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Washington Mutual Mortgage Reinsurance, Inc. - stock holders won in this major bankruptcy case.

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Alias Born 10/22/2008

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Washington Mutual Mortgage Reinsurance, Inc. - stock holders won in this major bankruptcy case.

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Washington Mutual Mortgage Reinsurance, Inc. - stock holders won in this major bankruptcy case.

IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 99
Posts: 9,936
Boards Moderated: 1
Alias Born: 10/22/2008 06:46:56 PM
Personal Info
Age: 64
Location: Seattle
Investment Philosophy: team work and quality time reading, add years of experience with people... and cross your fingers!
Occupation: Owner
Hobby: Taxonomy, Ontology, data mapping, artificial intelligence, self directed stock trading, fishing in the NW, harmonica, family and my teenagers.
Favorite Quote: "My God, it's full of stars." 2001 - A Space Odyssey, or what ever that movie title is.