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04/02/08 2:32 PM

#7746 RE: MikeWhite #7744

Well said Mike.
Not EVERYONE here blames you. Only the IDIOTS who want a witch hunt. To H#ll with 'em.

Many of us appreciate your past efforts.

Best of luck
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04/02/08 2:55 PM

#7749 RE: MikeWhite #7744

mike, if I was falsely accused of profiting from harming other investors and violating SEC Rules and Regulations, I would copy/paste my schwab account "positions held" and "account activity" screens, and whatever other pertinent account information I had in order to clear myself beyond a shadow of a doubt. Come on, it's past the point where you can get by with "I said, he said" alibis. I just can't imagine you would choose to verbally maintain innocence, when you could simply show undeniable proof and wait for the apologies.

Look, you recently got my contact information, so if you just want to send the proof of your innocence to me, I'll get you cleared and we'll all be the better for it. If you can't do that by 5:PM CST, then it's adios amigo.

P.S. It looked bad that this was your second time, and that you chose to spread the unverified rumor to other message board in order to max out.

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04/02/08 3:03 PM

#7752 RE: MikeWhite #7744

Mike, are you actually saying that you didn't sell based on the "bad info" and then buy at a reduced price after posting on this board?
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04/02/08 3:15 PM

#7757 RE: MikeWhite #7744

Mike. Since you are intent on defending yourself, which I'm good with, would you please disclose your trading activity on MOSH yesterday.

If you have nothing to hide, then that shouldn't be a problem.

If you chose to act on your own opinion and sold, did you do so before or after you posted?

After the error was corrected, do you buy back in if you had sold or did you buy additional shares?

In the interests of full disclosure, I didn't notice the activity until after most of the price had recovered, so i didn't get any of the cheap shares. Too bad for me. I did buy 3000 shares at .32.


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04/04/08 7:29 AM

#7854 RE: MikeWhite #7744

this is the SECOND time that one of your erronious post have affected the share price of this stock in a VERY advers way, costing LOTS of people LOTS of money. For you not to take any responsiblity for that, even worse, to blame OTHERS for their POOR JUDGEMENT is nothing short of REPRESHENSIBLE.
The fact that neither the board monitors OR the Addministration here at IHUB has taken action against you is even MORE reprehensible.
ALL of this and not so much as a hint of APOLOGY from YOU or THEM shows ALL of the true colors around here.
I guess this post will get bounced but when it comes to POST like the one's you have heaped on this board, I don't know how more ON topic I can get?
In the face of your "ERRORS" that you blame on OTHERS and the lack of action taken by all conserned then this board has renedered itself can make your own conclusions to what I think of YOUR POST.
You have a LOT of BALLS suggesting that the people you HURT should be ashamed for pointing out that YOU had NO SMALL PART in this FARCE.
Allowing people like you to post here invalidates EVERYTHING good that could come out of this place.
I'm not through with MOSH but this board has proven to be so inaccurate that it can no longer be trusted.
GLTY...with posters like this on your are going to NEED IT !
Am I the ONLY one who believes the SEC should look into Mr. Whites TRADING ACTIVITIES ????
Market maniputlation is ILLEGAL and blaming your actions on OTHER people all the time you are PROFITIING from your activities then you should be behind bars.

PS...some may deem this as an offtopic personal attack but it is anything BUT. I don't know Mike White nor do I want to...
I do know that his post here have SERIOUSLY hurt LOTS Of people, on MORE THAN ONE OCCATION,
who are investing in this company. To ignore his indisgressions and call post like these attacks just makes my case as to the total lack of credibility that exist here.