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08/16/09 12:30 PM

#267272 RE: nicmar #267269

nicmar, I know not that many here like your views, but I completely agree with this post of yours below:

"Nobody likes it, but I just don't see how idcc has any other choice but to do the appeals and if unsuccessful, then go to Deleware or whatever other legal option they may have. Idcc can't walk away from this and I don't think Idcc can accept a 5 or 10 cent deal. This one is going to continue on, I believe."

I, too, believe Nokia's previous offer was am unacceptable lowball. And that next week, they will pull even that as a test of IDCC's will. Nokia wants to see if IDCC is going to blink and start up negotiations again--when Nokia will undoubtedly try and take IDCC to the woodshed OR will IDCC tell Nokia that the next stop is the commission and then if needed Federal Court.

If I'm Nokia, I publish my previous offer if there was one that wasn't a horrible lowball--how do you think IDCC shareholders would react if IDCC just pissed away a $200M+ offer, and wouldn't that put pressure on IDCC to settle for anything approaching $100M now (Obviously Nokia would want some vigorish after IDCC lost with the ALJ)

Overall, I completely agree, that for now it's a choice between IDCC accepting something horrible that would ameoba-like manifest itself into undesirable settlements with future licensees OR go all-in at the commission/court.


08/16/09 12:35 PM

#267275 RE: nicmar #267269

I agree. First, I do not think Nokia will offer any deal, unless it covers every possible patent IDCC has and only at a ridiculously low price. IDCC has no option but to carry on the ITC appeal and then to the courts.

Re management, even though I supported them in their fight against Samsung and Nokia, I obviously did so because I trusted their judgement. Their judgement right now looks very much wrong; just like their judgement in the chip fiasco was wrong - wrong to the tune of - what ? - $100 million. They have to be held responsible for these gross errors. Further, do not forget that at the same time they have been cashing in bonuses and immediately selling option stock. If they fail in the appeals, they should be toast. This is not management bashing. They scoop in the profits of any successes, they have to be burned for their gross errors.


08/16/09 1:28 PM

#267306 RE: nicmar #267269


I am just upset that managment never seems to share in our misery. they remain above the fray even to the extent on the biggest decision in company history it is reported they are at a company picnic. I realize it doesn't change anything but the appearance to the investing public who has long suffered with this stock is pretty shoddy. I know we must continue on and I will hold until we return to some appropriate level, but I like so many others am pissed. Managment must be vocal and up front about their plan ASAP.