is currently solvent and making every effort to stay that way.
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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Speaking of Shawn Thomas: - he's been promoted:
Shawn Thomas was appointed to serve as our Vice President of Marketing and Business Development
"On January 22, 2025, Shawn Thomas was appointed to serve as our Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. Mr. Thomas commenced his employment with Atomera in July 2024 and served in the area of marketing and business development under the direction of our President and Chief Executive Officer. On January 22, 2025, we elevated Mr. Thomas to an executive officer position with principal responsibility for marketing and business development.
From 2020 to 2024, Mr. Thomas served as Senior Director at Applied Materials, where he led development within the epitaxy business unit, with a focus on advanced node customers, a key area of interest for Atomera. Prior to his tenure at Applied Materials, Mr. Thomas was Director of Thermal Processes and SOI R&D at GlobalWafers from 2012 to 2020 focusing on 200mm and 300mm silicon-on-insulator substrate development. He has also held leadership and engineering roles at ASM and Motorola, respectively.
Mr. Thomas is paid a base annual salary of $300,000 and is eligible to receive an annual bonus of up to 40% of his base salary based on his satisfaction of certain performance conditions established by the compensation committee of our board of directors. On July 25, 2024, in connection with his commencement of employment at Atomera, we also granted Mr. Thomas options to purchase up to 166,784 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of $3.50 per share. The options vest and first become exercisable over four years in equal quarterly installments, with a one-year cliff. Mr. Thomas’ employment terms also include standard health and vacation benefits. In connection with his employment, Mr. Thomas entered into an intellectual property assignment and confidentiality agreement that is customary in our industry."
"Flies all green and buzzing, this dungeon of despair...
Prisoners grumble and piss they clothes and scratch their matted hair..."
Loved this album as a punk kid taking a puff of the "devil's lettuce" with friends back in the 70's lol!
Never seen that- LOL!
LOL! Loved it!
That does have a lot more appeal lol
'i'm going to order another round and invite those 3 women over there to join us'
and you're really giving yourself away.
Moving on
Now you're being coy but you do make my point-
Without clear-cut well defined parameters, simple generalizations and assumptions cannot
be construed as "fact". Simply opining on events or actions, as to the intent, purpose, design of
those actions regardless if the events or actions themselves ARE factual, does not validate one's
opinion as a "fact'.
Biden opened our borders by executive order. We know that's a "fact"
1) Biden's actions were illegal, immoral, and treasonous. That's not an opinion, that's fact.
2) Biden's actions were compassionate, moral, and generous. That's not an opinion, that's fact.
I posit the NEITHER statement is factual- merely the referenced action (i.e., opening the borders) is a "fact". The rest of either statement is merely my OPINION based on my own personal bias regarding the action taken.
Tell me Janice, which of the two statements below are "fact"?
1) "The actions the last 48 hours are reprehensible, racist and dangerous. That's not opinion, it's fact"
2) "The actions the last 48 hours are responsible, respected and deserved. That's not opinion, it's fact"
That's just your opinion...
Expressing one's opinion about an action does not, de facto, make or prove it's a fact.
Circumventing the illogical gist of your previous postings by subversively calling me names does nothing to enhance the veracity of your original post. Your opinion is still your opinion. THAT is a fact, on the other hand...
if you're a racist, homophobe, transphobe and are perfectly ok pardoning dangerous felons, sedistionsists, pedophiles and drug dealers, that would be a different opinion
The actions the last 48 hours are reprehensible, racist and dangerous. That's not opinion, it's fact
biden forgot to pardon himself
Something Joe found and posted on ST yesterday:
A New Dawn for Semiconductors. How Atomera Leads the Charge
Loved the story! lol
a new tone on something that reveals real progress that a long time investor understands being significant
I, originally thought "leaking news" too. In fact, I'm still not so sure that it didn't start as a result of some "fly-on-the-wall" insider institutional interest- (we'll find out eventually once the 13Fs get filed.) But then all of a sudden there was a lot of chatter and a gazillion new posters popping up on cyber chats and what-not. Either way, at this point, I still believe the stock is heavily influenced by "players" given the low float volatility, but that doesn't negate the possibility that the moves could prove to be accurate and legitimate irrespective of the "players" games. They could be just getting lucky lol!
This is precisely why I didn't and won't chance trading my long term position- only my Options.Well, I have had several small trading positions over the past couple of years that I've flipped, but those only amounted to a few hundred shares and "profits" were added to my long position.
I'm done being patient. We need AND deserve a lot of updates at this point imo...😒
Thought the recent price momo might be related to news leaking from the labs.
I can be stubborn as well but I've been burned in the past so I've learned- at least more than when I was
This 10% daily drop has not yet shown me that the bag-holders (late-comers to the momo run) have stopped
looking for the exits. I'm hoping to tag some July $10 and $15 calls and might consider April's $7.50 and $10 Calls
if they come back in to my target 😏😉
The Needham conference may offer better insight and I will re-evaluate my price targets on those Calls come Thursday...
To maintain credibility, I now have to admit I have also sold all of my April $7.50 Calls as well. I really thought there was a chance that Scotty "might" come through right after the first of the year with news. That didn't happen and I don't see that happening now in the short term either. I stated several times from the beginning of this recent run that I felt there were many "players" involved and it felt like a momo play was fueling the run. It was textbook.
That said, my long position is still intact (and will remain that way) as I have no doubt that we will eventually get the updates we need to maintain double digit pps. Until then, gotta play the game- and I will. I made a nice chunk of change and plan on doing it again. Once the options begin reflecting true value and not the momo price action, I will again begin builiding my portfolio with longer dated just OTM Calls and will add a few more shares as price permits...😉
I sold ALL my January Calls but none of my April Calls.
Momma didn't raise no fool...😉
Over by Brooksville- you're only a stone's throw away.
Yeah, and I'm from Michigan born and raised and still
live there 6 months a year so I'm kinda used to cold and
snow, but the longer we "snowbird" here every year, the
less I tolerate the cold lol!
I was up that way at what is now called Cabot Citrus
I'm so glad that this wasn't a protracted argument with him. He actually offered little resistance which,
if you knew him, was way out of character for him... I think he knew already but needed the prodding.
If any of them had hit a kid that was as much on ME if I did nothing
That's cold, but make no mistake, it's "Florida cold" here too...😏 It was in the low 20's in the panhandle.
(We live about 25 miles northeast of Tampa)
Woke up to mid 30's and expect the same tonite and again next week. It is Winter
I suppose🙂
That north wind is bitter especially when "winter" clothes are NOT
part of your wardrobe here.We're flying out to Seattle this weekend to
visit kids/grandkids- it's going to be WARMER there than here...😳
glad yer in florida today 14 degrees with wind its about 3
When (step) mom was still alive just prior to her passing, we found out that pops couldn't see up close- only further out in distance. (We weren't aware of the severity of his macular degeneration at that time). So, when they drove somewhere (she no longer drove due to her health), he could "see" the traffic lights a ways out in front. But, if he had stop for a red light, by the time he stopped, he could no longer "see" the light (it was too close now) so he would rely on mom telling him when it was green.
Finally had confront him with the "Dad, how would you feel if a child ran out in front of you and you hit/killed them?" speech. I think that finally got to him as he did voluntarily give up his license shortly after.
I wish he would not drive that much but he still is safe ( I think) He drives too damn slow if anything
Yup. Thankfully, my sister and I both live within a few city blocks of pop in the same town.
Yep, buried two wives. Been widowed now for 8 years. He hasn't been able to read for almost 10 years and he's totally deaf in left ear and 90% in right. He can no longer watch TV although with his big screen, he can see somewhat peripherally although sports is useless because he can't follow the "action" (too fast)- he mostly listens. His only source of enjoyment was provided by my sister who subscribed him to audio books. He still lives "alone", taking care of all his personal needs, washing his own clothes, limited cooking of his own meals, etc.. She does his shopping twice a week, however, and all his doctor/dentist/haircut/ etc appointments until I get back from Florida when I take over those duties for the spring/summer.
Still, at 92, to be living on his own in his own condo, even given his limitations- he's still fortunate not to be stuck in a home-- or worse.
My dad (currently 92) in his last years of playing golf early (2000-2010) had (still has) macular degeneration. It got to the point that he would line up his drive after teeing up his ball using peripheral vision, and then swing away- relying on his friends to follow the ball because he couldn't see it. He had to putt solely, again, using peripheral vision only. He still shot very low 50s.
It was a bit of a struggle for him to give up his license though... took all of us using family "persuasion".
It's a hellava thing to ask to give up that kind of independence.
LOL!, now I kinda wish Ida held on to my Jan Calls a little longer 😁
Yeah, it had to consolidate as the cartel ran it way too fast lol! The huge short
buying the past 2 weeks shoulda been a huge red flag as it ran up. It's a
no-brainer for them. IF, I was a "shorter", Ida taken a position once we hit $10, $11 $12
on nothing (no news). I don't have the stones (nor the capital) to risk such a move lol.
I'm convinced there's been some legitimate accumulation and maybe even
Franky taking advantage of the run and tapping the ATM. The rest, to me, is
simply a lesson in trading 101. The playbook has NOT changed in the last
30 years I've been trading 😏
I'm actually looking forward to some long-dated Calls coming back within reason lol!
Happy New Year to you as well!
$ATOM closed @ $14.27 on just shy of 2 million shares- that's just over 7% of the float.
The Jan $25's closed at .49 today with 873 traded
Ah yes.... he said that and similar versions-- often.
The three most profound tidbits of wisdom I gleaned over the past 25 years
starting at Silicon Investors (TGL) were Jim's:
1) The taking of profits we just talked about, of course
2) "NEXT!" became a frequent lament from posters (meaning it doesn't matter if you missed this play, there's another one right around the corner)
3) ...and then there was Wayne's "All stocks are shit"
Funny how things like that stick with you- Made me smile🙂
Thanks for reviving my memories Steve!
I sold ALL my January Calls but none of my April Calls. I can NOT believe
how expensive the OTM July Calls (ALL strikes) are...😳
I'm always rolling up and have been for months, but, since this last run- I can't afford to roll up...
Didn't stop me either from taking some chips off the table. From $0.07 to almost $7.00 ??
Momma didn't raise no fool...😉 (My "long" stock position is solid and intact for long term though.)
There was a poster on the Golden Lounge years ago (I can't remember who),
but the saying was something like: "If you're not selling, you're NOT trading/making money"
It's not exact, but you get the drift.
No shame in taking some profits 🫡
$ATOM Breached $14 in PM 😃
Breached $14 in PM 😃
Banging $13 AH 🫣 (no volume, but still)
We've broke over million shares traded as well 🫠
$ATOM now banging on $13 😮