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05/19/23 7:55 AM

#416038 RE: Joseph_K #416026


Here's the interesting part:
What’s more, both patients had brains riddled with amyloid plaques, which have so far been a key target in therapies for Alzheimer’s.

They had a gene that guaranteed Alzheimer's, their brains were "clogged with the characteristic amyloid plaques of Alzheimer’s," but neither had dementia. I think these findings likely say something about the amyloid hypothesis.

Exactly right...also note this well known contradiction (AFAIK) has been casually stepped OVER(overlooked) for decades by the FDA (no mention/research or public explanation for how it is possible) as they lead-drove decades of searching for "THE" solution to AD Cause. fact it is not mentioned or evaluated by FDA/NIH..., even in passing....DECADES AND BILLIONS$$$ are big nums, in my book.


05/19/23 8:50 AM

#416051 RE: Joseph_K #416026

Two people with genetic mutation for Alzheimer's have brains full of amyloid plaque, but not dementia

An incomplete analogy: Two fireplaces are filled with kindling. One also has a blowtorch nearby and the other just a lit cigarette. Only one quickly turns into a roaring fire. Kindling is amyloid, the intense flame is a cluster of tau. Prevent the clustering of tau and less chance for AD. (the analogy breaks down because the amyloid may increase tau clustering in most people) . The man and his sister still developed AD but at a later age. AD is complicated and not controlled by a single gene in a one step pathway. Mutations help us understand but the story is still being written. Another member of the large Colombian cohort with the PSEN mutation predisposing AD (leading to early and intense amyloid deposition) had a mutation in her ApoE3. Her brain was filled with mutated amyloid that did not induce tau clusters. Amyloid removal coupled to tau regulation may be the route for the majority of us lacking favorable mutations.