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You’re probably right in your assumption. It wasn’t him unless he’s using another alias.
Was that from the infamous Marty? LOL
I thought he made his cash from this scam and moved on to golfing somewhere else. hahaha
Lol, I was wondering how long it would take you. You forgot to mention at least half of what was quoted is bs.
There are plenty of Chinese companies trading in the US market. Many of them actively trade and are risky due to numerous reasons and basically junk in my opinion.
Please explain what you see as applicable in your post to EGOC. EGOC was a scam….accept it.
Quoted from a post on another board:
“Two potential positive catalysts outside of DR@V might kick start these Chinese stocks
First the new SEC Trump appointed chairman
Next a big one is in late 2025 Xi steps down.
Right now if you’ve been up on the Chinese news
#1 Not only universities grads are protesting with 60% can’t find work and the one that can are making only equivalent to $250 a month for full time.
#2 Xi has recently started a new set of laws for asset management ( taxes ) of all Chinese people
And buisness inside and get this, outside China.
So the upper class Chinese assets like buisness houses, stock funds in the USA are now targeted for ssset relocation back to China
In China there is a growing movement of closing and burning businesses and factories so the CCP can’t establish records that were burnt
#3 100’s of big brand corporations and companies have fled these new CCP laws
Apple, BMW, Johnson & Johnson to name a few Major Airlines also have stopped flying directly into China
If you are Chinese, and the CEO of a China stock it wise to lay low or risk what is being called a tea party where you or relative get interrogated and face jail if answered incorrectly in review
I do own another China stock shell and it understandable why it’s 100% dark no pr no domicile renewal in NVSOS”
Could this be the reason EGOC went dark?
Waiting for a better time? Maybe even EGOC they are referring to.
Doesn't mean anything... tiny trades on the Expert Market of a dead worthless stock.
Marty must be enjoying his fall golfing. LOL
Probably means absolutely nothing but up 200% ??? Why? Such a small batch I doubt it means anything. Any opinions?
Not sure what you mean by 'completely'. For all practical purposes, the scam is done and this is dead. Nothing from the 'company' since Aug 2023 when they filed their last report. NVSOS lists the entity as in Default, and their registered agent just resigned.
The stock is still on the Expert Market so it could always be a Chinese zombie and get traded for some reason. Just another in the many many China scams of the OTC.
Mcfly did very good job for someone.Is it completely dead ?
Not surprising... why be an agent if not getting paid anything from the Chinese scamsters that bailed?
Win some lose some. I guess McFly really got everyone.
Resignation of Registered Agent on 10/15/24 per filing at Nevada Secretary of State
This shell has a great structure and can get a custodian again someday. Selling is Crazy imo
Because I sold of this scam at market for huge loss and decided to write off.
Never gonna get your money back from the OTC scam stocks.
You should have listened to reason when I shared it…instead you let your fantasies and emotions try to disprove those who have much more experience than you. Hopefully you learned a lesson from listening to that monkey sitting in the tree with his earned bananas. I think the poachers got him. Better to listen than to try to come to a gun fight with a stick. It was easy to see that you didn’t know doggiedoo but most posters don’t….good luck in the future and learn your lessons here.
Thank you for your comments. I’m still learning.
Its ExpertMarket... weird things happen occasionally when somebody is dumping their shares (perhaps for tax loss writeoff) and somebody in another country buys for a couple dollars.
Doesn't really matter since can't buy in US anyway. This is dead China garbage from what is likely a failed money laundering scheme when China cracked down on this stuff several years ago.
I can’t believe that no one has mentioned the 9900% increase today. 23,470 shares bought at .0001. What’s up?
At least Lazar is laughing all the way to the bank, so that makes me feel so much better.
Hell yeah folks..just finished buying some new golf clubs and looking forward to the big reveal....I have a buy order set hoping the price drops a little to scoop up 100,000,000,000 shares for the price of a hot dog.
Here's to good looking haircuts and 80's videos..
It’s time to get the bandwagon out of the garage. Let’s goooooo!!!!!! 2025 around the corner.
It’s not 2025 yet !!!!!!!!!!
I think your anger is misguided .. perhaps you should be "making fun" of the folks at EGOC that apparently did not follow through with their stated goals over the last couple of years. They were the ones that put out press releases along with other articles and videos.... I guess it's far easier to blame some one else for what EGOC failed to accomplish. I know it's far easier for you to blame any folks that compiled videos and articles from EGOC/Pangbo Group that were out there floating around on the internet or blame people for their theories and opinions about EGOC etc.. Shame shame Jmhgolf. shame shame. Maybe you should contact the folks at EGOC and rag on them for a while.. They are the ones that have failed to live up to their own press releases etc.. heck it may help you to vent on them and it may also spark some kind of a response from them at the same time. I would support those kinds of efforts from you but your misguided attacks here are just a little bit disgusting in my opinion. Just saying.
Also we shall see if EGOC gets it together and makes their way up and out of the expert market.. I remain hopeful that there will still be a very good outcome given time. I can wait!!!
As usual all just my opinions..
Worthless... yup stock is at 0 now after somebody got rid of their leftover 166 shares for nothing, probably a preemptive sale for tax loss.
Most of these end up like this. Others just sell and RS and repeat. You need to get lucky. It’s what it is.
If you are as insightful as you claim you are one would think you would have foreseen the folly of this investment.
I’m not blaming anyone. I’m making fun of a guy who claimed he was scooping up shares while encouraging others to buy. This is the game here. He just does it in the open. Thus was almost $2 and he was encouraging people to buy. Who does that unless they are dumping. The scoop -0-matic was a way for him to claim to buy. He wasn’t and if you believe he wasn’t dumping while telling this story of greatness of this Pangbo company than you are the immature one.
Undoubtedly a false statement...encouraging buying does not suggest one is selling.
I, too, bought because it was a Lazar play.
Guess we differ on who to blame for our losses.
The greedy often get slautered.
Ever hear of the investing axiom:
jmhgolf, you tend to assume a lot of things and you also come to false conclusions based entirely upon your false assumptions. lol. Just to be clear I bought a lot of shares and I haven't sold any shares of egoc. I didn't own any shares prior to DL's involvement with this ticker.
You say that you have lost a lot of money here? Does that mean that you have sold your shares of EGOC for a loss? or are you just once again basing your "lost" money on your assumptions that EGOC is done and over with forever more and you will never get back your money? If you sold at the bottom then I am sure you lost money.... You don't lose money until you sell and sell for a loss. Just saying! Also when I said I was buying or trying to buy shares I was not lying about it. I bought shares all over the place since DL's involvement with this ticker. Again you falsely assume things based upon your own false conclusions. On a side note quite frankly it is really none of your business what my buying or selling status is concerning any stocks but since you falsely accused me I thought I would set the record straight. I would suggest growing up a little bit. I agree with mrnutsandbolts assessment in his previous post.. spot on! Nuff said? yep. JMO I will likely check back in a month or two maybe sooner. JMO
Those that urge people to buy are the people that are selling. I didn’t buy because Marty urged me to buy I bought because it was a David lazar play. It didn’t work out, but I certainly can give shit to those that urged others to buy so that they could sell. The scoop o matic.
I lost plenty of money here and I can do whatever the fuck I want. How’s that for immaturity douche bag?
I own shares here. Marty was the fucking one who always lied about the scoop o matic now you to can fuck off
I always thought it immature and childish that one would find pleasure in another's disappointment...and then to gloat about it!!??
Too sad of a life if that is how you spend your time.
Wtf happened to the scoop-0- matic ? Marty?
LOL replying to your last 2 posts Hugie!
Theories by their very nature can not be lies!! They are in fact just theories!! And "fillings" are something the dentist does when you have a cavity. Just saying. Those darned "foreigners" always missing the points!
Very funny,your videos and million of dollars company has no money for fillings.It would be better if you were quiet....
Marty,We've heard so many theories and lies from you that I don't believe a word you say
What I said then to you via PM was calling the monkey out in the room. You know exactly what you were doing and why you were doing it. You playing victim after the fact is actually pathetic.
Maybe they’ll toss you another banana?
Marty deserves to be reminded of the game tape. He’s a forgetful twat who can’t get past his own ego. He’ll sit here and talk to himself even after EGOC is delisted….still convincing himself he was moral and right with everything he said.
He’s a liberal what do you expect?
That is friggin hysterical…..this so called billion dollar company has no income to report so they decided not to file and on top of it now you’re saying they would have been booted to the expert market regardless of a timely filing if they didn’t have income????
lol you can’t make this shit up but Farty thinks he can make it up as he goes along!!!!
No….filing would have prevented them from the expert market.
Once again you couldn’t hit a nail on the head so you continually skirt around the issue. All you know how to do is skip to that imbecile tune in your head like a chimp in a leotard.
Can't believe people are still arguing over this lol. It is what it is, all we can do is wait n watch. No point in bashing each other. Everyone placed their own orders.
I have an opinion, I have absolutely no clue what so ever so I will be patient and wait lol. Whatever happens, happens. Whatever doesn’t, doesn’t. I am 100% sure about that.