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Are they trying something new? Who are they - are some from VEND?
Shareholders of VEND should get some equity in their new venture since they are using Reis and Irvy's machines that uses technology VEND investors put their dollars in.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. Let's recap. Company scammed you and many others (at least you have company) out of lots of money. Sold you basically scrap metal with a few moving parts. Oh, and thousands of shares of what is now completely worthless stock. And then went BK. Never to be seen again.
Told ya so. Not once, but lots of times. But, no, you didn't want to listen. Now look at you. Probably humping a double shift at the Gas N Go to pay for the loan you had to take out.
I think there were a lot of people who lost big bucks. By that I mean, $150K was a lot of money to a lot of franchisees. Some even had to get loans, and are probably still paying on those.
I haven't heard anything about where NY is or what he is doing. Probably working his next group of pigeons. I checked the SEC website and didn't see any actions against him. I'm sure he is on their radar in case he tries to be an officer/director of another public company.
I would imagine that there were several people that lost some BIG BUCKS. Have you heard anything about is where abouts? I wonder if he is still in the San Diego area.
I guess not anymore. There sure were a lot of people who got taken on this one. The lesson here is always do your DD. Especially look at management's background. NY's dealings in AUS would have been a huge red flag.
It's official....GAME OVER, MAN!!! GAME OVER!!!
VEND registration revoked:
Now this stock price is more like it. That's 5 ZEROS before a 1.
You better get back to fixing those machines. All 2 of them. The rest are rusted out in some landfill.
On a serious note, do better DD next time you do something like this. If you had, maybe you would have seen NY's past and never invested.
Looks like whomever was pumping this stock within the last year has finally given up as well. Smart move. This thing will sink into the triple zeros soon enough. I really wish I had Robo's address so that I could send him a Christmas card every year to remind of VEND.
Looks like trips is around the corner. Told ya so. Couldn't tell you when it turned into a scam, but it sure did become a Ponzi scheme.
There wasn't any real reason for VEND to respond was there? As soon as they filed Chapter 7 it was game over man, game over.
There were lots and lots of things that did them in. The biggest was their inability to execute due to a considerable lack of experience across the board.
before the
SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Release No. 92441 / July 19, 2021
Admin. Proc. File No. 3-20326
In the Matter of
The Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) issued an Order Instituting Proceedings (“OIP”) on May 21, 2021, pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, against respondent Generation NEXT Franchise Brands, Inc. (“Respondent”).1
On June 17, 2021, the Division of Enforcement filed a Declaration of Gina Joyce, which established that, pursuant to Commission Rule of Practice 141(a)(2)(ii),2 service of the OIP was made on Respondent on June 10, 2021.
As stated in the OIP, Respondent’s answer was required to be filed within ten days of the service of the OIP.3 As of the date of this order, Respondent has not filed an answer. The prehearing conference and hearing are thus continued indefinitely.
Accordingly, Respondent is ORDERED to SHOW CAUSE by August 2, 2021, why the registration of its securities should not be revoked by default due to its failure to file an answer and to otherwise defend this proceeding. When a party defaults, the allegations in the OIP will be deemed to be true and the Commission may determine the proceeding against that party upon consideration of the record without holding a public hearing.
If Respondent fails to respond to this order to show cause, it may be deemed in default, the proceeding may be determined against it, and the registration of its securities may be
2134965 (May 21, 2021).
Generation NEXT Franchise Brands, Inc., Exchange Act Release No. 91972, 2021 WL 17 C.F.R. § 201.141(a)(2)(ii).
160(b), 220(b), 17 C.F.R. §§ 201.151(a), 201.160(b), 201.220(b).
Generation NEXT Franchise Brands, 2021 WL 2134965, at *2; Rules of Practice 151(a),
Rules of Practice 155, 180, 17 C.F.R. §§ 201.155, 201.180; see Generation NEXT Franchise Brands, 2021 WL 2134965, at *2 (“If Respondent fails to file the directed Answer, . . . [it] may be deemed in default and the proceedings may be determined against [it] . . . .”).
Amendments to the Commission’s Rules of Practice, Exchange Act Release No. 90442, 2020 WL 7013370 (Nov. 17, 2020), 85 Fed. Reg. 86,464, 86,474 (Dec. 30, 2020),; Instructions for Electronic Filing and Service of Documents in SEC Administrative Proceedings and Technical Specifications, The amendments impose other obligations such as a new redaction and omission of sensitive personal information requirement. Amendments to the Commission’s Rules of Practice, 85 Fed. Reg. at 86,465-81.
revoked.4 Upon review of the filings in response to this order, the Commission will either direct further proceedings by subsequent order or issue a final order resolving the matter.
The parties’ attention is directed to the most recent amendments to the Commission’s Rules of Practice, which took effect on April 12, 2021, and which include new e-filing requirements.5
For the Commission, by the Office of the General Counsel, pursuant to delegated authority.
Vanessa A. Countryman Secretary
Here it is, the one year anniversary from your last post. I will give you props, you said you wouldn't post anymore and you haven't. But, who can blame you. VEND turned out to be a total and complete bust for almost everyone.
So, tell us, what did you convert your machines into?
So, were you as happy as I was this past weekend to see PM win the PGA? NY must been sportin' a major woody watching it...and wondering what could have been.
Thanks for the update. It was only a matter of time. Wonder if any action will be taken against any of the officers of the company.
VEND SEC Suspension for severely delinquent Financials:
Admin. Proceeding:
Hey bro, my lawnmower took a dump and I need some parts. I know you have to be sitting on a huge pile of parts from all of your broken down machines. How much do you want for them?
It's been 10 months since your last post. My how time flies. You get your job back at the gas station? You can't play video games in your mom's basement the rest of your life.
Keep working those birthday parties with the mobile froyo machine, the kids love it.
Coming up on the summer season. Will you be able to keep up with demand. I should probably ask, do any of the machines still work? lol.
Here's a lesson I learned from VEND. Anytime a company claims to "disrupt" something, run. Run hard. Run far. Very rarely does something disrupt others. It's a marketing ploy. And, that's what NY was, a sales guy. Apparently a very good one if you look at all of the people he suckered.
Come out come out wherever you are. lol.
So, when you had to dispose of your machines because they all broke down, did you have to pay any kind of hazardous waste fees? I mean, the mold growing inside those things could probably trigger another pandemic. Something to consider when you get tired of piling those things up in the backyard.
Whoever is propping the stock price up is doing a great job. My guess is it's someone you know and love with the initials NY. He has to try to get some of his money back, any way he can. Who's dumb enough to buy enough shares for a reverse merger. There are way too many clean shells out there for that purpose. Buy, we all know how great a salesman NY is. lol.
Sure they are. Who wouldn't want stock in a company that totally scammed franchisees and investors, had absolutely no idea what they were doing and eventually went Chapter 7? Mighty fine investment. Solid as a rock.
People still buying. Lol. Sell or lose it all
Unbelievable. The stock is trading @ $0.015. Sell, sell, sell if you haven't done so already.
I'm curious, if NY himself contacted you with a franchise concept and promised "it is a can't miss, once in a lifetime opportunity" would you do it? Of course you would.
One of the things I hadn't really given much thought to was how posters were saying NY had too much to lose and that he wouldn't let the company fail. Well, looks like they were wrong. Very wrong. The house of cards imploded spectacularly for all to see.
Don't worry good buddy, I'll keep VEND's memories alive. Even when you want to forget about it.
What's up playa? Here we are in the middle of January already. Can you believe it? You know, it might not be too late to get your job back at Walmart. Cart shaggers are a hot commodity. And don't forget, it's never too late to sell your 50,000 shares for big bucks. LMAO.
If you are really looking to hit it big, you might want to try Powerball tonight. You've got better odds of hitting that than hitting it big with those broken down hunks of junk of nuts and bolts.
Think about it.
Happy New Year!!!
So, who ended up with NY on their bag at the PM Classic? God, I really hope it was you. What a joy that would be, getting to spend the entire afternoon with NY.
A better question is, at what point did you realize the naysayers were right and that VEND turned into a Ponzi scheme? How did that feel?
Anyway. Again, happy new year. Let's just pray half of your machines make it through 2021.
Look into getting some hot dog carts. Those would be right up your alley.
Merry Christmas good buddy. Hope you and yours are having a stellar holiday season. Don't forget, old nasty stale toppings are not a good stocking stuffer. But, if that's all you got, what can you say?
Hopefully you pick some winning investments in 2021 like you did when you put all of your hard earned money into VEND. How much was that again? Anyway, it's not really the money that is important (actually, it is), but all of the time, energy and resources put into the business.
That pool of Zees must be extremely low by now. In fact, you could probably put all of you into one phone booth. And have room left over.
Happy New Year.
You know, I was thinking I should stop giving you such a hard time about being a VEND Zee and investor. Because by now you probably had to gut a few of the broken down machines and are living in them. But isn't that taking the tiny home concept a bit too far? May save up if you can and get yourself a van so that you live down by the river.
Don't forget to sign up for the PM Classic so that you can be in the running to have NY as your personal caddy for the day. That way you can make him your bitch.
At this point, hopefully your tax accountant has advised you to dump your shares or at least write them off for tax purposes so that you get the deduction this year. He probably said the same thing about your machines, but you won't give those precious things up.
If you could only figure a way to provide BOPAM (buy online pickup at machine).
Here it is, the day before Thanksgiving. You must have so much to be thankful for. Like, still having a machine that still works (unlikely, but possible), all those shares of VEND stock keeping the kitchen table from wobbling, and having an almost unlimited supply of froyo for your family gatherings. Yep, it's been a mighty fine year for you and all of the other Zees and investors.
I don't know when I will stop laughing at you and everyone else, but it won't be any time soon, that's for sure.
I've always been curious. At what point did you realize you made a huge mistake becoming a ZEE and investor in VEND? Inquiring minds want to know.
Here we are, still sitting at around $0.007. Not even a stinkin' penny...
Told ya so how many times?
Investors and Zees couldn't have done much DD. They couldn't, or they didn't believe their lying eyes. Which is it?
Are you a regular on the 800-GOT-JUNK guy's route by now?
Finally, someone got off their ass and propped this thing back up. Better get your trade in now before it goes back down to $0.007.
How many machines are you up to now? 50? You should have an empire by now. Don't forget to scavenge at your local junkyard for any recent additions. We all know that with winter coming, sales are going bye bye for a while.
Looks like someone forgot to get their last second trade in for $0.05 for 5 shares to prop the stock price up. You better get on that.
You know, it's not too late for you to get a job at a Yogurtland. You could be a shift supervisor or even an assistant manager. That's where the opportunity really is.
Let me help you out here...on this day five months ago, this board's biggest loser posted his last post.
Looks like someone is trying to prop this stock up with a $0.0106 trade for 5 shares. For what purpose?
Looks like it is right back down in the $0.007s again. Hope you were able to dump a few shares in the $0.009s. Can you even believe we are talking about a stock price below a penny. What a fall from the good old days. Were there ever any good old days with VEND? Well, I guess if you are NY or the sales guys, there were. But, those are long gone now.
Say "hi" to pizza box man for all of us.
Just when you thought you've seen everything. The last VEND trade was 5 shares at $0.009. That isn't even $0.05. I didn't even know you could trade that few shares.
Better sell now before it droops back down to $0.007 or lower.
Man, the stock is holding steady for the most part. Sure, there are a few ups and downs, but what a great investment. I mean, what could go wrong? Oh, wait....
Checked the VEND board and couldn't believe my eyes. Someone actually traded 100 shares @ $0.0007. Which got me to wondering, what can you buy for $0.70? I couldn't even get some extra, stale, crappy, old topping from one the machines. That would cost me at least $1.00.
What is going on? Thought I would report on the mom & pop place I go to for froyo. Turns out it's better than I thought. They are looking to open up their third store. It's a good thing they don't have to rely on gimmicks like VEND did, like accepting crypto currency to get people to come see them. What sort of trick is the pizza man going to push? Giving away some sort of free toy with every purchase?
Man, what a bust VEND was. You'd have to be a total idiot to have invested here. Wouldn't you agree?
Hey man, how's it hanging? Thought I would get an ETA on when you are going to start the "On This Day in VEND History" series of posts. We can't wait to see what you have for us. Things like "On this day in 20XX, a machine was returned to VEND, the first of many, because it was a POS. Little did anyone know outside of VEND that most of the machines were defective. But don't blame FLEX. They just build what you tell them to build."
We need posts like this so that we can be reminded what a total disaster VEND really was.
What's shakin' good buddy? Probably not a lot of sales, that's what. LMAO.
Anyway, looks like a couple of people dumped 50,000 shares each today already. Talk about a lesson in how to turn $32,500 (assuming they bought at $0.65) into $350.
I can't believe VEND still provides this much entertainment. No amusement park can give this much for this long. Not even Disneyland.
NOOOOO!!!! It's back down to $0.007. How can that be? Things were really starting to look up. I mean, there''ll think of something...the pizza boxes. That's it. Those were really going to bring people back. In droves. I can't think of anything else positive, but I'm sure there's lots.
I hope the new franchisor didn't raise your monthly fee up from 12%. That would be a real shame. But the ability to accept all of that crypto currency is worth it.
Have a great weekend.
Hey good buddy, we miss hearing from you.
When I saw there were only 200 shares traded today, I unexpectedly laughed so hard that water come out of my nose. Since the price per share never got above $0.01, that means they had to round UP to get to $2 traded for the day. Too funny. I mean, why even bother trading 200 shares?
Pure winner all around. Wouldn't you say?
Whenever I see it go over $0.01, I wonder if it is NY trying to breathe life back into the stock somehow since he lost so much. But there's really nothing left there. It's completely dead. Wonder if he likes living in a van down by the beach? He may like it, but I'm sure his wife doesn't.
Next time you are at the country club he used to belong to and is now a caddie, tell him to fetch your No. 3 wood and get out of the way. And whatever you do, don't listen to his read of the greens. I heard he couldn't putt to save his life. PM still thanks him for his generous "donations". (Kinda makes up for all of the money he lost on the stock). It's not everyday PM plays with a guy and gives him 10 strokes a side and still beats him.
Heard from some of the other naysayers. Better to stay silent. They're still laughing their asses off at all of the franchisees and investors.
Oh snap!!! The price is right back down to where it was before. Hope you were able to sell when you could. That could have been an extra $50 in your pocket. Every dollar counts when you have one of those machines, let alone something like 10 machines.
Almost time to call the 800-GOT-JUNK guys yet?
OMG. The volume is overwhelming today. It's gonna break the system.
Hey, I thought of another good use for your shares of stock. You can fold them up and prop up one side or the other of your machines. You know how one side is always higher than the other and it wobbles.
One thing I have been wondering about is, how much are your storage fees for the machines that broke down and you can't get rid of? Those costs have got to be piling up. Maybe you can get PB to come by and pick them up.
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