In my humble efforts to learn good information from this board, all available data aside, everything I am able to see and to find out by poking around shows me a company with a real service, real clients, real employees, a real concept and, it sure looks like, an accepting market so far. They are set up right now to deliver relevant content to remote resorts and faraway vacation spots for the well-to-do. Their concept makes vacationing more fun (room-to-room texting, advertising, billing, concierge services, etc.)Unless something goes horribly wrong, it would appear that all a shareholder has to do is sit back and let them keep doing what appears to be working. (My bet is that there has probably been some high-fiving going on behind closed doors as advertisers keep signing on and as potential starts turning into accounts receivable.)
If I understand the brightest amongst you, crunching numbers is of rather limited value on a company such as this. Of course, I am still clueless on what caused the recent meteoric spike and I am equally befuddled by intense market interest manifesting as a stockprice that simply won't budge, but in time, I hope to understand more in depth.