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01/15/13 6:39 PM

#38218 RE: Dobie Lama #38214

"The Internet" offers a place for scammers to peddle their swill, oftentimes to eager rubes ready to drink the kool aid. While I believe iHub can take some action, without proof of malfeasance, restricting posters for other than clear TOS violations would be infringing on their 1st Ammendment rights.

The SEC is the regulatory agency that is responsible for this particular nasty corner of the market and we all know that they are woefully understaffed and can't take every one of these scams down. I personally think that the SEC does as good a job as they can given their resources but obviously, we would all like them to do more. I think that all the DD done by folks on this board is invaluable in shutting down some scams and probably does make some people think twice before pouring money down the pink sheet toilet. Some days it appears to be a losing battle but if turning one person away from pink sheets is accomplished through intensive DD, then it is worth it. I usd to be a "kool aid" drinker; this board helped me see the light. I said some terrible things about the researchers on this board - when I saw the light I apologized. To a T, they all accepted my apology.

I can't say the same about the former folks who peddled the kool aid to me; many of those caled me horrible names and most won't talk to me anymore. I guess when you don't or the "NSS" line and actually do research, it is frowned upon. I don't drink the kool aid and I don't trade pink sheet stocks. I'm much happier and enjoy bein a free thinker.