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Hope everyone’s doing okay out there!
Any check ins? Hope everyone filling those bags out there!
Hope everyone is healthy and well. Hold your bags, never know, may get some life pumped into them in December.
Watch as the BB become more volatile, so the money will, and always does, flow into the otc.
Just don’t get married or greedy. It won’t last long.
Happy Turkey Day all.
VERBFUSZ Bagholder JR since still stuck in 2018 lets look at the post #46422 OSB responded to
dude iligence Monday, 04/09/18 09:57:58 AM
Re: ALL-IN888 post# 46412 0
Post #
of 164325
Rory didnt buy shares from the float he printed some. He used imaginary money of his over inflated back salary he pays himself to make a transaction to put on a Form 4 to get the Newbies and future BH's all excited. There's a big difference in using your hard earned money and buying shares from the float vs what Ole Rory Boy Mr 12% Convertible Note did.
Lets look at some of the response to my posts
pearsby09 Monday, 04/09/18 10:10:49 AM
Re: dude iligence post# 46422 0
Post #
of 164325
Your correct. Rory will make MORE money on his 1.43 pps shares than his salary. Not a bad move! Perhaps that is why he sold a company and became a Multi Millionaire! Perhaps that's why he sees his 1.43 shares out performing his salary by 3 fold in the relative near term. Perhaps you should follow this proven Multi Millionaire lead. He is silver spooning it to you..take it!
Those $1.43 shares are now worth .09 Persby09 went on to leave $1.6 mil in gains on the table which turned into a few $100k in losses.
Here is my repsonse to OSB
dude iligence Monday, 04/09/18 10:07:42 AM
Re: OSB post# 46427 0
Post #
of 164325
OSB I just so happen to be as long in this stock as you are, doesnt mean I will buy into all the BS. This is a momentum play which has at least 2 waves left in it. I've made money on some of the biggest garbage plays around and I will make money on this as well. I will even tell you when the top is in and sell you my shares. Then give it a good kick as it fall on its face. I'm not going to lie. Its a dilution machine with Mr Convertible at the wheel. lol
dude iligence Monday, 04/09/18 10:20:24 AM
Re: pearsby09 post# 46441 0
Post #
of 164325
pearsby09 that was all show, why buy shares at $1.4s when you can take the 12% interest on the convertibles in conversions as lows as .07. The $1.4s Form 4 is like a magician hand faster than the eye. He got the Newbies and future BH's to focus on it and not the convertibles. I've seen versions of this before with form 4 buying, it only works for a little while. I figure 2 waves before its a worn out tired bloated carcass. I'm going to make money on riding this bus while the whole time I pt out all the bad shxx and bad mouth it. It wont matter BH's will be BH's you cant stop them just like you cant stop stupid. Its a disease they cant help themselves. Just like gamblers that lose everything in a Casino they cant stop. They will literally piss and crap their pants before they get up and leave a slot machine. Some wear diapers. Same thing applies here.
Get sum FUSZ this babys going to Da Moon.
I then went on to tell you guys where to expect the top based on previous chart resistance level at $3.
dude iligence Monday, 04/09/18 10:39:29 AM
Re: Ziptrader0 post# 46453 0
Post #
of 164325
The problem with putting out estimates on highs is you only help create a top when it may have gone higher yet. I dont want to be a buzzkill, but the $2.1 high it hit last month is a top of a gap from 08/05/15 when it gapped from $1.99 to $2.1 then went to $3. All this on very low volume. So if Fusz gets above $2.1 then next resistance is $3. There is no history above that just Blue skys limited by momentum volume and Good Ole Rory Mr Convertible. Skys the limit if they can stay out of the diution cookie jar.
What a concept to be able to buy a stock that you know what the share structure is because the TA isnt locked and there no dilution. Would anyone be interested in a debt free low float stock like that? You wouldnt have to worry about someone dumping shares on you and all the other shareholders. You could buy and hold knowing someone is not going to sneak around you while you take a nap and crap out a few millions shares.
He still didnt understand so I explained it again
dude iligence Monday, 04/09/18 11:04:52 AM
Re: CG03 post# 46464 0
Post #
of 164325
CGO3 I said $3 after $2.1. As you can see from the chart only 750 traded above $2.1. Its Blue skys above $3 its all up to momentum vol and dilution at that pt. If Ole Rory Boy Mr. Convertible decides to get into the dilution cookie jar or who knows how many other shares are still out there. The unknown factor of dilution is as destructive as the actual shares hitting the float. Dont get upset with me take it up with Mr Converitble during one of your late night email sessions. Its not a good idea to say the pps is going to $3 or $5 or $10 you only help to create a top. Lets just say its going to Da Moon and get off somewhere on the way. Dont be like the guys crapping in diapers while they play the slots. Take your profit then go to the strip club and celebrate.
This is the part you forgot, refused to do, TAKE YOUR PROFIT.
You and your clan of knuckleheads still didnt believe it so I spelled it out in terms that even the Dullest of Bagholders could understand.
dude iligence Tuesday, 04/10/18 11:34:07 AM
Re: CG03 post# 47139 0
Post #
of 164325
CG03 Ole Rory Boy Mr. Up To 12% Convertible with conversions as low as .07, get this thing above $2.1 and its headed for $3. You can dilute after I take my profits. So much BS on this stock its just great cause so many clueless newbies buying into to the bs. Theres a new bagholder born every minute.
Theres she goes $2.14 breaking out.
Here’s to clearing out the bags from 2019
And having a great start to 2020.
Badge04 another VERB Conman Cuin2 victim down 99.99% and still holding. This one has gotten the BHing disease really really bad. If there was an operation to remove his disease I would recommend it but theres not. The only thing to do with cases like this is dont let them near a computer or any of the family money.
Baddge Cuin suckered you in to FUSZVERB.
Badge04 Saturday, 02/24/18 07:34:39 AM
Re: was CUIN2 post# 30742 0
Post #
of 157170
Thanks CUIN2...I appreciate the encouragement and ultimately I hope you picked a winner with nFUSZ as well. It’s amazing the information you guys pull together and the metrics you follow to key in on companies with real opportunity to uplist. You immediately stood out to me on the other board as someone I’d use as a reference going forward. Posters like you, ki2002rom, stockseekr, redspeed, UHD, are what makes this board fun. Confident investors willing to share insight for newbies like me.
You were up considerably then you made several Newbie BH mistakes
1. You got friends coworkers and relatives into FUSZ/Verb
Badge04 Friday, 03/23/18 08:53:19 AM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157170
I’ve brought in 10 new investors over the past 6 weeks. Coworkers, physicians, family members. Not all of them fully understand the technology and how disruptive it will be (but in all fairness neither do I). It’s fun seeing all the new followers and investors coming on board to support what Rory is building...let’s see another green day!!
2. The biggest mistake involves your wife you didn't listen to her
Badge04 Friday, 03/23/18 04:09:37 PM
Re: Canadian.Investor post# 37683 0
Post #
of 157170
That’s hilarious because I showed my wife a couple days ago and she immediately asked when we could sell!!! I said in 3 years
Badge04 Monday, 04/09/18 10:12:38 PM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157170
My original investment in February was with the hopes/dreams of paying off my student loans. Hit that target today....think maybe I’ll stay put for a little longer and see where this goes. Couple weeks ago I told my wife we are not selling a share until uplist. I feel like Rory just kicked Ozzy off the train and threw the throttle down!!
Looking forward to the buzz tomorrow and will continue to add in support of this company and the members on this board who have been a real joy to follow along with
Badge04 Friday, 04/20/18 10:22:14 AM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157170
I’m out of I bought more with my wife’s Roth. Slap the ask...trying to add to the pressure
It only gets worse you ran out of money so you went into your wifes Roth IRA and bought her shares at the very tip top on 4/20/2018 You made her a Super Platium Elite Bagholder. It doesnt get any worse than this. Shes down over 99.9% and its all because you didn't listened to your wife that told you to sell instead you listen to Rorys number 1 conman pumper, CUIN.
Your so afflicted with the BH disease you bought your poor wife more shares. I bet she doesnt let you anywhere near a Casino does she?
Badge04 Friday, 04/20/18 02:01:07 PM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157170
Aghhh, I bought more 30 minutes ago...
Oh yeah...I’m long. I’m over it. Looking forward to next week
Badge did your wife divorce you yet? If not I bet you haven't gotten any from her in a long long time.
It wasnt enough to screw your co workers relatives and your wife you had to go and screw your poor old mom and dad and roll their only retirement into FuszVERB. now they are totally broke living on SocSec.
Badge04 Saturday, 04/21/18 11:58:03 AM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157170
I bought a chunk for my parents awhile back. Small town blue real retirement. Their only funds available are stuck in Ford stock (their prudential advisory is kind of a dope). The day it uplists is the day they move investment funds and actually see some growth. I’m excited they’ll have a chance, even if it’s after the uplist. In my view, anytime is a good time to reap what Rory is sowing
you dont know when to quit do you.
Badge04 Monday, 04/23/18 12:01:07 PM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157171
Ok...bought again at 2.66 and 2.56. That’s all I’ve got...
Get this off the OTC and trading where it belongs!!
I wanna hear people say “dang, could you imagine having bought NFUSZ back in the day?”
Yes, yes I can!!
More warnings from the wifie
Badge04 Wednesday, 05/02/18 10:00:40 AM
Re: manfromjax post# 60000 0
Post #
of 157171
Two weeks ago was up 100K....wife said sell as the intent was to pay off student loans. I assured her the best thing to do was wait until after uplisting. I feel like I’m a damn sucker. I just cannot sell at a loss though...maybe just too hard headed
This must be a typo let me fix it RS not FS
Badge04 Saturday, 11/16/19 06:00:36 PM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157172
I think we’ll see a FS by April.
Down 99.9% and still stupid blind to this scam
Badge04 Sunday, 12/08/19 10:21:25 AM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 157172
Tax loss selling will end shortly. News, tight float, committed longs. This will quickly move north and 2020 is going to be an incredible pivot point for this company. Glad to hold and accumulate and shrug off the scare tactics
con man was CUIN2 Sunday, 07/29/18 09:40:23 PM
Re: Stockseekr post# 87067 0
Post #
of 156850
Anything under $8-$10 is a steal...
$8-$10 rs adjusted is $120-$150 per share currently .90, 19th day to close below $1. .90 is 99.9925% cheaper than $120 per share .90 is 99.994% cheaper than $150. According to post above the L&S should be buying buying buying despite the fact the price is headed lower. THERE IS NO BOTTOM until you have only 1 share left in your account. Only 11 days from delist notice. If you were rory would you wait for the notice or take pre-emptive action and do the next rs all in the interest of staying on the Nasdaq and increasing shareholder value.
Bagholders have bad memories
Sound Concept Revenue is VERB Revenue! FUSZ lack of Revenue and massive spending is VERB biggest anchor. Get rid of rory and his band of merry experts and let SCVERB free.
A year ago this week FUSZ/VERB topped at $3. Lets take a look back and see what the projections for uplist were for FUSZ/VERB.
CUIN2 Member Level Saturday, 04/21/18 09:31:09 AM
Re: scalpel post# 52507 0
Post #
of 68512
How did you like our $3.04 High yesterday? $5 is coming soon and will hold for up-listing. That’s when we’ll be in 2nd gear....
Rory is strategic and I believe optimizing future performance by holding tightly the IR/PR reins purposefully. It will be a sight to behold when news begins to drop....
CUIN2 Member Level Saturday, 04/21/18 09:48:29 AM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 68512
Think the NFUSZ share price is TOO high to buy in now? Thinking of waiting to see if it drops a bit? Take a look at this link about why it’s better to average up vs average down on great securities like NFUSZ:
If you’ve been averaging down on stocks your whole investment life and your investment thesis has not made you wealthy yet, maybe it’s time to try something new? NOW IS THE TIME WITH NFUSZ. “The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
On 4/20/2018 FUSZ hit high of $3.04/$45 rs adjusted
$10k invested a few months prior at .10 became worth $304k
$304k is now worth $15k down 95%, soon to be less than $10k
The first day on the Nasdaq the price wasnt the $5/$75 rs adjusted it was down 50% from the previous day in a massive gap. it was $2.6s/.18 well below the $3 level from 4/20/18
Last Friday when Rory rang the bell the pps end down 12%
Stocks tend to base for 4-5 days then move on the 5th or 6th day. Verb moved down after failing to gain support.
There is so much dilution so many new shares to be sold. The only thing exploding is the Float.
Conversion rate=BS rate
My recommendation is for Rory to declare mission accomplished appoint new CEO and either reap rewards if this recovers or simply blame new guy if it fails.
Where its going. look at where it was before the momentum and mania run. As you can see from the chart there was a lot of support in the low dollar range this equals about .08-.09 pre rs adjusted prices. Not low enough to get a delist notice. If you look to the left of the chart you will see a little feeler .797. That is the Bullseye of the target. This is were Rory can justify the next planned RS and its coming for sure.
Basically all the L&s will be underwater and then they will get their shares reduce yet again this should put the losses at 99%+ for everyone.
VRRB $13 gapped down to $4.95 about 70% If you think like this guy then your probably a seriously level 5 Bagholder and need help.
JR30 Wednesday, 03/20/19 01:43:21 PM
Re: dude iligence post# 22193 0
Post #
of 22196
Think how much I will have in the future holding this for years on NASDAQ with the stellar BOD, tier 1 investors, integration with multibillion dollar companies like Microsoft, Salesforce, Adobe, Netsuite, SC acquisition, and multiple verticals.
As much as this has "tanked" today, do you realize right now it is still over 13% above the level it was at when the RS occurred? Everyone was saying that it would tank immediately after the RS, but instead it doubled in SP.
Sorry (not sorry), you missed out on the 2 bagger today. NASDAQ tomorrow, then upwards we go without the corrupt OTC influence.
We’re here to help.
Bagholders project their bad shxx on others
DMC73 Member Level
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 2:00:07 AM
Funny how you make money on something and talk so much shxx... Why you act like such a d bag anyway. Bad shxx keep happening to you or what? Sounds like it man. Go see a shrink dude. I don't understand you at all when you act like a madman...
so many scams and fake prs, twitters.... what's going on!!!
another angry insulting bagholder. The disease has strong effect on the bhs emotions.
CliveBixby Wednesday, 01/16/19 11:40:56 PM
Re: dude iligence post# 119961 0
Post #
of 119962
That is a SHORT sighted view. Gltu.... p.o.s.
Hope vs Dilution. Dilution crushes hope, destroys portfolios Hanging on too long bad idea. Rationalizing bigger and bigger losses till POOF!
Digmush Member Level Monday, 11/19/18 10:41:00 PM
Re: Team Jesus post# 112815 0
Post #
of 112849
The only thing to remember, is if you sell at a loss, you can't get that money back. Yes, you may lose more, but if you don't need the cash right now, maybe holding would eventually bring you some money. I have already lost way too much to sell, I will bite the bullet and take a risk and hold long in hopes I can eventually break even. I would rather lose a couple more thousand in my portfolio, than sell and lose $20,000 with nothing to show for it. Right now I still have shares, that is something, LOL! Good luck to you and everyone heresmile
Chaka The Hardcore Addicted Bagholder This is the most serious type of Bagholding disease. As of current date there is no known cure for this type of Bagholding It always results in total loss.
Chaka Tuesday, 11/20/18 12:15:04 AM
Re: shots60 post# 112846 0
Post #
of 112848
((( $FUSZ )))
Roni the Angry Bagholder gets angrier the lower the price of FUSZ goes and the bigger the loss in his Bag he is holding. This subject is well worth studying. He offers unique insight to the inner workings in the brains of bagholders. Profanity has been edited for your protection
roni1 Member Level
Saturday, November 3, 2018 8:24:59 AM
You are so fuxxing stupid.
Ignore is coming now.
bye bye axxhole.
I havent played any of the bounces in a while because the volume is to low they keep getting weaker as more shares are sold into the float. Dilution and more dilution in the future with RSs. No one cares about Rorys broken widget. If he actually is successful in raising enough money to buy the other company it will be thru diluting the crap out of FUSZ. In other words FUSZ is just a vehicle. I can see FUSZ and its broken widget being discarded at that pt. To get rid of the shareholders just RS them into the dirt till they hold one share. New Cusip number for the new company issue new shares and FUSZ shareholders have 1 share apiece worth $4-6. They can sell it for $4.95 trade and have -.95 -$1.05 left from all the money they put into FUSZ and left on the table. I was late to buy FUSZ $1.4s-.6 and sold as it approached $3. I had this stock figured out in the first 3 mins I looked at it. FUSZ is a great stock to study and learn from the mistakes of all the gullible bagholders that bought into the uplist BS fantasy.
Been watching this one.
Great call!
Where do you see FUSZ going now?
Is there a play here?
FUSZ RS PR -36% headed down the shxxer Do Not Fall For the OTC Uplist Fantasy
FUSZ .27-36% low .23 RS Kiss Of Death
The RS was not announced just today. It was announced 6 months ago, the day the Donahue pr came out. I explained this in great detail on 5-22-2018. I have continued to mention it several times since. Many of my posts have been deleted as off topic. I was limited to 1 post per day. This is what happens to posters that have 30 yrs experience trading and see thru all the BS. I knew from the moment I saw Rory in a Shac movie that he was a Bullshxxer and the clueless and Newbies would be taken to the cleaners. Heres is a repost I suggest all that are underwater read this posts and the others that link to it. You will find everything you ever needed to succesfully play this stock. From the sell target at $3 to all the bounce levels and the .255-.265 gap that closed today. Maybe to late for FUSZ but the next bus will be along at any moment.
dude iligence Sunday, 11/04/18 11:57:55 PM
Re: dude iligence post# 68809 0
Post #
of 111811
RS Review Time as the inevitable approaches
dude iligence Tuesday, 05/22/18 12:34:47 AM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 109346
Two bounces complete $1 and .77 following levels yet to be tested
.60-.66 untested support
.33 real support
.25ish gap
A week or two ago I read a post on this board that someone stated Rory said he didnt want to do an RS to uplist to Nasdaq. Over the yrs you see things happen trading and you learn to file them away for future signs/warning reference. That was one of those instances of something filed away from yrs ago that popped up in that statement. Today we got a Pr
nFusz Engages Donohoe Advisory For Uplisting To National Exchange
“This engagement, among our many other concurrent initiatives, is part of our continuing pursuit of enhanced value creation for our shareholders,”
The AS is a mere 200mil. The OS is 156 mil. The 10Q states very clearly
From the 10Q
Our continuation as a going concern is dependent on our ability to obtain additional financing until we can generate sufficient cash flows from operations to meet our obligations. We intend to continue to seek additional debt or equity financing to continue our operations. There is no assurance that we will ever be profitable or that debt or equity financing will be available to us.
That is dilution and it kills the share price. The chart starts to look like a 30-45 degree slide from left to right.
From the 10Q
"200,000,000 shares authorized, 152,126,287 and 119,118,513 shares issued and outstanding as of March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017"
Then another 6 mil added to the OS, yet they say the float hasn't changed from 56 mil. Sure, Anyway the OS increased over 35 mil since the first of the year. The company is burning thru $mils in cash and have only $8k in sales. They will need more money which according to the plan " We intend to continue to seek additional debt or equity financing to continue our operations. They OS is going to increase right up to the AS in the not too distant future.
The share price is too low to uplist and is heading down not up. Realistically now is not the time to even think about uplisting yet talk about it. So why talk about it. The long n Strong love the uplist fantasy it gets them to lock away their shares and buy more shares on dreams of the promised land (Nasdaq). In the mean time more shares will be issued and sold into the float further driving the price lower" We intend to continue to seek additional debt or equity financing to continue our operations..
When the OS bangs the AS there is two options for a dilution machine. Increase the AS or do a RS. Increasing the AS send the signal of dilution which to most is negative. An rs is the kiss of death. But the rs will be packaged up to make it look like its required to get to the promised land (Nasdaq) The price is headed lower, and the lower it goes the further away is the promised land, but an RS will revive that dream and keep the long n strong holding the bag.
The real support level is 33. So if the price is .33 10 to 1 would put the price at $3.3 and tighten the float. A 20 to 1 might be better. This will allow more" We intend to continue to seek additional debt or equity financing to continue our operations..
The Donahue boys are going to play a role. The role is to advise Rory to do a RS to get the share price high enough to uplist. I can imagine he will act like he doesnt want to do it but the DB's recommended it and its all in the name of increasing shareholder value.
Seen different variations of this played out over the yrs this one has a mixture of different plays with a slightly new twist.
Onward and Downward till the RS.
For those that have no idea what a rs split penny stock ends up looking like if you keep holding it. No matter how many rs the shares in your portfolio will never go below 1.
JR30 Tuesday, 05/22/18 10:48:22 AM
Re: dude iligence post# 68809 0
Post #
of 111827
Nice try, but nah. MMs are just shaking the tree to try and get more shares to cover imo.
Watch the SHAC videos to find out exactly what nFUSZ is planning. One of the best places to start anyone's DD, and is easy to do at that. Hear it from the source people, not from rumors or misinterpretations.
A very relevant post from the BHA board
MRDALE Saturday, 11/03/18 03:37:15 PM
Re: ThoughtPower post# 168 0
Post #
of 171
Thank you for the MARK - right back at you. You do realize that at some point there may not be a bag to hold. Many of my "GEMS" have R/S ed into oblivion or I have 5 shares out of 5 million left.
Reverse splits are one of the most effective ways to wipe out and rid the company of unwanted whining complaining loser Bagholding shareholders. Rory called the traders that took profits above $2 Bedwetters. Quite the opposite the L&S that stayed in the bed with Rory are underwater the profit takers are sitting high and dry.
The announcement of the RS lived up to the Kiss of Death FUSZ .27 -36% low .23. From the PR you can see things I said would happen 6 months ago.
The Company also filed yesterday its Form 10-Q, reporting results for the period ending September 30, 2018, as well as an Information Statement on Schedule 14C. The Schedule 14C, filed as part of the strategy for the planned NASDAQ uplisting, states that the Company has obtained shareholder approval to initiate a reverse stock split at any time over the next 12 months, as determined by the Board of Directors and the Company’s underwriters within a ratio range of 1-for-5 to 1-for-40. The Company obtained shareholder approval for a possible reverse stock split to be employed as needed to ensure that the Company meets all of the listing requirements for NASDAQ.
“As I’ve said repeatedly, our focus is singular; to grow shareholder value.
Sound familar I cant tell you how many times Ive seen this type of BS in the last 30 yrs. I cant remember any instance where it ended in anything other than reverse splitting the shareholdes into the dirt. In other words stick around long and stxxxx and you will end up with 1 share of FUSZ in your portfolio worth somewhere in the neighborhood of less.
Lets look at some charts Pie n the Sky vs Reality
Pie n The Sky Chart
Remember the black doji from Feb it spoke loud n clear and FUSZ sits at that level tonight
Feb 9- 12 .255-.265 Gap closed
Who misrepresented themself and mislead?
that's worst... disappearing bags.
then again, maybe nice to just clear the space.
Happy Trading!
Thank you for the MARK - right back at you. You do realize that at some point there may not be a bag to hold. Many of my "GEMS" have R/S ed into oblivion or I have 5 shares out of 5 million left.
Roni1 Casestudy The Angry Bagholder
FUSZ .30ish Toxic Dilution Turd
All the support levels have been tested/testing .33. The 255-.265 gap will be closed. So much dilution coming chart support levels will all be breached as the OS marches toward the AS. When that happens the first RS will take place. The uplist fantasy has a powerful grip on the former shareholders most are now all underwater. Before long they will all be underwater. The RSs will wipe out their portfolios. FUSZ is a stock that needs to be studied by newbies and traders to learn the risks of believing BS and in the uplist fantasy.
dude iligence Monday, 07/23/18 11:58:18 PM
Re: tedpeele post# 85517 0
Post #
of 107718
tedpeele your list of 10 reasons why FUSZ has and continues to take a Dump was missing the main reason. Dilution, Rory sold 10s of millions of shares of stock for .07-.15. The stock ran up on momentum/mania and when the top of $3 was reached guys like me that can read a chart unlike guys like you that cant, simply sold at the top.From that top the selling from dilution and others taking profits or leaving has been greater than the buying. You seem to over look the dilution factor like most of the L&S on this board and would rather focus on all the BS that this company is supposed to be able to deliver. The reality is no one that trades stocks cares about all the BS that you guys focus on. I dont even read that crap or watch the babysitter movies. I posted everything you need to know about FUSZ more than 2 months ago. The support levels have been tested the bounces have been played. Papa kicked Chubbiererererer little FUSZ out last Friday. The .12 gap down and close below the 200ma was and will continue to be UGLY to anyone that sees this stock. For a lesson in ugly look below
Heres the levels I posted before the underlined ones are now resistance
.255-.265 gap
Whats next? price will retest the .45 low maybe offer a WD bounce then continue lower to test/close the .25 gap intraday then settle at .33.
How do I know this? 30yrs of trading and reading 100ks of charts if not millions. In other words Im just a lot better at this than the average NEWBIE and I dont buy into any BS.
Ronin your entry on FUSZ was .50 at .55 you have a very small profit pad no more 1000% gain. I suggest you put a stop limit in to protect the little profit that you have before it turns into a loss. At .25 you will be BHing a 50% loss.
The gap to focus on is in the boxed area Feb 9-12. We can call this the imaginary "No Gaps from Teens to .72 to fill".
roni1 Member Level Tuesday, 07/24/18 11:30:21 PM
Re: dude iligence post# 85912 0
Post #
of 107719
One PR and all your charts are useless.
The PR’s are coming very soon. Stick around you might learn something.
The following post has been edited slightly with x.
roni1 Member Level
Saturday, November 3, 2018 8:24:59 AM
You are so fxcking stupid.
Ignore is coming now.
bye bye axxhole.
Whos more stupid A.the guy that was late to the party bought at $1.4 predicted the top at $3 and stated he would sell to the nearest BH as it approached $3, did so then stated all the support levels to play bounces on the way down to the .255 gap.
B. the guy that bought at .50 average rode it to $3 bought more shares coming down the backside and is heavily underwater with a bagholding position at .30ish
Dont end up an angry bagholder be smarter
Dont buy into the Pie n The Sky BS
Dilution kills everything always has always will
Take your profits while you have them live to trade again
Study the Bagholders habits to learn how not to make their mistakes or you too will end up an angry Bagholder like mr ronin blaming and insulting the savvy smart money traders