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Re: F6 post# 237958

Wednesday, 10/07/2015 10:15:00 PM

Wednesday, October 07, 2015 10:15:00 PM

Post# of 481025
Pope To Call For NWO At UN September Meeting

Published on Jul 30, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United Nations is announcing that Pope Francis will address the annual U.N. General Assembly of world leaders on Sept. 25 during his first papal visit to the United States.

The pope earlier agreed to address a joint meeting of Congress on his visit. That Sept. 24 speech will mark the first time the head of the world's Roman Catholics will address Congress.

Francis is also expected to have a White House meeting with President Barack Obama.

[aired July 29, 2015] [with comments]


Real Time with Bill Maher: Rick Santorum – August 28, 2015 (HBO)

Published on Aug 28, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher [ / , ]

Bill Maher and former Sen. Rick Santorum discuss the Pope's stance on climate change in this clip from August 28, 2015. [with comments]


Real Time with Bill Maher: Correcting the Record – Rick Santorum (HBO)

Published on Sep 15, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher

In this clip from September 11, 2015, Bill Maher sets the record straight on the climate change statistics cited by Rick Santorum during his recent visit to Real Time.

Santorum cites flawed climate change figure, and misquotes it
"The most recent survey of climate scientists said about 57 percent don’t agree with the idea that 95 percent of the change in the climate is caused by CO2."
— Rick Santorum [ ] on Friday, August 28th, 2015 in an interview with Bill Maher.

September 1st, 2015 [with the August 28 show clip (the item just above) embedded]

Santorum: UN climate head debunked widely cited 97% climate change consensus figure
The claim that 97 percent of scientists believe humans are causing climate change has been debunked by the "head" of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. "That number was pulled out of thin air."
— Rick Santorum on Friday, August 28th, 2015 in an interview with Bill Maher

September 2nd, 2015

Fact-checking claims on climate change
September 3rd, 2015 [with comments]


Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule: Migrant Headache (HBO)

Published on Sep 11, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher

In his Friday, Sptember 11, 2015 editorial New Rule, Bill Maher highlights America’s propensity for xenophobia, while railing against Australians for taking over his country. [with comments]


"RINO Renee" Ellmers

In an email touting the ad on Thursday, Daly warned that Ellmers "Hispanders" to undocumented immigrants, whom the candidate refers to variously as "interlopers" and "deportables." She also took aim at Ellmers' support for gender equality, referring to the Ellmers-backed Equal Rights Amendment as "the one lesbians used to burn their bras over" and touting the congresswoman's support of "Hillary Clinton's Feminist Museum bill" (otherwise known as the National Women's History Museum).
[ (with comments)]

Published on Sep 16, 2015 by Kay Daly for Congress [ , ]

"RINO Renee" is the first television ad broadcast in the campaign between conservative Kay Daly and RINO Renee Ellmers in North Carolina's Second Congressional District. You can help keep it on air by making a contribution at [with comments]


Hitler’s world may not be so far away

Over 700,000 prisoners were killed at the Nazi extermination camp at Treblinka, Poland.
Photograph: Ira Nowinski/Corbis

Misunderstanding the Holocaust has made us too certain we are ethically superior to the Europeans of the 1940s. Faced with a new catastrophe – such as devastating climate change – could we become mass killers again?

Timothy Snyder
Wednesday 16 September 2015 01.00 EDT
Last modified on Friday 18 September 2015 08.46 EDT

It was 20 years after I chose to become a historian that I first saw a photograph of the woman who made my career possible. In the small photograph that my doctoral supervisor, her son, showed me in his Warsaw apartment, Wanda J radiates self-possession, a quality that stood her in good stead during the Nazi occupation. She was a Jewish mother who protected herself and her two sons from the German campaign of mass murder that killed almost all of her fellow Warsaw Jews [ ]. When her family was summoned to the ghetto, she refused to go. She moved her children from place to place, relying upon the help of friends, acquaintances and strangers. When first the ghetto and then the rest of the city of Warsaw were burned to the ground, what counted, she thought, was the “faultless moral instinct” of the people who chose to help Jews.

Most of us would like to think that we possess a “moral instinct”. Perhaps we imagine that we would be rescuers in some future catastrophe. Yet if states were destroyed, local institutions corrupted and economic incentives directed towards murder, few of us would behave well. There is little reason to think that we are ethically superior to the Europeans of the 1930s and 1940s, or for that matter less vulnerable to the kind of ideas that Hitler so successfully promulgated and realised. A historian must be grateful to Wanda J for her courage and for the trace of herself that she left behind. But a historian must also consider why rescuers were so few. It is all too easy to fantasise that we, too, would have aided Wanda J. Separated from National Socialism by time and luck, we can dismiss Nazi ideas without contemplating how they functioned. It is our very forgetfulness of the circumstances of the Holocaust [ ] that convinces us that we are different from Nazis and shrouds the ways that we are the same. We share Hitler’s planet and some of his preoccupations; we have perhaps changed less than we think.

The Holocaust began with the idea that no human instinct was moral. Hitler described humans as members of races doomed to eternal and bloody struggle among themselves for finite resources. Hitler denied that any idea, be it religious, philosophical or political, justified seeing the other (or loving the other) as oneself. He claimed that conventional forms of ethics were Jewish inventions, and that conventional states would collapse during the racial struggle. Hitler specifically, and quite wrongly, denied that agricultural technology could alter the relationship between people and nourishment.

Hitler’s alternative to science and politics was known as Lebensraum [ ], which meant “habitat” or “ecological niche”. Races needed ever more Lebensraum, “room to live”, in order to feed themselves and propagate their kind. Nature demanded that the higher races overmaster and starve the lower. Since the innate desire of each race was to reproduce and conquer, the struggle was indefinite and eternal. At the same time, Lebensraum also meant “living room”, with the connotations of comfort and plenty in family life. The desire for pleasure and security could never be satisfied, thought Hitler, since Germans “take the circumstances of the American life as the benchmark”. Because standards of living were always subjective and relative, the demand for pleasure was insatiable. Lebensraum thus brought together two claims: that human beings were mindless animals who always needed more, and jealous tribes who always wanted more. It confused lifestyle with life itself, generating survivalist emotions in the name of personal comfort.

Hitler was not simply a nationalist or an authoritarian. For him, German politics were only a means to an end of restoring the state of nature. “One must not be diverted from the borders of Eternal Right,” as Hitler put it, “by the existence of political borders.” Likewise, to characterise Hitler as an antisemite or an anti-Slavic racist underestimates the potential of Nazi ideas. His ideas about Jews and Slavs were not prejudices that happened to be extreme, but rather emanations of a coherent worldview that contained the potential to change the world. By presenting Jews as an ecological flaw responsible for the disharmony of the planet, Hitler channelled and personalised the inevitable tensions of globalisation. The only sound ecology was to eliminate a political enemy; the only sound politics was to purify the earth; the means to these ends would be the destruction of states.

* * *

The state stood at the middle of the story of those who wished to kill Jews, and of those who wished to save them. Its mutation within Germany after Hitler’s rise to power, and then its destruction in Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1938 and 1939, transformed Jews from citizens into objects of exploitation. The Final Solution as mass murder began in a zone of double state destruction. Hitler finally got the European war that he wanted by treating his ultimate enemy as his temporary friend. In September 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east just after Germany attacked from the west. The German-Soviet Treaty of Borders and Friendship [ ] arranged a final division of Poland and endorsed the Soviet occupation and destruction of the three Baltic states. The USSR then proceeded very quickly to deport or murder the social and political elites in its new western territories. When Hitler betrayed Stalin and Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, German soldiers and then special SS-led task forces known as Einsatzgruppen [ ] first encountered populations that had been subject to the Soviet version of state destruction.

‘In the encounter of German with Soviet power, the Nazi idea that Jews were responsible for all evil took on powerful resonance.’ German soldiers in Belarus during the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.
Photograph: Berliner Verlag/Archiv/dpa/Corbis

It was this double assault upon state institutions in the Baltic states and eastern Poland, at first by the Soviet Union and then by Nazi Germany, that created the special field of experimentation where ideas of a Final Solution became the practice of mass murder. The Germans found political allies among antisemites and people who wished to restore statehood or undo the humiliation of national defeat. They found pragmatic allies, and these were likely more numerous, among people who wished to shift the burden of their own prior collaboration with the Soviets upon the Jewish minority. The Germans also found that they themselves, far more than their leaders expected, were capable of shooting Jews in cold blood. Not only the Einsatzgruppen but German police and soldiers killed Jews in huge mass shootings over pits.

In the encounter of German with Soviet power, the Nazi idea that Jews were responsible for all evil took on powerful resonance: for local Slavs and Balts seeking revenge for the loss of statehood or an alibi for their own Soviet collaboration or an excuse for stealing from Jews, for Germans themselves who associated Jews with all real or imagined resistance, and then for Hitler after the tide of war turned against him. In December 1941, when the Red Army counterattacked at Moscow and the United States joined the war, Hitler blamed the global alliance on global Jewry and called for their total eradication. By this time, the Holocaust as mass shooting had extended through Soviet Belarus, Soviet Ukraine, and into Soviet Russia. In 1942 the German policy of total killing then spread back west into territories that the Germans controlled before 1941: the subject nations of western Europe, the allies of central and southern Europe and indeed to Germany itself. German Jews were not murdered inside prewar Germany, but deported instead to zones of statelessness in the east, where they could be killed.

The Holocaust spread insofar as states were weakened, but no further. Where political structures held, they provided support and means to people who wished to help Jews. Throughout Europe, but to different degrees in different places, German occupation destroyed the institutions that made ideas of reciprocity seem plausible. Where Germans obliterated conventional states, or annihilated Soviet institutions that had just destroyed conventional states, they created the abyss where racism and politics pulled together towards nothingness. In this black hole, Jews were murdered. When Jews were saved, it was often thanks to people who could act on behalf of a state or by institutions that could function like a state. When none of the moral illumination of institutions was present, kindness was all that remained, and the pale light of the individual rescuers shone.

* * *

As Hitler himself knew, there was a political alternative to ecological panic and state destruction: the pursuit of agricultural technology at home rather than Lebensraum abroad. The scientific approach to dwindling resources, which Hitler insisted was a Jewish lie, in fact held much more promise for Germans (and for everyone else) than an endless race war. Scientists, many of them Germans, were already preparing the way for the improvements in agriculture known as the “green revolution”. Had Hitler not begun a world war that led to his suicide, he would have lived to see the day when Europe’s problem was not food shortage but surpluses. Science provided food so quickly and bountifully that Hitlerian ideas of struggle lost a good deal of their resonance – which has helped us to forget what the second world war was actually about. In 1989, 100 years after Hitler’s birth, world food prices were about half of what they had been in 1939 – despite a huge increase in world population and thus demand.

The compression of politics and science into Lebensraum empowered a Führer [ ] to define the good of the race, mutate German institutions and oversee the destruction of neighbouring states. His worldview also compressed time. There was no history for Hitler: only a timeless pattern of Jewish deception and the useful models of British and American imperialism. There was also no future as such: just the unending prospect of the double insatiability of need and want. By combining what seemed like the pattern of the past (racial empire) with what seemed like an urgent summons from the future (ecological panic), Nazi thinking closed the safety valves of contemplation and foresight. If past and future contained nothing but struggle and scarcity, all attention fell upon the present. A psychic resolve for relief from a sense of crisis overwhelmed the practical resolve to think about the future. Rather than seeing the ecosystem as open to research and rescue, Hitler imagined that a supernatural factor – the Jews – had perverted it. Once defined as an eternal and immutable threat to the human species and the whole natural order, Jews could be targeted for urgent and extraordinary measures.

The test that was supposed to confirm Hitler’s idea of nature, the campaign that was to rescue Germans from the intolerably claustrophobic present, was the colonial war against the Soviet Union. The 1941 invasion of the USSR [ ] threw millions of Germans into a war of extermination on lands inhabited by millions of Jews. This was the war that Hitler wanted; the actions of 1938, 1939 and 1940 were preparation and improvisation, generating experience in the destruction of states. The course of the war on the eastern front created two fundamental political opportunities. At first, the zoological portrayal of Slavs justified the elimination of their polities, creating the zones where the Holocaust could become possible. Then, with time, Germany’s uncertain fortune revealed the deep political logic of Hitler’s thinking – the practical relationship between Lebensraum and planetary antisemitism. It was when these two ideas could be brought together – territorially, politically, and conceptually – that a Holocaust could proceed.

In the Nazi mind, war was both colonial (to seize territory from the Slavs) and decolonial (to weaken the global domination of Jews). As the colonial war for Lebensraum faltered, Nazis emphasised instead the struggle to save the planet from Jewish domination. Since Jews were held responsible for the ideas that had supposedly suppressed the stronger races, only their extermination could ensure victory. The SS men who had begun as state destroyers, murdering members of groups thought to be the bastions of enemy polities, became the mass murderers of Jews. Wherever German power undid Soviet power, significant numbers of local people joined in the killing. In occupied Poland in 1942, most Jews were deported from their ghettos and murdered by gassing, as at Treblinka. Yet even at this extreme the colonial, material element never entirely vanished. In Warsaw, hungry Jews were drawn to the deportation point by promises of bread and marmalade. Himmler issued the order to kill them at the moment he decided that the labour they provided was less valuable than the calories they consumed.

Ecological panic and state destruction might seem exotic. Most people in Europe and North America live in functional states, taking for granted the sovereignty that preserved the lives of Jews and others during the war. After two generations, the green revolution has removed the fear of hunger from the emotions of electorates and the vocabulary of politicians. The open expression of antisemitic ideas is a taboo in much of the west, if perhaps a receding one.

Yet we like our living space, we fantasise about destroying governments, we denigrate science, we dream of catastrophe. If we think that we are victims of some planetary conspiracy, we edge towards Hitler. If we believe that the Holocaust was a result of the inherent characteristics of Jews, Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, or anyone else, then we are moving in Hitler’s world.

* * *

Hitler’s programme confused biology with desire. Lebensraum unified need with want, murder with convenience. It implied a plan to restore the planet by mass murder and a promise of a better life for German families. Since 1945, one of the two senses of Lebensraum has spread across most of the world: a living room, the dream of household comfort. The other sense of Lebensraum is habitat, the realm that must be controlled for survival, inhabited perhaps temporarily by people characterised as not quite fully human. Once standard of living is confused with living, a rich society can make war upon those who are poorer in the name of survival. Tens of millions of people died in Hitler’s war not so that Germans could live, but so that Germans could pursue the American dream.

Hitler was right to believe that, in an age of global communication, notions of prosperity had become relative and fluid. After his pursuit of Lebensraum failed with the final German defeat in 1945, the green revolution satisfied demand in Europe and much of the world, providing not just the food needed for bare physical survival, but a sense of security and an anticipation of plenitude. Yet no scientific solution is eternal; the political choice to support science buys time, but does not guarantee that future choices will be good ones. Another moment of choice, a bit like the one Germans faced in the 1930s, could be on the way.

‘In the 21st century, world grain stocks have never exceeded more than a few months’ supply.’ A woman protests against rising food prices in Dakar, Senegal, in May 2008.
Photograph: Georges Gobet/AFP/Getty Images

The green revolution [ ], perhaps the one development that most distinguishes our world from Hitler’s, might be reaching its limits. This is not so much because there are too many people on earth, but because more of the people on earth demand ever larger and more secure supplies of food. World grain production per capita peaked in the 1980s. In 2003, China, the world’s most populous country, became a net importer of grain. In the 21st century, world grain stocks have never exceeded more than a few months’ supply. During the hot summer of 2008, fires in fields led major food suppliers to cease exports altogether, and food riots broke out in Bolivia, Cameroon, Egypt, Haiti, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Mozambique, Senegal, Uzbekistan and Yemen. During the drought of 2010, the prices of agricultural commodities spiked again, leading to protests, revolution, ethnic cleansing and revolution in the Middle East. The civil war in Syria began after four consecutive years of drought drove farmers to overcrowded cities.

Though the world is not likely to run out of food as such, richer societies may again become concerned about future supplies. Their elites could find themselves once again facing choices about how to define the relationship between politics and science. As Hitler demonstrated, merging the two opens the way to ideology that can seem to both explain and resolve the sense of panic. In a scenario of mass killing that resembled the Holocaust, leaders of a developed country might follow or induce panic about future shortages and act preemptively, specifying a human group as the source of an ecological problem, destroying other states by design or by accident. There need not be any compelling reason for concern about life and death, as the Nazi example shows, only a momentary conviction that dramatic action is needed to preserve a way of life.

It seems reasonable to worry that the second sense of the term Lebensraum, seeing other people’s land as habitat, is latent. In much of the world, the dominant sense of time is coming to resemble, in some respects, the catastrophism of Hitler’s era. During the second half of the 20th century, the future appeared as a gift that was on the way. The duelling ideologies of capitalism and communism accepted the future as their realm of competition and promised a coming bounty. In the plans of government agencies, the plotlines of novels, and the drawings of children, the future was resplendent in anticipation. This sensibility seems to have disappeared. In high culture the future now clings to us, heavy with complications and crises, dense with dilemmas and disappointments. In vernacular media – films, video games and graphic novels – the future is presented as post-catastrophic. Nature has taken some revenge that makes conventional politics seem irrelevant, reducing society to struggle and rescue. The earth’s surface grows wild, humans go feral and anything is possible.

Hitler the politician was right that a rapturous sense of catastrophic time creates the potential for radical action. When an apocalypse is on the horizon, waiting for scientific solutions seems senseless, struggle seems natural and demagogues of blood and soil come to the fore.

* * *

The planet is changing in ways that might make Hitlerian descriptions of life, space and time more plausible. The expected increase of average global temperatures by 4C this century would transform human life on much of the globe. Climate change [ ] is unpredictable, which exacerbates the problem. Present trends mislead, since feedback effects await. If ice sheets collapse, heat from the sun will be absorbed by seawater rather than reflected back into space. If the Siberian tundra melts, methane will rise from the earth, trapping heat in the atmosphere. If the Amazon basin is stripped of jungle, it will release a massive pulse of carbon dioxide. Global processes are always experienced locally, and local factors can either restrain or amplify them.

Perhaps the experience of unprecedented storms, relentless droughts and the associated wars and south-to-north migrations will jar expectations about the security of resources and make Hitlerian politics more resonant. As Hitler demonstrated, humans are able to portray a looming crisis in such a way as to justify drastic measures in the present. Under enough stress, or with enough skill, politicians can effect the conflations Hitler pioneered: between nature and politics, between ecosystem and household, between need and desire. A global problem that seems otherwise insoluble can be blamed upon a specific group of human beings.

Hitler was a child of the first globalisation, which arose under imperial auspices at the end of the 19th century. We are the children of the second, that of the late 20th century. Globalisation is neither a problem nor a solution; it is a condition with a history. It brings a specific intellectual danger. Since the world is more complex than a country or a city, the temptation is to seek some master key to understanding everything. When a global order collapses, as was the experience of many Europeans in the second, third and fourth decades of the 20th century, a simplistic diagnosis such as Hitler’s can seem to clarify the global by referring to the ecological, the supernatural or the conspiratorial. When the normal rules seem to have been broken and expectations have been shattered, a suspicion can be burnished that someone (the Jews, for example) has somehow diverted nature from its proper course. A problem that is truly planetary in scale, such as climate change, obviously demands global solutions – and one apparent solution is to define a global enemy.

* * *

Americans, when they think about the Holocaust at all, take for granted that they could never commit such a crime. The US army, after all, was on the right side of the second world war. The reality is somewhat more complicated. Franklin D Roosevelt sent racially segregated armed forces to liberate Europe. Antisemitism was prominent in the US at the time. The Holocaust was largely over by the time American soldiers landed in Normandy. Although they liberated some concentration camps, American troops reached none of the major killing sites of the Holocaust and saw none of the hundreds of death pits of the east. The American trial of guards at the Mauthausen [ ] concentration camp, like the British trial at Bergen-Belsen, reattributed prewar citizenship to the Jewish victims. This helped later generations to overlook the basic fact that denial of citizenship, usually by the destruction of states, permitted the mass murder of Jews.

A misunderstanding about the relationship between state authority and mass killing underlay an American myth of the Holocaust that prevailed in the early 21st century: that the US was a country that intentionally rescued people from the genocides caused by overweening states. Following this reasoning, the destruction of a state could be associated with rescue rather than risk. One of the errors of the 2003 invasion of Iraq was the belief that regime change must be creative. The theory was that the destruction of a state and its ruling elite would bring freedom and justice. In fact, the succession of events precipitated by the illegal invasion of a sovereign state confirmed one of the unlearned lessons of the history of the second world war.

Mass killings generally take place during civil wars or regime changes. It was the deliberate policy of Nazi Germany to artificially create conditions of state destruction and then steer the consequences towards Jews. Destroying states without such malign intentions produces more conventional disasters.

The invasion of Iraq killed at least as many people as did the prior Iraqi regime. It exposed the members of the Iraqi ruling party to religious cleansing and prepared the way for chaos throughout the country. The American invaders eventually sided with the political clan they had initially defeated, so desperate were they to restore order. This permitted a troop withdrawal, which was then followed by Islamist uprisings. The destruction of the Iraqi state in 2003 and the political disturbances brought by the hot summer of 2010 created the space for the terrorists of Islamic State in 2014. A common American error is to believe that freedom is the absence of state authority.

The dominant stereotype of Nazi Germany is of an all-powerful state that catalogued, repressed and then exterminated an entire class of its own citizens. This was not how the Nazis achieved the Holocaust, nor how they even thought about it. The enormous majority of the victims of the Holocaust were not German citizens; Jews who were German citizens were in fact far more likely to survive than Jews who were citizens of states that the Germans destroyed. The Nazis knew that they had to go abroad and lay waste to neighbouring societies before they could hope to bring their revolution to their own. Not only the Holocaust, but all major German crimes took place in areas where state institutions had been destroyed, dismantled or seriously compromised. The German murder of five and a half million Jews, more than three million Soviet prisoners of war, and about a million civilians in so-called anti-partisan operations all took place in stateless zones.

Since the Holocaust is an axial event of modern history, its misunderstanding turns our minds in the wrong direction. When the Holocaust is blamed on the modern state, the weakening of state authority appears salutary. On the political right, the erosion of state power by international capitalism seems natural; on the political left, rudderless revolutions portray themselves as virtuous. In the 21st century, anarchical protest movements join in a friendly tussle with global oligarchy, in which neither side can be hurt since both see the real enemy as the state. Both the left and the right tend to fear order rather than its destruction or absence.

‘When the Holocaust is blamed on the modern state, the weakening of state authority appears salutary.’ The Nuremberg Rally of 1937.
Photograph: Berliner Verlag/Archiv/dpa/Corbis

In an era of climate change, the rightwing version of anarchy, economic libertarianism, may pose the more pertinent danger. As all economists know, markets do not function perfectly at either the macro or the micro level. At the macro level, unregulated capitalism is subject to the extremes of the business cycle. In theory, markets always recover from depression; in practice, the human suffering induced by economic collapse can have profound political consequences, including the end of capitalism itself, before any recovery takes place. At the micro level, firms in theory provide goods that are desired and affordable. In practice, companies seeking profits can generate external costs that they do not themselves remediate. The classical example of such an externality is pollution, which costs its producers nothing but harms other people.

A government can assign a cost to pollution, which internalises the externality and thus reduces the undesired consequence. It would be simple to internalise the costs of the carbon pollution that causes climate change. It requires a dogma to oppose such an operation – which depends upon markets and in the long run will preserve them – as anticapitalist. Supporters of the unrestrained free market have found that dogma: the claim that science is nothing more than politics. Since the science of climate change is clear, some Americans deny the validity of science itself by presenting its findings as a cover for conniving politicians.

Though no American would deny that tanks work in the desert, some Americans do deny that deserts are growing larger. Though no American would deny ballistics, some Americans do deny climate science. Hitler denied that science could solve the basic problem of nutrition, but assumed that technology could win territory. It seemed to follow that waiting for research was pointless and that immediate military action was necessary. In the case of climate change, the denial of science likewise legitimates military action rather than investment in technology. If people do not take responsibility for the climate themselves, they will shift responsibility for the associated calamities to other people. Insofar as climate denial hinders technical progress, it might hasten real disasters, which in their turn can make catastrophic thinking still more credible. A vicious circle can begin in which politics collapses into ecological panic. The direct consequences of climate change will reach America long after Africa, the Near East and China have been transformed. By then, it will be too late to act.

The market is not nature; it depends upon nature. The climate is not a commodity that can be traded but rather a precondition to economic activity as such. The claim of a right to destroy the world in the name of profits for a few people reveals an important conceptual problem. Rights mean restraint. Each person is an end in himself or herself; the significance of a person is not exhausted by what someone else wants from him or her. Individuals have the right not to be defined as parts of a planetary conspiracy or a doomed race. They have the right not to have their homelands defined as habitat. They have the right not to have their polities destroyed.

* * *

The state is for the recognition, endorsement and protection of rights, which means creating the conditions under which rights can be recognised, endorsed, and protected. When states are absent, rights – by any definition – are impossible to sustain. States are not structures to be taken for granted, exploited or discarded, but are fruits of long and quiet effort. It is tempting but dangerous to gleefully fragment the state from the right or knowingly gaze at the shards from the left. Political thought is neither destruction nor critique, but rather the historically informed imagination of plural structures – a labour of the present that can preserve life and decency in the future.

One plurality is between politics and science. A recognition of their distinct purposes makes possible thinking about rights and states; their conflation is a step toward a total ideology such as National Socialism. Another plurality is between order and freedom: each depends upon the other, although each is different from the other. The claim that order is freedom or that freedom is order ends in tyranny. The claim that freedom is the lack of order must end in anarchy – which is nothing more than tyranny of a special kind.

A final plurality has to do with time. The state endures to create a sense of durability. When we lack a sense of past and future, the present feels like a shaky platform, an uncertain basis for action. The defence of states and rights is impossible to undertake if no one learns from the past or believes in the future. Awareness of history permits recognition of ideological traps and generates scepticism about demands for immediate action because everything has suddenly changed. Confidence in the future can make the world seem like something more than, in Hitler’s words, “the surface area of a precisely measured space”. Time, the fourth dimension, can make the three dimensions of space seem less claustrophobic. Confidence in duration is the antidote to panic and the tonic of demagogy. A sense of the future has to be created in the present from what we know of the past, the fourth dimension built out from the three of daily life.

In the case of climate change, we know what the state can do to tame panic. We know that it is easier and less costly to draw nourishment from plants than animals. We know that improvements in agricultural productivity continue and that the desalination of seawater is possible. We know that efficiency of energy use is the simplest way to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. We know that governments can assign prices to carbon pollution and can pledge reductions of future emissions to one another and review one another’s pledges. We also know that governments can stimulate the development of appropriate energy technologies. Solar and wind energy are ever cheaper. Fusion, advanced fission, tidal stream power and non-crop-based biofuels offer real hope for a new energy economy. In the long run, we will need techniques to capture and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. All of this is not only thinkable but attainable.

States should invest in science so that the future can be calmly contemplated. The study of the past suggests why this would be a wise course. Time supports thought, thought supports time; structure supports plurality, and plurality, structure. This line of reasoning is less glamorous than waiting for general disaster and dreaming of personal redemption. Effective prevention of mass killings is incremental and its heroes are invisible. No conception of a durable state can compete with visions of totality. No green politics will ever be as exciting as red blood on black earth.

But opposing evil requires inspiration by what is sound rather than by what is resonant. The pluralities of nature and politics, order and freedom, past and future, are not as intoxicating as the totalitarian utopias of the last century. Every unity is beautiful as image but circular as logic and tyrannical as politics. The answer to those who seek totality is not anarchy, which is not totality’s enemy but its handmaiden. The answer is thoughtful, plural institutions: an unending labour of differentiated creation. This is a matter of imagination, maturity and survival.

Timothy Snyder [ ] is the Housum professor of history at Yale University and the author of Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning [ ], published this week by Bodley Head, from which this essay is adapted.

© 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited [with comments]



Published on Sep 17, 2015 by Gladstone Girl2 [ , ]

(Note: Trump interview after debate at 2:57:56.) From the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California. CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash join Salem Radio talk show host, Hugh Hewitt, to moderate a debate among the top eleven Republican presidential candidates. At end of debate Trump is snagged in the crowd for an interview by reporter, Chris Cuomo. At 2:56:55 Trump leans toward Arnold Schwartzenegger and puts his hand on Arnold's left shoulder.

At 2:57:36 this group includes his daughter on left, daughter-in-law on right(?), a son or two(?), and his son-in-law. If I'm wrong, please let me know. Thanks.

At 3:01:23 His daughter Ivanka.

The candidates: Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Scott Walker. [with comments] [also at e.g. (with comments), and (with subtitles, and comments)] [CNN coverage at/via ]


CNN GOP Debate: And The Biggest Liar Award Goes To...

Published on Sep 17, 2015 by The Young Turks [ / , ]

In last night’s Republican debate, boy were there a lot of lies told. We don’t have time to cover all of them, but here are some of the highlights. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"Or take her biggest applause line of the night: a riff on the Planned Parenthood tapes that set conservative Twitter afire. "I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, it's heart beating, it's legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain."

The only problem? Nothing like that happens in the Planned Parenthood tapes. As Sarah Kliff, who has watched all the tapes, wrote, "either Fiorina hasn't watched the Planned Parenthood videos or she is knowingly misrepresenting the footage.””*

*Read more here:

The Young Turks September 17, 2015 Hour 1

These Republicans Are A Bunch Of Goofballs

Carly Fiorina's Business Record At Least As Bad As Trump’s

Cops Beat Black Teen For "Resisting" His Jaywalking Ticket

Donors Funding Carly Fiorina Solely To Bash Hillary Clinton

Ted Cruz Whines To Bill O'Reilly About Debate Moderator

Who Do Polls Say Won Republican Debate? [with comments]


Demonic Possession Of The Vatican Exposed: Leo Zagami Interview

Published on Sep 17, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel traveled to Rome to cover the Euro Zone implosion. While there they met with Leo Zagami to cover the jesuit takeover of the Vatican, massive sex cults in the vatican.





Prepare For ISIS Massacres In The U.S. If Obama Gets His Way

Published on Sep 17, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Senior Intelligence officials warn terrorists may infiltrate. [with comments]


Full Show - Infowars Money Bomb 2015 - 09/17/2015

Published on Sep 19, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

from excerpt "Why Obama Has Declared War On Christianity", at [with comments] [additional descriptive phrasing and links taken from excerpt "Former DOJ Attorney: Obama Is A Devout Muslim!", at (with comments)]:
We talk with "Clinton nemesis" (known for his dozens of lawsuits against the Bill Clinton administration in the 90s) Larry Klayman about why Obama hates christians and is really a devout muslim radical who wants to bring america to its knees. [next below; with comments]
Larry Klayman suit against NSA to proceed

from excerpt "A Letter To Hitler", at [with comments]:
Gandhi's 1940 letter to Adolf Hitler: Seek peace or someone will 'beat you with your own weapon'.

The Government Is Learning How To Change Your Behavior -- Supposedly For Your Own Good

Is the government right to keep you from your extra-large soda?
Governments should be obligated to disclose how behavioral science and technology are used in public policy.
09/18/2015 | Edited: 09/21/2015 [with comments] [with comments]


Pope Francis And The Jesuit Order

Published on Sep 17, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Infowars reporter, Rob Dew talks with Leo Zagami to cover the jesuit takeover of the Vatican, massive sex cults in the vatican.





Full Speech: Donald Trump Speaks to Voters at Town Hall in Rochester, NH (9-17-15)

Published on Sep 17, 2015 by Right Side Radio [ / , ]

September 17, 2015: Republican Presidential front-runner Donald J. Trump stopped in Rochester, NH to speak with voters at a town hall meeting. [in particular from the c. 16:00 mark to the c. 16:35 mark; with comments] [also at e.g. (with comments), (with comment), and (no comments yet)]


Real Time with Bill Maher: Monologue – September 18, 2015 (HBO)

Published on Sep 18, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill Maher’s monologue from Friday, September 18, 2015. [with comments]


Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule – The Sunk Cost Fallacy (HBO)

Published on Sep 18, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher

In his Friday, September 18, 2015 editorial New Rule, Bill Maher discusses the Sunk Cost Fallacy – the idea that the more money, time or effort one invests in a cause, the less likely they are to give up on it. [with comments]


TSA Security Alerts Over Jar Of Jelly

Published on Sep 20, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Breaking! Alex Jones endures 30 min TSA search for having grape jelly.

2013 encounter [with comments]


The Pope Misrepresents The Bible To Fit Agenda 21

Published on Sep 22, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

As the choppy waters of September 2015 move ashore, all eyes will be on Pope Francis’ visit to the United States, jittery stock markets and signs in the heavens.

Francis is expected to enthusiastically endorse a new U.N. document that promises to wipe out poverty by 2030 by reordering the world economy along the lines of socialist principles. The document, titled “Transforming Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” also seeks to “strengthen universal peace” and usher in a new era of shared prosperity.


[aired September 21, 2015] [with comments]


Full Show - Your Children are Under Globalist Attack - 09/22/2015

Published on Sep 22, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Tuesday, September 22 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we look behind the scenes of the massive illegal immigrant crisis in Europe as reports surface of rapes by Muslim men and accusations that Turkey is behind the human tidal wave that has resulted in a crisis for the European Union. We also look at further developments in Syria as Russia continues its military buildup in the war-torn nation and Western nations talk of direct military intervention. Other topics today include the stationing of new nuclear weapons in Germany against Russia and the disturbing explosion of death threats against Donald Trump on social media. On today’s broadcast, we talk with Diamond and Silk, the North Carolina sisters who stand for the silent majority. Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson made headlines in August when their Youtube video in support of Donald Trump went viral. [with comments]


Pedophiles Are People Too

Published on Sep 22, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Here is a message from the spokesperson of the Pot Bellied Pedophile Network. Remember your children belong to us now move along.




President Obama & Pope Francis Complete Remarks at White House (C-SPAN)

Published on Sep 23, 2015 by C-SPAN [ / , ]

President Obama and Pope Francis delivered remarks at a ceremony to welcome the pontiff to the White House. Watch the complete ceremony here:


Remarks by President Obama and His Holiness Pope Francis at Arrival Ceremony

South Lawn
September 23, 2015

9:32 A.M. EDT

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning.

AUDIENCE: Good morning! (Applause.)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: What a beautiful day the Lord has made. Holy Father, on behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. (Applause.) I should explain that our backyard is not typically this crowded -- (laughter) -- but the size and spirit of today’s gathering is just a small reflection of the deep devotion of some 70 million American Catholics. (Applause.) It reflects, as well, the way that your message of love and hope has inspired so many people across our nation and around the world. So on behalf of the American people, it is my great honor and privilege to welcome you to the United States of America. (Applause.)

Today, we mark many firsts. Your Holiness, you have been celebrated as the first Pope from the Americas. (Applause.) This is your first visit to the United States. (Applause.) And you are also the first pontiff to share an encyclical through a Twitter account. (Laughter.)

Holy Father, your visit not only allows us, in some small way, to reciprocate the extraordinary hospitality that you extended to me at the Vatican last year. It also reveals how much all Americans, from every background and every faith, value the role that the Catholic Church plays in strengthening America. (Applause.) From my time working in impoverished neighborhoods with the Catholic Church in Chicago, to my travels as President, I’ve seen firsthand how, every single day, Catholic communities, priests, nuns, laity are feeding the hungry, healing the sick, sheltering the homeless, educating our children, and fortifying the faith that sustains so many.

And what is true in America is true around the world. From the busy streets of Buenos Aires to the remote villages in Kenya, Catholic organizations serve the poor, minister to prisoners, build schools, build homes, operate orphanages and hospitals. And just as the Church has stood with those struggling to break the chains of poverty, the Church so often has given voice and hope to those seeking to break the chains of violence and oppression.

And yet, I believe the excitement around your visit, Holy Father, must be attributed not only to your role as Pope, but to your unique qualities as a person. (Applause.) In your humility, your embrace of simplicity, in the gentleness of your words and the generosity of your spirit, we see a living example of Jesus’ teachings, a leader whose moral authority comes not just through words but also through deeds. (Applause.)

You call on all of us, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, to put the “least of these” at the center of our concerns. You remind us that in the eyes of God our measure as individuals, and our measure as a society, is not determined by wealth or power or station or celebrity, but by how well we hew to Scripture’s call to lift up the poor and the marginalized -- (applause) -- to stand up for justice and against inequality, and to ensure that every human being is able to live in dignity –- because we are all made in the image of God. (Applause.)

You remind us that “the Lord’s most powerful message” is mercy. And that means welcoming the stranger with empathy and a truly open heart –- (applause) -- from the refugee who flees war-torn lands to the immigrant who leaves home in search of a better life. (Applause.) It means showing compassion and love for the marginalized and the outcast, to those who have suffered, and those who have caused suffering and seek redemption. You remind us of the costs of war, particularly on the powerless and defenseless, and urge us toward the imperative of peace. (Applause.)

Holy Father, we are grateful for your invaluable support of our new beginning with the Cuban people -- (applause) -- which holds out the promise of better relations between our countries, greater cooperation across our hemisphere, and a better life for the Cuban people. We thank you for your passionate voice against the deadly conflicts that ravage the lives of so many men, women and children, and your call for nations to resist the sirens of war and resolve disputes through diplomacy.

You remind us that people are only truly free when they can practice their faith freely. (Applause.) Here in the United States, we cherish religious liberty. It was the basis for so much of what brought us together. And here in the United States, we cherish our religious liberty, but around the world, at this very moment, children of God, including Christians, are targeted and even killed because of their faith. Believers are prevented from gathering at their places of worship. The faithful are imprisoned, and churches are destroyed. So we stand with you in defense of religious freedom and interfaith dialogue, knowing that people everywhere must be able to live out their faith free from fear and free from intimidation. (Applause.)

And, Holy Father, you remind us that we have a sacred obligation to protect our planet, God’s magnificent gift to us. (Applause.) We support your call to all world leaders to support the communities most vulnerable to changing climate, and to come together to preserve our precious world for future generations. (Applause.)

Your Holiness, in your words and deeds, you set a profound moral example. And in these gentle but firm reminders of our obligations to God and to one another, you are shaking us out of complacency. All of us may, at times, experience discomfort when we contemplate the distance between how we lead our daily lives and what we know to be true, what we know to be right. But I believe such discomfort is a blessing, for it points to something better. You shake our conscience from slumber; you call on us to rejoice in Good News, and give us confidence that we can come together in humility and service, and pursue a world that is more loving, more just, and more free. Here at home and around the world, may our generation heed your call to “never remain on the sidelines of this march of living hope.”

For that great gift of hope, Holy Father, we thank you, and welcome you, with joy and gratitude, to the United States of America. (Applause.)


AUDIENCE: Good morning!

HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS: Mr. President, I am deeply grateful for your welcome in the name of the all Americans. As a son of an immigrant family, I am happy to be a guest in this country, which was largely built by such families. (Applause.)

I look forward to these days of encounter and dialogue in which I hope to listen to and share many of the hopes and dreams of the American people. During my visit, I will have the honor of addressing Congress, where I hope, as a brother of this country, to offer words of encouragement to those called to guide the nation’s political future in fidelity to its founding principles. I will also travel to Philadelphia for the eighth World Meeting of Families to celebrate and support the institutions of marriage and the family at this critical moment in the history of our civilization. (Applause.)

Mr. President, together with their fellow citizens, American Catholics are committed to building a society which is truly tolerant and inclusive, to safeguarding the rights of individuals and communities, and to rejecting every form of unjust discrimination. (Applause.) With countless other people of good will, they are likewise concerned that efforts to build a just and wisely ordered society respect their deepest concerns and the right to religious liberty. (Applause.) That freedom reminds one of America’s most precious possessions. And, as my brothers, the United States Bishops, have reminded us, all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it. (Applause.)

Mr. President, I find it encouraging that you are proposing an initiative for reducing air pollution. (Applause.) Accepting the urgency, it seems clear to me also that climate change is a problem which can no longer be left to our future generation. (Applause.) When it comes to the care of our common home, we are living at a critical moment of history. We still have time to make the change needed to bring about a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change. (Applause.)

Such change demands on our part a serious and responsible recognition not only of the kind of world we may be leaving to our children, but also to the millions of people living under a system which has overlooked them. Our common home has been part of this group of the excluded, which cries out to heaven and which today powerfully strikes our homes, our cities, our societies. To use a telling phrase of the Reverend Martin Luther King, we can say that we have defaulted on a promissory note, and now is the time to honor it. (Applause.)

We know by faith that the Creator does not abandon us; He never forsakes his loving plan or repents of having created us. Humanity has the ability to work together in building our common home. As Christians inspired by this certainty, we wish to commit ourselves to the conscious and responsible care of our common home.

Mr. President, the efforts which were recently made to mend broken relationships and to open new doors to cooperation within our human family represent positive steps along the path of reconciliation, justice and freedom.

I would like all men and women of good will in this great nation to support the efforts of the international community to protect the vulnerable in our world and to stimulate integral and inclusive models of development -- (applause) -- so that our brothers and sisters everywhere may know the blessings of peace and prosperity which God wills for all his children.

Mr. President, once again I thank you for your welcome, and I look forward to these days in your country. God bless America. (Applause.)

9:53 A.M. EDT

* [with comments] [also at e.g. (with comments), (with comments), and (embedded with download options at ) (with comments)]


Conservatives Rage Against Pope Francis

Published on Sep 23, 2015 by The Young Turks

Pope Francis has been extremely open an outspoken on a number of different issues that touch on society, values, and politics. This is not sitting well with right wing, who value the opinions of the owner class over religious leaders. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola (Think Tank), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"Pope Francis quietly but forcefully made his priorities clear during his first full day in the United States on Wednesday, urging in a pair of speeches a renewed emphasis on tackling global poverty, confronting climate change, caring for migrants and providing a welcoming church that is pastoral rather than doctrinaire.

President Obama welcomed the spiritual leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics with the fanfare of trumpets and a show of solidarity, escorting him onto a red-carpeted stage at the South Portico of the White House and praising his moral authority that “comes not just through words but also through deeds.””*

*Read more here:

The Young Turks September 23, 2015 Hour 1

Dr. Ben Carson Thinks Satan Invented Big Bang Theory

UK Elects Socialist Leader Jeremy Corbyn. Will He Succeed?

Religious Freedom? Majority Of Iowa Republicans Want To Ban Islam [with comments]


The Pope's Plan Could Kill a Billion People

Published on Sep 23, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones breaks down how the Pope's "climate plan" could lead to the death of over a billion people worldwide. [with comments]


Pope Francis addresses Joint Session of Congress – FULL SPEECH (C-SPAN)

Published on Sep 24, 2015 by C-SPAN [ / , ]

Pope Francis addressed a joint meeting of Congress, the first pontiff in history to address both chambers. Watch more online here:

Transcript: Read the Speech Pope Francis Gave to Congress
Sept. 24, 2015 [with comments] [also at e.g. (with subtitles; comments disabled), and (no comments yet)]


Catholic Justices Scalia, Alito, Thomas are no-shows for the pope

Amy Sullivan
September 24, 2015

A seat for Pope Francis’ address to Congress on Thursday was one of the most sought-after tickets in this town’s history, with each member of Congress allowed to bring along just one guest.

But in the packed House chamber, there were three noticeable vacancies right in the front row. Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas — all conservative Catholics — took a pass on the opportunity to hear from the leader of their church. ["Also absent were Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan, who are Jewish.", (with comments)]

It’s possible that all three had scheduling conflicts. Perhaps they were finally able to score tickets to “Hamilton” and decided to make a day of it in the Big Apple. The three have skipped the State of the Union in the past (Scalia calls it “a childish spectacle [ ]”), objecting to the partisan nature of that gathering.

More likely, however, the three justices were simply more discreet than Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., who announced to media this week that he was boycotting [ ] the pope’s talk over concerns that the pontiff was acting “like a leftist politician.”

The conspicuous absences were a bit surprising, given that the current Supreme Court is sometimes characterized as the “Catholic court.” Six of the nine justices are Catholic — the other three, John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy and Sonia Sotomayor, were in attendance — and the most conservative members of the court have not been shy about identifying with their church.

They have not always agreed with the church, however. Scalia has been particularly candid about his disagreements: In 2002, he bluntly told a Georgetown audience that the church’s opposition to the death penalty was simply wrong [ ]. “No authority that I know of denies the 2,000-year-old tradition of the church approving capital punishment,” said Scalia. “I don’t see why there’s been a change.”

So, it might have been awkward for Scalia and his colleagues when Francis got to the “golden rule” part of his address. It was a nifty maneuver — the pope got the entire audience to stand up when he declared that “the golden rule … reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development.”

But while the pope was undeniably referring, among other things, to the very beginning of life, his next sentence took many in the crowd by surprise. “This conviction has led me,” he continued, “to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty. I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity.”

That presumably would have drawn a dissent from Scalia, who earlier this year, in a concurring opinion allowing a controversial lethal injection drug, compared death penalty opponents to Marie Antoinette, writing [ ] that they have “a let-them-eat cake obliviousness to the needs of others.”

If the absences were indeed intentional, they would stand in stark contrast to Francis’ repeated message of dialogue over division and warnings against “the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners.”

Update: Justice Alito was at the University of Kentucky on Thursday, for a speaking engagement that evening. The pope’s address to Congress was announced in February 2015.

Copyright 2015 Yahoo!


Full Show - Weather Manipulation Could Destroy the Planet - 09/24/2015

Published on Sep 24, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On the Thursday, September 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, the Holy See urges Congress on a number of progressive issues, from accepting the immigrant waves affecting the US and the EU, to recognizing the “environmental challenge we are undergoing.” We also look at how the European immigrant crisis shows no signs of slowing down, as some warn it will only increase in days to come. On today's show, we also discuss Obama's blocking of a conservative teen on Twitter who criticized him, and the media's continued mainstreaming of pedophilia. Vatican researcher and Illuminati insider Leo Lyon Zagami joins the show today to analyze how the Jesuit Pope promotes the new world order, one-world government agenda. And the lead researcher for, Dane Wigington, also breaks down evidence on why he believes government weather manipulation may be to blame for the wildfires and drought in California.

from excerpt "UN with The Pope Launch Blueprint For A NWO", at [with comments]:
The 2030 Agenda: this month the UN launches a blueprint for a new world order with the help of the pope. [with comments]


Finnish Demonstrator Dons KKK Costume To Protest Asylum Seekers

Protesters also hurled stones and let off fireworks at a bus carrying 40 asylum seekers into the city of Lahti.
HELSINKI, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Demonstrators threw stones and launched fireworks at a bus full of asylum seekers arriving at a reception center in Lahti in southern Finland, late on Thursday, Finnish media reported on Friday.
Between 30 and 40 demonstrators, one in a white robe like those worn by the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan in the United States, waved the Finnish flag and shouted abuse at the bus.
Some demonstrators also hurled stones and let off fireworks at the vehicle carrying 40 asylum seekers, including several young children, Finnish television YLE said.
Meanwhile, a petrol bomb was thrown at another reception center in Kouvola, also in southern Finland, police said. No one was known to be hurt in the incidents.
"The Finnish government strongly condemns last night's racist protests against asylum seekers who had entered the country," the government said in a statement. "Violence or the threat of violence is always to be condemned."
Prime Minister Juha Sipila this month offered to take in refugees at his home, a move that attracted international attention but also criticism in Finland.
"Sipila's noble-minded gesture was like a Christmas gift for human traffickers and refugees. The news about open doors in Finland have sent many young men on a journey towards the promised land," Mika Niikko, a deputy from anti-immigrant party The Finns, said last week in a statement.
[...] [with embedded video report, and comments]


For A Jewish Austrian Folk Singer, Helping Refugees Is Personal

Hans Breuer, a Jewish shepherd and folk singer, says he was moved to help refugees cross the Hungarian border into Austria because of his own father's plight during World War II.
“My father was a refugee and half of his family was killed in the Nazi time, so how I can resist helping these people?”
09/25/2015 | Edited: 10/05/2015
When the Hungarian government cracked down on refugees in late August, herding them into holding camps and barring their passage to Germany, Hans Breuer knew he needed to act. Many Austrians have shown compassion for refugees, but for Breuer, it was personal. He is the son of an Jewish refugee from the Holocaust.
“My father was a refugee and half of his family was killed in the Nazi time, so how I can resist helping these people?” Breuer asked in an interview with The Huffington Post. His father escaped to London just as the borders were closing. After the war, he returned to his native Austria, where he met Breuer's mother, a non-Jewish anti-fascist activist who had been tortured by the Gestapo for resisting the Nazis.
Breuer, a folk singer who also herds sheep in Austria's Burgenland region, recently started giving rides to groups of mostly Syrian refugees leaving Hungarian camps for the Austrian border so they could continue onward to Germany.
With other activists, Breuer has personally transported dozens of Syrian and Iraqi refugees to safety in Austria. Two of his adult sons, Wolfgang and Andreas, have also conducted their own efforts: Wolfgang founded the Intereuropean Human Aid Association [ ], a network of volunteers helping refugees as they cross into Europe.
[...] [with video ( {with comments}) and separate video report embedded, and comments]


U.S.-China Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
September 25, 2015

1. In November 2014, President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping stood together in Beijing to make a historic U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate Change, emphasizing their personal commitment to a successful climate agreement in Paris and marking a new era of multilateral climate diplomacy as well as a new pillar in their bilateral relationship. On the occasion of President Xi’s State Visit to Washington, D.C., the two Presidents reaffirm their shared conviction that climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity and that their two countries have a critical role to play in addressing it. The two Presidents also reaffirm their determination to move ahead decisively to implement domestic climate policies, to strengthen bilateral coordination and cooperation, and to promote sustainable development and the transition to green, low-carbon, and climate-resilient economies.

Vision for the Paris Climate Conference

2. The two Presidents reaffirm the U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate Change of November 12, 2014. Recalling the Durban mandate to adopt a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties, they strengthen their resolve to work together and with others toward an ambitious, successful Paris outcome that furthers the implementation of the objective of the Convention, mindful of the below 2 degree C global temperature goal.

3. They reaffirm their commitment to reach an ambitious agreement in 2015 that reflects the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances. They further consider that differentiation should be reflected in relevant elements of the agreement in an appropriate manner.

4. Both sides support the inclusion in the Paris outcome of an enhanced transparency system to build mutual trust and confidence and promote effective implementation including through reporting and review of action and support in an appropriate manner. It should provide flexibility to those developing countries that need it in light of their capacities.

5. The United States and China welcome the enhanced actions reflected in the intended nationally determined contributions communicated by each other and by other Parties.

6. The two sides recognize that Parties’ mitigation efforts are crucial steps in a longer-range effort needed to transition to green and low-carbon economies and they should move in the direction of greater ambition over time. Further, the United States and China underscore the importance of formulating and making available mid-century strategies for the transition to low-carbon economies, mindful of the below 2 degree C global temperature goal. Both sides also emphasize the need for global low-carbon transformation during the course of this century.

7. Both sides stress the importance of adaptation. The Paris agreement should accord greater prominence and visibility to adaptation, including by recognizing that it is a key component of the long-term global response to climate change, in terms of both preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change and enhancing resilience. The agreement should encourage Parties to work at both the national and international levels to build resilience and reduce vulnerability. It should provide for regular, high-level focus on adaptation.

8. The two sides reaffirm that, in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, developed countries committed to a goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries and that this funding would come from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources of finance. They underscore the importance of continued, robust financial support beyond 2020 to help developing countries build low-carbon and climate-resilient societies. They urge continued support by developed countries to developing countries and encourage such support by other countries willing to do so.

9. The two sides also recognize the crucial role of major technological advancement in the transition to green and low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development and affirm the importance of significant increases in basic research and development in the coming years both within their own economies and globally.

Advancing Domestic Climate Action:

10. The United States and China are committed to achieving their respective post-2020 actions as announced in last November’s Joint Announcement. Since that time, both countries have taken key steps toward implementation and are committing to continue intensifying efforts, which will substantially promote global investment in low-carbon technologies and solutions.

11. Since last November’s Joint Announcement, the United States has taken major steps to reduce its emissions, and it is announcing important additional implementation plans today. In August 2015, the United States finalized the Clean Power Plan, which will reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector to 32% below 2005 levels by 2030. In 2016, the United States will finalize a federal plan to implement carbon emission standards for power plants in states that do not choose to design their own implementation plans under the Clean Power Plan. The United States commits to finalize its next-stage, world-class fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles in 2016 and implement them in 2019. In August 2015, the United States proposed separate standards for methane emissions from landfills and the oil and gas sector, and commits to finalize both standards in 2016. In July 2015, the United States finalized significant new measures to reduce use and emissions of HFCs through the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program, and commits today to continue to pursue new actions in 2016 to reduce HFC use and emissions. Finally, in the buildings sector, the United States commits to finalize over 20 efficiency standards for appliances and equipment by the end of 2016.

12. China is making great efforts to advance ecological civilization and promote green, low-carbon, climate resilient and sustainable development through accelerating institutional innovation and enhancing policies and actions. China will lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 60% to 65% from the 2005 level by 2030 and increase the forest stock volume by around 4.5 billion cubic meters on the 2005 level by 2030. China will promote green power dispatch, giving priority, in distribution and dispatching, to renewable power generation and fossil fuel power generation of higher efficiency and lower emission levels. China also plans to start in 2017 its national emission trading system, covering key industry sectors such as iron and steel, power generation, chemicals, building materials, paper-making, and nonferrous metals. China commits to promote low-carbon buildings and transportation, with the share of green buildings reaching 50% in newly built buildings in cities and towns by 2020 and the share of public transport in motorized travel reaching 30% in big- and medium-sized cities by 2020. It will finalize next-stage fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles in 2016 and implement them in 2019. Actions on HFCs continue to be supported and accelerated, including effectively controlling HFC-23 emissions by 2020.

Enhancing Bilateral and Multilateral Climate Cooperation:

13. Building on the robust bilateral cooperation initiatives that support the achievement of ambitious domestic actions, the two sides commit to further deepen and enhance these efforts through the U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group (CCWG), the premier mechanism for facilitating constructive U.S.-China dialogue and cooperation on climate change. The two sides have made concrete progress in each of the initiatives, including heavy-duty and other vehicles, smart grids, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), energy efficiency in buildings and industry, collecting and managing greenhouse gas emissions data, climate change and forests, industrial boilers efficiency and fuel switching, and climate-smart/low-carbon cities, and will continue to work together on green ports and vessels and zero emission vehicles, as well as the enhanced policy dialogue and cooperation on HFCs. Furthermore, a new Domestic Policy Dialogue was established this year to share information on respective domestic actions. The two sides will continue to devote significant effort and resources to the existing initiatives. On the CCUS project agreed to in the 2014 Joint Announcement, the two countries have identified the project site in Yan’an-Yulin, Shan’xi Province, China, operated by Shan’xi Yanchang Petroleum. The two sides will continue to collaborate to demonstrate the utilization of CO2 for enhanced water recovery.

14. The United States and China recognize and appreciate the critical role of cities, states and provinces in addressing climate change, supporting the implementation of national actions and accelerating the long-term transition to a low carbon and livable society. The Presidents welcome the outcome of the First Session of the U.S.-China Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Summit, held in Los Angeles on September 15-16, 2015, and look forward to a successful Second Session to be held in Beijing in 2016. The Presidents support the U.S.-China Climate Leaders Declaration, signed by 24 provinces, states, cities, and counties of the United States and China, as well as the climate actions listed in the Declaration, including an initiative by provinces and cities in China for peaking pioneers and the medium and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets of states, counties and cities in the United States. The United States and China also emphasize that businesses can play an important role in promoting low-carbon development, and will make continued efforts to encourage and incentivize actions by businesses.

15. The United States and China recognize the importance of mobilizing climate finance to support low-carbon, climate-resilient development in developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, small island developing states, and African countries. In this connection, the United States reaffirms its $3 billion pledge to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and China announces that it will make available ¥20 billion for setting up the China South-South Climate Cooperation Fund to support other developing countries to combat climate change, including to enhance their capacity to access GCF funds. Going forward and through these steps and other actions, the two sides are determined to work constructively and cooperatively together and along with all Parties to the UNFCCC to support developing countries to transition to green and low-carbon development and build climate resilience.

16. The United States and China consider that their bilateral investments in other countries should support low-carbon technologies and climate resilience and commit to discussing the role of public finance in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Both countries are to use public resources to finance and encourage the transition toward low-carbon technologies as a priority. As part of an ongoing and serious commitment to strengthen low-carbon policies and regulations, the United States has ended public financing for new conventional coal-fired power plants except in the poorest countries. China will strengthen green and low-carbon policies and regulations with a view to strictly controlling public investment flowing into projects with high pollution and carbon emissions both domestically and internationally.

17. The United States and China will strengthen their dialogue and cooperation to advance climate change related issues in relevant fora complementary to the UNFCCC, such as the G-20, Montreal Protocol, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, World Trade Organization and Clean Energy Ministerial.


FACT SHEET: The United States and China Issue Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change with New Domestic Policy Commitments and a Common Vision for an Ambitious Global Climate Agreement in Paris

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
September 25, 2015

On the occasion of President Xi’s State Visit to Washington, D.C., the United States and China today marked another major milestone in their joint leadership in the fight against climate change with the release of a U.S.-China Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change. The Statement, which builds on last November’s historic announcement by President Obama and President Xi of ambitious, respective post-2020 climate targets, describes a common vision for a new global climate agreement to be concluded in Paris this December. The Statement also includes significant domestic policy announcements and commitments to global climate finance, demonstrating the determination of both countries to act decisively to achieve the goals set last year.

• Common vision for the Paris climate agreement – As part of their commitment to a successful and ambitious Paris outcome, the two countries articulated a set of shared understandings for the agreement, including on the importance of a successful agreement that ramps-up ambition over time, pointing toward a low-carbon transformation of the global economy this century. They agreed on the need for an enhanced transparency system to build mutual trust and confidence and promote effective implementation including through reporting and review of action and support in an appropriate manner, and made new progress on the issue of differentiation between developed and developing countries.

• Ambitious domestic policy announcements – China confirmed today that it plans to launch in 2017 a national emission trading system covering power generation, steel, cement, and other key industrial sectors, as well as implement a “green dispatch” system to favor low-carbon sources in the electric grid. These announcements complement the recent finalization of the U.S. Clean Power Plan, which will reduce emissions in the U.S. power sector by 32% by 2030. Both countries are developing new heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency standards, to be finalized in 2016 and implemented in 2019. Both countries are also stepping up their work to phase down super-polluting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

• Breaking new ground on climate finance – Looking beyond their shores, the two countries announced further steps to help accelerate the transition to low-carbon development internationally, including a new climate finance commitment by China of CNY 20 billion ($3.1 billion) to help developing countries combat climate change and new steps to control public support for high carbon activities. The two countries also re-affirmed their commitment to bilateral cooperation, both at the federal and sub-national levels.

Building a Common Vision for the Paris Agreement

Presidents Obama and Xi are committed to an ambitious outcome at the Paris climate conference and have articulated a concrete set of shared understandings for the Paris agreement.

On mitigating the impact of climate change, the two leaders agreed on three elements of a package to strengthen the ambition of the Paris outcome. First, they recognized that the emissions targets and policies that nations have put forward are crucial steps in a longer-range effort to transition to low-carbon economies and agreed that those policies should ramp up over time in the direction of greater ambition. Second, they underscored the importance of countries developing and making available mid-century strategies for the transition to low-carbon economies, mindful of the below 2 degrees Celsius global temperature goal. Third, they emphasized the need for the low-carbon transformation of the global economy this century.

The leaders agreed on the importance of an enhanced transparency system to build mutual trust and confidence and promote effective implementation including through reporting and review of action and support in an appropriate manner, and agreed that such a system should provide flexibility to those developing countries that need it in light of their capacities.

The leaders also made new progress on the issue of differentiation, including by reaffirming their commitment to an ambitious agreement in 2015 that reflects the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances, and embeds differentiation in the relevant elements of the agreement in a manner appropriate to each individual element. They also agreed that adaptation needs to be elevated in the international talks, and that it is a key component of the long-term global response to climate change.

On financial assistance for developing countries, in addition to specific new climate finance announcements, the two sides reiterated the 2020 climate finance mobilization goal that developed countries committed to in 2009 and they underscored the importance of continued financial support beyond 2020 to help developing countries build low-carbon and climate-resilient societies, urging continued support from developed countries and encouraging such support by other countries willing to do so.

Finally, the two sides recognized the crucial role of major technological advancement in the transition to low-carbon economies, and endorsed significant increases in basic research and development into clean energy technologies in the coming years.

This set of agreements on key issues in the Paris climate negotiations reflects the commitment of the U.S. and China to work together and with all other countries to reach an historic climate agreement in Paris.

Ambitious Domestic Climate Policies

Today, President Obama and President Xi announced substantial, domestic climate actions that are designed towards implementing and achieving their respective climate goals announced in November 2014.

Power Sector and Industry.

• The U.S. is Taking Steps to Implement the Clean Power Plan in 2016. The recently finalized Clean Power Plan will reduce carbon pollution from the power sector by 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. Today, the United States committed to finalize, in 2016, a federal plan to implement carbon emission standards for power plants in states that choose not to design their own implementation plans.

• China is launching a national emissions trading system in 2017. China’s national cap-and-trade system will support emissions reductions in power generation, iron and steel, chemicals, building materials including cement, paper-making, and non-ferrous metals. These sectors together produce a substantial percentage of China’s carbon pollution.

• China is implementing a new green dispatch approach in its power sector. China’s “green dispatch” system will prioritize power generation from renewable sources, and establish guidelines to accept electricity first from the most efficient and lowest-polluting fossil fuel generators. This approach will accelerate the phase down of high-polluting, energy intensive power while supporting the deployment of renewable and non-fossil sources, and will better utilize China’s rapidly growing solar and wind capacity while supporting its ambitious non-fossil energy targets of 15 percent by 2020 and around 20 percent by 2030.

Transportation. Today, the U.S. and China are committing to finalize respective next-stage fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles in 2016, and both countries are committing to implement them in 2019. This announcement marks a commitment from China to match the proposed timeline for the introduction of new heavy-duty vehicle standards in the United States.

Buildings and Cities. Today, the United States is committing to finalize over 20 efficiency standards for appliances and equipment by the end of 2016 – a commitment that will enable us to meet our goal of cutting 3 billion metric tons of carbon pollution from these measures by 2030. Consistent with the ambitious early peaking targets announced by Chinese cities last week at the U.S.-China Climate Leaders Summit in Los Angeles, China is also affirming that 50 percent of new buildings in urban areas will meet green building standards by 2020. Additionally, China has affirmed that the share of public transport in motorized urban travel will reach 30 percent by the same year.

Methane and HFCs. Building on the U.S. Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions, in January 2015, the Administration announced a goal to cut methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 40 to 45 percent from 2012 levels by 2025 and has committed to finalize recently proposed standards for methane emissions from the oil and gas sector in 2016. Today, the U.S. is committing to finalize two standards to reduce methane emissions from landfills in 2016. The U.S. EPA also recently finalized a rule to prohibit some of the most harmful HFCs in various end-uses under our Significant New Alternatives Policy, and the United States is committing to pursue new actions in 2016 to reduce HFC use and emissions, including announcing progress against private sector commitments to reduce HFCs equivalent to 700 million metric tons of carbon pollution, and a new round of additional private sector commitments to reduce emissions of HFCs. China is also planning to accelerate its efforts to control HFCs, including effectively controlling HFC-23 emissions by 2020.

Breaking New Ground on Climate Finance

President Obama and President Xi emphasized the importance of mobilizing climate finance to support low-carbon, climate-resilient development in developing countries. Consistent with the United States’ $3 billion pledge to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) – the multilateral funding mechanism established to support climate action in developing countries – China announced that it will make available CNY 20 billion ($3.1 billion) through a bilateral fund designed to help developing countries combat climate change. This is by far China’s most significant commitment to climate finance to date, and reinforces that the two countries are working together to ensure that developing countries have the tools they need to develop sustainably and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

The United States and China reached an important new understanding on the need to control financing for high-carbon projects internationally. Today, China – one of the largest providers of public financing for infrastructure worldwide – agreed to work towards strictly controlling public investment flowing into projects with high pollution and carbon emissions both domestically and internationally. This follows a commitment in 2013 by the United States to end public financing for new conventional coal-fired power plants except in the poorest countries, and a growing number of other countries and financing institutions moving in a similar direction.

Deepening Bilateral Cooperation on Climate Change

Over the last several years, the United States and China have deepened our bilateral engagement to tackle specific challenges each country faces in combating climate change. We have launched a number of sectoral initiatives, ramped up joint research and development, and built strong connections between regulators, scientists, engineers, and businesses working on shared challenges.

U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group. Today, the two countries committed to further enhance and deepen our bilateral cooperation, including through the U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group. This cooperation includes technical and policy exchanges on the development of fuel efficiency standards for trucks and buses, continued progress towards implementation of CCUS projects with the selection of a project site in China as the large-scale CCUS demonstration project announced last November, cooperation on reducing HFCs, including private sector commitments to promote climate-friendly alternatives to HFCs, and continued support for phasing down HFCs through the Montreal Protocol, and additional cooperation on direct mitigation efforts across multiple other sectors.

Action by Sub-National Governments. The United States and China attach special importance to the burgeoning cooperation between our sub-national governments to promote climate action. The Presidents welcomed the success of the U.S.-China Climate Leaders Summit, held September 15-16, 2015, in Los Angeles, California. The Summit featured the announcement of the new “Alliance of Peaking Pioneer Cities” in China – cities and provinces accounting for approximately 1.2 gigatons of annual CO2 emissions (roughly equivalent to all emissions from Japan or Brazil) established, for the first time, peak years for carbon dioxide emissions that are earlier than the national goal to peak around 2030. U.S. cities, counties, and states also put forward ambitious, long-term emissions reduction targets, including a commitment by the State of California to reduce emissions by 80 percent-90 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, and a commitment from the City of Seattle to become carbon-neutral by 2050.

Clean Energy Research. The United States and China also place great importance on exchanges and cooperation in the area of clean energy and recognize the collaboration and outcomes of the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC).

• Transportation - The two sides announced the launch of a new technical track under CERC to improve the energy efficiency of medium-duty to heavy-duty trucks. This initiative is expected to accelerate the development of high energy efficiency trucks and their introduction into the markets of both countries, leading to significant reductions in oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. The United States and China additionally announced that they will develop collaborative Electric Vehicle (EV) Interoperability Centers with the goal of coordinating relative technical standards, promoting coordination, and providing technical support to the existing, successful electric vehicle work between our two countries.

• Energy and water - Under the new energy-water track of the CERC, the United States and China will work together to discover an array of innovative technologies to alleviate pressures on water resources and management related to energy production and use. The United States has also announced five projects to study the feasibility of using salty water – or brine – from CO2 storage sites to produce fresh water.


President Obama and the President of the People’s Republic of China hold a Joint Press Conference

Published on Sep 25, 2015 by The White House [ / , ]

President Obama delivers remarks with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China in Joint Press Conference. September 25, 2015. [with comments], [embedded with download options at]


U.S., China Announce Deepened Partnership On Climate

U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced additional commitments for both countries.

By Kate Sheppard
Posted: 09/25/2015 12:12 PM EDT | Edited: 09/27/2015 10:50 AM EDT

WASHINGTON -- U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced additional commitments on climate change Friday, along with a "common vision for an ambitious global climate agreement."

The presidents of the world's two biggest emitters are meeting in Washington. In the announcement, China committed to instate a cap-and-trade program for lowering emissions [ ] in 2017, and the U.S. reaffirmed its plans [ ] to cut emissions from power plants 32 percent by 2030.

China also announced it will commit $3.1 billion to help poorer countries deal with climate change through a bilateral fund. The U.S. had previously promised $3 billion [ ] to the international climate fund -- though whether it will be able to deliver is unclear, as Republicans in Congress have opposed [ ] efforts to provide the funding.

In a joint press conference with Xi on Friday, Obama said their work on climate shows "there's no reason for other countries, developed and developing, to not do so as well."

In their discussions, the two leaders also addressed the upcoming negotiations on climate change through the United Nations in Paris this December and agreed on the "importance of a successful agreement that ramps-up ambition over time, pointing toward a low-carbon transformation of the global economy this century," the White House said in a fact sheet issued Friday.

Xi said during the press conference that the two nations would "work together to push the Paris climate change conference to produce important progress."

They also agreed on the need for enhancing transparency around emission targets and progress, and pledged "to build mutual trust and confidence and promote effective implementation."

Steve Herz, a senior attorney with the Sierra Club, points out that among the most important aspects of China's new pledge is that it is also committing to restrictions on making investments in high-carbon infrastructure projects abroad. China is emerging as a major overseas investor [ ], and how it chooses to spend that money will be important to future global emission trends.

China also announced it is establishing a "green dispatch" policy that will give electricity from renewable sources priority in supplying power to the grid -- another significant new policy, David Sandalow, a fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University and a former official at the Obama administration Department of Energy, told The Huffington Post.

But even more important, perhaps, is the fact that the two countries have been able to demonstrate so much collaboration and alignment on climate.

"I think it's particularly striking that this is happening against the backdrop of significant tension in the broader bilateral relationship -- that these two countries are working well on climate change and clean energy even as other issues in the relationship are extremely difficult," Sandalow said. "It's both good for the climate and for the bilateral relationship."

In a statement, Greenpeace East Asia Senior Climate Policy Analyst Li Shuo called the announcement a "paradigm shift": “With this deal, it's clear China is ready to lead on climate. The old political excuses for inaction in Washington have become irrelevant."

Copyright © 2015, Inc. [with embedded video report, and comments]


Tour Guide Caught Pushing 9/11 Lies

Published on Sep 25, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

David Knight calls out a NYC tour guide on pushing more of the made up 9/11 myth. [with comments]


U.N. Dreams Big: 17 Huge New Goals To Build A Better World

United Nations

Jason Beaubien
September 25, 2015 5:08 AM ET

At the United Nations General Assembly this weekend in New York, U.N. member states are set to adopt the new Sustainable Development Goals. The goals are meant to guide development priorities around the globe over the next 15 years. Critics and supporters alike are declaring them to be highly ambitious — maybe even too ambitious.

The SDGs, as they've come to be called in humanitarian lingo, replace the Millennium Development Goals, which were adopted in 2000 and expire this year.

The MDGs dealt primarily with poverty, education and health in the poorest countries. The SDGs hit all of those topics but also tackle global inequality, environmental issues and access to technology.

Here's a rundown of the 17 goals and some of the key targets included in the 169 sub-goals. Here's where you'll find the complete list [ ] with all the sub-goals.

1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

This is one of the most ambitious goals. It includes a target of having no one living in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day — anywhere in the world by the year 2030.

2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

This goal calls for a doubling of agricultural production by small-scale farmers.

3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

This SDG sets a target of getting global maternal mortality (the number of women who die each year during childbirth) down from the current rate of more than 200 per 100,000 live births to 70. Many African nations would need to dramatically improve conditions for pregnant mothers to reach this target. In South Sudan, for instance, more than 2,000 of every 100,000 pregnant mothers die each year as a result of giving birth.

4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The expiring MDGs called for universal access to primary school. The SDGs say that students everywhere should have free access to education through high school.

5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

This goal aims to end discrimination and violence toward women and girls. It also calls for the elimination of child marriage and female genital mutilation.

6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

This goal calls for toilets and clean drinking water for everyone.

It also calls for protecting and restoring natural water resources over the next five years.

7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

This goal calls for universal access to electricity and more renewable energy.

8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

This item sets an ambitious annual economic growth target of 7 percent per year for the poorest nations.

9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

This goal calls for increased technological assistance from developed countries to poorer nations to modernize roads, dams, electrical grids and other infrastructure.

10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.

This target tries to address the growing gap that's emerged globally between the "haves" and the "have-nots."

11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Say goodbye to slums. This goal envisions sustainable, livable urban centers with universal access to green spaces.

12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

This section sets bold targets for cutting in half food waste by the year 2030 and over the next five years overhauling industrial waste streams.

13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

This goal acknowledges climate change and then notes that the real work on this issue will come at the U.N. Conference on Climate Change later this year in Paris.

14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

This goal calls for sustainable management of marine fisheries by 2020 and elimination of marine pollution by 2025.

15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

This goal calls for the same protection of land that No. 14 demands for the sea.

16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

In other words: We should all live in harmony. The goal also calls for an end to violence and corruption.

17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

This final goal calls for rich nations to give more assistance to poorer countries and to help less developed nations progress.

© 2015 NPR [with comments]


These Are the Goals the UN Set to Combat Poverty and Address Climate Change
September 25, 2015 [with comments]


10 things to know about the Sustainable Development Goals
September 16, 2015. Last edited on September 17, 2015 [no comments yet]


Mobilizing the Masses Around Climate Change as We Count Down to COP21

09/17/2015 Updated: 09/22/2015 [with comment]


Leaders call for 'less conversation, more action' after adopting U.N. global goals

Pope Francis addresses attendees in the opening ceremony to commence a plenary meeting of the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, New York September 25, 2015.
Reuters/Andrew Kelly

By Ellen Wulfhorst
Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:51pm EDT

UNITED NATIONS (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - World leaders on Friday adopted the most sweeping agenda ever of global goals to combat poverty, inequality and climate change, capping years of debate and saying now is the time for "a little less conversation, a little more action."

Described by the United Nations secretary-general as "a to-do list for people and planet," the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, are to be implemented over the next 15 years with a big global push to win public and political support.

The 193 U.N. member nations formally adopted the goals in the shadow of the worst refugee crisis since World War II, calling for shared peace and prosperity.

Pope Francis called the adoption of the SDGs "an important sign of hope."

"Solemn commitments, however, are not enough, even though they are a necessary step toward solutions," said the Pope as the Vatican flag flew for the first time outside the United Nations where security was heightened for his visit.

He said world leaders must follow through with "a will which is effective, practical, constant, with concrete steps and immediate measures" to protect the environment and end social and economic exclusion.

The adoption comes after three years of brainstorming among member nations to draw up the comprehensive slate, but supporters say now work must start on the bigger task of implementation into practical programs, policies and parliaments.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway, a strong supporter of the goal calling for affordable, sustainable energy, said lyrics from a song by "the famous philosopher Elvis Presley" were a fitting description of what must happen next.

"A little less conversation, a little more action please," she said.

The objectives replace the previous U.N. action plan, the Millennium Development Goals, that were adopted in 2000.

Supporters say the SDGs go much further by addressing root causes of issues such as poverty and looking at means as well as ends. They also are intended to be universal, not just for the developing world.

"They are a to-do list for people and planet, and a blueprint for success," said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after an opening ceremony with performances by Colombian singer Shakira and Benin's Angelique Kidjo, U.N. goodwill ambassadors.

"For the first time ever, we have a transformative set of global goals agreed by all countries and that apply to every nation," he said.

Implementation, requiring trillions of dollars in investment, will be monitored and reviewed using a set of global indicators to be agreed by March 2016.

While critics have described the SDGs as too broad and ambitious, supporters argue the agreement is a positive step as a shared vision to improve lives globally.

"There is a huge gap between the world we live in and the world we want. These goals represent people's aspirations and rights and they must and can be realized," said Salil Shetty, secretary-general of Amnesty International.

(Reporting by Belinda Goldsmith; credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change. Visit )

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Watch Pope Francis' full address to the UN General Assembly

Published on Sep 25, 2015 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

In his speech to the United Nations on Friday, Pope Francis said there is a "right of the environment" and that mankind didn't have the authority to abuse it.

View the full story/transcript: [with comments] [also at e.g. (no comments yet), and (comments disabled)]


Full Show - Boehner Announces He's Stepping Down - 09/25/2015

Published on Sep 25, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Friday, September 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a speech delivered at the globalist forum at the United Nations by Pope Francis following his speech before Congress where he sold out the principles of freedom. We also take a look at the hypocrisy of the pontiff for his remarks on open borders while the Vatican maintains a strict immigration policy and has a wall erected around its tiny sovereign state. Other topics covered on today’s transmission include the slow motion crash of markets around the world, the lie that Obamacare would lower health insurance premiums, and the latest calls by Black Lives Matter activists to kill white people and police. We also look at credible tips from two different sources that the FBI in coordination with the FTC is planning to raid at its central Texas command center as possible payback for attacking Obama and the Democrats.

from [previously-recorded/published] excerpt "Obama Plans To Shutdown News Organization", at [with comments]:
Alex Jones has received credible tips from two different sources that the FBI in coordination with the FTC is planning to raid central Texas command center as possible payback for attacking Obama and the Democrats. Alex vows to stand firm as reporting on criminal activity within government is not against the law.

from excerpt "Pope Proclaims Environment Has Rights Equal To Man", at [with comments]:
The pope demanded justice for the weak and affirmed the rights of the environment on Friday in a forceful speech to the United Nations that warned against “a selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity”. [with comments]


One World Religion for the One World Government

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David Knight breaks down how the Pope is pushing a one world religion to help bring in the one world government. [with comments]


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A look back at John Boehners' Best Feels.


[aired September 25, 2015] [with comments]


Real Time with Bill Maher: Monologue – September 25, 2015 (HBO)

Published on Sep 25, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill Maher’s monologue from Friday, September 25, 2015. [with comments]


Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule – “Real American” Heroes (HBO)

Published on Sep 25, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher

In his Friday, September 25, 2015 editorial New Rule, Bill Maher calls out Republicans for putting people like Kim Davis, Cliven Bundy, George Zimmerman and Josh Duggar on a pedestal without properly vetting them first. [with comments]


Shut Down Obama's Animal Farm Database

Published on Sep 26, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

President Obama’s reign is winding down as a season of potential candidates pounces on the gigantic unconstitutional eyesore Obama will leave in his wake. Dismantling Obama’s Bilderberg agenda handiwork i.e. his legacy could potentially take the next leader of the supposed free world their entire term to tear down. Obamacare, the middle class and sovereign killing Trans Pacific Partnership, the American citizen targeting NDAA, and The Global Isis Funding Infrastructure to name just a few of the parapets propping up the structure of the established New World Order.

I would advise the next President, if we actually get one rather than another puppet, start small. Start with Obama’s Orwellian discrimination database collection of American citizens aiming to target areas where socialist policies can thrive and lead America down the rabbit hole towards Totalitarianism. The New York Post reported “This Orwellian-style stockpile of statistics includes a vast and permanent network of discrimination databases, which Obama already is using to make “disparate impact” cases against: banks that don’t make enough prime loans to minorities; schools that suspend too many blacks; cities that don’t offer enough Section 8 and other low-income housing for minorities; and employers who turn down African-Americans for jobs due to criminal backgrounds.Big Brother Barack wants the databases operational before he leaves office, and much of the data in them will be posted online.So civil-rights attorneys and urban activist groups will be able to exploit them to show patterns of “racial disparities” and “segregation,” even if no other evidence of discrimination exists.”

'Preciate it Congress your protection of our Bill Of Rights is a laughingstock.We are spied on, taxed to death, lied to, and now the commandeer in chief has spearheaded an Orwellian data base to divide us all based on race in the name of “racial and economic justice.”

Well, I suppose if you really want to divide and conquer a nation, technology can be a powerful tool. But its pointless to utilize it in this great capitalistic melting pot, you see Obama if you really understood our nation and its people you would be well aware that ideas and opinions aren’t as skin deep as you would hope and change. Barack your pillars are falling. Good Riddance . Don’t go crying in your Goeta like you did all over our Bill of Rights. Jon Bowne for [with comments]


Aleister Crowley's Pedophiliac Revolution

Published on Sep 26, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

What began with the disgusting revelations of the British Top Of The Pops host Jimmy Saville and his decades of rampant pedophilia, necrophilia, and satanism has convulsed into a full fledged unmasking of a three decades long call boy ring fueled by government officials, entertainers, government spies, and Royal Palace workers.

The focus of the investigation rests on the West London location known as the Elm Guest House. The Elm Guest House fronted as a gay bath house. But, as numerous victims have attested to, it was primarily a child sex abuse house of horrors for the elite.
Decades of abuse detailed by middle aged victims now coming forward has vigorously reopened a case that is finding new champions in the younger parliamentary generation.

The revelations are so vast and damaging, the English government was forced to declare the investigation a national security issue. Opening this dark demonic closet of the seedy side of British Culture only serves to gain momentum as details emerge of Prime Minister Cameron simulating fornication with a pig during a college occult ritual. And the elite relish their rituals. Hermetic Rituals originating from the ancient Egyptian city of Khmun or Hermopolis a Greek synthesis of the worship of Thoth with that of the Greek God Hermes. Hermeticism reached a cultural metamorphosis in the modern age by several 19th authors including Eliphas Levi, Samuel Liddell McGregor Mathers, Arthur Edward Waite and Waite’s Golden Dawn nemesis the pedophiliac Aleister Crowley.

Crowley was quoted as saying “A made child of perfect innocence is the most suitable victim.” And with this sentiment in mind he setup an Abbey of Thelema in Sicily, Italy. This Abbey served Crowley as a laboratory of sex magic, ranging from ritual sacrifice to pedaphilia. In 1923 Crowley was booted out of Italy by Benito Mussolini after news of a death at the Abbey was reported. Crowley, penniless and a hard core heroin addict, then landed in France. As ridiculous as it may seem, unconfirmed claims tie the conception of Barbara Bush to the adulteress union of Aleister Crowley and Pauline Pierce conducted during a sex magic ritual that occurred in France in 1924. Possibly making George W the grandson of the wickedest man in the world. Which, if true, would definitely add more weight to the ritualistic events surrounding the tragedy of 9/11. Jon Bowne for [with comments]


The President Speaks at the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals

Published on Sep 27, 2015 by The White House

President Obama delivers remarks at the Closing Session of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals in New York City. September 27, 2015.


Remarks by the President on Sustainable Development Goals

General Assembly Hall
United Nations
New York, New York
September 27, 2015

3:04 P.M. EDT

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon. Mr. Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honor to be here to address the topic of sustainable development.

In many of our nations, especially developed countries, there is among our general population a genuine compassion towards those in need. There is a recognition of the grinding poverty that so many experience every day around the world. And yet sometimes it's said that our efforts to combat poverty and disease do not and cannot work, that there are some places beyond hope, that certain people and regions are condemned to an endless cycle of suffering. Here, today, we put those myths to rest. Today, we set aside the skepticism, and we lift up the hope that is available to us through collective action.

Because the world came together in an unprecedented effort, the global hunger rate has already been slashed. Tens of millions of more boys and girls are today in school. Prevention and treatment of measles and malaria and tuberculosis have saved nearly 60 million lives. HIV/AIDS infections and deaths have plummeted. And more than one billion people have lifted themselves up from extreme poverty -- one billion.

The entire world can take enormous pride in these historic achievements. And so let the skeptics and cynics know development works. Investing in public health works. We can break the cycle of poverty. People and nations can rise into prosperity. Despite the cruelties of our world and the ravages of disease, millions of lives can be saved if we are focused, and if we work together. Cynicism is our enemy. A belief, a capacity in the dignity of every individual, and a recognition that we, each of us, can play a small part to play in lifting up people all around the world -- that is the message that we are sending here today. And because of the work of so many who are assembled here today, we can point to past success. And yet, we are also here today because we understand that our work is nowhere near done. We can take pride in what we've accomplished, but we cannot be complacent.

When eleven boys and girls die every single minute from preventable causes, we know we have more work to do. When hundreds of women die every single day just from having a baby, we know we have more work to do. When tens of millions of children are still not in school, when hundreds of millions of people have no clean water, no toilets, we have so much more to do.

Right now, some 800 million men, women and children are scraping by on less than $1.25 a day. Imagine that. Gripped by the ache of an empty stomach. Billions of our fellow human beings are at risk of dying from diseases that we know how to prevent. Many children are just one mosquito bite away from death. And that is a moral outrage. It is a profound injustice. It is literally a matter of life and death, and now the world must act. We cannot leave people behind.

And so, today, we commit ourselves to new Sustainable Development Goals, including our goal of ending extreme poverty in our world. We do so understanding how difficult the task may be. We suffer no illusions of the challenges ahead. But we understand this is something that we must commit ourselves to. Because in doing so, we recognize that our most basic bond -- our common humanity -- compels us to act. An impoverished child in a distant slum or a neighborhood not that far from here is just as equal, just as worthy, as any of our children, as any of us, as any head of government or leader in this great hall.

We reaffirm that supporting development is not charity, but is instead one of the smartest investments we can make in our own future. After all, it is a lack of development -- when people have no education, and no jobs, and no hope, a feeling that their basic human dignity is being violated -- that helps fuel so much of the tensions and conflict and instability in our world.

And I profoundly believe that many of the conflicts, the refugee crises, the military interventions over the years might have been avoided if nations had truly invested in the lives of their people, and if the wealthiest nations on Earth were better partners in working with those that are trying to lift themselves up. (Applause.)

As one of the founders of the United Nations, Ralph Bunche once said, “Peace is no mere matter of men fighting or not fighting. Peace, to have meaning…must be translated into bread or rice, shelter, health, and education.”

I’m here to say that in this work, the United States will continue to be your partner. Five years ago, I pledged here that America would remain the global leader in development, and the United States government, in fact, remains the single largest donor of development assistance, including in global health. In times of crisis -- from Ebola to Syria -- we are the largest provider of humanitarian aid. In times of disaster and crisis, the world can count on the friendship and generosity of the American people.

The question before us, though, as an international community, is how do we meet these new goals that we’ve set today? How can we do our work better? How can we stretch our resources and our funding more effectively? How can donor countries be smarter, and how can recipient countries do more with what they receive? We have to learn from the past -- to see where we succeeded so that we can duplicate that success, and to understand where we’ve fallen short and correct those shortcomings.

And we start by understanding that this next chapter of development cannot fall victim to the old divides between developed nations and developing ones. Poverty, growing inequality exists in all of our nations, and all of our nations have work to do. And that includes here in the United States.

That’s why, after a terrible recession, my administration has worked to keep millions of families from falling into poverty. That's why we’ve brought quality, affordable health care to more than 17 million Americans. Here in this country, the wealthiest nation on Earth, we’re still working every day to perfect our union, and to be more equal and more just, and to treat the most vulnerable members of our society with value and concern.

That’s why, today, I am committing the United States to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. (Applause.) And as long as I am President, and well after I'm done being President, I will keep fighting for the education and housing and health care and jobs that reduce inequality and create opportunity here in the United States and around the world. (Applause.) Because this is not just the job of politicians; this is work for all of us.

This next chapter of development cannot just be about what governments spend, it has to harness the unprecedented resources of our interconnected world. In just a few short years -- in the areas of health, and food security, and energy -- my administration has committed and helped mobilize more than $100 billion to promote development and save lives. More than $100 billion. And guided by the new consensus we reached in Addis, I'm calling on others to join us. More governments, more institutions, more businesses, more philanthropies, more NGOs, more faith communities, more citizens -- we all need to step up with the will and the resources and the coordination to achieve our goals. This must be the work of the world.

At the same time, this next chapter of development must focus not simply on the dollars we spend, but on the results that we achieve. And this demands new technologies and approaches, accountability, data, behavioral science -- understanding that there’s lessons that we have learned, best practices on how people actually live so that we can dramatically improve outcomes. It means breaking cycles of dependence by helping people become more self-sufficient -- not just giving people fish, but teaching them how to fish. That's the purpose of development.

Rather than just sending food during famine -- although we have to do that to avert starvation -- we also have to bring new techniques and new seeds and new technologies to more farmers so they can boost their yields and increase their incomes, feed more people and lift countless millions out of poverty. Rather than just respond to outbreaks like Ebola -- although we have to do that, and we have -- let’s also strengthen public health systems and advance global health security to prevent epidemics in the first place.

As more countries take ownership of their HIV/AIDS programs, the United States is setting two new bold goals. Over the next two years, we’ll increase the number of people that our funding reaches -- so that nearly 13 million people with HIV/AIDS get lifesaving treatment -- and we’ll invest $300 million to help achieve a 40 percent reduction in new HIV infections among young women and girls in the hardest-hit areas of sub-Saharan Africa. (Applause.) And I believe we can do that -- the first AIDS-free generation. (Applause.)

This next chapter of development must also unleash economic growth -- not just for a few at the top, but inclusive, sustainable growth that lifts up the fortunes of the many. We know the ingredients for creating jobs and opportunity -- they are not a secret. So let’s embrace reforms that attract trade and investment to areas that are in need of investment and in need of trade. Let’s trade and build more together, make it easier for developing countries to sell more of their goods around the world. And let’s invest in our greatest resource -- our people -- their education, their skills. Let’s invest in innovative entrepreneurs, the striving young people who embrace new technology and are starting businesses and can ignite new industries that change the world. I have met young people on every continent, and they can lead the way if we give them the tools they need.

Our new development goals are ambitious. But thanks to the good work of many of you, they are achievable -- if we work together; if we meet our responsibilities to each other. I believe that. The progress of recent years gives us hope. We know what works. We know how to do this. But perhaps because this is now my seventh year of addressing the General Assembly, I tend to be more blunt. Along with the gray hair, I'm becoming more likely to speak my mind. (Laughter.) So indulge me when I say that we will never achieve our goals if we do not squarely confront several insidious threats to the dignity and well-being of people around the world. No matter how much hard work is done by development agencies, no matter how large the donations and commitments that are made by donor countries, if we don't take care of some other elements of development, we will not meet the goals that we've set.

Number one, development is threatened by bad governance. Today, we affirm what we know to be true from decades of experience -- development and economic growth that is truly sustainable and inclusive depends on governments and institutions that care about their people, that are accountable, that respect human rights and deliver justice for everybody and not just some.

So, in the face of corruption that siphons billions away from schools and hospitals and infrastructure into foreign bank accounts, governments have to embrace transparency and open government and rule of law. And combating illicit finance must be a global effort because it is part of our development effort. And citizens and civil society groups must be free to organize and speak their mind and work for progress, because that's how countries develop; that's how countries succeed.

Development is also threatened by inequality. And this is a political debate that we have in this country, so I just want to be clear, this is not something from which the United States is immune to. Every country has to grapple with this issue. The wealthiest and most powerful in our societies oftentimes like to keep things as they are, and they often have disproportionate political influences. When poor children are more likely to get sick and die than children in wealthier neighborhoods just across town; when rural families are more likely to go without clean water; when ethnic and religious minorities, or people with disabilities, or people of different sexual orientations are discriminated against or can’t access education and opportunity -- that holds all of us back. And so, in all of our countries, we have to invest in the interventions that allow us to reach more people -- because no one should be left behind just because of where they live or what they look like.

Development is threatened by old attitudes, especially those that deny rights and opportunity to women. In too many places, girls are less likely to be in school than boys. Globally, women are less likely to have a job than men and are more likely to live in poverty. I've said this before and I will keep repeating it -- one of the best indicators of whether a country will succeed is how it treats its women. (Applause.) When women have an education, when women have a job, their children are more likely to get an education, their families are healthier and more prosperous. Their communities and countries do better, as well. So every nation -- all of our nations -- must invest in the education and health and skills of our women and girls.

And I have to say I do not have patience for the excuse of, well, we have our own ways of doing things. (Applause.) We understand that there is a long tradition in every society of discriminating against women. But that's not an excuse for taking a new path in order to make sure that everyone in a society has opportunity.

Development is threatened if we do not recognize the incredible dynamism and opportunity of today’s Africa. Hundreds of millions of Africans still struggle in the face of grinding poverty and deadly diseases, daily assaults on their lives and dignity. But I visited Africa recently, and what I saw gave me hope and I know should give you hope, because that continent has made impressive gains in health and education. It is one of the fastest-growing regions of the world, with a rising middle class.

And during my travels, Africans -- especially young Africans -- tell me they don’t just want aid, they want trade. They want businesses. They want investment. So I call on the world to join us as we mobilize billions of dollars in new trade and investment and development in Africa -- and that includes Power Africa, our initiative to bring electricity and greater opportunity to more than 60 million African homes and businesses. If we get Africa fulfilling its full potential, that will help the entire global economy. Everyone here will be helped. It's not a zero-sum game. We are invested in their success. (Applause.)

Development is threatened by war. This should be a simple proposition, but it bears repeating. It is no coincidence that half of the people living in extreme poverty around the world live in places afflicted by chronic violence and conflict. Today, some 60 million men, women and children have been forced from their homes, many by conflicts in the Middle East and in Africa. These are humanitarian crises and refugees that we cannot ignore, and we have to deliver the urgent aid that is needed right now. And those countries that can must do more to accommodate refugees, recognizing that those children are just like ours. But our efforts must be matched by the hard work of diplomacy and reconciliation to end conflicts that so often tear societies apart.

And as I said earlier, war and conflict is more likely to arise where we have bad governance, and we have high inequality, and we have discrimination against minority groups and ethnic groups, and we have low educational levels. So these things are all related.

And finally, development is threatened by climate change. And I want to thank the Secretary General for the extraordinary leadership and work that he’s done on this issue. (Applause.)

All of our countries will be affected by a changing climate. But the world’s poorest people will bear the heaviest burden -- from rising seas and more intense droughts, shortages of water and food. We will be seeing climate change refugees. As His Holiness Pope Francis has rightly implored the world, this is a moral calling.

In just two months, the world has an opportunity to unite around a strong global agreement. I saw President Hollande walk in a few moments ago -- we are going to be converging in Paris. With his leadership, and the leadership of every world leader, we need to establish the tools and financing to help developing nations embrace clean energy, adapt to climate change, and ensure that there’s not a false choice between economic development and the best practices that can save our planet. We can do the same at the same time. And the communities and lives of billions of people depend on the work that we do. (Applause.)

Future generations of young people watching today and tomorrow will judge us by the choices we make in the months and years ahead. And one of those young people is Eva Tolage. Eva lives in a village in Tanzania. She’s 15 years old, and she wrote me a letter. Some of you know I get 10 letters a day, mostly from inside the United States, but sometimes international letters. I get 40,000 a day, but I read 10. (Laughter.)

And so Eva told me about her parents -- farmers who struggle to provide for their seven children. And this young 15-year-old girl -- a girl the age of my daughters -- she dreams of going to college, but with little food to eat, she explained how it's hard for her sometimes to concentrate in school. She explained that her house doesn’t have electricity, so it's hard for her to study at night.

It's not because her parents don't love her and don't have ambitions for her. Her father works incredibly hard in the fields to pay for her education. But they just need a little help. “I won’t let him down,” Eva said. “I’ll do whatever it takes,” she said in her letter. And then, knowing that we would be gathered at this summit to help lift up families like hers, she asked me a question that could be asked of all of our nations -- “What will you commit to doing…?” What will you do?

And there are billions of boys and girls just like Eva. They’re just like our children. They have as much talent and as much hope for the future. And they’re willing to work hard, and their parents love them just as much as we love ours. And just by the accident of birth, it's so much more difficult for them to achieve their dreams as it is for our children. But in the eyes of God, they are the same children. They’re just as important.

And for Eva, and all those just trying to survive another day in conditions that many of us can barely imagine, it can sometimes seem as if the world is blind to their struggles and their dreams. And so today, I say to Eva and hundreds of millions -- billions -- like her: We see you. We hear you. I've read your letter. And we commit ourselves -- as nations, as one world -- to the urgent work that must be done. To standing with families like Eva’s as they work and strive for a better life. To ending the injustice of extreme poverty. To upholding the inherent dignity of every human being. Whatever it takes. We can’t let them down. And with your help, we won't.

Thank you very much. (Applause.)

3:31 P.M. EDT

* [with comments], [embedded with download options at]


Pope Claims Jesus Failed On The Cross

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"The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross." [with comments]


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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO)

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The President Addresses the 70th United Nations General Assembly

Published on Sep 28, 2015 by The White House

President Obama delivers remarks at the Opening Session of the 70th United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. September 28, 2015.


Remarks by President Obama to the United Nations General Assembly

General Assembly Hall
United Nations Headquarters
New York, New York
September 28, 2015

10:18 A.M. EDT

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen: Seventy years after the founding of the United Nations, it is worth reflecting on what, together, the members of this body have helped to achieve.

Out of the ashes of the Second World War, having witnessed the unthinkable power of the atomic age, the United States has worked with many nations in this Assembly to prevent a third world war -- by forging alliances with old adversaries; by supporting the steady emergence of strong democracies accountable to their people instead of any foreign power; and by building an international system that imposes a cost on those who choose conflict over cooperation, an order that recognizes the dignity and equal worth of all people.

That is the work of seven decades. That is the ideal that this body, at its best, has pursued. Of course, there have been too many times when, collectively, we have fallen short of these ideals. Over seven decades, terrible conflicts have claimed untold victims. But we have pressed forward, slowly, steadily, to make a system of international rules and norms that are better and stronger and more consistent.

It is this international order that has underwritten unparalleled advances in human liberty and prosperity. It is this collective endeavor that’s brought about diplomatic cooperation between the world’s major powers, and buttressed a global economy that has lifted more than a billion people from poverty. It is these international principles that helped constrain bigger countries from imposing our will on smaller ones, and advanced the emergence of democracy and development and individual liberty on every continent.

This progress is real. It can be documented in lives saved, and agreements forged, and diseases conquered, and in mouths fed. And yet, we come together today knowing that the march of human progress never travels in a straight line, that our work is far from complete; that dangerous currents risk pulling us back into a darker, more disordered world.

Today, we see the collapse of strongmen and fragile states breeding conflict, and driving innocent men, women and children across borders on an epic scale. Brutal networks of terror have stepped into the vacuum. Technologies that empower individuals are now also exploited by those who spread disinformation, or suppress dissent, or radicalize our youth. Global capital flows have powered growth and investment, but also increased risk of contagion, weakened the bargaining power of workers, and accelerated inequality.

How should we respond to these trends? There are those who argue that the ideals enshrined in the U.N. charter are unachievable or out of date -- a legacy of a postwar era not suited to our own. Effectively, they argue for a return to the rules that applied for most of human history and that pre-date this institution: the belief that power is a zero-sum game; that might makes right; that strong states must impose their will on weaker ones; that the rights of individuals don’t matter; and that in a time of rapid change, order must be imposed by force.

On this basis, we see some major powers assert themselves in ways that contravene international law. We see an erosion of the democratic principles and human rights that are fundamental to this institution’s mission; information is strictly controlled, the space for civil society restricted. We’re told that such retrenchment is required to beat back disorder; that it’s the only way to stamp out terrorism, or prevent foreign meddling. In accordance with this logic, we should support tyrants like Bashar al-Assad, who drops barrel bombs to massacre innocent children, because the alternative is surely worse.

The increasing skepticism of our international order can also be found in the most advanced democracies. We see greater polarization, more frequent gridlock; movements on the far right, and sometimes the left, that insist on stopping the trade that binds our fates to other nations, calling for the building of walls to keep out immigrants. Most ominously, we see the fears of ordinary people being exploited through appeals to sectarianism, or tribalism, or racism, or anti-Semitism; appeals to a glorious past before the body politic was infected by those who look different, or worship God differently; a politics of us versus them.

The United States is not immune from this. Even as our economy is growing and our troops have largely returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, we see in our debates about America’s role in the world a notion of strength that is defined by opposition to old enemies, perceived adversaries, a rising China, or a resurgent Russia; a revolutionary Iran, or an Islam that is incompatible with peace. We see an argument made that the only strength that matters for the United States is bellicose words and shows of military force; that cooperation and diplomacy will not work.

As President of the United States, I am mindful of the dangers that we face; they cross my desk every morning. I lead the strongest military that the world has ever known, and I will never hesitate to protect my country or our allies, unilaterally and by force where necessary.

But I stand before you today believing in my core that we, the nations of the world, cannot return to the old ways of conflict and coercion. We cannot look backwards. We live in an integrated world -- one in which we all have a stake in each other’s success. We cannot turn those forces of integration. No nation in this Assembly can insulate itself from the threat of terrorism, or the risk of financial contagion; the flow of migrants, or the danger of a warming planet. The disorder we see is not driven solely by competition between nations or any single ideology. And if we cannot work together more effectively, we will all suffer the consequences. That is true for the United States, as well.

No matter how powerful our military, how strong our economy, we understand the United States cannot solve the world’s problems alone. In Iraq, the United States learned the hard lesson that even hundreds of thousands of brave, effective troops, trillions of dollars from our Treasury, cannot by itself impose stability on a foreign land. Unless we work with other nations under the mantle of international norms and principles and law that offer legitimacy to our efforts, we will not succeed. And unless we work together to defeat the ideas that drive different communities in a country like Iraq into conflict, any order that our militaries can impose will be temporary.

Just as force alone cannot impose order internationally, I believe in my core that repression cannot forge the social cohesion for nations to succeed. The history of the last two decades proves that in today’s world, dictatorships are unstable. The strongmen of today become the spark of revolution tomorrow. You can jail your opponents, but you can’t imprison ideas. You can try to control access to information, but you cannot turn a lie into truth. It is not a conspiracy of U.S.-backed NGOs that expose corruption and raise the expectations of people around the globe; it’s technology, social media, and the irreducible desire of people everywhere to make their own choices about how they are governed.

Indeed, I believe that in today’s world, the measure of strength is no longer defined by the control of territory. Lasting prosperity does not come solely from the ability to access and extract raw materials. The strength of nations depends on the success of their people -- their knowledge, their innovation, their imagination, their creativity, their drive, their opportunity -- and that, in turn, depends upon individual rights and good governance and personal security. Internal repression and foreign aggression are both symptoms of the failure to provide this foundation.

A politics and solidarity that depend on demonizing others, that draws on religious sectarianism or narrow tribalism or jingoism may at times look like strength in the moment, but over time its weakness will be exposed. And history tells us that the dark forces unleashed by this type of politics surely makes all of us less secure. Our world has been there before. We gain nothing from going back.

Instead, I believe that we must go forward in pursuit of our ideals, not abandon them at this critical time. We must give expression to our best hopes, not our deepest fears. This institution was founded because men and women who came before us had the foresight to know that our nations are more secure when we uphold basic laws and basic norms, and pursue a path of cooperation over conflict. And strong nations, above all, have a responsibility to uphold this international order.

Let me give you a concrete example. After I took office, I made clear that one of the principal achievements of this body -- the nuclear non-proliferation regime -- was endangered by Iran’s violation of the NPT. On that basis, the Security Council tightened sanctions on the Iranian government, and many nations joined us to enforce them. Together, we showed that laws and agreements mean something.

But we also understood that the goal of sanctions was not simply to punish Iran. Our objective was to test whether Iran could change course, accept constraints, and allow the world to verify that its nuclear program will be peaceful. For two years, the United States and our partners -- including Russia, including China -- stuck together in complex negotiations. The result is a lasting, comprehensive deal that prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, while allowing it to access peaceful energy. And if this deal is fully implemented, the prohibition on nuclear weapons is strengthened, a potential war is averted, our world is safer. That is the strength of the international system when it works the way it should.

That same fidelity to international order guides our responses to other challenges around the world. Consider Russia’s annexation of Crimea and further aggression in eastern Ukraine. America has few economic interests in Ukraine. We recognize the deep and complex history between Russia and Ukraine. But we cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated. If that happens without consequence in Ukraine, it could happen to any nation gathered here today. That’s the basis of the sanctions that the United States and our partners impose on Russia. It's not a desire to return to a Cold War.

Now, within Russia, state-controlled media may describe these events as an example of a resurgent Russia -- a view shared, by the way, by a number of U.S. politicians and commentators who have always been deeply skeptical of Russia, and seem to be convinced a new Cold War is, in fact, upon us. And yet, look at the results. The Ukrainian people are more interested than ever in aligning with Europe instead of Russia. Sanctions have led to capital flight, a contracting economy, a fallen ruble, and the emigration of more educated Russians.

Imagine if, instead, Russia had engaged in true diplomacy, and worked with Ukraine and the international community to ensure its interests were protected. That would be better for Ukraine, but also better for Russia, and better for the world -- which is why we continue to press for this crisis to be resolved in a way that allows a sovereign and democratic Ukraine to determine its future and control its territory. Not because we want to isolate Russia -- we don't -- but because we want a strong Russia that’s invested in working with us to strengthen the international system as a whole.

Similarly, in the South China Sea, the United States makes no claim on territory there. We don't adjudicate claims. But like every nation gathered here, we have an interest in upholding the basic principles of freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce, and in resolving disputes through international law, not the law of force. So we will defend these principles, while encouraging China and other claimants to resolve their differences peacefully.

I say this, recognizing that diplomacy is hard; that the outcomes are sometimes unsatisfying; that it's rarely politically popular. But I believe that leaders of large nations, in particular, have an obligation to take these risks -- precisely because we are strong enough to protect our interests if, and when, diplomacy fails.

I also believe that to move forward in this new era, we have to be strong enough to acknowledge when what you’re doing is not working. For 50 years, the United States pursued a Cuba policy that failed to improve the lives of the Cuban people. We changed that. We continue to have differences with the Cuban government. We will continue to stand up for human rights. But we address these issues through diplomatic relations, and increased commerce, and people-to-people ties. As these contacts yield progress, I’m confident that our Congress will inevitably lift an embargo that should not be in place anymore. (Applause.) Change won’t come overnight to Cuba, but I’m confident that openness, not coercion, will support the reforms and better the life the Cuban people deserve, just as I believe that Cuba will find its success if it pursues cooperation with other nations.

Now, if it’s in the interest of major powers to uphold international standards, it is even more true for the rest of the community of nations. Look around the world. From Singapore to Colombia to Senegal, the facts shows that nations succeed when they pursue an inclusive peace and prosperity within their borders, and work cooperatively with countries beyond their borders.

That path is now available to a nation like Iran, which, as of this moment, continues to deploy violent proxies to advance its interests. These efforts may appear to give Iran leverage in disputes with neighbors, but they fuel sectarian conflict that endangers the entire region, and isolates Iran from the promise of trade and commerce. The Iranian people have a proud history, and are filled with extraordinary potential. But chanting “Death to America” does not create jobs, or make Iran more secure. If Iran chose a different path, that would be good for the security of the region, good for the Iranian people, and good for the world.

Of course, around the globe, we will continue to be confronted with nations who reject these lessons of history, places where civil strife, border disputes, and sectarian wars bring about terrorist enclaves and humanitarian disasters. Where order has completely broken down, we must act, but we will be stronger when we act together.

In such efforts, the United States will always do our part. We will do so mindful of the lessons of the past -- not just the lessons of Iraq, but also the example of Libya, where we joined an international coalition under a U.N. mandate to prevent a slaughter. Even as we helped the Libyan people bring an end to the reign of a tyrant, our coalition could have and should have done more to fill a vacuum left behind. We’re grateful to the United Nations for its efforts to forge a unity government. We will help any legitimate Libyan government as it works to bring the country together. But we also have to recognize that we must work more effectively in the future, as an international community, to build capacity for states that are in distress, before they collapse.

And that’s why we should celebrate the fact that later today the United States will join with more than 50 countries to enlist new capabilities -- infantry, intelligence, helicopters, hospitals, and tens of thousands of troops -- to strengthen United Nations peacekeeping. (Applause.) These new capabilities can prevent mass killing, and ensure that peace agreements are more than words on paper. But we have to do it together. Together, we must strengthen our collective capacity to establish security where order has broken down, and to support those who seek a just and lasting peace.

Nowhere is our commitment to international order more tested than in Syria. When a dictator slaughters tens of thousands of his own people, that is not just a matter of one nation’s internal affairs -- it breeds human suffering on an order of magnitude that affects us all. Likewise, when a terrorist group beheads captives, slaughters the innocent and enslaves women, that’s not a single nation’s national security problem -- that is an assault on all humanity.

I’ve said before and I will repeat: There is no room for accommodating an apocalyptic cult like ISIL, and the United States makes no apologies for using our military, as part of a broad coalition, to go after them. We do so with a determination to ensure that there will never be a safe haven for terrorists who carry out these crimes. And we have demonstrated over more than a decade of relentless pursuit of al Qaeda, we will not be outlasted by extremists.

But while military power is necessary, it is not sufficient to resolve the situation in Syria. Lasting stability can only take hold when the people of Syria forge an agreement to live together peacefully. The United States is prepared to work with any nation, including Russia and Iran, to resolve the conflict. But we must recognize that there cannot be, after so much bloodshed, so much carnage, a return to the pre-war status quo.

Let’s remember how this started. Assad reacted to peaceful protests by escalating repression and killing that, in turn, created the environment for the current strife. And so Assad and his allies cannot simply pacify the broad majority of a population who have been brutalized by chemical weapons and indiscriminate bombing. Yes, realism dictates that compromise will be required to end the fighting and ultimately stamp out ISIL. But realism also requires a managed transition away from Assad and to a new leader, and an inclusive government that recognizes there must be an end to this chaos so that the Syrian people can begin to rebuild.

We know that ISIL -- which emerged out of the chaos of Iraq and Syria -- depends on perpetual war to survive. But we also know that they gain adherents because of a poisonous ideology. So part of our job, together, is to work to reject such extremism that infects too many of our young people. Part of that effort must be a continued rejection by Muslims of those who distort Islam to preach intolerance and promote violence, and it must also a rejection by non-Muslims of the ignorance that equates Islam with terror. (Applause.)

This work will take time. There are no easy answers to Syria. And there are no simple answers to the changes that are taking place in much of the Middle East and North Africa. But so many families need help right now; they don’t have time. And that’s why the United States is increasing the number of refugees who we welcome within our borders. That’s why we will continue to be the largest donor of assistance to support those refugees. And today we are launching new efforts to ensure that our people and our businesses, our universities and our NGOs can help as well -- because in the faces of suffering families, our nation of immigrants sees ourselves.

Of course, in the old ways of thinking, the plight of the powerless, the plight of refugees, the plight of the marginalized did not matter. They were on the periphery of the world’s concerns. Today, our concern for them is driven not just by conscience, but should also be drive by self-interest. For helping people who have been pushed to the margins of our world is not mere charity, it is a matter of collective security. And the purpose of this institution is not merely to avoid conflict, it is to galvanize the collective action that makes life better on this planet.

The commitments we’ve made to the Sustainable Development Goals speak to this truth. I believe that capitalism has been the greatest creator of wealth and opportunity that the world has ever known. But from big cities to rural villages around the world, we also know that prosperity is still cruelly out of reach for too many. As His Holiness Pope Francis reminds us, we are stronger when we value the least among these, and see them as equal in dignity to ourselves and our sons and our daughters.

We can roll back preventable disease and end the scourge of HIV/AIDS. We can stamp out pandemics that recognize no borders. That work may not be on television right now, but as we demonstrated in reversing the spread of Ebola, it can save more lives than anything else we can do.

Together, we can eradicate extreme poverty and erase barriers to opportunity. But this requires a sustained commitment to our people -- so farmers can feed more people; so entrepreneurs can start a business without paying a bribe; so young people have the skills they need to succeed in this modern, knowledge-based economy.

We can promote growth through trade that meets a higher standard. And that’s what we’re doing through the Trans-Pacific Partnership -- a trade agreement that encompasses nearly 40 percent of the global economy; an agreement that will open markets, while protecting the rights of workers and protecting the environment that enables development to be sustained.

We can roll back the pollution that we put in our skies, and help economies lift people out of poverty without condemning our children to the ravages of an ever-warming climate. The same ingenuity that produced the Industrial Age and the Computer Age allows us to harness the potential of clean energy. No country can escape the ravages of climate change. And there is no stronger sign of leadership than putting future generations first. The United States will work with every nation that is willing to do its part so that we can come together in Paris to decisively confront this challenge.

And finally, our vision for the future of this Assembly, my belief in moving forward rather than backwards, requires us to defend the democratic principles that allow societies to succeed. Let me start from a simple premise: Catastrophes, like what we are seeing in Syria, do not take place in countries where there is genuine democracy and respect for the universal values this institution is supposed to defend. (Applause.)

I recognize that democracy is going to take different forms in different parts of the world. The very idea of a people governing themselves depends upon government giving expression to their unique culture, their unique history, their unique experiences. But some universal truths are self-evident. No person wants to be imprisoned for peaceful worship. No woman should ever be abused with impunity, or a girl barred from going to school. The freedom to peacefully petition those in power without fear of arbitrary laws -- these are not ideas of one country or one culture. They are fundamental to human progress. They are a cornerstone of this institution.

I realize that in many parts of the world there is a different view -- a belief that strong leadership must tolerate no dissent. I hear it not only from America’s adversaries, but privately at least I also hear it from some of our friends. I disagree. I believe a government that suppresses peaceful dissent is not showing strength; it is showing weakness and it is showing fear. (Applause.) History shows that regimes who fear their own people will eventually crumble, but strong institutions built on the consent of the governed endure long after any one individual is gone.

That's why our strongest leaders -- from George Washington to Nelson Mandela -- have elevated the importance of building strong, democratic institutions over a thirst for perpetual power. Leaders who amend constitutions to stay in office only acknowledge that they failed to build a successful country for their people -- because none of us last forever. It tells us that power is something they cling to for its own sake, rather than for the betterment of those they purport to serve.

I understand democracy is frustrating. Democracy in the United States is certainly imperfect. At times, it can even be dysfunctional. But democracy -- the constant struggle to extend rights to more of our people, to give more people a voice -- is what allowed us to become the most powerful nation in the world. (Applause.)

It's not simply a matter of principle; it's not an abstraction. Democracy -- inclusive democracy -- makes countries stronger. When opposition parties can seek power peacefully through the ballot, a country draws upon new ideas. When a free media can inform the public, corruption and abuse are exposed and can be rooted out. When civil society thrives, communities can solve problems that governments cannot necessarily solve alone. When immigrants are welcomed, countries are more productive and more vibrant. When girls can go to school, and get a job, and pursue unlimited opportunity, that’s when a country realizes its full potential. (Applause.)

That is what I believe is America’s greatest strength. Not everybody in America agrees with me. That's part of democracy. I believe that the fact that you can walk the streets of this city right now and pass churches and synagogues and temples and mosques, where people worship freely; the fact that our nation of immigrants mirrors the diversity of the world -- you can find everybody from everywhere here in New York City -- (applause) -- the fact that, in this country, everybody can contribute, everybody can participate no matter who they are, or what they look like, or who they love -- that's what makes us strong.

And I believe that what is true for America is true for virtually all mature democracies. And that is no accident. We can be proud of our nations without defining ourselves in opposition to some other group. We can be patriotic without demonizing someone else. We can cherish our own identities -- our religion, our ethnicity, our traditions -- without putting others down. Our systems are premised on the notion that absolute power will corrupt, but that people -- ordinary people -- are fundamentally good; that they value family and friendship, faith and the dignity of hard work; and that with appropriate checks and balances, governments can reflect this goodness.

I believe that’s the future we must seek together. To believe in the dignity of every individual, to believe we can bridge our differences, and choose cooperation over conflict -- that is not weakness, that is strength. (Applause.) It is a practical necessity in this interconnected world.

And our people understand this. Think of the Liberian doctor who went door-to-door to search for Ebola cases, and to tell families what to do if they show symptoms. Think of the Iranian shopkeeper who said, after the nuclear deal, “God willing, now we’ll be able to offer many more goods at better prices.” Think of the Americans who lowered the flag over our embassy in Havana in 1961 -- the year I was born -- and returned this summer to raise that flag back up. (Applause.) One of these men said of the Cuban people, “We could do things for them, and they could do things for us. We loved them.” For 50 years, we ignored that fact.

Think of the families leaving everything they’ve known behind, risking barren deserts and stormy waters just to find shelter; just to save their children. One Syrian refugee who was greeted in Hamburg with warm greetings and shelter, said, “We feel there are still some people who love other people.”

The people of our United Nations are not as different as they are told. They can be made to fear; they can be taught to hate -- but they can also respond to hope. History is littered with the failure of false prophets and fallen empires who believed that might always makes right, and that will continue to be the case. You can count on that. But we are called upon to offer a different type of leadership -- leadership strong enough to recognize that nations share common interests and people share a common humanity, and, yes, there are certain ideas and principles that are universal.

That's what those who shaped the United Nations 70 years ago understood. Let us carry forward that faith into the future -- for it is the only way we can assure that future will be brighter for my children, and for yours.

Thank you very much. (Applause.)

11:00 A.M. EDT

* [with comments], [embedded with download options at]


Full Show - Pope Undermines Core Christian Principles - 09/28/2015

Published on Sep 28, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Monday, September 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we take a look at how Putin, not Obama, is leading the fight against ISIS because the terrorist organization is a proxy army funded by NATO to topple Assad. Also, the so-called Syrian "refugees," most of whom aren't even Syrian, robbed Hungarians and threatened to rape women on a train leaving Budapest. On today's show, Vatican insider and occult researcher Leo Zagami reveals how the elites are obsessed with the Blood Moon and what this could mean for humanity, especially in the wake of Pope Francis' visit to the U.S. [with comments]


Full Show - Obama Hands Over Power to Putin - 09/29/2015

Published on Sep 29, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On the Tuesday, September 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Russian President Vladimir Putins reaffirms his commitment to battle the ISIS threat in Syria, and proposes air strikes and ground troops pending UN approval. Meanwhile, reports claim ISIS is plotting a “nuclear tsunami preparing the largest religious cleansing in history.” In other news, polls show more Americans than ever are growing distrustful of information put out by mainstream media, and a Gallup poll reveals that a record number of Americans now view Congress as corrupt and serving only special interests. On today's show, we also break down the over-the-top Facebook censorship, with CEO Zuckerberg caught on hot mic admitting his company is censoring anti-migrant posts, while Germans consider conditions under which "xenophobic" posts could lead to parents being targeted.

from excerpt "Putin Goes 1776 On Obama At UN", at [with comments]:
Caller says putin sounded like alex jones at the united nations general assembly on Monday.

from excerpt "Germany’s Laser Gatling Gun", at [with comments]:
The system, unveiled at the Defense and Security Equipment Industry Expo in London, features four high energy lasers mounted on turret, making it look like some kind of laser Gatling gun, Popular Mechanics reported.
The four 20 kilowatt lasers fire simultaneously, in a technique known as superimposition which combines them into a single powerful 80 kilowatt beam.
According to the company, using superimposition there's no limit to the amount of energy that can be focused on a target — just add more lasers.
Read more: [with comments]


Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Keene, New Hampshire

September 30, 2015

In Keene, Trump touts tax plan, says he'd send back Syrian refugees

September 30. 2015 [with comments]

Trump on Syrian Refugees: ‘If I Win, They’re Going Back’

September 30th, 2015 [with embedded video, and comments]

AP FACT CHECK: Trump plan to return refugees defies US laws

October 1, 2015 [no comments yet]

© 2015 National Cable Satellite Corporation [the above YouTube of Trump's speech, very slightly clipped at the start, at (with comments), another at (with comments)]


Israel at UN- Benjamin Netanyahu- Full Speech

Published on Oct 1, 2015 by Frank Hobson III [ , ]

UN General Assembly: General Debate. What a great speech. I stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Any glitches during speech came directly from UN TV.

Full text of PM Netanyahu's address to the UN General Assembly

PM Benjamin Netanyahu addresses attendees during the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly, October 1, 2015.
In fiery speech, Netanyahu challenges UN on moral grounds
I refuse to be silent, PM tells UN General Assembly.
10/01/2015 [with comments]

Israeli Prime Minister U.N. General Assembly Address
October 1, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly. He focused on the dangers of the nuclear agreement with Iran. [comments disabled] [also at e.g. (with comments), (with comments), and (comments disabled; h/t basserdan, )]


Full Show - How Deep Is The Rabbit Hole? - 10-02-15

Published on Oct 2, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Friday, October 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Obama goes for broke in his push for gun control, issuing a lengthy anti-gun rant politicizing the incident before the body count was even in. We also look at an Air Force veteran who had a licensed concealed carry gun but was prevented from intervening in the shooting yesterday, and a former security guard's comments that the college's lockdown procedures were a “death trap.” Investigative journalist and bestselling author Annie Jacobsen joins the show today to discuss the uncensored history of DARPA and military experimentation using soldiers. Also today, Peter Schiff breaks down developments in the economy, with the latest jobs report showing a dwindling labor market.

from excerpt "School Bans References To Bible From Football Stadium", at [with comments]:
A former college football player is suing his alma mater for its Bible verse ban.
Michael Lucas donated $2,500 to the Colorado School of Mines for a new athletic facility. In exchange for the donation, the school allows donors to have whatever they like inscribed on a nameplate that will go in the football locker room.

from excerpt "Google Exec: With Brain Chips, We'll Become Like Gods", at [with comments]:
Investigative journalist and bestselling author Annie Jacobsen joins the show today to discuss the uncensored history of DARPA and military experimentation using soldiers.

Those who hammer their guns into plows...(Quotation)
Quotation: "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."
Variations: 1. "Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Status: We have not found any evidence that Thomas Jefferson said or wrote, "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not," or any of its variations. [with comments]


Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule – Supply Side Jesus (HBO)

Published on Oct 2, 2015 by Real Time with Bill Maher

In his Friday, October 2, 2015 editorial New Rule, Bill Maher explains how Pope Francis’ recent visit exposed just how little the “Christians” of the far right believe in what Jesus actually said. [with comments]


You Cannot Make Deals With the Devil

Published on Oct 5, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones goes off on the New World Order scum and how they are selling out the planet to evil in hopes of being allowed to live forever. [with comments] [also at "Satan’s Version Of Reality", (with comments)]


Full Show - Infowars Welcomes Matt Drudge to the Studio - 10/6/2015

Published on Oct 6, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Tuesday, October 6 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, the Umpqua Community College shooter may have been taking psychiatric meds, according to reports, anti-depression drugs connected with numerous other mass shootings. Meanwhile, anti-gun critics, including Obama, seek to capitalize on the tragedy, despite the family of a student shot in the college vehemently opposing gun control in favor of armed guards. On today's show, we also break down CNN's efforts to push the gun control agenda and confiscation, and also look at the porous US-Mexico border where the top cop in Texas says ISIS may be infiltrating. Special guest Matt Drudge also stops in to discuss the state of the Internet and social media.

How Matt Drudge Changed The World
Jul 21, 2014
When Matt Drudge launched the The Drudge Report he single handedly changed the way we get our news and who we get it from. He saved the news business by turning everyone into their own network and their own editor. As the gatekeeping dinosaur media makes a last gasp of breath from their self created, self censored, establishment narrative tar pits, they will see the face of their dragon slayer and it will be the citizen journalist.

Why Matt Drudge Is Still Relevant
Oct 7, 2015
Alex Jones breaks down why Matt Drudge is so popular and remains very 'Relevent' in today's crazy times.

Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism
September 28, 2015

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Announces the Launch of the Strong Cities Network at the United Nations General Assembly
Remarks as prepared for delivery
September 29, 2015

Alzheimer's Myths [with comments]


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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