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LOL more fluff BS from Shaun and his paid pumper!
Shaun still peddling his 'scheduling software'. Who wants to bet he is just 'acquiring' this from his other company to move cash around again, just like he's done before? Sorry, buy quantum computing for workforce scheduling? Are you kidding? This guy has no clue.
They've been pumping this for years, and its gone nowhere but down. This ticker has no basically no products and no revenue. Only thing it does it get used by Shaun Passley for moving money and debit around between his companies.
LOL why would anyone download and install this unknown/beta chat app when there are other long established mainstream secure chat apps/programs? LOLOLOL
Talk about late/last to the party! Another me-too useless piece of crap from Shaun and this company of garbage offerings.
LOL another fake facility? What is this one going to consist of, a carpet on the sand as an excuse for Passley to travel to another country around the world while extracting more cash from suckered in investors? I'm surprised this didn't mention a quantum testing facility too! LOLOLOL
If there was a real contract with the US Govt, they wouldn't be allowing military hardware to be 'tested' in a non secure facility in Turkey.
More FLUFF from the paid stock promoter/pumper. Its been years of 'on the horizon' and 'soon' and 'coming' and 'news' and NOTHING has been delivered upon. Its just been 100% pumping by Shaun Passley's paid stooges to try to sucker more investors into this, while he moves money around between tickers and pays his family.
Nothing to pump here...Shaun is focused on his other drone ticker crap and getting more suckers to throw money at it.
Yup... and nothing has happened. Still.
Yes, you too can follow this garbage company that has no products and no future. Diluted to oblivion - another one of Shaun's failures.
*hit- was busy with work and wasn't paying attention... forgot to put my short order in for $10.
Dammit. Have to watch this close for Fri to get back in.
Presenting a good opportunity to get back in as short.
Shaun is going to keep pumping this up, and you know it'll collapse soon just like his other failed companies/tickers once they get more quarterly reports showing nothing but dilution.
This guy doesn't know what the f**k quantum computing is or what its used for. Shaun is ust throwing around buzzwords.
Sorry, drone swarms powered by quantum computing? LOL, is Zena going to develop their own quantum computer now too? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Funny how Shaun doesn't state anything about these 'land survey' companies... size, name, if they have any current customers etc.
Yeah me too. Guess they're too busy 'expanding' the business to file these things. LOL
Shaun has spent years perfecting his fluff BS from hiw other companies EPAZ and Ameritek Ventures... both of which price has tanked because they have no real products and only move money between companies to generate 'cashflow' while they issued a ton of preferred shares that have diluted the crap out of anything.
Somehow on this round he suckered enough investors to get onto the nasdaq capital market and make some real money for him and his family while he'll continue to issue fluff PRs.
Another one of Shaun's 'me too' software packages that almost nobody uses and they make almost nothing from it.
How're those BATTERIES doing? LOL
I'm sorry, but Passley doesn't understand a damned thing about what quantum computing is or what it can be used for. Analysis of land survey data is not a 'quantum computing' need. Wtf is he going to try to analyze? Quantum computing is all experimental currently and not needed for anything of this nature.
Large dataset analysis is perfect for having AI crunch numbers and look for patterns, predictions etc.
This is just Passley throwing buzzwords around just like he did with he other tickers. Remember the batteries and other crap non existent fluff 'products' ?
Looks like nothing new... info we already knew about from a few months ago?
What does this have to do with defunct expert market HOMU?
Maybe Shaun will use his QUANTUM DRONES to solve everything! lol
What does this have to do with Epaz? They don't make, manufacture, or fly drones.
And besides, a commercial company would have to be amazingly stupid and criminally negligent to be flying drones around without notifying appropriate authorities.
I don't think its necessarily fraud... incompetent leadership comes to mind. They bit way off more than they could chew a few years ago, didn't know how to deal with it while stated some lofty goals, and nothing materialized. They had no business going to the QX without a real execution plan and not just wishful thinking.
There are much worse companies on the OTC for blatant lying and paid promoting/pumping.
Omg seriously, so now Shaun is throwing the quantum computing buzzwords around? He doesn't have a clue what that really means. amazon web services has nothing to do with quantum computing, and anything in that field is research/experimental. Analyzing traffic patterns is not something that needs or is appropriate for quantum computing analysis.
Just the usual fluff/non-news only to try to get the price up by throwing recent hot buzzwords around, just like Shaun did with his other companies that never delivered on anything. Batteries anyone?
It should be a red flag to anyone who pays attention that all of Shaun's other 'companies' and tickers have also features a paid promoter while the price of those went into the toilet.
Wonder how long for this one to tank. Seems like only a matter of time... usually after a couple bad quarterly reports and no real substance other than fluff PRs did in the other tickers associated with Shaun prior to this one.
Actually wouldn't be surprised if we find out its some 'company' or 'subsidiary' that Shaun previously set up in one of his other holding companies, so he is acquiring it from himself.
down about 10% so far today... on its way back to the $2 range and probably lower. More to be made before covering those shorts.
Ahh yes, time for the daily post of non-information from 3 weeks ago!
So they filed their quarterly report when it was due... wow, amazing!
And... nothing new or interesting in the report. Revenue and earnings basically flat. *yawns*
Shaun spews out 'news' daily - fluffing himself to try to get more suckers in with more and more preferred shares.
Looks like another good short entry point coming up
Just more of the usual Passley FLUFF and reposting of FLUFF from paid promoters.
And tons of competition from much more well established companies with good reputations... not a fly-by-night fluffer Shaun Passley who has only created crap to move money around and sucker investors with every 'company' and ticker he has been associated with.
Was that from the infamous Marty? LOL
I thought he made his cash from this scam and moved on to golfing somewhere else. hahaha
Yes the baseless spike to 10 bucks+ was a perfect short entry opportunity, just like when it tanked to under 2 bucks it was a good buying opportunity. Lots to be made on Passley messes in the early trading days before they collapse and die.
Wonder how long until they either withdraw from the QX and go back to normal OTC, or get booted off for not meeting minimum valuation and cash requirements.
Who continues to pump a EM stock?
There are no naked shorts LOL. Keep making things up and living in a fantasy world that this is going to explode and be worth millions.
Shaun only creates shell/subsidiary/ghost companies to move money around and suck it out of investors and shareholders pockets. Epaz is just another in the line of crap that hes spewed out.
More meaningless FLUFF!
Nothing is happening with this stock. Garbage offerings, no real/tangible product. Always been hopes and dreams and zero delivery. Shaun only used this company to move money around and drain every penny from investors/suckers.
LOL what are you talking about? The website is dead, it returns a 404 page with zero information.
Must've had too much wine with that turkey!
Yup - crap report, more loss, more cash burn. Get ready for dilution!
Here comes sub dollar by end of year!
LOL, how about the LARGER LOSS on both a 3mo and 9mo basis even though revenue was slightly higher?
Shaun suckering in more investors to take their cash and deliver nothing but fluff, empty promises, and garbage. Price continues to tank
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