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03/21/14 8:30 AM

#22582 RE: DannyD #22579

Good morning DannyD. I see we have a wide range of opinios about pursuing information from Cetek. Of course, there are several people's opinions who I could care less about, and you know who you are, and certainly would not want them to be part of our process.

I was intriqued by Ramspaces's post, so I'm waiting to hear more about his proposal.

I also think we have a much different situation than we had a couple years ago, because of the major accumulation of the cheap Cetek shares by a few large shareholders. The nice thing about that is we only have to work with as few as 10 large shareholders who we know we can rely upon for the various forms of support required, and don't have to turn it into a circus with the likes of know who.

I have no agenda other than getting Hilal to provide what would be considered normal financial reporting to shareholders as required by statute and normal CEO fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. The ultimate goal would be to have the stock trade at a level consistent with that information and not on some artificially imposed cellar price implemented by unscroupulous characters and MMs.

As I posted last night, there are varying degrees of approaches we could take for different levels of information from Cetek. For now, I'd be satisfied to get the share count, and hopefully that would be something we could negotiate thru Ramspace. Then we can talk about the second stage information.

However, I also think we are dealing with one of the most bizarre CEOs in the history of America, and we ultimately may be forced to pursue the legal or political route to information, or collectively buy up all the shares or get an activist investor willing to buy the shares for nothing and then finance the court battle to replace Hilal's entire board.

I also like Brezlin's idea to go public with what's going on here. We did previously make a limited effort to do this wothout success. Bigcue thinks we can apply some political pressure with the new shareholder-friendly NY AG. Both of these approaches are preferable because there would be no cost to the shareholders. And when I see the stock sitting where it is, I realize that there are very few people here who are actually willing to pony up the funds that a big court battle would require.

Also, I have no desire to be a "Big Player" as I've been accused. My only mission here is to get the stock to trade where it should on the basis of full disclosure of information by the CEO. I will be happy to assist any individual any way I can who can achieve that objective. And I am more than happy to organize the thought process and plan of action, because in my business experience you succeed when you have clearly stated goals and a plan of action...not unfocused mob action. My ability to articulate a course of action certainly doesn't imply that I'm the self-appointed leader...not my objective at all.


03/21/14 9:40 AM

#22597 RE: DannyD #22579

Danny..good luck to you. I hope the next wave (attempt) works.

What had always bothered me about Roundmots trip to FH was he never even brought along a simple "dime store" lawyer to back him up. Dumb to make that trip without even at least that in his back pocket.

You are aware though that if we piss off FH enough he will simple get revenge via an R/S. I know nobody wants to here that...but it is a risk that is on the table.


03/21/14 11:22 AM

#22635 RE: DannyD #22579

Danny, I suggest the shareholders negotiate a solution. The art of negotiation is complicated and there are many approaches, including demands and suits, but, as I have always maintained, FH will fend off all suits and just spend money and become entrenched in his position. The amount we would need to spend and he will need to spend will likely harm the asset that we are trying to develop. Consider the letter campaign that I have outlined in my prior post to Brezlin. Lets keep the costs down for everyone. We know our shareholder rights and so does FH. We just need to talk to him in a way where he hears us without hanging up. If the letters are sent certified mail, I think he will get attorney advice and the attorney will do the threatening in the sense that the attorney will tell him what the shareholders can do. He will decide that the best course of action is to release the information, or he will adopt some defensive position. No one has, to my knowledge, written him a series of letters and, if we get 10 of us to do one ever 2 weeks, it won't be long before this gets some kind of response, IMO.