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If you are short, good luck with your critical thinking.
If you are short, good luck with your critical thinking.
Critical thinking is better than empty positivity.
Positive thinking is better than negativity IMO!!!
You have spent most of your life burning hydrocarbons and/or benefiting from their use. The holier than thou thing doesn't suit anybody.
Of course. Our $20K, 2018 Chevy Bolt goes 200 miles a day no problem and it is great. My Chevy Silverado will go 400 miles without range anxiety. Also great. What you are describing is what every EV manufacturer provides. Most have dealerships that can provide service, which is pretty nice. And most of their CEOs are foreigners attempting to install autocratic governments around the world. Most of the world is now voting with their money and it isn't rolling Musk's way.
I don’t have any kids. But a couple of hundred miles a day or so seems like quite a bit of range in one day to then charge it up at night!! My sister has kids that need to go all over the place, and she still finds her Model 3 that was passed down from my father seems to work well for her, but yes I’m not saying a Tesla is for everyone, but the Tesla has sure made my family VERY HAPPY!!!!
The men have EV. Their wife's need more miles on their cars without having to look for chargers while driving the kids around.
If you have kids you would understand
Our old president didn’t want to ship out liquid natural gas and that burns very clean to power power plants!!! Lithium can be recycled and Elon was thinking ahead when he built a lithium plant and lithium refinery!!! Have you breathed the air in NYC and LA? I’m surprised some people don’t sue the ICE manufacturers for days that they are going to inevitably lose in their shorter life spans due to all the combustion!!’
Have you seen any info or articles on Sodium ION batteries? Sounds promising seeing how sodium (salt) is literately everywhere on Earth. Their total cycle number before dying is off the chart compared to Lithium.
Hybrids are the answer longer term. Even if we went to 100% EV's, the carbon footprint caused by that would be worse than it is now. 100% EV's would require a hell of lot more mining, and the carbon emissions from all the mining of lithium would be catastrophic. In turn, it would require many times more electricity generation than we currently have in the US, which would require the mining of huge amounts of additional coal to generate that electricity to charge all of the EV's, since America decided to turn away from nuclear power years ago. France is the envy of the world going all nuclear, with smaller very efficient and productive nuclear plants which are very safe. THE carbon emissions from not only the mining of all that additional coal to generate the additional huge amounts of electricity to charge all of the EV's with 100% EV's, but on top of that to burn that much coal to generate many times the amount of electricity we generate now, would also be catastrophic overall. Then the life of lithium batteries is such that, in time, we would have to dispose of the old worn-out lithium batteries, and that would be an environmental disaster.
Hybrids do not burn that much gas, and most are not plug-ins and do not require any electricity. They are always on battery until the battery runs down and they then switch over to gas and that recharges the battery as you drive, and when the battery quickly re-charges it switches back over to battery.
The CEO of Toyota published a very detailed white paper with a lot of science and evidence on why hybrids were a better and more environmentally friendly option a year or 2 ago. It was excellently done and supported by a lot of evidence. Of course, the CALPERS pension fund out in California called for him to be fired. Go figure.
Tesla CFO exercised a stock option to buy 6,000 shares at $18.22 and DUMPED them the same day on 3/3/25. Now there's a confidence builder!
Bagged about $1.75M on the deal minus the $109K he paid for the shares.
Now what could a CFO know?!?!🤣💀
Nice to see that they are polluting the air with their hybrids!! I guess we all have the choice of buying the best EV that doesn’t pollute the air or buying a non-American car that pollutes. After Elon is making this little 13 year old boy’s dream come true I’d rather buy a Tesla!!!!
Two different neighbors across the street were talking about buying teslas last summer. Both billionaires
Instead they are both driving Hyundai EV.
Their wifes are driving Hyundai hybrids
TSLA is -39% since the inauguration of Co-Presidents Trump and Musk.
PS: The next support to $250 looks like the $225/200 levels. BLTA
Some say the plans of statues of E.M. and D.T. for construction are almost ready.
✅ Tesla Model 3 named Sweden’s Car of the Year for 2024
Next stop: $100
Stock worth around $30
South Korea reported 2,222 Tesla sales in February
By: Roland Pircher | March 6, 2025
• South Korea reported 2,222 Tesla sales in February.
• 92% Model Y and 5% Model 3
• Best February ever
• +1177% vs. February last year
• Last three months -44.1% vs. September - November
• Year-to-date +1173% over same period last year
• Year-to-date is 7% or 0.9/12 of last year's total
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Turkey reported 3,310 Tesla sales and 4.4% market share in February. BEV penetration is 13.6% and Tesla has 32.1% of this segment
By: Roland Pircher | March 6, 2025
• Turkey reported 3,310 Tesla sales and 4.4% market share in February. BEV penetration is 13.6% and Tesla has 32.1% of this segment.
• Market share is 252 basis points or 137% above the 3-month trailing average of 1.8%
• Tesla 8th best-selling brand
• 100% Model Y
• Second best month ever with +8% vs. last month
• Best second month of the quarter ever and +78% vs. the previous one
• Best February ever
• +4313% vs. February last year
• Second best quarter ever after second month of quarter and +50% vs. the same period last quarter
• Last three months +20.1% vs. September - November
• Year-to-date +1022% over same period last year
• Year-to-date is 29% or 3.4/12 of last year's total
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Belgium reported 1,053 Tesla sales and 2.6% market share in February
By: Roland Pircher | March 6, 2025
• Belgium reported 1,053 Tesla sales and 2.6% market share in February.
• -54% vs. February last year
• Last three months -29.7% vs. September - November
• Year-to-date -50% over same period last year
• Year-to-date is 10% or 1.2/12 of last year's total
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Australia reported 1,592 Tesla sales and 1.6% market share in February. BEV penetration is 5.8% and Tesla has 28.3% of this segment
By: Roland Pircher | March 6, 2025
• Australia reported 1,592 Tesla sales and 1.6% market share in February. BEV penetration is 5.8% and Tesla has 28.3% of this segment.
• 58% Model Y and 42% Model 3
• -72% vs. February last year
• Last three months -11.0% vs. September - November
• Year-to-date -66% over same period last year
• Year-to-date is 6% or 0.7/12 of last year's total
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WOW, Elon is a really GOOD GUY!!!!
Chair Robyn Denholm just sold $33.7 million worth of $TSLA shares...
By: Barchart | March 6, 2025
• Tesla Insider Trading Alert
Chair Robyn Denholm just sold $33.7 million worth of $TSLA shares. She has now sold more than $200 million worth in the last 12 months.
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$TSLA Trader Rolls Down on Loss; Opens ~$52 Million Position in APR 265 Calls
By: Theta Warrior | March 6, 2025
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It is no wonder Tesla is on the way out in Europe. Elon Musk should have thought first before shitting in the company/family nest when he was spouting off in support of the radical far right party in Germany that is essentially the successor to the Nazi's and endorsing that very scary and unpopular party in the recent German elections. The conservative party won the recent election, which is a positive for conservatives around the world. But the radical folks Elon was touting are not popular with anyone in Europe. Not to mention he is now perhaps the most hated man in America, as evidence by the polling and his soaring disapproval ratings. He arguably deserves what is happening to his once great company, but it is very unfair to loyal Tesla shareholders. Would not be surprising to see a number of shareholder lawsuits against Musk for breach of his fiduciary duties to shareholders.
That having been said, there is no excuse for the violence, just as there was no excuse for what happened at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Shame on Donald Trump for issuing all of those pardons and sending the message to everyone in the world that violence and death over politics is just fine and to be lauded in Trump's new world.
I thought of two other black women who have had to fight against all odds to get where they are today…. Whoopi Goldberg and Kamala Harris!!! These three women (Joy Reid too) I believe have had their dreams come true by living in America!! Elon might make some new friends if he gave these 3 women a Tesla!! They could have a bumper sticker that says, “GO ELON”!! And Elon has had his dreams come true by living in America!!!! ❤️🇺🇸
🏆️ Tesla’s fully-electric family car achieved the highest overall score of any car tested under Euro NCAP’s latest – and most exacting – protocols.
Maybe Elon could give Joy Reid a Cybertruck or Tesla model 3 or model Y and say, “Joy, no hard feelings, give this gift to a friend if you still hate me!” JMO
The negative sentiment is here for a long time
Tesla sales are dropping like a stone: way down in EU and China and significantly down in the US. Tesla has huge fixed costs and its money is made at the margins so it will likely lose money this year - especially without the bitcoin adjustment that benefitted it last year and without the clean energy credits it has counted on. P/E will go through the roof and the stock will have to correct to something reasonable, like $50 per share or something.
You can't give away something nobody wants
Canada should negotiate favorable tariff deals to export used Teslas overseas, or to Mexico. Just like riding their shelves of U.S. alcohol.
Canada = Highest Teslas per capita ?
Tariffs maybe not such a great idea.......(for ELON)
Elon is so unique and I believe he has a HUGE heart, and these people who commit these crimes should get their coming justice, but it would be nice if Elon did something nice for the dems especially since a lot of them bought his cars and thought highly of him!! Peace in the Tesla world would seem to be more beneficial to Tesla!! But that is JMO!! My next car will be a Tesla no matter what Elon does!! You gotta just love Elon for who he is, how hard he works at making the world more efficient and more environmentally friendly,, and a place where we can all try to do the right thing!! His workers I believe really love him and what he is doing as he does work his butt off at everything he does!! Having one wife for 60 years is not in the cards for everyone!! God bless those who can be married that long!!!
Many car companies now use Tesla chargers. This is so stupid and pointless.
Love is patient and kind. Maybe Elon could show the dems a little more love!! I’ve heard that we should love our enemies!!
It should be $50 per share - will it get there? IDK, we will see. The market is irrational and sometimes it hurts and sometimes it helps. Right now, Tesla shareholders have been helped. The worm will probably turn though.
FUD? No. Tesla simply is not worth $1T and more than all the other car companies in the world combined.
Yep, most of the sales on the Model Y are currently stalled in the crossover to the new model. That is about to bust loose big time. Ne cheaper model in thory starts up later on this year. I am good.....
Kinda depends on which state you live in. However why on earth would someoe damage another persons care because it is a Tesla because of politics? I am at a loss what is wrong with people now.
LOL, I own a Tesla and know very well what they can and can't do. I also know FUD when I see it. I am very happy with my TSLA shares and will be even happier by the end of the year. $50 a share? ROFL.....
Yeah..... right...... I on the other hand actually own and drive a Tesla. I actually know what they can and can't do. I know what is FUD and what is real. So..,... Moving along from this pointless junk.
I know of this broker named Elmer Fudd!! He wasn’t a very good hunter, but I’m sure he can help you with your shorting!! He works for Lose Your Shorts Inc!!!
Shorting tesla. Question for everyone What broker do you use to short tesla? Tesla could use something like this from Wave to make it so if someone steals your key card, they would have to enter a PIN number before they could steal your Tesla!! And maybe with this technology, it could be set up so all you would have to do is speak your PIN number!! Another good level of security for Tesla owners!! And Tesla already has a Trusted Platform Module in it so I believe Wave’s software could really make a BIG difference in Tesla’s security!!! The TPM is already built in!! Why not use Wave’s interoperable software? The KEY person to talk to is Steven K Sprague!!!
NEWS Tesla gets a $320 price target from Goldman Sachs
Good luck and GOD bless,
Germany reported 1,429 Tesla sales and 0.6% market share in February. BEV penetration is 16.6% and Tesla has 3.7% of this segment
By: Roland Pircher | March 5, 2025
• Germany reported 1,429 Tesla sales and 0.6% market share in February. BEV penetration is 16.6% and Tesla has 3.7% of this segment.
• -76% vs. February last year
• Last three months -12.8% vs. September - November
• Year-to-date -71% over same period last year
• Year-to-date is 7% or 0.9/12 of last year's total
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BEWARE!!! Buy Wave so these phishing attacks won’t be successful!! Standards based hardware security (the TPM) with Wave software could set our country up for GREATNESS and get the job done!!! Not using Wave 2FA leaves our country wide open to clever scams like this and if we don’t use Wave we are going to MADA, Make America Dumb Again!!
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Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His father was a priest in the Serbian Orthodox church
and his mother managed the family’s farm. In 1863 Tesla’s brother Daniel was killed in a riding accident.
The shock of the loss unsettled the 7-year-old Tesla, who reported seeing visions—the first signs of his lifelong mental illnesses.
- Feb. 12th 2016 3:35 pm ET
$TSLA, Exclusive: Bill Ford at Mustang Mach-E unveil admits being on Tesla’s turf
Bradley Berman
- Nov. 17th 2019 10:44 pm ET
Minutes after the official unveiling of the Ford Mustang Mach-E,
we jumped into the press scrum surrounding Bill Ford. Electrek asked Ford’s chairman, and Henry Ford’s great-grandson,
if he knew the introduction was taking place one block from Tesla’s design center.
“That’s a coincidence,” he said. And then he flashed a big smile.
Tesla Motors, Inc. (Tesla), incorporated on July 1, 2003, designs, develops, manufactures and sells electric vehicles and advanced electric vehicle powertrain components. Tesla owns its sales and service centers and Supercharger stations. In addition to the Company’s own vehicles, it designs, develops, manufactures, and sells advanced electric vehicle powertrain components to other automotive manufacturers. The Company has provided development services and powertrain components to Daimler AG (Daimler) for its Smart fortwo and A-Class electric vehicles. The Company developed stationary energy storage products for use in homes, commercial sites, and utilities. The Company offers financial products through various financial institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 by a group of engineers in Silicon Valley who wanted to prove that electric cars could be better than gasoline-powered cars. With instant torque, incredible power, and zero emissions, Tesla’s products would be cars without compromise. Each new generation would be increasingly affordable, helping the company work towards its mission: to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable transport.
Tesla’s engineers first designed a powertrain for a sports car built around an AC induction motor, patented in 1888 by Nikola Tesla, the inventor who inspired the company’s name. The resulting Tesla Roadster was launched in 2008. Accelerating from 0 to 60 mph in 3.7 seconds and achieving a range of 245 miles per charge of its lithium ion battery, the Roadster set a new standard for electric mobility. Tesla would sell more than 2,400 Roadsters, now on the road in more than 30 countries.
In 2012, Tesla launched Model S, the world’s first premium electric sedan. Built from the ground up to be 100 percent electric, Model S has redefined the very concept of a four-door car. With room for seven passengers and more than 64 cubic feet of storage, Model S provides the comfort and utility of a family sedan while achieving the acceleration of a sports car: 0 to 60 mph in about five seconds. Its flat battery pack is integrated into the chassis and sits below the occupant cabin, lending the car a low center of gravity that enables outstanding road holding and handling while driving 265 miles per charge. Model S was named Motor Trend’s 2013 Car of the Year and achieved a 5-star safety rating from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
In late 2014, Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled two dual motor all-wheel drive configurations of Model S that further improve the vehicle’s handling and performance. The 85D features a high efficiency motor at the front and rear, giving the car unparalleled control of traction in all conditions. The P85D pairs a high efficiency front motor with a performance rear motor for supercar acceleration, achieving a 0 to 60 mph time of 3.2 seconds – the fastest four-door production car ever made.
Now with more than 50,000 vehicles on the road worldwide, Tesla is preparing to launch Model X, a crossover vehicle that enters volume production in 2015. Featuring exhilarating acceleration, falcon wing doors, and room for three rows of seating, Model X defies categorization.
Tesla owners enjoy the benefit of charging at home so they never have to visit a gas station or spend a cent on gasoline. For long distance journeys, Tesla’s Supercharger network provides convenient and free access to high speed charging, replenishing half a charge in as little as 20 minutes. Superchargers now connect popular routes in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Tesla’s vehicles are produced at its factory in Fremont, California, previously home to New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., a joint venture between Toyota and General Motors. The Tesla Factory has returned thousands of jobs to the area and is capable of producing 1,000 cars a week.
The company is expanding its manufacturing footprint into other areas, including in Tilburg, the Netherlands, where it has an assembly facility, and Lathrop, California, where it has a specialized production plant. To reduce the costs of lithium ion battery packs, Tesla and key strategic partners including Panasonic have begun construction of a gigafactory in Nevada that will facilitate the production of a mass-market affordable vehicle, Model 3. By 2020, the gigafactory will produce more lithium ion cells than all of the world’s combined output in 2013. The gigafactory will also produce battery packs intended for use in stationary storage, helping to improve robustness of the electrical grid, reduce energy costs for businesses and residences, and provide a backup supply of power.
Tesla is not just an automaker, but also a technology and design company with a focus on energy innovation.
The Tesla Roadster is an electric sports car. The Company sells and services its Tesla Roadster though its Company-owned sales and service network in the North America, Europe and Asia. It has delivered approximately 2,500 Tesla Roadsters to customers in over 30 countries. It completed the production of Tesla Roadster gliders at Lotus Cars Limited in January 2012.
Model S is a four door, five-passenger premium sedan. It has designed Model S to include a third row with two rear-facing child seats, subject to applicable safety regulations and requirements, allowing the Company to offer a seven passenger sedan.
The Company revealed an early prototype of the Model X crossover as the first vehicle that it intends to develop by leveraging the Model S platform. This vehicle has been designed to fill the niche between the roominess of a minivan and the style of an SUV, while having high performance features, such as a dual motor all-wheel drive system. Model X will seat seven adults. The Company anticipates that it would make Model X available with 60 kWh and 85 kWh battery pack options, with pricing of each version similar to those of a comparably equipped Model S.
The Company also has announced its intent to develop a third generation electric vehicle, to which it refers as Gen III, to be produced at the Tesla Factory.
In addition to the Company’s own vehicles, it designs, develops, manufactures, and sells advanced electric vehicle powertrain components to other automotive manufacturers. The Company has provided development services and full powertrain systems and components to Daimler AG for its Smart fortwo, A-Class, and B-Class electric vehicles. It has also developed an electric powertrain system for Toyota Motor Corporation for use in its RAV4 EV. As of December 31, 2013 the Company shipped approximately 1,600 units.
In 2013, the Company developed stationary energy storage products for use in homes, commercial sites, and utilities. The applications for these battery systems include backup power, peak demand reduction, demand response and wholesale electric market services. The Company intends to ramp sales of these products in 2014. In 2015, Tesla introduced the Powrball: Tesla Home Battery. Powerwall is a home battery that charges using electricity generated from solar panels, or when utility rates are low, and powers your home in the evening. It also fortifies your home against power outages by providing a backup electricity supply. Automated, compact and simple to install, Powerwall offers independence from the utility grid and the security of an emergency backup. Powerball comes in 10kWh weekly cycle and 7kWh daily cycle models. Both are guaranteed for ten years and are sufficient to power most homes during peak evening hours. Multiple batteries may be installed together for homes with greater energy need, up to 90 kWh total for the 10 kWh battery and 63 kWh total for the 7 kWh battery.
The Company offers financial products through various financial institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia. In the United States and Canada, it offers customer loans through specified commercial banking partners. In connection with certain of these loans, the Company offers a resale value guarantee to all customers who purchased a Model S and financed their vehicle.
ADDITIONAL PRODUCT 02-16-201 MINI CHILD THING.Company website.......
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Nikola Tesla 1856 - 1943 and his contribution to science and humanity.
i think was greater than all inventors.
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