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03/11/24 9:56 PM

#677915 RE: sentiment_stocks #677912

You are being very sincere. I like GC’s persona, but I don’t read him anymore because he uses jtm censors when he knows the censor count was changed over time at SNO a year and a half or so later. He knows this, but he persists. So why read him. I’ll read him again when he uses real comparisons over time. He can use the jtm, but he then also needs to use the SNO censoring data after that a year or so after that (and the JAMA, which he does use).

Doc logic

03/11/24 11:31 PM

#677922 RE: sentiment_stocks #677912


No I do not think that is what he is trying to convey. He is saying that those who were SOC/placebo and had late pseudoprogression from chemo/rad that were then crossed over to DCVax-L treatment actually became unusable for comparative purposes. This is because they essentially became delayed treatment arm patients and no longer fit early treatment protocol or SOC/placebo true progression crossover protocol. This is why GermanCol believes all sensors ended up coming from the SOC/placebo group of 35 not utilized in the NYAS or JAMA Oncology data for rGBM comparison. Best wishes.


03/13/24 9:48 PM

#678435 RE: sentiment_stocks #677912

GC, this statement of your's implies that the control patients (some number or all of them) all crossed over due to psPD and began receiving DCVax.

I think that some of the 99, not all, crossed over, and they are classified as follows:

- The 64 patients included in the rGBM arm. All of them were real progressors.

- Part of the 18 PFS censors (99 total - 81 PFS events). Some of them were pseudo progressors from SOC and other were progressors whose real moment of progression could not be clearly established or that didn't meet the criteria to be included in the rGBM arm (screening for the rGBM arm if I may say). None of these 18 or less patients were included in the rGBM arm because of the reasons I explained in my previous posts.

Regarding the other 17 (81 - 64), I think most of them were patients that didn't cross over because they very sick or died without crossing over.

Let me begin by stating that none of the protocols that have been leaked (and I have about 4 of them) ever alluded to such a plan, so this censoring would have been agreed to near the end of the trial.

I don't understand what plan you are referring to. Also I guess the screening details for inclusion in the rGBM arm that was compared to external control arms was not included in the protocols you mention, because those protocols were from before if I understand well.

Next, if the control patients that lived longer were also psPD due to chemo/radiation, exwannabe and the entire short crew would swoop in here and tell you that is why the control arm did so well, and "lived longer". This was an argument that I had with ex and Avii a hundred times. So... if that is what you are suggesting, I reject that argument wholeheartedly, as I did with them, a hundred times.

I'm not suggesting that. I'm not saying that they necessarily lived longer, and if they did, I think it was because of DCVax. Also I don't understand why do you think this would give any arguments to the shorts. I actually think this is positive and I am very bullish about the trial results as I have been always.