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Turning green into gold.

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Alias Born 01/30/2013

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Turning green into gold.

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Turning green into gold.

IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 541
Posts: 14,922
Boards Moderated: 6
Alias Born: 01/30/2013 09:20:27 AM
Personal Info
Age: XY
Location: US of A
Investment Philosophy: Sometimes you're the squirrel, sometimes you're the nut. What would you rather be?
Occupation: Professional thinker...

I DO NOT recieve any compensation in any form (cash or shares) from any company or 3rd party mentioned in my post(s).
Favorite Links: The GREEN rush
Person I'd Like to Meet: Ben Franklin... The guy invented day light savings...
Favorite Team: OTC.... It's like the wild, wild west.
Default Signature: Anything posted is just a thought and should not be construed as any form of investment advice.

"Don't think you know what you are doing. Know what You think you are doing." (c) TP

-happy thoughts-