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12/01/23 7:59 AM

#331943 RE: cardmaster114 #331938

OMG! MORE blaming of the SEC???? Unbelievable!

Get OFF it Cardmaster!!

DBMM and DBMM ALONE is responsible for its FAILURES. They're responsible for getting themselves INTO that mess with the SEC in the first place!

DBMM (Linda) is NOT PEFORMING, and it is THAT non-performance that is causing it to founder!

They've been trading normally for a year and have had NO SEC HINDERANCE for nearly 6 straight months. Yet they have not done A SINGLE THING that helped the business grow. NOT A SINGLE ITEM.

And YOU continue to blame the SEC. Find a new song to sing. THAT one is getting old.

Idiot Mayor

12/01/23 8:35 AM

#331946 RE: cardmaster114 #331938

Do you REALLY think the mighty, mighty SEC has taken such an obsessed interest in this one, little OTC company??? Out allllllll the companies on all the exchanges, THIS minuscule zit of company is what they have decided to devote their time and resources into “taking down at all costs”? AND it’s been that way for a few years now? For DBMM?!?!?????How is that even a rational, intelligent thought anymore?

Talk about being in an unhinged state of denial….🙄