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Further to my other comments, EHTH could merge with someone like GOCO to eliminate competition in the space and bring together the best of what they both do. EHTH back to $150 PPS en route
EHTH is the big winner here for 2 reasons. The online unassisted enrollment, which others don't have the capability. And, like the better independent agents they keep their Medicare book essentially forever, which is about 12 years based on 78 years life expectancy and average start on Medicare of 66. Right now EHTH is reporting 606 of just 3 years. It's certain to double quickly as the newer cohorts are used to technology and like enrolling online and saving their information in the EHTH portal to review plans each year. I project at least 25% gross margins on 1b revenue within 5 years. Not sure where to find online unassisted numbers but some of that data has been in past quarterly reports.
Ever look up lithium supply? It's a short term source. Wouldn't you think there would be 10s of thousands of years supply instead of 10s for all this push into it. Imagine the upcoming cost to find alternate solutions
Well 500m rev and 50m EBITDA and 1b commissions receivable. Market cap 200m. Should be at 750m rev 150m EBITDA and 1.5b receivable in 3 years. Here comes $100 pps. Driven by online unassisted...and retention of existing...
They could close up shop today and pay out a 15 per share dividend after expenses based on's only going to get much higher
Reducing drunk driving established 2024
Tastes like a children's vitamin. Efforting getting Ryan Reynolds on radar.
Wow interested in why. The pay rates keep going up. The model is about a 3 year lifetime value nothing wrong with that. More will enroll themselves unassisted each year. Market is massive. 70m on medicare so around 2b per month or 24b per year commission up for grabs. This company is worth 150m today.
Canadian healthcare play about time someone disrupts universal healthcare
Not really it's just a new market which will get dispersed. If I need $100m worth of chips as a buyers agent I'm looking at their 70% mark up and saying will give ya $75m. Great new market but this is not long term the market won't allow it
Going to be a lot of competition only 10 per share annual earnings.....those margins are crazy companies will demand far lower pricing....
Insurers are going to give mammograms a massive pay raise...preventing missed cases and late stage cases will save insurers billions....and this is just in the USA. Breast cancer is a $30b cost to insurers annually here...a quarter of women in this entire country will be better off now. Over 50m mammograms a year from just RF
In just the U.S. this tech can save billions in costlier late stage cancer by finding cancer earlier. Its well worth a few billion bucks to someone if it can save $5b per year...just in America. These mammograms are about to get a massive pay raise from insurers.
its to a point where if you are not using this tech, you won't be able to do a mammogram. the insurers will demand it, one late stage undiagnosed breast cancer can flip a group insurance plan from the black to the red quickly. Can see a company like United buying both RF partners and iCad in a combo deal
iCad and the radiologists are going to be able to command much high payments from insurers due to this so that the insurers don't get stuck with undiagnosed or late stage breast cancer at a huge cost to them. Worth billions here, likely can be parlayed into other radiology.....
Product validated, so how much is it worth. Based in NH, healthcare mecca in Boston or NY will buy this for billions to see how it can be used in other radiology.
This company can cease operations and pay all debt and shareholders are left with 30.00 per share off of just Medicare Advantage booked commissions. Closer to 40.00 per share if you add in all other lines. No more cash burn. MED ADV commission rates will be out next week likely up 3 to 5 % and even more for 2025 due to hard cap on out of pocket for drugs. Going to see much less churn due to better drug coverage. Back to 100 here.
Either a default or a forced spend cut that hurts the economy either way this is going way up
“Inflation has moderated somewhat since the middle of last year, nonetheless inflation pressures continue to run high and the process of getting inflation back down to 2% has a long way to go.”
They are gonna draw out the pain for a long time....killing stock advances for years
With lithium being used as fast as it is? Not enough to keep ev as is, major changes are already needed. Pfft
That and lithium is dead on arrival as it's finite on Earth and there isn't more than a generation.of it for cars even with recycling etc....they all quickly have to find a new power or storage solution which will kill profits for decades
They are still fighting to stay alive...and if they do they have to move away from non renewable lithium....their research costs are going to kill any profits until they get a renewable ev
Makes no difference nowhere enough lithium in the world to support ev other than a fad long term have to develope other tech
This is all obvious. Have to move off of lithium as it's dead on arrival. So then there is no certainty as to how or the cost of powering ev. Eat up profits like a buffet....its not a profitable endeavor to do something large when there are no answers. Leave ev to the governments...
Makes no difference lithium is finite and there is nowhere near enough to move everyone to ev. They all have to start looking for new power sources already. What's that going to cost?
I'd be weary of earnings....Lithium ain't gonna power ev for long.....there is less of it on earth than can fill a few football statiums
They will always be barely profitable
Ya there is no lithium for ev to be long term. Would love to hear musk talk about it
No lithium no Bueno like only 1 generation available.....thought would be millions of years of the stuff for supply
Literally post what the lithium supply is that you find...start a discussion...when I started looking at it though I would see like 10s of thousands of years supply...there is less than a generation of it...all the auto manufacturers are going to use it up by 2100 meaning pretty much have to start now to look at alternatives...ev is a that I believe in, but it'll be short lived....have to move on from lit
Who cares lithium isn't renewable there's less of it available than fossil fuels. Look up anywhere you like how long lithium supply will last....need a new tech already
Anyone ever get Musk to answer about their projections of lithium availability in the future? I thought when I started to research estimates, it would be 10s of thousands of years if lithium available...turns out it's scarce enough to last 50 years.....look it up yourself anywhere you wonder musk is diversifying....ev is dead on arrival.....the real need is for a renewable energy source to power transportation
Do some research on lithium. Like only 1 generation of it available for ev. #stopgap
NYC Community Solar Like Netflix Link
Same goes for many cities, community solar utility companies are going to be a thing.
Reasons why GSFI will see many legs up
1) Community solar will serve the majority of America
2) Businesses with rooftops get about 2k to 4k per month to lease their roof to GSFI for a community solar project, just enough to pay their electric bill. Those businesses will want to buy stock of GSFI to try and make extra wealth
3) Business owners will refer GSFI to other business owners to promote the stock
4) EV is going to lead to about a 25% need for electricity in America
5) Subscription models get huge PE ratios
IMO should see a few hundred million market cap on potential or in the 5 cent area
Main thing for me is that the businesses who want to go into lease agreements for rooftop solar get only a small amount of money per month, so they all are going to want to make more money and what better way then being a shareholder here. If 3 companies pitched my rooftop space for a project, I go with GSFI so I can build possible wealth. Being public is the ace in the hold for GSFI...
NY #1 in US for community solar which is good because GSFI wants to become a literal solar utility company in NY.....and then onto other states...,209%2C000%20homes%20across%20the%20state.
NY is community solar central. Literally these companies become solar utilities. I have a client who is one check my posts. Thing is if I have rooftop space in NY I'm leasing it to GSFI because I believe in the stock and buy it and refer GSFI to other business owners with rooftop space. Its a chance to make wealth with GSFI in addition to the lease money they get. I will post in detail soon..
Nice this says it all
Perhaps due to our close collaboration with world renowned architect, Antony Morali our partner, Morali Architects, some have assumed that we are in the solar energy installation business. But this is not so. Our niche is not competing with installers. Like household names PG&E of California or Consolidated Edison of New York, we are providing energy for the power grid. Our niche is differentiated in that we target high cost energy urban locations around the nation with effective, sustainable solar power generation. The sun shines on the rooftops of New York City just like it does every else. Without our solar energy collection systems, that energy becomes a wasted resource. With our systems in place that sunlight generates cost effective power that can be plugged into the grid as a viable business model. Speaking of rooftops, that flows naturally into the second concept.
We are not competing in the race to buy up land for solar panel installation. As we are targeting high energy cost urban areas we overlay our footprint on another potentially wasted resource hiding in plain site in cities across the nation: empty rooftops, overpasses, and canopies. The proprietors of the facility receive lease payments as compensation for system install and collection of solar energy. Everyone wins: money comes into the community as an overlooked product of urban sprawl becomes productive. The community gains access to cost effective clean, green energy. Elegantly designed solar energy collection architecture is introduced to the public face of the city, and revenues are generated creating value for our shareholders and partners. And the win/win paradigm continues with the final concept
Who knows. I know this....businesses in NY who want solar on their roofs will choose a public company to do it over non public because they can get rich with stock options or buying stock....with private developers all they get is the lease money