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Merry Christmas to you all & to all a Good Nite!
Good job, SSKILLZ and congratulations to the winner!!
Thanks to everyone for their kind words of congratulations. Particularly a special thank you to SSKILLZ1 for all his hard work in holding these contests.
Well said and Kookiekook's results researched well too . My congrats as well and thanks to SSK for his efforts.
Well done Kookiekook! And thanks to SSK for his great work in all the was fun and profitable for most.
Congratulations to Kookiekook ! Great win in PSL22. His victory is especially impressive, well deserved and realistic because he did it almost entirely with highly liquid stocks. He could have applied his picks and trades to a real $1M portfolio and gotten the same results - with the exception of TEXC which didn't help him much anyway.
The two big winners in Kookiekook's Pick 6 were SVU and MCP. SVU averages roughly $15M in daily volume while MCP averages ~$75M .... his other picks and trades - AA, CVO, DRRX and MTOR - are also highly liquid. His only illiquid stock was TEXC which averages a mere $3k per day, but contributed only a small $80 profit to his overall gain of 26.44% or $1,586.
I look forward to PSL23 in which SKKILLZ1 will be adjusting the rules to eliminate big percentage gains in extremely illiquid stocks that are sometimes attributable entirely to the wide bid/ask spread.
Thanks as always to SSK for putting in all the hard work to run these contests. Amazing that we've already had 22 of them !
Congrats to Kookiekook. Nice job. Congrats to researcher 59 on the 6 positive picks. And thank you sskillz1 for another great contest!
Congrats to Kookiekook & R59 ... Kookiekook on the win and R59 on the pick 6
Congrats to KOOKIEKOOK who is a first time winner. Glad to see a new first time champion in my opinion.
Final VMC PSL 22 Standings (Week 14)
Congrats to our winner KOOKIEKOOK up 26.44% so far in the contest. There are 14/41 portfolio up in the contest or 34.15%. So without any further ado the info. is below.
Alias % Gain/Loss
2 RESEARCHER59 24.03%
3 WYOBUFORD 21.49%
5 NILES CRANE3 15.56%
7 BBOTCS 8.07%
8 GHMM 4.55%
10 MANNY T 2.73%
11 TIKA1 2.48%
12 STILLS999 2.30%
13 MALC STONE 0.33%
15 SWICK984 -0.82%
16 TMCAL6 -2.45%
17 HWEB2 -5.07%
19 DR. AIRTIME -6.91%
20 LISG -8.22%
21 KIPP440 -8.88%
22 NELSON1234 -9.17%
23 STOCKPEEKER -10.53%
24 TIMHYMA -13.15%
25 MIKEDDKING -14.40%
26 TRADERFAN -14.87%
27 WADEGARRET -15.11%
28 ABH3VT -16.01%
29 KAISERSOSZE -16.25%
30 YIELDDUDE -16.93%
31 SSKILLZ1 -18.42%
32 DIGITECH -19.98%
33 BOBWINS -20.53%
34 MR. SHEEP -21.00%
35 NSOMNIYAK -21.43%
36 ROCKETEER357 -21.79%
37 MR. SHEEP (W/O CASH) -22.29%
38 KOZUH -25.50%
39 10BAGGER -28.93%
40 STOCKS4JOHN -30.35%
41 CL001 -35.92%
Okay, fair enough. I should point out though that it was down 60% on 1K volume. If the contest ended last week, you'd have a tough call.
Individual Stock Returns
Symbol % Move
1 CTIX 123.08%
2 ALJJ 94.94%
3 BFCF 86.67%
4 SRPT 69.08%
5 MIMV 44.12%
6 BMBM 41.78%
7 FB 41.26%
8 ANR 40.29%
9 MPAA 30.21%
10 FMG.AX 30.21%
11 BMRN 28.81%
12 NVS.V 27.50%
13 PYDS 25.71%
14 CVO 20.91%
15 RFMD 20.83%
16 DTX.TO 20.75%
17 BAC 20.23%
18 XIN 19.86%
19 VHC 19.46%
20 GENT 19.20%
21 BEAV 17.84%
22 GPIC 17.48%
23 ORT.TO 16.89%
24 CEN.TO 16.61%
25 CUM.TO 16.57%
26 UVE 16.44%
27 JCTCF 16.28%
28 HA 15.76%
29 WND.V 15.13%
30 AM.TO 14.87%
31 FLT 14.28%
32 PLUS 14.21%
33 TGD 13.87%
34 TGE 13.60%
35 PLSB 12.96%
36 FOLD 12.48%
37 IRE 12.46%
38 UCU.V 12.20%
39 SVU 11.30%
40 DCO 9.86%
41 SSYS 8.55%
42 SEA.AX 8.33%
43 RCKY 8.15%
44 MMT.V 7.89%
45 ALU 7.83%
46 SODA 7.79%
47 OGC.TO 7.14%
48 PFHO 7.14%
49 ARNA 6.74%
50 CTRX 6.64%
51 LVWD 4.84%
52 LVS 4.67%
53 ACOM 3.60%
54 PTSC 3.42%
55 POE.V 2.55%
56 SGMO 2.40%
57 SIAF 1.92%
58 $CASH$ 1.00%
59 ECPG 0.49%
60 AXU 0.25%
61 SKO.V 0.00%
62 XTLS 0.00%
63 AIG -0.15%
64 CJES -0.44%
65 USMO -0.52%
66 PVG -0.71%
67 NGSX -0.84%
68 BDR -0.93%
69 HDSN -1.99%
70 FTK -2.17%
71 ELTK -2.21%
72 PETM -3.07%
73 SPCHA -3.23%
74 DTLK -3.28%
75 HYD.TO -3.66%
76 EDV.TO -3.74%
77 VRS.V -3.77%
78 AA -3.96%
79 IAE.TO -4.23%
80 UPRO -4.49%
81 AUN.V -4.59%
82 STRN -4.62%
83 CCIX -4.99%
84 MTOR -5.02%
85 VRTA -5.22%
86 CECO -5.77%
87 CDE -5.88%
88 LGL -6.24%
89 AERL -6.38%
90 IMSC -6.43%
91 HDA.V -6.47%
92 FIGI -6.52%
93 ALS.TO -7.23%
94 SPPI -8.33%
95 EGO -8.38%
96 XIDE -8.67%
97 BVTI -9.09%
98 STS -9.11%
99 PBG.TO -9.17%
100 AOD -9.35%
101 MSEH -9.38%
102 WDC -9.75%
103 EKDKQ -10.88%
104 HNR -11.43%
105 GV -12.33%
106 DCMT -12.60%
107 KTCC -13.28%
108 FSM -13.47%
109 INO -13.73%
110 ISR -13.84%
111 CLF -14.91%
112 VRNG -15.01%
113 ALXN -15.56%
114 PRY.V -17.02%
115 STSI -17.41%
116 DRRX -17.87%
117 RPM.V -18.00%
118 NHTC -18.52%
119 NAVB -19.33%
120 GAMR -19.44%
121 DPDW -21.29%
122 MNTA -22.12%
123 CCNI -22.22%
124 RLE.V -22.50%
125 BNLB -23.15%
126 AZK -23.28%
127 SFY -24.18%
128 GORO -24.67%
129 PBN.TO -24.77%
130 AAA.TO -25.41%
131 UPG -25.58%
132 GLMB -25.71%
133 VFX.V -25.71%
134 PTQ.TO -26.61%
135 COBR -27.67%
136 OCO.V -28.85%
137 AUMN -29.16%
138 JBII -29.90%
139 SARA -30.16%
140 SSN -30.97%
141 AEZS -31.11%
142 RIC -32.75%
143 RX.V -33.83%
144 JAG -35.09%
145 XRA -36.17%
146 GLBS -36.54%
147 TEXC -40.00%
148 COOL -40.23%
149 GLGI -42.86%
150 SLG.V -44.27%
151 MJX.V -46.15%
152 MDMN -46.67%
153 EE.TO -46.81%
154 FTP.TO -50.13%
155 SPIN -54.13%
156 BTH -57.95%
157 FFEX -61.76%
158 CAST -76.36%
159 PEC.V -77.78%
160 PSN.TO -77.78%
Buy A Trades Results
Buy a trade was used a little more this contest, but has never taken hold. There was only 2 people who used 2 buy a trade each in this contest. Hope this helps.
All 6 Units Positive
Final # Of Transactions Left List
Commentary: As a group we have used 69/156 trades available to us or 44.23%. Without further ado here is the table
Alias # Of Transactions Left
CL001 0
KIPP440 3
NELSON1234 1
SWICK984 1
Final VMC PSL 22 Indexes
Commentary: We have numerous indexes to present this contest. So without further ado let me give a brief explanation of them. The The Top 15 Index is made up of all stock being picked at least 3 times in the contest, this index is equally weighted. The Top 160 Index, is also equally weighted, and measures the average performance of all the stocks picked in this contest (Our stock universe). The Average Portfolio Return, measure the average performance of the 39 portfolios. These indexes or averages should be familiar to everyone, as I have presented these in past contest(s). Average Portfolio (Original) the only difference between this index and the average portfolio return is it excludes the impact of transactions, meaning if no one could make transactions (Which is obviously not the case) this would be the average portfolio return. The Champions Index is basically and index that takes the average of the all the former PSL champions in PSL 22. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, and I will answer them to the best of my ability. Hope you enjoy the info.
Top 15 Index: -12.25%
Top 160 Index: -4.62%
Average Portfolio Return -6.28%
Average Portfolio Return (Original): -6.86%
Champions Index: +0.17%
PSL 22 Trades
Alias Date Out In
10BAGGER 9-10 ALJJ -1.27% GLMB $0.205 (DD)
10BAGGER 9-10 LVWD -3.23% BNLB $0.134 (DD)
RESEARCHER59 9-10 CCIX -1.56% BMBM $0.22 (DD)
MANNY T 9-10 ARNA -4.42% VHC $28.00 (DD)
CL001 9-10 RPM.V -1.90% PTQ.TO $0.62 (DD)
CL001 9-10 POE.V -1.36% HNR $9.85 (DD)
THEFASTONE 9-13 ANR +19.28% TSL $4.47
THEFASTONE 9-13 SFY +10.20% TSL $4.47 (DD)
KOOKIEKOOK 9-13 DRRX +12.50% F R E E Z E
WADEGARRET 9-14 WDC -1.91% CDOC $0.11
NELSON1234 9-19 VRTA +20.87% F R E E Z E
SSKILLZ1 9-20 PYDS +0.00% F R E E Z E
SWICK984 9-20 FMG.AX +9.22% DCO $13.26
TRADERFAN 9-20 TEXC +26.67% F R E E Z E
CL001 9-20 SRPT -1.34% PEC.V $0.14 (DD)
MALC STONE 9-20 $CASH$ +0.00% IRE $5.86 (DD)
SWANLINBAR 9-24 MIMV +58.82% F R E E Z E
TRADERFAN 9-24 AM.TO -4.10% GLMB $0.15 (DD)
SWICK984 9-24 MSEH +28.13% JBSS $12.72
NELSON1234 9-25 F R E E Z E VRTA $1.24
SWICK984 9-28 JBSS +2.36% MSEH $0.175
TRADERFAN 10-02 F R E E Z E RX.V $1.00
ROCKETEER357 10-03 AEZS +9.46% PEC.V $0.155 (DD)
ROCKETEER357 10-03 BVTI +6.95% F R E E Z E
DIGITECH 10-04 SRPT +153.82% SLG.V $1.37 (DD)
DIGITECH 10-04 IAE.TO -9.57% MMT.V $1.65 (DD)
WYOBUFORD 10-04 MSEH +31.25% CTIX $1.00 (DD)
WYOBUFORD 10-04 TGE +11.33% OTT $2.01
STOCKPEEKER 10-04 OGC.TO +19.40% SLG.V $1.37
STOCKPEEKER 10-04 MSEH +31.25% AUN.V $1.17
WADEGARRET 10-05 CDOC -28.73% UVE $3.91
DIGITECH 10-05 PSN.TO -1.21% PTQ.TO $0.61
ABH3VT 10-05 DTLK -9.83% BTH $25.28 (DD)
SWANLINBAR 10-05 GLMB +14.29% SEA.AX $0.73
SWANLINBAR 10-05 MSEH +28.13% F R E E Z E
SWANLINBAR 10-08 TEXC +10.00% VNGE $0.90
WYOBUFORD 10-10 OTT +38.81% BFCF $0.815
THEFASTONE 10-11 CECO +15.38% RFMD $3.67 (DD)
ROCKETEER357 10-11 SSN -9.88% CNE.TO $0.41
DIGITECH 10-12 CEN.TO +3.70% PEC.V $0.20
CL001 10-12 HNR -10.02% POE.V $2.75
MIKEDDKING 10-12 COBR +4.55% RX.V $0.90 (DD)
GHMM 10-12 GENT +7.50% ISR $0.7241 (DD)
WYOBUFORD 10-15 CTIX +12.19% F R E E Z E
KOOKIEKOOK 10-16 F R E E Z E SVU $1.90 (DD)
KIPP440 10-17 AUMN -31.60% MMY.V $0.51
2MORROWSGAINS 10-19 PBN.TO -7.29% VLE.TO $0.92
NELSON1234 10-19 VRTA +4.84% F R E E Z E
ROCKETEER357 10-22 NGSX +68.07% F R E E Z E
KOOKIEKOOK 10-24 SVU +38.86% F R E E Z E
SSKILLZ1 10-24 AM.TO -5.05% F R E E Z E
NELSON1234 10-25 RCKY +0.17% F R E E Z E
NSOMNIYAK 11-01 ARNA -8.95% VRNG $2.85 (DD)
SSKILLZ1 11-05 F R E E Z E UPG $2.19 (DD)
STILLS999 11-05 XIN +30.14% LLEN $2.00
WYOBUFORD 11-07 F R E E Z E CTIX $1.02
SSKILLZ1 11-08 UPG -18.96% F R E E Z E
MIKEDDKING 11-08 UPG -14.42% F R E E Z E
DR. AIRTIME 11-13 AZK -15.52% MND.TO $1.02
DR. AIRTIME 11-13 EGO +0.61% MMT.V $1.71
DR. AIRTIME 11-13 AXU -1.27% HDA.V $1.50 (DD)
SSKILLZ1 11-14 F R E E Z E TEXC $0.145 (DD)
SSKILLZ1 11-14 F R E E Z E KEQU $11.01
NELSON1234 11-16 F R E E Z E UVE $3.91
KOOKIEKOOK 11-16 TEXC +8.00% MCP $6.13
TRADERFAN 11-19 GLMB +4.33% F R E E Z E
2MORROWSGAINS 11-23 TEXC -17.33% PPY.V $10.59
ABH3VT 11-26 BTH -50.60% F R E E Z E
WYOBUFORD 11-26 BFCF +38.65% MIMV $0.47 (BT1)
2MORROWSGAINS 11-26 PBG.TO -8.09% VLE.TO $0.90 (DD)
KOOKIEKOOK 11-27 MCP +38.17% F R E E Z E
BBOTCS 11-27 FB +37.78% F R E E Z E
ABH3VT 11-27 F R E E Z E MEMS $3.06
TRADERFAN 11-28 SIAF -3.94% F R E E Z E
TRADERFAN 11-28 F R E E Z E SIAF $0.4995
CL001 11-29 POE.V +13.31% APO.V $2.55 (BT1)
CL001 11-29 PEC.V -75.03% NEPT $3.01 (BT2)
TRADERFAN 11-30 F R E E Z E CAST $0.175 (DD)
ABH3VT 12-04 AERL -13.04% F R E E Z E
STILLS999 12-05 LLEN -4.50% NBY $1.39
MALC STONE 12-07 XRA -36.70% NWBO $3.40
WADEGARRET 12-10 CJES +0.24% MTSL $3.66
WADEGARRET 12-10 FFEX -61.76% GV $1.91 (DD)
NSOMNIYAK 12-10 NAVB -22.41% MIMV $0.29
NILES CRANE3 12-10 FLT +17.18% GLMB $0.10
NILES CRANE3 12-10 SSYS +14.91% GLMB $0.10 (DD)
GHMM 12-11 BMRN +29.25% FOLD $5.45 (DD)
WYOBUFORD 12-11 CTIX +46.08% CLSN $8.27 (BT2)
NELSON1234 12-12 F R E E Z E VRTA $1.08
WYOBUFORD 12-13 GLMB -2.86% F R E E Z E
KOOKIEKOOK 12-13 CVO +20.00% F R E E Z E
Here's the thing, you were not the only one that rode the GLMB train this week. I mean KIK would of won if you didn't do the tradeand GLMB Closed at .17. I would of wrote the same post on thursday, and probably the same thing would of transpired. GLMB at .17 was up 70% in a week on no volume. That is absurd. The stock closed where it was traded Most of the week. Believe it or not I feel where GLMB trade was 100% fair and accurate of where it really traded, so all and all I feel good about the results despite being in a tough situation that I put muyself in with new bad rules for PSL 22. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.
Well, sorry to have caused you so much stress this week. I always find the spread issue annoying as I usually pick stocks with minimal "spread padding", so to speak. I would say that at least 50% of the time contests are determined one way or another by bid/ask activity. It's usually much more subtle than my move, but if you look closely at trades it often has a significant effect. Sometimes, there are good moves with legitimate stocks but with a bid/ask 30% gain underneath it all.
Anyway, the trades were placed kind of on a whim on Monday after noticing the situation on the weekend. I didn't expect to get a win out of it, unless some funny business developed. In a sense I saw myself as limiting that. When volume suddenly picked up on Thursday, I did put 5000 shares for sale at .17, and someone immediately bought 1000 of them. At this point you got excited and warned against .19 painting. I was not the one who bought 600 shares at .19 in the morning, and suspect it was the same person who sold 300 shares twice during the day.
I think it was someone who has an issue with another competitor.
What I wonder is, what would you have done if I had not made the trades, and the same scenario happened at .17. Three thousand shares did trade at .17, and it had been .17 two weeks ago.
It's possible that I shifted the eventual outcome.
So, I just want to calm down now. Congrats to the winner, be it Kookie or Researcher, both of whom played an outstanding game. Thanks as always to you for all the work you go through running the contest and again, sorry for the stress.
But it could be a great investment 100 shares cost $10 + $10 commission to buy and sell so if it goes up 300% + it's in the money!
personally if it doesn't trade $100K per day it doesn' get my play. ... but bottom line is SSK get's to make the call and it should be lived with sans whining.
it's hilarious to think that someone would spend even one thin dime on winning this contest....
Thanks for your effort and really sorry for the aggravation you got. I think you are right about the volume issue, so you made a mistake ... you recognized it and are going to fix it. Sir, that's all anybody can expect.
See you in 23
Thanks again
Yeah, well that's okay. I was tempted to paint the .19 and at least get .17, but I was afraid the crowd would get mad at me :)
If it helps, I'll drop out and then SSK can use the Digi.
I wasn't the tape painter, that is all I will say. But if you think somebody should of won on GLMB based on a 70% rise in the stock price (as of thursday) in a week on no real volume and no news. Then I have to respectfully disagree. So it was okay to tape at .19 this morning? It was okay to tape paint at .17 on thursday close. Is the idea to get the most accurate results possible? Is it not fair to say? That most of the volume this week was done in the .13-.14 range? I don't get the outrage here, actually I do. If It was tape painted the other way I get other people saying whats the point, because realistic there is no way you could sell at that high price. And if it tape painted down, this was inaccurate representation of the price and unfair. The truth is there was no way I could make everyone happy in this PSL Contest, especially this contest as I was unhappy. Having said that would you want someone to win off a tape painter, because that is what clearly happened on thurday, or lose on a tape painter on friday. The truth is most of the volume this week was in the .13-.14 range, it close in that range. People are in a uproar, but the stock accurately reflect where you could of really sold it this week or even today for that matter? Look all I want really is people to drop this. Partipate in the next contest, we all can acknowledge the rules were somewhat more flawed in PSL 22, but those problems will be fixed, and perhaps one of themost exciting contests I have introduced will be on it's way in the new year. So please try to all get along, I don't want this blowing up like it happened a couple of months ago. I knew GLMB was going to do this too, where there was going to be somebody displeased whether is was painted up or down. Heck the stock at one point today had a .13/.19 spread, as one knows I buy lower volume stocks but the liquidity in this stock is absurd. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.
Guess what,, I could care less because you have kinda said it all.. hank
I feel the results were 100% fair, and in fact I want to applaud the tape painter as if we are being realistic here the overwhelmeling majority of the volume this week was at .13-.14 range, and I think the contest would of been more called in too question if it closed at .19 today opening then the .13 it did. All is just my opinion,, and I could always be wrong though.