started in 2005 in California. Has 20 Aircraft and has 131 employees.
With a stock price of about $4.50 it is really under priced. This is a mass produced super quality product. New and better models are planned and
being built. We need to go and tell the world our story and the price is right. Come on lets see $25.00 in 6 months. GLTUA
When will it happen Swiss? Hope it is soon as I will be 86 in Aug. this year. GLTUA
Beginning to have a good time here. Up 60% in 2 weeks.
Just picked up a starters position plus call options. Looking for a good payday.
Looking good here. I have call options that are doing very well and also shares.
Looking much Better. News must be on the way.
I believe that LAZR is getting ready to go green big time. Picked up a starters position and some call options today. Will add more when cash transfer gets posted. Looks to me like they are the leader in LAZER tech.
Looks like Frontera will be part of Guyana Oil Boom. Correct me if i am wrong. Could be a real spike in the share price.
How high do you think this can go? I have a sell order in at over 10.00.