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03/28/12 7:49 PM

#368270 RE: Large Green #368266

I hate to throw cold water on an obviously very intentionally thought out post, but:

1. Nothing is written in stone
2. "They" could just as easily walk away knowing there are other fish to fry
3. Past actions are not necessarily indicative of future actions
4. If "they" knew in advance there was going to be a windfall, "they" could have made it a LOT easier by capitalizing the new company with $500MM or maybe a billion instead of a paltry $125MM. As it stands now, we can't just buy a $2 or $3BB company, we just don't have the funds, and more funds can't come from something simple like an IPO due to the well-established and real-world-tested IRS regs already discussed here many times over.

But I'm glad you're changing the tune to one of "in a few years" instead of immediate returns. I agree (in part) that this will be a substantial company given the amount of NOLs and the advantages it will give us for offsetting income taxes in the future. The potential for higher future corporate taxes if Obama is reelected further multiplies the possible NOL benefit (higher tax rate=more any competitors have to pay in taxes while we get a pass - and after the 2-year ownership restriction is lifted, the more the NOLs might be worth to a potential suitor). Not sure this will be a grand slam, but I certainly foresee a home run here long-term (stand-up triple at worst). I'm thrilled to be near the ground floor, assuming WMIH never trades below $1 again, which I think might be wishful thinking (for the next year anyway). I still think we started trading much too early, and I want to see a real business built in the next two quarters instead of just relying on litigation and waiting for our 2-year time out to expire. We're not "there" yet with existing assets to support a meaningful share price long-term.

Again, I'm glad to see an actual structured argument instead of tired old rhetoric. Thank you very much for that, it's very much appreciated, and I'm sure well received by the board at large*. :)

*pun not intended, didn't notice it until the proofread ;)


03/28/12 8:13 PM

#368278 RE: Large Green #368266

Who thought we would be trading this soon? There were so many doubts of money being locked up for a long period of time. This will move mouch faster than people think. There has to be a deal in the works or why would the company come out and start trading so soon.


03/28/12 8:58 PM

#368291 RE: Large Green #368266

I think they have to buy an equal size company and increase in size and wealth incrementally over time, don't they?


03/28/12 9:31 PM

#368296 RE: Large Green #368266

Large, thank you. Eloquently slammed down on the table for public review. Very logical argument for a bright future with WMIH.


03/28/12 9:51 PM

#368301 RE: Large Green #368266

I agree LG and remember what I pounded into this board's head over and over..

1 merger of 200M means you now have a MV of 400M Wall Street likes to value to the upside of 1+4 for strong companies. That means at that time the stock should have a value of $5.

Then you merge with another company that is MV of 400M. You now have a 800M company.. Wall Street value $10=$20 PPS.

Then you merge your 800M company with another company that is MV of 800M.. You now have a value of 1.6B.. Wall Street will be so in love with your company that it will 1+5 or an AWESOME 1+6!

You do the math, this can all be done in 1 year.. IRS allows 3 mergers per year on large C corps such as the ones we will be dealing with..

Save this post, mark this post, do whatever you want. Stay in this market on WMIH. Good things will happen. I expect a merger announcement by Mid 2Q.. That will be the first one.

If you merge with a company in an "all-stock" transaction. You take advantage of their revenue stream, you acquire all their assets, including the cash and guess what.. None of the additional revenues will be subject to TAXES! You will not dilute that much, because Wall Street will adjust your investors portfolio's to the upside and Wall Street loves young, healthy, debt-free and tax exempt companies to ride on a long-term basis.

Chew on this for awhile.. I have been sounding this horn for quite some time now. If our BOD is as good as they should be and our CEO is a smart and well-connected as they should be, then the realization of this potential upside value should be in the news by end 2Q or at the latest end 3Q this year.

In time we will see exactly what kind of leadership we have under the WMI2 Helm! This is exactly why I held onto this investment, I see a potential upside that will "blow away" potential trades I missed by tying up funds here. In the meantime,,, We wait!



03/29/12 1:11 AM

#368333 RE: Large Green #368266

Large..can they achieve this agenda still and take us out of the loop somewhere along the way?