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10/04/02 8:49 AM

#6318 RE: Mattu #6317

Churak....aye...he was jailed for picking a fight and calling people names, I think

If you are sending people to JAIL, you had better know...not think, what the crime is. And it was because of allegedly sending numerous TOS violation reports in addition to calling a dummy, a dummy which quite frankly, doesn't seem that severe a rebuke.

Having said that, plz advise the term of my sentence (once you figure out the crime) per item 4 in the above iBox.

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Bird of Prey

10/04/02 9:36 AM

#6320 RE: Mattu #6317

and taking open shots at people doesn't bode well for them. Do you not agree?

I don't know, seems to have worked quite well for scu.

So for them, I'd suggest, they come to the bargaining table

Tough to bargain with someone when you can't trust them to follow through with an agreement. Spin it any way you want. *You* made an offer. The offer was accepted. *You* then withdrew the offer.

The Jail was started with the concept in mind that it would be a place I would isolate folks and say "You've been doing X wrong, now, you owe me X."

A good concept, too bad your new warden can't seem to execute it.

scu, I'm not sure. Didn't follow that one, actually. Fred called that shot. Churak....aye...he was jailed for picking a fight and calling people names, I think...has he changed?

You're kidding, right? You pulled the trigger and don't know why? On two different inmates? how many more have been jailed, released and/or terminated that you can't recall why?
If this is true then you may have finally unseated Bob as the lead Bust in the Admin's Hall of Shame.

The Bird of Prey
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10/09/02 1:10 AM

#6732 RE: Mattu #6317


I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I know you did not have to do so.

Thinking back on it, I suspect that the perception that there were no rules in the Jail probably originated from it being said (numerous time as I recall) and never being questioned or contradicted. It may have even been Joe who posted it; wouldn't that be ironic. I cannot point to anything you or Bob have ever written expressly sating that there were no rules in the jail, but it sure did seem to evolve into that.

I think your Jail concept is a good one -- both as you conceived it and as it has evolved (at least for the most part). It is probably better from a practical and business viewpoint to let folks vent on the site than elsewhere. At least when they do it here, you get to see what they are saying.

<<So for them, I'd suggest, they come to the bargaining table....and taking open shots at people doesn't bode well for them. Do you not agree?>.

I do agree. But, that said, I think it is also better (for them and for others watching the process) that they have an idea what they are bargaining for or against -- aside from the generic get out of jail (free) card. For some, they and the site may be better off to just let them sit it out. For others, it may be different and the bargaining process may be worthwhile for both them and the site. I suppose the trick and the wisdom is in telling the difference. Neither I nor anyone else (at least not any reasonable person) would profess to be able to always get that distinction right, nor would we expect you or Fred or anyone else to always get it right, but part of the price you pay for the openness of the process (and the benefits it brings) is the occasional criticism that comes when folks think things get skewed.

<<As far as Joe goes, I consider him an exception to all of this.>>

And I think everyone agrees with that, at least I do. I do think, however, that the way he was made an exception (as opposed to the fact that he was allowed to be an exception in the first place) created a perception that was not beneficial to the site. Whether the perception was right or valid is really inconsequential (just like with stock prices); the perception tends to drive reality. It turned into the proverbial, "no good deed goes unpunished.

As far as I am concerned these issues are resolved. I had my say and said my peace and continue to be pleased that there are folks (you and Bob) who give a damn about what we (the rest of us) think. That is not true on most (or maybe even all other sites).


PS -- Edit: <<If I didn't already know you were a lawyer, it'd certainly be my first guess, after that post. <g> Wordy, big words, "defend"....>>

I did chuckle. It gets especially wordy after a few Crown and Cokes. Glad I am not drinking tonight.